Monday 13 January 2014

The Blood Of Empires.

      As the Cameron gang of lame-brain fascists attempt to turn the pointless slaughter  that was the WW1 into a pompous spectacle for their power based ideology, we must keep up the flow of truth, to destroy their hypocritical distorted history. We owe it to all those ordinary people who lost their lives in that bloody empire grab for territory, power and wealth.
1) Britain's foreign wars a central issue in 2014 - the campaign goes on

     Last year we helped stop a new intervention in Syria, please help us keep the war makers on the run in 2014.
  • As we approach the withdrawal date of troops, a debate is raging on the Afghan war. Many troops and bases are proposed to remain, further prolonging a conflict which has lasted longer than the first and second world wars put together, and which has not been about helping the Afghan people but about strategic control of the region. The rivalry with China and Russia makes the need for this western control even greater. We must campaign to ensure all troops and bases leave now.
  • We will be protesting against the NATO summit in Wales in September and joining the international day of action against drones on 4 October. Full details about these campaigns will announced shortly.
  • The 100th anniversary of the first world war will feature prominently in 2014. The government and its allies want to use the anniversary to highlight and promote the role of the military in society. Various 'revisionist' historians are arguing that this was a war for democratic freedom, despite the evidence that it is was an imperial war between rival powers, highly industrialised, which ended in revolution and major social change because of revulsion at its consequences. The government's plans have already run into high profile opposition, with 10,000 people signing the No Glory petition protesting these plans and there will be events across the country challenging their revisionism.
  • The government's attempt to rehabilitate the military is extending to promoting 'military values' in schools. Anti-war campaigners and teachers should oppose such moves, arguing that children should learn the truth about war.
  • The Chilcot report on the Iraq war is due to make its belated appearance in the New Year. It is our chance to demand a holding to account of Tony Blair, Jack Straw and the rest who took us to war in Iraq based on lies. There should be full disclosure of all secret documents and an indictment of Blair.
      These priorities are explored amongst others in War and peace in 2014 on the Stop the War web site.

2) Battle of the Somme: the horrific epitome of the first world war
- Lindsey German

      One of my Xmas presents was The Great War by Joe Sacco. It is a wonderful piece of art, a 24 page panorama of July 1 1916, the first day of the Battle of the Somme.
      Originally inspired by a pull out book of the Manhattan skyline, it also draws on the Bayeux Tapestry that depicts the story of the Battle of Hastings in 1066. It is a series of connected tableaux which begin with General Haig walking in the grounds of his chateau behind the lines and progress through ever darkening scenes to the deaths and mayhem of injured and dying on the battle field.
     The Somme is perhaps the epitome of the horror of the First World War, at least from the point of view of Britain. It was a major, planned onslaught against German trenches that was organised with industrial precision. Railways were built, cables laid, trenches dug in order to prepare for an offensive, which was mean to destroy the German defences and allow the British to gain a key advantage which would end the war. A huge week long bombardment of artillery was planned which would knock out most of the enemy, crucially take out their machine gun posts and allowing the British army to take over virtually empty trenches.
       It was a total failure; the bombardment was 'impressive mainly for its noise' in the words of Adam Hochschild, who wrote the booklet accompanying the panorama. Many of the shells were duds, and two thirds were shrapnel, which was fairly useless in destroying barbed wire or machine gun emplacements.
The thousands of men who went over the top that morning therefore faced barrages of machine gun fire from troops from whom they thought they would meet little resistance.
Read the rest of the article here

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Sunday 12 January 2014

Proposals For Genocide Discussed In Parliament!!

      Anybody with two brain cells is fully aware that the Zionist state of Israel is carrying out genocide on the Palestinian people. No matter how they dress it up, they are simply following an ideology of ethnic cleansing, and the creation of Greater Israel at the expense of the Palestinians and other Arab peoples. They plan a one large, pure Jewish state, founded on the say-so of their particular God. Of course they are not doing anything new, it has been tried before, the most successful being America, where the indigenous people were robbed of their land, stuck in pockets called reservations and more or less wiped out as a people with a history and a culture.
     This Zionist ideology is always wrapped up in such phrases as "road map" "Peace talks" "dialogue" etc.. So it is surprising, though disgusting and horrifying to hear the truth spoken in the Israeli Parliament, the Knesset.
     Arguing in favour of the plan was Miri Regev, a former soldier in the Israeli army propaganda unit, and a law-maker in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's hard-right Likud faction. A Palestinian MK accused Regev of wanting to "transfer an entire population."
Regev's reply was stark, but honest: "Yes, as the Americans did to the Indians."
Read the full article HERE:

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Saturday 11 January 2014

Workers Know Your History, Bread And Roses,1912.

      We can pick a year, a month, a week, a day, and there will be a workers struggle to remember. Some short snap revolts, other long planned and organised battles for decency in our lives, and for justice. Some explode into the public consciousness, others, just a whisper in somebody's heart.
    This year the 11th. January marks the 102nd. anniversary of one well organised struggle on the other side of the world, in the textile mills of Massachusetts, USA. The Bread and Roses strike 1912.
    The trust and solidarity required to mount a successful strike was not magically born on January 11 and 12, 1912, when workers walked off the job due to a reduction in their pay. Some 20 active foreign-language chapters of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) were present in the city for at least five years. IWW organizer James P. Thompson stated in the October 1912 issue of Solidarity: "It is absolutely foolish to say the strike 'happened without any apparent cause'; 'that it was lightning out of a clear sky,' etc. As a matter of fact, it was a harvest, it was a result of seeds sown before. . . "
Read the full article HERE:

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Workers Know Your History, 1984/5 Miners strike.

      It is important that we, the ordinary people, remember our history, our struggles to improve our communities and conditions. It is important for several reasons, one is that if we don't remember, record and celebrate our struggles of the past, they will be airbrushed out of history, and our kids will have a distorted view of history. Another reason is to bring home to each and all of us, that the struggles of today are not a blip in the capitalist system, but are part and parcel of a continuing struggle, over generations, by the ordinary people to wrestle a decent standard of living from a repressive and exploitative capitalists system. We should never forget the sacrifices of those who took up that struggle in past, we most understand that those struggles are inextricably linked to our struggles today. It is one long battle that hasn't been resolved yet, but victory will be ours eventually, but only if we hold onto that wonderful spirit of revolt, born from our past struggles.
     This year sees the anniversary of the start of one of our many bitter struggles that we should celebrate with pride, the 30th anniversary of the 1984/5 miners strike. A strike where the people felt the full force of the state, where the state apparatus pulled out all the brutal, duplicitous tactics in its armoury to crush the fighting spirit of the workers. The history of this strike is also a catalogue of the brilliant tactics, ingenuity, resilience, determination, solidarity and courage, of the ordinary people.
     Here in full is one such effort of support, solidarity and direct action, that you may not find in the official recoding of the the 1984/5 miners strike.
The Day we took the White Tower.
      An account of the occupation of Accountants Price Waterhouse offices in Glasgow in support of the South Wales Miners.
At 7:30 am on Tuesday, 4th September, 1984, 12 anarchists stormed a multi-story office block in Glasgow city centre. They went in to occupy the headquarters of Accountants Price Waterhouse, the millionaire outfit which sequestrated the South Wales Miners' Funds. As the newspapers reported, the operation was executed with military precision. It took the team 10 minutes from entering the building to securing themselves behind metal-sheeted doors on the 13th floor.
      About 600lbs of equipment, including hammers, drills, saws and timber, were carried past the startled staff. Lifts were occupied and protests ignored. All the keys were lifted from the security guards desk. Everyone knew his task and skillfully completed it.
     Not that everything was perfect. The security guard managed to regain entry to the foyer before all the equipment had been moved in. The elevators were too small to easily accommodate the 8' x 4' metal sheeting. An officer had to be ejected from Price Waterhouse as the occupation got under-way. It proved impossible to commandeer all three lifts for the 13th floor and so that area came under police control sooner than planned. An early casualty was the driver who was arrested at the Hire Depot as he was returning the van which the team arrived in.
     In spite of these reverses the operation was a complete success. Fire doors leading to the common stairway were nailed-up. The twelve had captured the offices of Price Waterhouse and were securely barricaded-in. The police who arrived at 7.50 am could only rage, threaten and kick impotently at the steel doors out in the corridor as those inside calmly outlined their reasons for their peaceful occupation.
      For this was no exercise in bravado but a serious social act. The anarchists were convinced of the need for direct action against Price Waterhouse. Contrary to popular report, this company did not simply carry out a mundane legal job of sequestration against miners; they entered the fight with all the commitment of partisans. Price Slaughterhouse went much further than their law demanded. Not content with seizing the £350,000 administrative funds belonging to the South Wales miners, the proceeded to grab an additional £400,000 in the Provident fund and money collected for hardship cases, food and clothing for families. To permit these gangsters to commit legalized robbery seemed to all Clydeside Anarchists an invitation to ,ore adventurous tactics by the boss class.
By 8.30 am, a senior officer was knocking at the door seeking to parley. He was told: 1) That his minions has threatened violence (true); 2) that all anarchists had been medically examined and photographed the previous day (not quite true); 3) that they had nothing more to say to him and that he should fetch a representative of Price Shithouse to consider some important questions.
     At 9 am, a Mr. Campbell arrived. He said he was a Partner and senior executive of the company in Scotland and that he and the staff (30) were seriously put out by the occupation and were anxious to come in and start work. He was informed that the Welsh miners and their families were being even more seriously inconvenienced by the actions of PW. Two conditions were put to Campbell for the evacuation of the building: 1) That the funds of the South Wales Miners be restored to them; 2) that PW undertake no further sequestrations. Campbell said it would take a little time to get a response from the Head Office in Birmingham. The occupants promised to be patient.
      An hour later (10 am) Campbell slipped a typed letter over the steel door. In it he acknowledged the anarchist action but replied negatively to both points. However, the note went on to say that if the South Wales Miners would identify those funds which were ear-marked for clothing and food-relief, PW would release them. Campbell was told to wait half-an-hour while a meeting was held to consider the letter. He was reminded by one of the group that there was a lot of valuable equipment in the offices and that any violent action could inadvertently result in an awful lot of damage. (The suite of offices contained about 18 rooms – the entire floor – and was ultra-modern. There were no manual typewriters, only a few IBM golf ball typewriters. But the place was stuffed with terminals, VDUs, word processors, telex machines, photocopiers, etc. - certainly £100,000 worth of equipment. The really valuable stuff, however, was the Diskettes; mini discs containing all the files plus work in progress. About 900 of these were lying around all capable of storing 10,000 words. However, the threat was an empty one as the group had decided not to cause any malicious damage. Nevertheless, it seemed to give Campbell some cause to stay the hand of the gendarmes.)
      By this time the building was surrounded by the guardians of law and order. Two 60-foot banners were stretched round the 13th floor reading: GLASGOW BACKS THE MINERS and UNEMPLOYED SOLIDARITY. Electricity had been cut-off, several phones were out and large numbers of police occupied the corridors.
      At 10.45 am Campbell was informed that the meeting had considered his letter and would investigate the authenticity of this claim about their willingness to release identified funds.
     The next several hours were spent in talks with the South Wales Miners' headquarters and to PW's Man outside the Door. This period was afforded many opportunities to go through extensive filing system. It was a real eye-opener. This multi-million pound outfit has accountancy as only a small part of its business. It concentrates on handling take-over bids, forecasting money market trends, overseas investments, etc. It was clear that a big percentage of the bog monopolies are clients of PW.
      Dinner was served at around 12 but almost all resisted the temptation of PW's extensive cellar (Barsac '79, not a great year, but …) Leaflets were scattered at 5 minute intervals. Supporters were gathering in the streets below and press and news agencies contacted about the occupation and the reasons for it. The South Wales NUM said it was being reported locally and were delighted by the action. Meanwhile, the cops were bored and were boring! Stealthily, they were trying to gain access through the fire door; but it hadn't simply been nailed up – it was the subject of a superb piece of civil engineering by Castlemilk Constructors (unemployed). The boys in blue were disappointed.
       The discussions with the South Wales NUM revealed that they were not prepared to identify those funds which were for the relief of hardship. They claimed that to do so would be to recognise the Courts which was contrary to union policy and in conflict with the Wembley Conference decisions which had been reinforced by the Brighton TUC the previous day. One of the team, Enrico (Malatesta?) in speaking to Emlyn Jenkins (SWNUM) observed that they would prefer not to recognise any court. However, the anarchists did not see the task of making demands of the miners but of exposing the scab outfit of Price Waterhouse.
       Certainly some publicity was being gained: radio, TV and newspapers were carrying reports of the action and giving garbled accounts of the reasons for it. Leaflets were being distributed at job centres and DSS offices but sympathisers were being warned-off by cops from giving out material near the occupation.
As the afternoon progressed several things became clear: 1) It was not possible to force PW into restoring the miners' funds; 2) the cops were becoming increasingly restive and seemed likely to indulge in heroics; 3) one of the doors was less secure than the others and seemed vulnerable to a determined assault. Considering these factors it was decided to dismantle the barricades. Campbell of PW conceded that if no malicious damage had been done then charges would not be brought against the occupying anarchist force. There were serious doubts about this.
      At 4.15 pm, having removed most barricades, the police were allowed to enter by one door. The 12 militants were invited to collect their tools and belongings and proceed to the exit where large quantities of police awaited them. The steam coming from the Inspector's ears warned the anarchists what was to come. “I'm In Charge Now” he cried, and went on to announce that the group would be hand-cuffed in pairs, taken to the local station and charged with breach of the peace and criminal damage.
      Thereafter, the 12 were subjected to the usual indignities: photographed, finger-printed, given a body-search and locked in single cells for the night. No violence was used but it was particularly hard for those 9 members of the group who were vegans and had nothing but bread and water for 24 hours.
Next day, they were packed sic to a cell (5' x 10') and later appeared at the Sheriff Court. There they pled not guilty to all charges and were released on bail. Trial was fixed for 10th December.
       In retrospect, the group felt that the action was relatively successful - not from the narrow view of publicity for the Clydeside Anarchists – but because it was a positive action on behalf of the miners to the ruling class offensive. The negative aspect lies in the anarchists having to to do the job at all. The impotent and ossified Trade Union seems incapable of anything but a negative reaction to the the boss class.
     Social democracy and the bureaucratised TU movement have disarmed the working class. Lullabies of class peace, parliamentary and legal paths to social harmony have virtually paralysed the proletariat's instinct for self-defence.
The group hopes that the action has helped to forge closer links between Clydeside Anarchists and the miners for whom they have campaigned and collected more than £2,000. Perhaps it will galvanise more workers into direct action and show them that defence against the boss is not confined within the narrow limits of branch resolutions and letters to MPs and councillors. At the very least, Clydeside Anarchists have given the lie to those who charge that we couldn't organise a booze-up in a brewery. Price Waterhouse can testify to that.
Brian Biggins
Glasgow, 13th September, 1984 

This and more of Glasgow/Clydeside people's struggles can be found at:

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Friday 10 January 2014

Fashion And Face Recognition.

      Surveillance is becoming an ever more important and intrusive state tool Today we are surrounded by CCTV, roaming vehicles with cameras continually snapping away at everybody and everything. On top of this we have the various arms of the state and large commercial corporations gleaning personal details form or social habits. Your are profiled for state and commercial purposes, whether you like it or not. The latest venture is face recognition. The following article may be of some use when you think of posting that photo on you favourite social network, or when you next venture in to town. 
      Adam Harvey is a Brooklyn-based artist whose work addresses the impact of surveillance technologies.
      Next year the Janus program, an initiative run by the director of national intelligence, will begin to collect photographs of people’s faces from social media websites and public video feeds. Machines will then use powerful algorithms to pair those photos with existing biometric profiles.
     The Janus program isn’t alone: Facial-recognition technology is quickly becoming a mainstay of commercial and government surveillance systems. While it can provide benefits in automation and security, it is also a threat to privacy. Sophisticated algorithms can already extract information about your gender, age and even mood from a single image, and then link those physical attributes to commercial or government databases.
This powerful surveillance technology is cheap, ubiquitous and unregulated.
      My project, CV Dazzle, explores how fashion can be used as camouflage from face-detection technology, the first step in automated face recognition. The name is derived from a type of World War I naval camouflage called Dazzle, which used cubist-inspired designs to break apart the visual continuity of a battleship and conceal its orientation and size. Likewise, CV Dazzle uses avant-garde hairstyling and makeup designs to break apart the continuity of a face. Since facial-recognition algorithms rely on the identification and spatial relationship of key facial features, like symmetry and tonal contours, one can block detection by creating an “anti-face.”

See helpful diagrams to help fool face recognition technology: 

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The Zapatista Continuing Struggle.

      On January 1st 2014 the Zapatista movement in Mexico celebrated the 20th anniversary of the taking of Chiapas. This Circled "A" Radio show talks and discusses some of that history and the current struggles of the Zapatista's.

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Creating The Next Generation Of Racist Thugs.

      The daily life of Palestinians. This is absolutely brutish, vicious and terrorising behaviour, what makes it even worse is that they bring their kids along to take part, and in so doing, these thugs perpetuate their hatred and racist bigotry, creating the next generation of religious terrorists. This goes on across the occupied territories on a daily basis, and the world looks the other way, Why?

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Thursday 9 January 2014

The Prince Of Darkness Laughed.

       2014 has hardly taken its first faltering steps and those arrogant  dinosaurs of empire are out with their megaphones spouting that WW1, was a glorious victor for democracy, a noble cause, a just war for freedom. They want to mark the centenary of the start of that event, that soaked Europe's soil in the blood of ordinary people, as a glorious part of our history. History is to be re-written, what was a greed driven squabble between the aristocratic owners of empires, that sucked in and slaughtered the best of Europe's youth, is to be lauded as something of which we the ordinary people should be proud. The massive misery, suffering and deaths of that unnecessary, avoidable carnage, is set to be used as a bandwagon, by the millionaire flag waving parasites. It will be abused and misrepresented, in an attempt to portray that crap slogan “We're all in this together”. It will be used as a pompous platform of grandeur and splendour, to take our eyes of the poverty stricken state of our present society.
       We must continue to shout the truth about that disastrous ego driven aristocratic grab for power and territories, we owe it to all those who died under those pitiful, miserable, avoidable conditions. We cannot allow their unjust slaughter to be used by a bunch of well-heeled hypocrites, to further their own political ideology. At every turn we must counter their lies with truth. There was no aim for democracy in their plans, there was no defence of freedom on their agenda, it was a thrust for power, and land grabbing, on a grand scale, and as usual in their plans, we the ordinary people were to pay the price.
The following is an extract from an excellent article in the Guardian:
       This is all preposterous nonsense. Unlike the second world war, the bloodbath of 1914-18 was not a just war. It was a savage industrial slaughter perpetrated by a gang of predatory imperial powers, locked in a deadly struggle to capture and carve up territories, markets and resources.
      Germany was the rising industrial power and colonial Johnny-come-lately of the time, seeking its place in the sun from the British and French empires. The war erupted directly from the fight for imperial dominance in the Balkans, as Austria-Hungary and Russia scrapped for the pickings from the crumbling Ottoman empire. All the ruling elites of Europe, tied together in a deathly quadrille of unstable alliances, shared the blame for the murderous barbarism they oversaw. The idea that Britain and its allies were defending liberal democracy, let alone international law or the rights of small nations, is simply absurd.
Read the full article HERE:
At the Cenotaph.

I saw the Prince of Darkness, with his Staff,
Standing bare-headed by the Cenotaph:
Unostentatious and respectful, there
He stood, and offered up the following prayer,
'Make them forget, O Lord, what this Memorial
Means; their discredited ideas revive;
Breed new belief that War is purgatorial
Proof of the pride and power of being alive;
Men's biologic urge to readjust
The Map of Europe, Lord of Hosts, increase;
Lift up their hearts in large destructive lust;
And crown their heads with blind vindictive Peace,'
The Prince of Darknes to the Cenotaph
Bowed. As he walked away I heard him laugh.
Siegfried Sassoon.
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Wednesday 8 January 2014

Helicopters Do Drop Out Of The Sky!!

       Another helicopter crash, this time in England. I have no doubt that they are a very useful tool, but I think we have to accept that these things do drop out of the sky at regular intervals. We have had several disastrous helicopter accidents around the oil rigs in the North Sea, and we have had two police helicopters crash in Glasgow, the most recent, the dreadful crash onto the roof of the Clutha pub. When the inquire for that horrific accident comes up, I think the point should be made that they do fall from the sky, and for that reason they should not be used on a routine basis over dense urban environments. They should be banned from routine surveillance, and only be brought in, in an emergency. As for surveillance, our city is well covered with CCTV, police patrol cars, uniform and plain clothes police. Surveillance may be considered intrusive, and rightly so, but it doesn't kill people, low flying helicopter surveillance over cities can kill, and is a danger to the public.
      I believe that the public in Glasgow have a right to demand no more routine helicopter surveillance fights over our city. The carnage in the Clutha tragedy was horrendous, but try to visualise the greater number of casualties if it had come down in some other area, say a block of flats, or a primary school. It is unacceptable to run that unnecessary risk, knowing that they do drop out of the sky from time to time. 

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Tuesday 7 January 2014

Top Of The Stinking Pile, GAP.

       Earlier I posted about having an award for worst corporation on the planet. Well it seems that there is, and you can vote to help to pin that award on the lapel of that large greed driven, inhumane corporation, GAP.
This from The Sum Of Us:

It’s been eight months since the worst factory collapse in world’s history killed more than 1,100 workers. More than 125 global apparel brands have taken responsibility for the safety of the workers who make their clothes. But a few key corporations led by Gap are still standing in the way of real reform.
Gap, one of the top purchasers of Bangladeshi-made clothes, refused to sign a binding agreement to ensure that its factories are safe. Instead, it is actively undermining serious reform by promoting a non-binding corporate-controlled program that’s completely unaccountable to workers, and helping to convince other companies to do the same.
Gap has put publicity and profits ahead of workers’ lives -- and now we have an opportunity to hold it accountable.
We’ve successfully nominated Gap for the Public Eye Awards, which Greenpeace and the Berne Declaration bestow on the world’s least ethical corporation each year. If Gap “wins” it’ll be a huge blow to its PR campaign and a reminder that the sham isn’t fooling anyone. But to make it happen, we need your vote. To vote, just click the link, scroll to the bottom of the page, and click the "vote for this case" button.
When Gap, Walmart, and their allies walked away from the Accord, we knew more workers would die as a consequence. And like clockwork, another deadly fire ripped through a factory that supplied Gap in October. It was the latest reminder that we can't trust corporations with people's safety, which is why the independent inspections and legally-binding commitments to safety improvements that the Accord creates are so important.
The inspections mandated by the Accord are underway, overseen by globally-recognized fire safety experts. The garment industry isn’t going to be changed overnight, but real reform is happening. Meanwhile, our allies on the ground in Bangladesh have told us that the Gap-led Alliance is as bad as we predicted. It hasn’t hired any independent building inspectors and it isn't listening to workers -- it’s just using the same old company-controlled auditing systems that have been failing to enforce basic safety standards for years.
We can’t let this stand. If we enough of us vote, the Public Eye Awards will shame Gap in the middle of the the World Economic Forum in front of the world’s business press. This is our best chance in months to hold Gap accountable for its betrayal of Bangladeshi workers, and all it takes is a click.
Thanks for all you do,
Rob and the team at SumOfUs
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WW1, Aristocratic Greed, Not Patriotism.

      As 2014 starts to write its story, we have artists, in this case con-artists, the Cameron Gang of millionaire parasites, attempting to paint it as the year of patriotism. They will endeavour to drown us in patriotic bullshit, using the horrible slaughter of the disastrous and unnecessary World War 1, attempting to paint it as a wonderful achievement. This horrendous human folly will be re-branded as part of a glorious past. A blood bath brought about by the wealthy, greedy, power hungry, aristocrats squabbling over lines in their empires. This disagreement between the parasites resulted in 37 million, military and civilian casualties. There were over 16 million deaths, and more than 20 million wounded. Disease claimed more than 2 million and another 6 million went missing presumed dead. For what?

 Photo from Google.
      We should not allow the pampered, millionaire Oxbridge parasites to use this horrendous event as a smoke screen to conceal the effect of their vicious policies. It would be demeaning to those who died in that pointless blood bath. All of those who died were our people, the ordinary people, and they died because of other people's egos, stupidity and greed.

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"The Anti-Humanity" Award.

        If there was an award, perhaps we could call it "The Anti-Humanity" award, for the most destructive section of capitalism, it would be a very difficult to come to a decision as to where that award should go.    
    We have the various mining industries, including fracking, ripping apart ecosystems and poisoning the environment. We have the garment industry, cheap labour and appalling conditions in sweatshops across the world. We have the nuclear industry with its Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and Fukushima, to mention a few. Then there is the financial Mafia, plundering countries and devastating living standards of millions. Let's not forget the multinational forestry companies, ripping the heart out of indigenous communities in country after country. The contestants are all so devastatingly destructive to human life that it is difficult to imagine how we let it get this bad.

      This extract is from Earth First and highlights just one area where the forestry industry is destroying the environment and killing people, but the people are fighting back.
 Forestry Companies: The Ugliest Face of Capitalism in Wallmapu
      The forestry companies represent the worst aspect that Capitalism has shown to Mapuche community members in Wallmapu. Their extreme extractive activities have only generated disaster for communities, including toxic fumes, the dissapearance of rivers, brooks and streams, as well as the extinction of the natural flora and fauna of the area which serve as food and medicine for the Mapuche People. These are the main effects, among others, of the industry financed by the Chilean State through Law 701.
       Moreover, the enormous extensions of land currently held by the Forestry companies lie on stolen land from Mapuche communities. These corporate properties are directly related to the territorial plunder of the Mapuche People.
Read the full article HERE:
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It's Our Towns And Cities, It's our Lives.

       What should people do when they realise the system is corrupt? Should they just knuckle down and take what they get, shout for nicer politicians, or say stuff this, and get organised and do something about it? What if you have had generations of corruption, generations of waiting for change, generations of changing the politicians, and the system still stinks?

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Monday 6 January 2014

Why Pay Workers? It Cuts Into Profits.

     Pick your country and you'll find some corporate body ripping off the people some where, some how. Of course the Third World usually comes in for the most blatant and vicious attacks, but it is how the corporate world works. We can campaign to limit the worst of this abuse, and we must always show solidarity with those at the sharp end of this brutal corruption. However, if we are looking for justice and equality, then we must get rid of capitalism itself. There is no such thing as compassionate capitalism.
This is an appeal for solidarity from TheSumOfUs:
    Giant clothing brand Hanes has been caught stealing from some of the poorest workers in the world, and we've got less than a week to stop it.
    Haiti has become an apparel-producing powerhouse as global clothing brands like Hanes move factories there to take advantage of some of the lowest wages in the Western Hemisphere.  But workers aren't benefiting from the boom -- a new report from our friends at the Worker Rights Consortium has revealed that every single export garment factory in Haiti has been paying workers less than the minimum wage. And as a result, three quarters of Haitian garment workers don’t make enough to afford three full meals a day.
    At the end of this week, Russell and Gildan, two of Hanes’s top competitors, are meeting with labor rights advocates and representatives from Haitian unions to make plans to pay workers what they're owed. But Hanes has refused to join them. That means we need to speak out now and let Hanes know that consumers will hold it accountable if it tries to ignore the workers making its clothes.
     This isn't the first time Hanes has been in the public eye for trying to keep Haitian workers in poverty. Two years ago, WikiLeaks revealed that the company furiously lobbied the U.S. State Department to stop the Caribbean nation from raising its minimum wage to just $5 a day. Even after the garment industry got special carve-outs from the minimum wage, Hanes and its suppliers continued to mercilessly exploit its Haitian workforce.
Factories use all sort of dirty tricks to swindle workers out of their wages: forcing workers to work off the clock, refusing to pay overtime, and requiring workers to reach totally unrealistic production quotas to get their full wages. On average, Haitian garment workers make more than 30% less than what they’re legally owed. Apparel companies are flagrantly breaking the law, but the combination of the garment industry's political clout and its importance to the country's economy means that the Haitian government doesn’t have the appetite to hold them accountable.
      Hanes could help more than 3,000 workers get millions of dollars in money that its suppliers stole from them  -- it's the top buyer at several factories, and has huge influence in the industry. But instead, the company is claiming it didn't technically break the law as its workers struggle to survive. We need to let Hanes know that consumers won't tolerate any more excuses.
Thank you,
Rob, Kaytee, and the team at
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Saturday 4 January 2014

The Non-Political Party System.

         Since the formation of the European Union, the possibility of democracy through the party political system is now even more remote than ever. The EU functions at a level beyond the legitimacy of the local party system, and imposes legislation on the national governments, creating a power more remote and disconnected from the people than ever before. National governments are now simply bureaucratic organisations that implement policies of that greater bureaucratic institution, the EU. This in turn creates an even greater disconnect between the political class and the people. 

     The various parties have lost any real difference, they are merely bureaucratic bodies vying with each for the power to manage the national bureaucratic institution, within the terms laid down by the EU. Our so called democracy. based on the party political system, is not about the party asking the people what they want, but more a matter of telling the people what they will get. Hardly democracy. The party political system is depoliticised at the national level, we might be able to protest against, and influence, the building of a motorway going through a public park, but the fundamental shape of our society is governed by that higher bureaucratic institution, the EU. Which in turn moves in the direction dictated by the “economy” and the needs of the transnational corporations. This disconnect between the people and the political parties creates ever more disillusionment and scepticism among the ordinary people.

          Hopefully this will be fertile ground for the desire to control our own lives and to determine the shape of our society. Perhaps our anger, disenchantment, scepticism, disillusionment and frustration at a system that doesn't engage with us, yet controls our lives to our detriment, will engender the birth of true democracy. Whatever, it will have to be outside the present system of political parties and freed from the strangle hold of the “economy” and its beneficiaries and drivers, the transnational corporations.

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They Demanded Change.

     Across the planet, an army of anarchists, as individuals and as groups, are organising and acting, with the one aim in mind, to end this brutal, vicious, system of authority and exploitation, to bring an end to this cycle of inequality and injustice. They are aware that we live in a system of unfair exchange, where we the ordinary people exchange sweat for poverty, while those parasites with their hands on the levers of power grow fat on our labour. Though they may not all display the label “anarchist”, this army is growing as more and more people see through the smoke and mirrors woven by the propagandists of the system. It also easier to see the true face of the system, as it's dominance, giving it a false sense security, allows it to dispense with the niceties, and display it's full destructive nature, and run roughshod over our lives.
      Its rampant dominance is also it weakness, as it alienates more and more of the people it depends on for its survival. Its blood supply is cheap subservient labour and consumers, and its open ferocious drive for profit, is alienating ever more of that blood supply.
      This corporate capitalist system functions across all borders and for its defence, draws together the combined force of states across the globe. It will utilise the various arms of any and all states, to crush resistance to its pursuit of profit. More and more of those who resist this brutal exploitation, and struggle for change, are ending up incarcerated in prisons across the world. We should not forget them. They are our people, they are from all quarters of the planet, they called for justice and equality, and the state tries to crush them, to silence them.
Translated by act for freedom now/B.pd
      On December 21 2013 comrade Monica Caballero was once again transferred to another prison, this time from the prison of Estremera to that of Brieva (Ávila).  Anarchist comrades Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar were arrested on November 13 2013 and accused of being part of the Comando Insurrecional Mateo Morral and of placing a home-made explosive device in the Cathedral of Zaragoza.  Both comrades had been acquitted in the ‘Bombas’ case. Monica and Francisco are being held in the FIES regime.
 Always in revolt, solidarity and love to Monica and Francisco!

Spain – A letter from comrades Monica and Francisco
      Once again we are here between walls of concrete and bars, surveillance cameras and jailers. Once again we are here with our heads held high and proud to be what we are. Proud to be part of the hurricane that is trying to erase all forms of power, which has once again taken off its mask and is showing its real face in all its brutality and weakness as well. In this case, the collaboration between the Chilean state and the Spanish one which led to our arrest shows how the states can organize themselves in order to face what they perceive as a threat; but the attention the men of power give to us also reflects their fragility. Their incoherent speeches on security are a mantle that conceals their fear that any fortuity can unleash widespread chaos. Their blows and gags just strengthen and sharpen our ideas and lives dedicated to continuous conflict. Our stand: not a minute of silence but a life in the struggle.
      We send a hug to all expressions of solidarity, drives that weaken the prison bars. We intend solidarity as the constant realization of our anarchist ideas in all their forms so as the enemy understands that nothing is over and everything continues in prison and in the streets. Above all, the huge solidarity expressed by the comrades who have used their bodies as weapons and carried out a hunger strike.
      We salute those who continue to weave complicities, those who venture into the unknown, those who are motivated by incertitude, those who are obstinate for anarchy. All our respect and love go to them. We sadly learned of Sebastien’s death, but at the same time his life consistent with his ideals fills us with joy: a real warrior. We are on the side of the comrades who mourn our fallen comrades, bur from here we send them a lot of strength and a ‘see you soon’.

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Friday 3 January 2014

That Was 2013.

      I have no doubt that 2013 will mean so many different things to so many different people. But it is always good to look back and celebrate the victories and to learn from the temporary defeats. I say temporary, because that is all it it is, we will be victories eventually.

A look back at last year from Circled A Radio.
    A review/countdown of 2013. We take a look at the 10 great demo's and actions of the year including Thatcher's death party at Trafalgar Sq, Anti Fracking camp and No More Page 3 campaign.

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