Friday 8 December 2017

Workers Know Your History, Frank Little.

         To some 100 years seems a long time, but when you are approaching 84, it doesn't seem that far back. It was 100 years ago in 1917, that Frank Little was brutally murder, by what was probably collusion between the American mine owners and the US state. Frank's crime, he stood steadfast in organising and supporting striking miners, and was out spoken against America's entry to WW1. He advocated that the people of America should fight capitalism, not German workers. His life is an example of just how vicious the system of capitalism is, and how the state will always come down on the side of big business against the desires and aspirations of the ordinary people.
This extract is from Freedom Socialist, Voice of Revolutionary Feminism:

        Legendary labor leader Frank Little was assassinated 100 years ago to stop him from doing what he did best – organize workers. His life was defined by an unshakable conviction that you had to fight tooth and nail for the working class.
      Little was a child when his parents joined thousands who jumped at the chance of grabbing 160 acres in the 1889 Oklahoma Land Rush. An extended drought, coupled with a global economic crisis, made keeping a family farm difficult to impossible for many. As the Populist Party wrote in its 1892 Omaha Platform, “The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for a few. ... From the … prolific womb of governmental injustice we breed two great classes — tramps and millionaires.”
       By the time Little was twenty, he abandoned farming and followed his brother Walter to California where they mined for a living. Little discovered mine owners had only one objective — the acquisition of excessive profits in any way possible. They paid miserable wages. They spared every expense that might have made this work safer. They overworked the miners, squeezing out every last ounce of blood and sweat.
       Learning the hard way that capitalism was brutal, vicious and unforgiving, he threw himself into organising against this callous savage system. He paid dearly for his dedication to his class, the ordinary people, suffering beatings and eventual a horrible sadistic brutal death.

       His last days. In 1917, Frank Little travelled to Butte, Mont., to help the miners striking against the powerful Anaconda Mining Corporation. Tensions were high. Miners were waging a militant strike, furious about the recent Speculator Mine fire that killed 168 men. Additionally, the Russian Revolution, along with the U.S. entry into World War I that same year, had prompted a ferocious pro-war, anti-communist campaign by the U.S. government and big business.
       Though crippled as the result of a vicious attack in Texas, Little vigorously supported the Butte miners and continued to speak out against U.S. workers joining the war effort. He urged workers to “fight the capitalists but not the Germans.” On the night of Aug. 1, six men kidnapped him from his boarding house room. They roped him to the bumper of their car, dragged him across cobblestone streets and then hanged him above the railroad tracks with a note pinned to his chest, “First and last warning.” No one was ever convicted of this heinous crime.
        On Aug. 8, 1917, one week after his murder, ten thousand people filled the streets of Butte for Montana’s largest funeral procession in history. They knew who was on their side, who had put his life on the line. The city fathers forced mourners to carry the U.S. flag in the procession. But once away from the city, the flag disappeared, leaving only the IWW banner to honor this brave Wobbly’s life. On his tombstone is carved, “Slain by Capitalist Interests for Organizing and Inspiring His Fellow Men.”
Read the full article HERE: 

Thursday 7 December 2017

Disabled Workers Responsible For Sluggish Economy!!!!

         Doesn't it get right up your nose, how our political ballerinas sitting in their plush offices, banking their fat salaries, and other little earners, not open to the rest of us, can without a blush of shame, blame the disabled for our "sluggish" economy? What these greedy parasites refuse to admit, is that every nut and bolt produced, every office cleaned, every lorry driven, every car that rolls of the assembly line, is there by the efforts of the ordinary people, is what produces the wealth of this country, and pays their fat salaries for sitting on their arses criticising the disabled. "Sluggish" economy is just another way of saying that our army of over paid CEOs want us to work harder for less, so that we can make their business able to compete with the sweatshops across the globe, allowing them to stuff more of their bank accounts into lucrative off-shore tax havens.
      Another fact that they are blind to, or wish to conceal, is that far from being responsible for our "sluggish" economy, the workers, disabled and otherwise, are carrying them and the rest of the parasites on their backs, perhaps that might have something to do with our "sluggish" economy. 
        We don't need the Hammonds and the rest of his parasite army, we are capable of producing enough for everybody, it is just a matter of distribution. We allow far, far too much of what we produce to go the greedy, surplus to requirements, CEOs and political ballerinas. If we sort that out by getting rid of capitalism, we will not need to worry about our "sluggish" economy, there will be plenty for us all.

Published on Dec 7, 2017
    The chancellor appears in front of the Treasury select committee to answer questions on the November budget and says 'high levels of engagement in the workforce, for example of disabled people' may be one of the factors keeping down UK productivity levels

Wednesday 6 December 2017

Remember Remember!!

        Remember remember the 6th of December. 2008, December 6th, a Saturday evening in Athens, some youths sit in a café in the district of Exarchia, having a night out. There would have been coffee, chat, jokes, laughter, no thought of impending doom. Then in a brief moment young, fifteen year old Alexis Grigoropoulos falls to the street murdered by an on duty police officer. Young Alexis dies on the street in the arms of one of his young friends. That event unleashed years of pent up anger across Greece, in the form of riots for days on end. Every year since, protesters have taken to the streets across Greece, in memory of young Alexis, and to protest at police brutality, a brutality that is  administrated by the institutions of a supposed socialist  government, but is in fact just another authoritarian state machine.
        As I stamp this out on the keyboard there is fierce fighting between protesters and the police in the district of Exarchia, the scene of the murder of young Alexis. So far there has been 28 known arrests. The protests and marches marking the murder of young Alexis started this afternoon, in cities across Greece, and has turned into running battles with the police, continuing into the night. We should never forget how the state tries to monopolise violence as its legitimate tool, to be used as it sees fit on who it deems necessary, with no rebuke.
Exarchia this evening:

        Greece, like the rest of the states in Europe and else where, profess to be democracies, but the reality is very different from the illusion they try to weave. Today Athens was in lock-down, with Metro stations closed and transport disrupted. Thousands of police have been drafted into Athens. Two events today have the establishment on high alert, one is the marking of the police murder of 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos, the other, the visit of the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who will arrive with hundreds of his own bodyguards. There are snipers placed at points along his route, this is how European democracy works. It can only carry out its pomp and symbolism under the protection of a ring of armed police and the barrel of the gun. 

Savage Barbarity Of The State.

         Prisons are state repression on a violent and cruel scale, but sometimes even that can descend even lower into barbaric savagery, when the system seems to reach a point where its vindictiveness displays the fact that they have lost sight of the fact that they are dealing with human beings. Callous procedures where submission is the only objective. 
      From Contra Info, this is the latest information on Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa, two humans enmeshed in the Greek judicial system.  
          Revolutionary Struggle members Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa are on hunger strike since November 11th 2017.
       The two imprisoned comrades are fighting against isolation measures; against specific provisions of the new correctional code aimed at repressing them as high-security prisoners; against the proposed detention of high-security prisoners in police stations; against the intended reinstatement of the type C prison regime. They also demand an immediate end of the solitary confinement imposed on Nikos Maziotis (since July, the comrade is kept isolated from other prisoners by a decision of the justice ministry); an extension of visiting hours based on the frequency of visits a prisoner has; appropriate visitation rooms for incarcerated parents to meet with their children.
        They made it clear from the outset that they only receive water. They have repeatedly asked to be granted unhindered phone communication with their six-year-old son before being transferred from Koridallos prisons to any hospital.
On December 2nd, Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were transferred to a hospital outside the prisons due to the deterioration of their health condition. However, the next day both comrades asked to be sent back to the prisons because eventually they were not permitted unhindered phone communication with their child.
        On December 4th, Nikos Maziotis burned and destroyed the B’ isolation section in the basement of Koridallos women’s prison, where he has been held in solitary confinement for 5 months. He was then moved to the prison infirmary because of the fumes, and was threatened with further isolation – this time in a disciplinary unit of Koridallos prisons.
         In the early hours of December 5th, hunger strikers Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa were forcibly transferred outside Koridallos prisons. The prison prosecutor ordered their involuntary hospitalization. They are currently being kept at the General State Hospital of Nikaia, both threatened with force-feeding. As of yet, the hospital doctors have not succumbed to the prosecutor’s order.
Nikos Maziotis and Pola Roupa continue their hunger strike. They have stated they will not accept serum, and will act against involuntary treatment and force-feeding (torture) in every possible way.

Monday 4 December 2017

Call For Solidarity.

Call for solidarity:
       Call for Court Solidarity with Clydeside IWW Member on the 7th of December

          Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World call on all political organisations, groups and individuals sharing an emancipatory, anti-capitalist vision to support and attend the demonstration outside Glasgow Sherriff Courts on the 7th of December 2017, in solidarity with the IWW member arrested with the Red and Black bloc in August’s Glasgow Pride.
        Panos Theodoropoulos of the IWW was arrested while supporting a 16-year-old being harassed and threatened with arrest by the police. The police used extensive physical force on Fellow Worker Panos, tackled him to the ground, and subsequently held him for more than 30 hours in custody.
       It should be noted that the IWW- organised Red and Black bloc was resolutely non-violent and did not seek any type of confrontation before or after these events. In the same Pride march the police arrested 3 trans activists protesting Pride’s decision to have police lead. The charges include ‘attempt to rescue’ and ‘resistance to arrest’, with an officer further claiming that they were injured (presumably during their violent and unprovoked attempts to wrestle Panos to the ground). In the following weeks, the police dropped all charges on the 16-year-old, proving that they were wrong in harassing and arresting them in the first place and rendering even more absurd their decision to press on with Panos’s charges. The relevant statement issued immediately after Panos’s release from custody is available below. In the meantime, the other 3 trans arrestees have not been issued court dates as the police continue to search for evidence that has eluded them for three months. This is clearly an issue which the police are unprepared to drop, with the dual purpose of: 1) criminalising and thereby attempting to diffuse the re-energised wave of political organisation and protest that Glasgow is experiencing in recent months and, 2) attempting to save face and looks less ridiculous after their actions in Pride were criticized from all angles.
       For both of these reasons, demonstrations of solidarity to the arrested and accused are of deep political importance, their implications extending beyond the personal situations of those involved. To begin with, the police’s actions provoked a significant backlash that ran counter to a carefully crafted public relations campaign. Their very presence in the Pride march, which the 3 trans activists protested, was part of that campaign. After the backlash they were forced into issuing a statement which, despite its conciliatory tone, offered nothing concrete to those affected by their activity (available below). A fundamental aspect of all emancipatory struggles is concerned with uncovering the masks and illusions which the system uses to maintain its legitimacy. The institution of the police plays a crucial part in this narrative, and thus the opportunity for further fracturing their attempts to present a humane, supportive face must be seized upon to the fullest. We need to keep up the pressure.
       From a movement and organisational perspective, Red and Black bloc was organised by queer members of the IWW as an anti-capitalist, anti-fascist presence in an increasingly commercialised and depoliticized Pride. In an era of deepening wealth inequality and the rise of the far-right across the West, the bloc’s was an important political statement that aimed to unite, in practice, a variety of seemingly disparate struggles under the banner of solidarity.
      It occurred in a time when autonomous radical movements in Glasgow are on the rise, a variety of which are represented in IWW membership. Despite significant differences that exist between groups, it should not be forgotten that the current situation presents a significant improvement to where the movement was at a year ago. Events have made clear that when such progress is achieved, the police and the State will retaliate by criminalising protesters. They hope that their actions will succeed in breaking our resolve, in literally terrorising us into silence. On the contrary, the facts show that their actions are fuelling our activity. Indicatively, the Pride arrests sparked the creation of a new radical group, Anti-Capitalist Queers (links available below). This is a positive momentum which needs to be nurtured, built upon, and extended. The State’s enmity towards us is a confirmation that we are moving in the right direction.
      As the struggle deepens and the movement develops, it is reasonable to expect that the police will employ increasingly heavy-handed tactics on protesters and activists. They will attempt to silence us, divide us, and disempower us. It is therefore imperative to make court solidarity a lasting habit, to institutionalise it to the point that: 1) the activists involved in the movement know that they will never be left alone, a knowledge which will further empower and embolden our struggles and, 2) the police know that when they target one of us, they will be faced with an entire movement. Court solidarity, part of a wider mentality of support to whoever is caught in the cages of the State, is an indispensable aspect of all radical political activity. Let it be shown that the movement refuses to accept the criminalisation of protesters, whether now or in the future. Let us lay the foundations, in our budding movements, for lasting, practical political solidarity. As the IWW slogan goes, ‘an injury to one is an injury to us all’.

        Join us at the solidarity demonstration on the 7th of December 2017 outside Glasgow Sheriff Court! The exact time will be made available shortly.

More information:
Original statement released by Clydeside IWW following the events:
Original Statement by Anti-Capitalist Queers following the events:…/anti-capitalist-que…/

Police statement mentioned above:…/15570666.Police_Scotland_a…/
Anti-Capitalist Queers/ Pride 5 Solidarity page:
Facebook Solidarity Demo event page:

Time For Righteous Anger.

        It has always amazed me just how much suffering, poverty and deprivation our society will take before it explodes into righteous anger, and tears down the system responsible for all this unnecessary suffering. Our babbling brook of bullshit the mainstream media throws up everything for discussion, as long as it doesn't mean changing the system. Our political ballerinas, depending which colour of tie is in power, will utter platitudes, from "what needs to be done" to "what we are doing to remedy the situation". However, nothing changes, the suffering goes on, poverty's teeth still bites into our communities, and deprivation still push people to an early grave. In the UK we are fast reaching the level of poverty and deprivation of the 20's and 30's. After a few years of gains, from what were sometimes very bitter struggles, we are now sliding back to Dickensian style poverty. 
           Perhaps when our babbling brook of bullshit swings into full "consume for Christmas" mode we can reflect on the following. Recent figures show that in Glasgow  from May 2016 to March 2017, 39 homeless people died on its streets, in Edinburgh it was 18 homeless deaths for 2015/16.  
       Charities claim that estimates that 5000 people in Scotland sleep on the streets in the course of a year are likely to be "the tip of the iceberg" with a recent study by Heriott Watt University for Crisis predicting rough sleeping will double from 800 across Scotland on any one night – already a 10 percent rise for the first time in ten years – to 1500 by 2041.
      The Edinburgh winter shelter, run by Bethany Christian Trust, has already reached capacity on several nights since opening in October and will increase capacity from 49 sleeping mats to 75 on Monday. In Glasgow the winter shelter run by Glasgow City Mission at the Lodging House Mission day centre in the Gallowgate opened on Friday night.
Read the full article HERE:

      While our pampered political parasites squabble "Brexit" and spew about the illusion of how to make Britain great again, poverty takes a bite out of an ever larger section of our communities, with the resultant suffering and early deaths.
     Recent figures show that one fifth of the UK population is now living in poverty, and we are witnessing the worst decline in living standards for children and pensioners in several decades. 
        Nearly 400,000 more children and 300,000 more pensioners are now living in poverty than five years ago, during which time there have been continued increases in poverty across both age groups – prompting experts to warn that hard-fought progress towards tackling destitution is “in peril”. 
       The report, by the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), shows that a total of 14 million people in the UK currently live in poverty – more than one in five of the population. While poverty levels fell in the years to 2011-12, changes to welfare policy – especially since the 2015 Budget – have seen the numbers creep up again.
     UK to experience longest fall in living standards for over 60 years---
Read the full article HERE:

      This is capitalism, after centuries of of producing unmeasurable wealth, the majority of citizens still struggle to survive, while others suffer poverty and deprivation, with its attendant miseries, diseases and early deaths, and the few wallow in unimaginable opulence. How many more centuries are we going to tolerate this greed driven insanity, expecting it to somehow change and see to the needs of all our people. It isn't going to happen, capitalism cannot be reformed into a caring system, a history of centuries of exploitation should be proof enough. When will we see that explosion of the people enjoying the ecstasy of their righteous anger, and building that better world. We are producing ever more wealth and it is going somewhere, but not to the masses who produce all that wealth, where is it going, who is living off your sweat and tears? think about it, get angry.

Time For Righteous Anger.

We talk of justice, we ooze compassion
you and I. Our comfort sure
with a gracious smile a token give
those, SO deserving poor". 

Where is compassion when children lose
carefree innocent play,
where is justice when children meet
hunger along the way?

Children who, in this world of excess
create a newsreel scene
cradled in a starving mother's arms
expiring on your screen.

Forget the famine rationale
in a sickly syrup word,
mouthed by those crazy apes
until the truth is blurred.

Feel the anguish of the other
hear their pitiful cry
see hunger steal their future;
loudly cry out,   why?

Saturday 2 December 2017

Deaths From Criminal Gambling Casinos.


        "Austerity", a word that the West has come to live with for almost a decade now. Those in the gilded cage of privilege and power weave an illusion round the word, slipping it in as, "balancing the books", "living within your means" or "getting the economy back on its feet", all of which is hogwash and cod-swill. It is actually the public banded about word that replaces the use of the truth, that it is an ideological plank for the rich and powerful to recoup their gambling loses, by plundering the ordinary people of this world. 
       The system by which the quality of our lives depend is one large gambling casino, where the rich and powerful shuffle trillions of dollars around the various gambling tables within the casino. These are called stock markets, hedge funds, and financial investment funds, and other such fanciful names. Of course they don't sit up all night bleary eyed personally shuffling their ill-gotten gains, they have financial institutions that do all that for them. From this casino, unlike the ones that the more pleb like individuals frequent, they make vast amounts of money from this casino. Periodically the system goes wrong and the lose big time. That's when "austerity" comes in, they have got to get their money back, unlike you when you leave  gambling casino with empty pockets. Since their system is bust, the only place left to rip-off is the public purse.
        So what "austerity" really means slashing money from public services. We are brain washed into accepting that there is no money, so all social service have to be cut, savings have to be made, efficiency cuts have to be administered, but we always have enough money for wars. What the word "austerity" translates into is poverty and deprivation for the many, death to many others and endless wars.  "Austerity" is a crime, it is not a victimless crime, people die from the direct results of "austerity". Recent studies by Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the University of London, have revealed the staggering cost in human life by the obnoxious word "austerity".

This from World Socialist Web Site, thanks for the link Loam: 
       A joint report by Oxford and Cambridge Universities and the University of London (UCL) finds that savage cuts to the UK National Health Service (NHS) and Social Care provision could result in nearly 200,000 “excess” deaths by the end of 2020 in England.
“The effects of health and social care spending constraints on mortality in England: a time trend analysis,” published in the British Medical Journal, BMJOpen, estimates 45,000 extra deaths have occurred between 2009 and 2014 and predicts a further 152,141 deaths from 2015 to 2020—a staggering 100 a day.
The research links increasing mortality rates to the cuts to health and social care spending, first begun under a Labour government, then continued by successive Conservative governments to pay for the £1 trillion bailout of the banks after the 2008 global financial collapse.
“From 2001 to 2010,” it states, “the absolute number of deaths in England decreased by an average of 0.77% per year. From 2011 to 2014, the number of deaths increased by an average of 0.87% per year.”

       "Austerity" is a crime carried out deliberately, by people, fully aware of the consequences on other people, it is not the result of some natural law, though the rich and powerful would like you think it was. Those imposing, administering, and enforcing the policies necessary for their "austerity" recouping plan are criminals in every sense of the word. However, it is only the people that can bring them to justice by bring down the the whole festering cancer that is the gambling casino, and that can only be down if we bring down capitalism the greed driven system that feeds the casino.
       For more damning figures that flow from the criminal act of "austerity" read the full article HERE:

Revolt In Songs.

         Well it is fast approaching, Glasgow's radical musical event of the year, a night to remember, songs, music and poetry in tune with the title of the event. I am of course talking about Spirit of Revolt's December do, Revolt in Songs. Apart from a wonderful talented and varied list of performers, there will be an open mic slot. 
      So don't be the one that missed it, mark your diary, write it on your wrist, tell your friends to remind you, but be there. If you don't make it this is what you will be missing:
Julie Anne McCambridge
John David Player
Chris Fear
Callum Baird
Dirt Roadsters
Jim Ferguson
Rab Fullerton
James Kelman (tbc)
Brendan McLaughlin
Paul Tasker
Glasgow Glam Rock Dialogues

Also you, turn up on the night and perform a song/poem/instrument, on the open mic.

£5 entry (or £10 including fund-raiser donation to SOR)
When:  Wednesday, December 20th. 2017.
Time:    Doors open, 6:45 for 7pm. start.
Where: The Old Hairdressers, 
              20-28 Renfield Lane, 
              Glasgow G2 6PH.
Cost:    £5, or £10 including fund-raiser donation to SOR. 
             Where in this country, in the city, will get such a talented and varied nights entertainment for such a meagre price. You and your chum go for a coffee and scone and you have spent more than a tenner, think about it?

Tuesday 28 November 2017

A "MIXED RACE" Princess!!!!

       Not a subject that I tend to get involved with, except to show my disgust. However, sometimes it is difficult to keep your mouth shut. Our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media is gushing and glowing with their favourite subject, the UK's largest benefit family, the Windsors. It seems that one of their family has selected his heir producing machine, much to the jubilation of the rest of the family and the established power mongers. My my, aren't our royals very modern, this is the first time in its long history of parasite living, that one of the inner circle has chosen a bride of "MIXED RACE", how daring, how modern. I got a bit confused, I thought that there was only one race, the human race. Of course being a member of a family that presided over an empire where we had to control and exploit millions of "lesser beings", it must be difficult for them to see those lesser beings with a different coloured skin, as equal, after all we used to own them. The fact that this "MIXED RACE" is mentioned just puts on display the rampant racism among this whole circle of parasites and their puppets.
      I wonder how many of our ordinary citizens have been equally "modern" by marrying a partner of "MIXED RACE", but never got a mention in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media?
     This whole charade of "special" people awash in wealth plundered from the public purse, that we are obliged to continue to fund and hold in some special respect belongs to a rather distant past, and is due being dismantled. How do you respect parasites of these gigantic proportions?
 By the people for the people! So we pick up the bill.

Just another day in the life of an ordinary family, but we pick up the bill.
A friendly chat before heading off to the pub, but we pick up the bill. 

Monday 27 November 2017

Trees Or Tarmac, Forests Or Profit, You Choose.

        Sorry I'm a bit late with this one,  as it is believed that the state authorities will move in today, Monday, to evict the defenders of the Hambach Forest. This has been a long drawn out struggle to stop the corporate plunders from destroying this wild and wonderful forest area. the profit grabbers want to go in and start clearing the forest to add to the ever creeping de-nuding of the planet, in the name of big business. Leave them alone and our children's inheritance will be a desert.
 This to this in the name of corporate greed!!

From Contra Info:

        The court case which gave the Forest of Hambach a little more time to prepare for cutting season is lost. RWE started today with clearing bushes to prepare for total cutting. The preparations for an massive police action are obviously. They announced that they want to evict the whole occupation. We expect them latest on Monday for evictions. They are already in the forest protecting machinery.
But to make it possible that Hambach Forest stays we need you and your friends/comr@des!
At best come around.
At best bring with you:
  • sleepingbad, matress
  • your friends
  • an idea of what you wanna do (the Infrastructre of RWE is too huge as
    they could protect all)
  • waterproof boots, camouflage-cloths
  • camera (for recording police violence)
  • working gloves
  • toothbrush
  • 1st aid stuff
  • rainstuff
  • a small tent (not necassary but if you have)
  • no drugs
  • no passport (if you need it for travelling, bury it somewhere in the
What you can do from outside:
  • spread the news
  • do what ever you like to show solidarity
  • distract police forces (they will need cops from all germany to evict us)
  • attack the veins of capitalism & its fossil fuel industry
  • dont get caught
  • dont forget them in the cages
See you on the barricades
A Live Ticker to the Start of the Deforesting Season

The most actual on top
November 27th
general info:
there is a daily protest vigil/picket from 8:00 – 17:00 at the crossing of Werkstraße with the road to Morschenich. Telefone: 0152 18 99 50 45
9:17 beautiful trees are being transported away from the border of the mine, at the level of the occupied forest
9:00 Cutting has started northeast of the old highway, protected by police and factory security sevice, media representatives have been told to leave
police at the trainstation and at the road from Buir towards the mine
8:20 7 vans and 4 vehicles from the security firm are parked near deathtrap (near the parking place Mahnheimer Bürge). 3 security workers are inspecting the trees to the entrance of the forest
8:00 3 copvans are parked at the crossing between the Werkstraße and the road that goes to Morschenich and they controll vehicles. 1 police van is on the end of the Securoad, 2 on fields in front of the meadow, and one one the western end of the forest. The helicopter is gone.
7:00 a police helicopter is hovering over the western part of the occupied forest
6:30 a.m. 18 police vans are on their way from Morschenich to the forest. 2 heavy transporters reached the eastern part of the securoad (used to be L276),mobile phone reception is still working. Random identity controls to be expected.
November 26th
01:15 p.m. All activists have been released from the presentation. 09:20 The presentations before the magistrate start at 11:30 in Düren.
November 25th
22:30 3 prisoners remain in custody overnight and will be presented
tomorrow (time still unknown) to the committing magistrate (the one who decides if they have to stay in custody or not).
21:00 The police refuse to give out any information about the prisoners as well as to give them the number of their lawyer. As the responsible official is asked for his name, the line is interrupted. Law probably does not apply to those who are tasked with its enforcement.
5:25 p.m. Finally we were able to contact all the prisoners.
5:20 p.m. One of the arrested people was only allowed to telephone now, more than twelve hours after the arrest.
04:10 p.m. One more activist released, three still in custody. Although people were waiting outside the police HQ, the cops brought him to the other end of Aachen.
03:00 p.m. One more activist released. Four are still in custody.
02:30 p.m. One activist was released.
01:00 p.m. Some information in the earlier ticker has been corrected (deliberately false information by police). The railroad blockade is completely evicted, it is not sure since when. Already very early, paramedics were arrested, this information reached us only now because they were not allowed to call us. All activists from the rail blockade are in police custody in Aachen. Come along and show your solidarity!
11:30 Police and Secus withdrawn from the forest.
11:00 Barricades were built near the exit of the former motorway behind the earth ramparts. The police tried to stop this, both police and activists have withdrawn. Several barricades were erected.
10:35 3 Police vans in Miketown.
10:10 Many Secus at Miketown, police protection spotted for the clearing work.
09:55 Security near people at a barricade at Miketown.
09:50 Two further clearing machines spotted near Miketown, driving east.
09:45 Machines withdrawn after successful blockade.
09:20 RWE begins to clear the undergrowth near Miketown.
09:20 Police are at a tree house at the edge of the forest. Three police vehicles.
08:45 The rail blockade is still standing. The technical unit seems to be stuck in a traffic jam.
08:30 There is still no contact with the blockade, but the tracks are still blocked.

Sunday 26 November 2017

Murder By "Legal" Hands.

      The 6th. of December is approaching, a date that should be etched on the memory of every freedom loving individual. It should be a date when the haters of repression and lovers of justice carry forever in their minds. It was on an evening on Saturday, December 6th. 2008, in the district of Exarchia in Athens that the young 15 year old Alexis Grigoropoulos and some friends were out having a coffee, then at point blank range, he was shot dead by a serving policeman. He died on the street in front of his young friends, a cold blooded murder of a youth by a state employee. The state's history is a litany of murder by its bully boys in uniform, we must call out, "enough is enough".
      What followed was the unleashing of pent up hatred of police brutality and state injustice, Greece was gripped by an outpouring of weeks of riots, demonstrations and protests, that went to the very brink, and spread to other countries. The murder of young Alexis Grigoropoulos was the spark that lit a ferocious fire that had been simmering beneath the surface for years. The riots ended but still beneath the surface rumbles the murmur of discontent and anger, that the riots of 2008 did not resolve. The police brutality remains, the state repression goes on, the injustice keeps growing, the poverty and deprivation is endemic. What spark will it take to finally bring this festering cancerous system to an end, how many young Alexis must die before we put an end to the barbarity of capitalism? Let us mark the anniversary of Alexis Grigoropoulos's cold blooded murder with righteous anger. 

From Gatorna, a partial list of murders at the hands of state employees. 
        We call for an international day of action against state terrorism
in rememberance of...

Santiago Maldonado kidnapped and murdered by paramilataries, Argentina 2017
Pellumb Marinkolla thrown out of a police station window, Greece 2016
Remi Fraisse killed by stun grenade, France 2014
Ilia Kareli tortured to death by prison guards, Greece 2014
43 young students kidnapped and murdered by cops, Mexico 2014
Michael Brown shot by cops, Ferguson (USA) 2014
Berkin Elvan shot by teargas canister by riot cops, Istanbul 2013
Mark Duggan shot by cops, UK 2011
Dimitris Kotzaridis killed by teargas, Athens 2011
Lambros Fountas shot by cops, Greece 2010
Stefano Gucci tortured to death by police, Italy 2009
Inigo Cabacas killed by rubber bullet, Basque country 2009
Giuseppe Uva beaten to death in a police station, Italy 2008
Alexis Grigoropoulos shot by cops, Greece 2008
Gabriele Sandri shot by cops, Italy 2007
Oury Jalloh burned alive in his cell by the cops, Germany 2005
Federico Aldrovandi beaten to death by cops, Italy 2005
Carlo Gulliani shot by cops, Italy, 2001
Sole e Baleno led to suicide in prison, Italy 1998
Christophoros Marinos excecuted by cops, Greece 1996
Halim Dener shot by cops, Germany 1994
Conny Wessmann killed by car when chased by cops, Germany 1989
Michalis Kaltezas shot by cops, Greece 1985
Iakovos Koumis beaten to death by riot cops, Greece 1980
Stamatina Kannelopoulou beaten to death by riot cops, Greece 1980
Francesco Lo Russio shot by cops, Italy 1977
Isidoros Isidoropoulos killed by car when chased by cops, Greece 1976

...and of all the unkown and unnamed ones. We don't forgive. We
don't forget. No step back.
Read the article HERE:

Our Inheritance.

Now is the time to arm our desire with anger
time to claim our rightful inheritance.
Inheritance, built by generations of poverty and toil,
river of wealth channelled to financial institutions,
stolen by the power crowned few.

Treasure fearlessly wrestled from angry seas.
Riches, arduously torn from the bowels of the earth.
Bounty laboriously scratched from unforgiving land.
Assets, ours by right of life and limb.

Our toil sent a director's son to Eton.
Our poverty paid his daughter's dowry.
our sweat created the plunderer's sea of plenty.
Our humility gave his crime legality.
Now is the time to arm our desire with anger
time to claim what's ours, with fist and fire.

Olympia Commune Demands.

        The blockade of the port of Olympia started spontaneously about a year ago, November, 2016, it is still there. An extract from short article on how it sprang up:

        It started out simply enough. Someone ran in front of the tracks and stopped a train. The grain cars attached to the engine were going to be filled with proppants for oil fracking and shipped off to North Dakota. It wasn’t difficult to stop the engine, but there was no one else around, just two workers from the train company guiding the engine into the Port of Olympia. It was the afternoon of November 7, 2016.
Read the full article HERE:

Where they are now:

        It is worthwhile to consider the desired goals of the blockade, in order to give some clarity and direction to our activity at the camp. Is the goal to stop fracking and military equipment from moving through the port? Is the goal to clog an artery of a global regime of resource extraction and exploitation? Is the goal to create an autonomous power base, to enable us to seize control over our own lives and communities? For those interested in truly stopping the world that needs fracking, the answer is: all of the above and more. And as the Earth is being murdered in the name of profit, nothing short of a fundamental transformation in how society is organized is worthy of being taken seriously.
       And so how do we grow the blockade into a model for how we want to live, how we want to treat each other, and how we want society to be organized? To a large extent this work has already begun in the camp. In order to build our collective power to resist the exploitation and ecocide of this world, we have to build the alternatives to sustain us. This is why the blockade has largely been recognized to have taken on the form and function of a commune. It is the natural structure that arises from a zone of collective care, which departs from the laws and logic of capitalism and the state. If the commune is the form that our transformative social organizations take, then we should ask ourselves in earnest: how do we expand the commune?
       The question of sustaining and expanding the commune inevitably leads us to the issue of dealing with those who would crush this project before it begins.

      They now have come up with some demands that might be worth other anarchist groups adopting.

Dear City of Olympia,
some of us at the Olympia Commune have come to the understanding that “no demands” is an incoherent strategy which does not lend itself to “”progress”” or “”results”” with this bright, new understanding, we have investigated our desires and come up with some ideas about what we really want the result of this blockade to be
our demands are innumerable; here are just a few:
1. make the port a beach again
2. blow up the sun
3. the complete destruction of time itself
4. a brick for every window
5. a wrecking ball
6. that, while science still exists, one of us be endowed with an Adamantium laced skeleton
7. a swift and brutal end to the exploitation commonly referred to as “science”
8. the destruction of all dams, and the return of the salmon
9. no motor boats ever again
10. that fascists and politicians spontaneously combust
11. compost the police
12. release of all prisoners and the Total Destruction of prison, in all of its forms
13. cessation of all space exploration
14. the return of the Tasmanian wolf, the aurochs, the dodo bird, the coral reefs, and all other creatures and habitats that have ceased to be
15. the wilderness
16. total freedom
18. the liquidation of Pacific Union’s assets, to be equally distributed among all children
19. mandatory clown uniforms for all Olympia parking employees
20. that steve hall fight a bear

Glasgow's Anti-Racism March, 2017.

      Saturday, a cold and at times icy, 25th. November, saw Glasgow's annual anti-racism march through the city. As usual there was the variety of colourful banners, though this year there seemed to be an absence of the hurriedly hand made placards, pity, for sometimes they are the most inventive. Also in my estimation there was a drop off in numbers compared to last year, this is sad, because racism hasn't gone away, it is still there raising its ugly head at any opportunity. 
      The last couple of years I have been unable to march with them, merely handing out leaflets at the start of the march, then leaving them to do the saunter through the city centre. Afterwards I usually meet up with several comrades in a café for a bite and a blether. This years was same as usual in that respect.
       Well done Glasgow, but let's get the numbers up for next year and hopefully reach the point where we don't need an anti-racism march, as that particular nasty disease has been written into history as a blemish on our past.
       Some photos from the day:

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