Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zionism. Show all posts

Monday, 26 February 2024




Image courtesy of Al Jazeera.

             Gaza today, Palestine for 70 years of ethnic cleansing, unimaginable bloodshed suffering and deaths in an act of genocide in which the Western imperialist are totally complicit. The future as seen by those Western imperialists, domination by hi-tec devastating armaments. Is it the future the people want? I doubt that very much, so we have to assert ourselves and become the dominate power on this planet, people of peace and equality, sharing, mutual aid, co-operation and seeing to the need of all our people.   

This from SubMedia. 

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Tuesday, 14 November 2023



           There can't be a sane human on this earth that doesn't see what is happening in Gaza and scream, genocide, ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, on a savage, brutal, inhumane scale not seen for many a year. Anyone who doesn't shout out loud and clear, "The slaughter must stop" and stop immediately must be blind or a religious Zionist fanatic. Our streets across the world must heave with the weight and numbers of ordinary people, all with the same cry, "Freedom for Palestine" and "Ceasefire now".

The following film is from SubMedia.


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Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Blood Technology.

     It is a rather dim-witted person that is unaware of the Israeli apartheid state's ongoing genocide of the people of Palestine, This is carried out in front of the eyes and ears of the so called free democratic world, and they do nothing but collude with this vile regime. Most states gain from the expertise the Israeli state has gleaned by testing and experimenting with its various new surveillance, control and war technology, on the Palestinian people. States across the globe eagerly purchase and install this blood stained technology to help control their own populations.
    Only the people can stop this money for misery experiment, to rely on the users is naivety in the extreme.


Dear Supporter,
       Our thoughts are with people everywhere fighting the coronavirus. Israel’s apartheid regime has used the pandemic as a smokescreen to intensify its oppression of Palestinians, with even more impunity than ever. Palestinians count on your continued support during this difficult period, including through online actions you can take from home to end international complicity in Israel’s war crimes and crimes against humanity.
     Decades of Israeli military occupation and apartheid have devastated Palestinians’ health infrastructure, particularly in the Gaza Strip. The first coronavirus cases have been detected in Gaza while Israel continues its siege on two million Palestinians imprisoned there.
      Israel's largest arms company, Elbit Systems, profits from the siege on Gaza — “battle-testing” its killer drones, white phosphorus, sniper bullets and fighter jet parts, all deployed by the Israeli occupation army to murder or maim Palestinians. Elbit Systems’ Hermes 900 drones were among Israel’s drones that murdered 164 Palestinian children in Gaza in 2014.
     Now the European Union is using Elbit’s Hermes 900 drones to implement the EU’s deadly anti-migration policies.

    Elbit’s drones are used for aerial surveillance of refugees in the Mediterranean. The EU is betraying its legal and ethical obligation to save lives, replacing boats with Israel’s killer drones, turning the Mediterranean into a cemetery.

    Elbit Systems also produces surveillance technology for Israel’s apartheid wall, fence around Gaza and military checkpoints, enabling Israel's apartheid rule.
    In the US, Elbit provides surveillance technology for Trump’s wall with Mexico, which is destroying the land of Arizona’s indigenous Tohono O’odham Nation, and preventing refugees from seeking safety in the US.

     Human rights campaigns are scoring wins in efforts to #StopElbit. Major European pension funds and banks have divested from Elbit. In 2018, the French insurance giant AXA, which calls itself “the most ethical insurer in the world,” divested from Elbit, but only partially, failing to live up to its motto.

     Our thanks to Visualizing Palestine for their valuable new infographics showing how Elbit Systems profits from grave human rights violations.

In solidarity,

Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC)
 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
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Saturday, 29 February 2020

Open Savage Insanity.

       Apartheid, ethnic cleansing, genocide, call it what you will, the Zionist state of Israel's treatment of the people of Palestine doesn't contain any shred of humanity. It defies all human decency, it is a vicious psychotic policy built on the insane belief that approximately 2,000 years ago, an invisible man in the sky gave these lands to them and them alone. Based on this insane illusion a nation state and its supporters are quite prepare plunder, brutalise, dispossess and murder all those none Jews that live on those lands. Sadly it is the people of Palestine that are standing in the way of this psychotic nation from realising its insane fantasy dream. All this takes place in full view of the rest of the world, and the other nation states either look the other way, or openly applaud and support this psychotic nation's fantasies. This is usually done for power and profit, no other reason, humanity doesn't appear on their to do list. When will the revulsion of the ordinary people rise up in righteous anger, and put a stop to this psychotic inhuman brutality.

This from PressTV: 

      Israeli forces have injured dozens of Palestinians during clashes with protesters across the occupied West Bank. Israeli forces on Friday stormed al-Arma Mountain in a village in Nablus, where dozens of Palestinians had been staging a sit-in since last night in protest against settlers’ plans to seize the area.
      The Palestinian Red Crescent Society reported that 134 people were injured during the clashes in the village of Baita near Nablus. Most of the wounded either suffered suffocation due to inhaling tear gas fired by the Israeli forces or were hit with rubber bullets. According to the report, one of the wounded was a teenage boy who was hit in his back with a live bullet.
     Palestinian media reports said the clashes were ongoing and the Israeli regime declared the area a “closed military zone” until Friday night. Israeli forces also attacked an anti-settlement rally in the village of Kafr Qaddum in Qalqilya, leaving tens of Palestinians injured. Murad Eshtewi, the head of the Popular Struggle Coordination Committee in Kafr Qaddum, said clashes erupted after the Israeli soldiers dispersed a weekly rally by using live and rubber bullets as well as tear gas. One of the injured was hit with a live bullet, while six others were wounded by rubber bullets. Moreover, 33 Palestinians suffered suffocation due to inhaling tear gas.
      The West Bank sees weekly rallies in the lands that the Israeli regime has decided to seize to build settlements on. 
       More than 600,000 Israelis live in over 230 settlements built since the 1967 Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds.
      Emboldened by US President Donald Trump, Israel has stepped up its settlement construction activities in defiance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, which pronounced settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem al-Quds “a flagrant violation under international law.”
      Israeli troops also dispersed another rally in the center of the city of al-Khalil (Hebron), which had been staged to commemorate the 26th anniversary of the Ibrahimi Mosque Massacre and to condemn the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people.
      On February 25, 1994, an Israeli settler randomly opened fire at Muslims observing the dawn prayers at the Ibrahimi Mosque in the holy fasting month of Ramadan, killing 29 worshipers and injuring 150 others. Later in the day, Israeli forces killed an additional 21 Palestinians who took to the streets across the occupied lands to protest the al-Khalil bloodshed.
      Thousands took part in the Friday’s rally, which also called for an end to the Israeli occupation and condemned Trumps’ Middle East plan. The Israeli forces used sound bombs and rubber bullets against the protesters. They also physically assaulted them.
     Trump unveiled his plan on January 28. The so-called deal would have, among other contentious things, enshrined Jerusalem al-Quds as “Israel’s undivided capital” and allowed the regime to annex settlements in the occupied West Bank and the Jordan Valley.
All Palestinian groups have unanimously rejected the plan.

Saturday, 19 May 2018

Where Is The Righteous Anger?

       The recent weeks of murder on the false border between the Zionist Israeli state and the occupied territory known as Gaza, should have shocked and outraged the whole of humanity, but it didn't. The Zionist state of Israel's response was that its military thugs acted with great restraint. The UN Human Rights Council voted to lauch an investigation into the killing of 110 Palestinian protesters, the UK representative abstained, obviously not moved by the Zionists' murder of unarmed protesters. 110 unarmed protesters shot dead, 64 in one day, was insufficient to move the UK government.
     These Palestinian deaths were not something in the heat of battle, this was for the Zionists military machine, an outing where they could insult, laugh at and cheer when they deliberately shot a protester dead.
       This from Middle East Eye: 
          The extent of the violence against unarmed civilians, coupled with the fact that Israel has non-lethal options for dealing with demonstrations, has failed to evoke a significant public discussion in Israel.
          Even some of the most disturbing footage - such as the clip of a protester rising from his prayers only to be met with a bullet, or the woman holding a flag and nearing the fence and falling to the ground from a sniper's shot - have failed to evoke a collective sense of horror.
         When a Palestinian journalist was shot by a sniper despite wearing a vest clearly marked "Press," Israelis were quick to brand him as a "Hamas activist" or a "terrorist with a drone". -----
  ------And then the media got hold of a short video, just a minute and 24 seconds long. Once again, it showed a blurry image of an unarmed Palestinian approaching the fence, only to be shot by a soldier before falling to the ground. We've already seen other similar videos, and Israel did not get upset. But in this one, there was a soundtrack that made a difference: In the background, soldiers can be heard cursing and expressing overt, vulgar enthusiasm as the unarmed victim falls to the ground.
        All these killings were when the Zionist military machine was well out of reach of any harm from the protesters, and in the weeks of protests, only one Israeli soldier was slightly hurt by a stone.
        These state murders should not be allowed to drift into the fog of history, but should be protested in every city continuously until the Zionist state of Israel is halted in its cold blooded brutality, its genocide of the Palestinian people, and its continuous land grabs, and the Palestinian people are free to determine their own direction.
        This Saturday saw one such protest, held in Buchanan Street by the Scottish Palestinian Support Campaign. It was well attended, though in my belief, due to the magnitude of the recent brutal events, it should have been far larger. 
       One little criticism was that there was only one red and black flag there, held by a friend and comrade, with a couple of his mates, thank you, you know who you are. I believe that state repression is state repression, state violence is state violence, state murder is state murder, and we should be there on the street making our voices heard. 

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Thursday, 20 July 2017

The Israeli Zionist State's Genocide Of The Palestionian People.

         John Pilger gives us a glimpse of the daily humiliation and terrorising of the Palestinian people under the dictate of the Israeli Zionist state. Not a new video, but the picture today is still the same pattern, brutality, humiliation, and terror, washes over the people of Palestine on a daily basis. The Zionist state of Israel is  proceeding with its policy of land grabbing and genocide, on the idiotic premise that God gave them that land a couple of thousand years ago. Thanks Loam for the link.

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Sunday, 30 April 2017

The Ochestrated Genocide Of The Palestinian People By The Israeli State.

          The Israeli State is a non-state, it is the Western imperialist's policeman in the Middle East. It was created by the West to gratify the whim of a handful of Zionist fundamentalists. Like all policemen, they get out of control, and now that policeman is hell bent on the genocide of the Palestinian people and the seizure of their lands. A glance at the changing map of Palestine over the years is irrefutable proof of this cruel and bloody land grab. Apart from the theft of their land by the Zionist state of Israel, the Palestinian people have to contend with bombings, tanks, and aircraft bombardment, they continually face harassment and imprisonment backed up with torture, on a daily basis. This treatment is inflicted on every family of the Palestinian people living in that area.
       The following article from 325, is a letter of support from anarchist prisoners in Korydallos Prison in Athens, Greece, to the Palestinian hunger strikers.
      The struggles of the Palestinian political prisoners are directly and inextricably connected with the overall struggle of the Palestinian people. 70 percent of the Palestinian families have at least one member that has been imprisoned for action against the state of Israel. 20 percent of the total population has been imprisoned at least once in their life while according to other estimations 40 percent of the male population has been imprisoned at some point in their life within the past 30 years.
      Another revealing manifestation of the situation the Palestinian strugglers find themselves in while inside the Israeli prisons is the fact that until 1999 “mild torture” during interrogation was considered legitimate practice by law. These tortures included- among others – deprivation of sleep, immobilization in an uncomfortable body posture, loud music, exposure to extremely cold or hot
temperatures, placement of malodorous cloths over the face etc. In 1999 the supreme court of Israel upheld that in certain cases these practices were illegal and thus imposed some restrictions. These restrictions did not, however, rule out force-feeding as illegal in accordance with the UN provisions.
      On the 1st of May 2000 almost 1000 out of the 1650 Palestinian political prisoners participated in a large-scale hunger strike that lasted one month, demanding better living conditions, better treatment by the guards, family visits, abolition of the solitary confinement, access to healthcare and release of political prisoners. During the solidarity demonstrations seven Palestinians lost their lives while one thousand got injured. Meanwhile, sixty Israelis got injured, too. On the 31st of the same month the government of Israel satisfied some of the demands.
      In February 2012 around 1800 Palestinian political prisoners started a hunger strike against the regime of administrative detention. That is, incarceration without evidence to back a charge, without specific accusations, without trial and without sentence, meaning they would remain detained for an indefinite amount of time as ordered by the military authority of Israel. Out of the 4500 prisoners in total, 310 remained in prison under the status of administrative detention. Among their demands was the ability of those family members who resided in Gaza to be able to visit their relatives in prison- a fact that was impossible since, as residents of Gaza, they were not allowed by the state of Israel to leave Gaza-, the termination of solitary confinement and the release of those kept under administrative detention.
      On the 24th of May of the same year and after a several-day huger strike, the strugglers managed to strike a deal with the state of Israel, which pledged to bring the maximum duration of administrative detention down to 6 months if sufficient evidence were not provided in between. Moreover, the family visits expanded and those in solitary confinement returned to the regular blocks.
       Today, 1500 Palestinian political prisoners have been on hunger strike since the 17th of April and their number is expected to climb up to 200 within the following days. United in a single battlefront and despite their internal disputes and confrontations, members of Fatah, Hamas, PFLP and Islamic Jihadists participate in a common struggle as political prisoners.
       Their demands resemble those of the previous mobilizations and have to do with the prisoners’ access to telecommunication and the placement of payphones in every block, in particular. Also, they demand that they have visits from their relatives, who must get a permit to enter the occupied territories –applications for such permits are usually rejected and the visits are, in reality, impossible
since the prisons are located inside the occupied territories. Finally, they demand access to healthcare, the abolition of administrative detention and solitary confinement. The state of Israel has so far reacted with unannounced transfers of the prisoners and their placement in solitary confinement.
        We, as anarchist prisoners of the Greek prisons, can only join our voices with the voices of the Palestinian strugglers. Beside our straightforward and unconditional solidarity with the forces of resistance against the forces of imposition, with the forces of slings and knives against the forces of bombs and tanks, the forces of the oppressed against the forces of state brutality, the forces of the Palestinian people against the forces of the Israeli state, we also express that we have yet another reason to support every act of resistance against the state of Israel. The technology of surveillance, the apartheid know-how, the derogation regime, the interweaving of social and geographical marginalization, the imposition of militarized control upon whole populations, the administrative detention -which makes a come-back in Europe as a tool to manage migration- and the overall dystopian reality that the state of Israel imposes upon the people of Palestine constitute a compass for those in power as well as an experimentation that the rest of the states will eventually be called on to implement elsewhere.
Victory to the struggle of the Palestinian political prisoners
Victory to the arms of the Palestinian resistance
Andreas-Dimitris Bourzoukos,
Antonis Stamboulos,
Argiris Dalios,
Dimitris Politis,
Fivos Harisis,
Giannis Michailidis,
Giorgos Karagiannidis,
Grigoris Sarafoudis,
Tasos Theofilou
Korydallos Prison, Athens
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Saturday, 13 February 2016

The Vanishing Country!!!

        How much longer will the world tolerate the ongoing callous and brutal genocide of the Palestinian people. Since 1967, when the state of Israel occupied the Palestinian lands, it has carried out a continuous land grab and a savage repression of the Palestinian people. It has been 49 years of vicious humiliation, inhuman harassment, deprivation of dignity, and death, for the people of Palestine. Families have been torn apart by death and deprivation, the result of endless military adventures by the Israeli state. Over those years the land of Palestine has all but vanished from the maps of the world, it now consists of two small enclaves, which are no more than two open-air prisons, cruel and brutal prisons, operated and maintained by the sadistic Israeli state. All this has been done, not by unavoidable accidents of fate, but by deliberate policies of the Israeli state. It is attempting to realise its dream of a “greater” Israel, by laying claim to this land on the say-so of their man in the sky, who they claim, gave them these lands 2,000 years ago. On that very dubious claim they believe they have no alternative but to drive out or exterminate the unfortunate people who have lived there for thousands of years. 
       The shrinking map of Palestine and the expanding map of Israel. Click on the date and see the extent of the land grab.

        Religious insanity inspired by the airy-fairy invisible man in the sky, spewing violence and hatred, being allowed to run rampant over the lives of others of a different “faith”. A claim with no legal bases on earth is the foundation of the policies of the Israeli state, resulting the the genocide of the Palestinian people, and the purloining of their land and homes. After 49 years of this crime against humanity, the so called democratic West still turns a blind eye, looks the other way, and worse, supports and funds this religious based killing machine.
         Israeli state claims it is at war, if, by any stretch of the imagination, it could be called a war, it shows a deliberate policy of over kill. Figures for Israeli/Palestinian deaths for 2014 show 2262 Palestinians were killed and 86 Israelis. Another interesting set of figures from the year 1914, just before the start of the first world war, the population of of Palestine broke down as 84% Muslim, 11% Christian, 6% Jews. However thanks to the double-dealing duplicitous ways of the West, that was to dramatically change to the horror of the genocidal promise of a land for the Jews. 
         Shuhada Street, in the West Bank city of Hebron, has remained almost entirely closed to Palestinians for the past 21 years. While illegal Israeli settlers move freely and carry arms, Palestinian residents face an apartheid system of pedestrian only traffic, checkpoints, military closures, humiliation, arrests, and vicious attacks from Israeli settlers and soldiers.
      Jewish settlers began occupying Hebron shortly after its occupation by Israeli forces in June 1967. In 1994 Brooklyn born settler Baruch Goldstein opened fire in the Ibrahimi mosque, killing 29 Palestinian worshipers and injuring 125 more. Following the massacre, systems of increasingly restrictive measures for Palestinians have been implemented, including the closure of Shuhada Street. Palestinian homes on Shuhada street have had their front doors welded shut, forcing residents to climb down from neighbors' roofs or use only back doors. Patients in need of urgent medical care often wait hours while ambulances are delayed at the checkpoint.
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Friday, 18 December 2015

The Barbarity Of The Israeli State.

      What can you add to this video commentary, I can add nothing, except anger, disgust, and a hope that it will motivate more people to rise up against this barbarity, this inhumanity, this genocide, perpetrated by the Israeli state and financed by America, while the rest of the world looks the other way.

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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Palestinian Anarchists.

        If you look you can find information about anarchists from anywhere in the world, well almost. One place that doesn't spring to mind when thinking of anarchism is Palestine. Their battle has been against 60 odd years of occupation, land stealing and genocide, there battle has been one of survival against a brutal expanding occupying power. This tends to, though not necessarily so, lead to nationalism, a coming together under a different banner. I have no doubt that their battle will employ principles of anarchism, but that type of battle tends to emphasis a people against another people. However nationalism is not a healthy state of mind, it tends to have an "us" mindset and usually leads to differences, rather than similarities, divisions rather than co-operation.
       Importantly, Hassan extends her own understanding of anarchism beyond positions merely against state or colonial authoritarianism. She refers to Palestinian novelist and Arab nationalist Ghassan Kanafani, noting that although he challenged the occupation, "…he also challenged patriarchal relations and the bourgeois classes… This is why I think we Arabs - anarchists from Palestine, from Egypt, from Syria, from Bahrain - need to begin reformulating anarchism in a way that reflects our experiences of colonialism, our experiences as women in a patriarchal society, and so on."
      "Just being part of political opposition won't save you," warns Ramadan, who adds that for many women, "When you stand against the occupation, you also have to stand against the family." In fact, the over-emphasized portrayal of women at protests, she maintains, masks the fact that in reality many women have to fight just to be there. Even attending evening meetings requires young women to overcome social boundaries not faced by their male counterparts.
Well worth reading the full article HERE:
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Friday, 20 November 2015

Trying To Make Sense Of Insanity.

       As always we get a one sided self righteous monologue from our millionaire owned babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream Western media, that it so refreshing to hear an alternative view. Most people would agree that what is going on in the Middle East is some kind of insane nightmare, and for the ordinary person on the street it is extremely difficult to get your head round it all and make some sense out of what is actually going on. Of course being fed a diet of downright lies and distortion, and being unaware of the hidden agenda and the hidden power influences at work, it is almost impossible for us to to grasp the whole picture.
      Perhaps the following video might help to shape that picture a little bit more accurately.

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Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Jews Got God's Word Wrong??

So God forbade the Jewish people from having a state!!!

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Friday, 8 May 2015

Built On Racism, Die By Racism.

      That Zionist state of Israel, that claims to be the only democracy in the Middle East, is sooner or later going to implode/explode. While it carries out its policy of genocide against the Palestinian people, in its drive for a "Greater Israel", stacking up bitterness, resentment and hatred across the world, internally, the same nut-case religious fundamentalism is splintering its internal structure. Resentment grows between the ultra-orthodox Jews, who don't work, are paid by the state and are exempt from military service, and the others, who have to work to survive and see their sons and daughters being drafted into the military. Poverty is also a factor, with over 14% of all Jews in Israel living below the poverty line, while billions are spent on policing and military. Another divisive factor in their society is the fact that, some Jews are more equal than other Jews. The Ethiopian Jews, living in Israel come in for some very rough treatment from their "bothers", simply because they don't fit the picture of how they think a Jew should look. The Ethiopian Jews who arrived in Israel in the 1980's make up approximately 2% of the Israeli population, but 40% of the prison population, and where as 14% of the Israeli population lives in poverty, in the Ethiopian section of the community that figure jumps to more than 35%. They are insulted, ridiculed and harassed, simple because of their colour. It seems being a Jew is not enough, you have to look like what they think a Jew should look like.
      Recently the Ethiopian Jews have erupted onto the streets with running battles with the police, this was sparked by an unprovoked attack on a Jewish soldier, who didn't fit their picture, he just happen to be Ethiopian. A state built on racism, will die by racism.

From Dialectical Delinquents:
Israel, Tel Aviv: conflicts between Ethiopian Jews and cops continue “…protesters threw rocks and glass bottles at police, who responded with stun grenades and fired water cannons at protesters. As of midnight Sunday, almost 50 people were injured. According to Israel Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld, 23 of them were police officers.” More here Israeli mounted police charged hundreds of Ethiopian-Israeli citizens and fired stun grenades on Sunday to try to clear one of the most violent protests in memory in the heart of Tel Aviv. The protesters, Israeli Jews of Ethiopian origin, were demonstrating against what they say is police racism and brutality after the emergence last week of a video clip that showed policemen shoving and punching a black soldier. Demonstrators overturned a police car and threw bottles and stones at officers in riot gear at Rabin Square in the heart of Israel’s commercial capital. … tear gas was also used, something the police declined to confirm. “I’ve had enough of this behavior by the police, I just don’t trust them any more … when I see the police I spit on the ground,” one female demonstrator who was not identified told Channel 2 before police on horseback had charged. Earlier, demonstrators brought evening rush hour traffic to a standstill for over an hour by blocking one of the city’s main highways. …Tens of thousands of Ethiopian Jews were airlifted to Israel in dramatic, top-secret operations in the 1980s and 1990s after a rabbinical ruling that they were direct descendants of the biblical Jewish Dan tribe. The community, which now numbers around 135,500 out of Israel’s population of over 8 million, has long complained of discrimination, racism and poverty. Tensions rose after an incident a week ago in a Tel Aviv suburb where a closed circuit video camera captured a scuffle between a policeman and a uniformed soldier of Ethiopian descent.”…Netanyahu says “…there is no place for this type of violence” – we know the type he colonises several places for.
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Saturday, 16 August 2014

Global Action Against Zionist Genocide.

    A call for global action against the Zionist genocide taking place in Gaza.
Full Image

      ACTION ALERT UPDATE from USPCN: Our organizing is working! Ship delayed. Come out to West Oakland BART station at 3 PM Saturday, NOT 5 AM. Bring your friends and family to this historic action! "With community backing, the International Longshoremen Workers Union refused to handle cargo from South African ships in the 1980s, spurring an international boycott that helped end the apartheid regime in South Africa,” says Monadel Herzallah of the US Palestinian Community Network. “We hope that this action and many others like it will encourage organized labor to join the global BDS movement to end Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.”
      USPCN strongly encourages the broadest possible mobilization and support for this critically important action in Oakland! For those who cannot make it, please see below for events in other cities:
Stop Israel at the Port
Zionism isn't welcome on our Coast!
West Coast Blockade of the Israeli Zim Ship
Port of Oakland
Saturday, August 16th
Meet at West Oakland Bart and march to Berth 57
     Participants:Those planning to participate: subscribe to text-alerts and receive live updates about the 8/16 Block the Boat, text "join" to (510) 346-5951.
KFPA will be livestreaming the action at
Also follow @BlocktheBoat for live tweets.
Volunteers and Support: Fill out form to volunteer with transportation assistance. Email info @ to support with food donations. Contact AROC to pick up posters and postcards for outreach.
Donations: Donate here to help with event costs.
Global Statements
Other cities' actions:
New York, NY, US
Saturday, August 16
1:00 PM
Israeli Consulate (Block the Boat Solidarity)
More info:

Miami, FL, US
Saturday, August 16
5:00 PM
Torch of Friendship (Block the Boat Solidarity)
More info:

Chicago, IL, US
Saturday, August 16
11:00 AM
North Avenue Beach Bridge
More info:

Los Angeles, CA, US
Saturday, August 16
1:00 PM
Hollywood and Vine
More info:

Seattle, WA, US
Saturday, August 16
12:00 PM
Westlake Center
More info:

Hamtramck, MI, US
Saturday, August 16
12:00 PM
Caniff St and Joseph Campau
More info:

Tacoma, WA, US (Block the Boat)
Wednesday, August 20
More info:

Seattle, WA, US (Block the Boat)
Friday, August 22
More info:

What's happening?
     The world has watched in horror as Israel has continued to bombard and devastate Gaza. Millions around the globe have come out in support of the Palestinian people and against the Zionist regime, holding massive marches, demonstrations, and actions. Here in the Bay, San Francisco witnessed some of the biggest mobilizations in recent years, with a series of marches, each bringing out thousands of people. It's time to step it up.
Call to Action
      Palestine is calling us to action! Palestinians laborers, Palestinian General Federation Trade Union (PGFTU), have called on workers around the world to refuse to handle Israel goods. Palestinians throughout Gaza, the West Bank and 1948 Palestine have demonstrated their unity in the struggle against Apartheid Israel and have taken to the streets in the tens of thousands, bravely facing Israeli military armed with US made weapons to call on the international community to stand with them as they resist Zionism throughout all of historic Palestine. We will be answering this call by organizing community pickets at the Port of Oakland, asking the longshoreman to honor this request and to stand with the people of Palestine as they have done in the past.
Historical Background
      During apartheid in South Africa, ILWU workers made history when they refused to unload South African cargo in San Francisco in 1984. This action was a major catalyst for international anti-apartheid solidarity and struggle worldwide. In 2010, after a Turkish flotilla, the Mavi Marmara, was attacked by Israel for attempting to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza, we built on ILWU's history and successfully blocked the Israeli Zim ship from being unloaded at the Port of Oakland - the first time in US history an Israeli ship was blocked. We will be continuing this legacy by organizing to block the Israeli ship once again. And just as apartheid fell in South Africa, so too it will fall in Israel!
Sustained BDS in the Bay
      If there is one thing that the latest Israeli attacks show, it's the power of Palestinian resilience. The resistance in Gaza is still alive and thriving, despite Israel's ongoing attempts to destroy it. But we should always remember that the Palestinian resistance did not begin with Israel's latest bombardment, nor did it begin during the last bombardment. It has been going on since 1948, since Israel came into existence. And it will not cease until Israeli apartheid falls.
We refuse to allow Israel to conduct its business as usual, here in the Bay and everywhere!
      Every Saturday, the Israeli owned Zim shipping line docks and unloads its cargo at the Port of Oakland. Let this action be the beginning of a sustained campaign to stop the Israeli ship from ever unloading in our town.
From Seattle to Oakland to Los Angeles - turn the Israeli ship around!
Not in Palestine
Not in the Bay
Not Anywhere
Stand Against Zionism Everywhere
Endorsed by:
Al-Awda New York
All African People’s Revolutionary Party (AAPRP)
American Friends Service Committee
American Muslims for Palestine
ANSWER Coalition
Arab Youth Organizing (AYO)
AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center
ASATA: Alliance of South Asians Taking Action
Bay Area Women in Black
Bay Area CodePink
Bay Area Latin America Solidarity Coalition
Berkeley Fellowship of Unitarian Universalists Social Justice Committee
Black Organizing Project (BOP)
Black Organizing Leadership and Dignity (BOLD)
Black Workers For Justice
Catalyst Project
CodePink Washington
Committee for Open Discussion of Zionism (CODZ)
Communist Party of San Francisco
Critical Resistance – LA
Critical Resistance – Oakland
Critical Resistance – Portland
Descoloniza a Oakland/Decolonize Oakland
Free Palestine Movement
Freedom Archives
Friends of Deir Ibzi’a
Fuerza Mundial/Pueblos en Movimiento
General Union of Palestine Students – SFSU
Global Women’s Strike
Gray Panthers of San Francisco
Green Party of Alameda County
Haiti Action Committee
International Action Center
International Jewish Anti Zionist Network
International Solidarity Movement – West Bank/Gaza
International Socialist Organization
International Tribunal of Conscience for Camilo
ISM-Nor Cal
IWW Bay Area Branch
Jewish Against Genocide
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Justice for Palestinians
La Voz de l@s trabajadores/Worker’s Voice
Labor for Palestine
Lake Merritt Neighbors Organized for Peace
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
Marcha Patriotica (Colombia) – California chapter
Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA)
Movement Generation
National Lawyers Guild SFBA Chapter
Noam Chomsky
NorCal Friends of Sabeel
Occupy SF Action Council
ONYX Organizing Committee
The Palestine-Israel Action Committee
Palestine General Federation of Trade Unions
Palestinian Youth Movement
Queers Undermining Israeli Terror
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
San Francisco Green Party
School of the Americas Watch East Bay
Socialist Alternative – Bay Area Branch
Socialist Organizer
SOUL: School of Unity and Liberation
Southern Anti-Racism Network
Stanford Students for Justice
Students for Justice in Palestine – Cal
Totally Radical Muslims
UAW Local 2865 (Academic Student Workers at the University of California)
US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation
US Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott
US Palestinian Community Network
Veterans For Peace Chapter 69
World Can’t Wait Bay Area
Workers World Party
Xicana Moratorium
For more info: | 415-861-7444

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