Friday 12 November 2021


          Some interesting questions, how do we propagate the communities and workplaces with our ideas, how do we make anarchism mainstream, after all that is the aim, is it not? However as long as we rely on the corporate world for our communications and have the mainstream media as a source of information, our ideas will walk the back streets and the lonely lanes, just strange tales to the majority. Of course we don't need to go to San Francisco for such discussions, they can be organised in every town, city and village, we might be pleasantly surprised what comes out of it all. 

   Anarchistic Media & Pop Culture and Why We Should Make Our Own Media (A Brief Presentation & Participatory Discussion)

Where: Bound Together Books (1369 Haight Street, San Francisco, CA)
When: Friday November 12, 2021 (7 pm - 8:30 pm ish)
Why: ? Not sure, bored ?

        "How It Started/How It's Going": Anarchistic Media & Pop Culture and Why We Should Make Our Own Media (A Brief Presentation & Participatory Discussion with Dane Michael)
       What is anarchistic media & pop culture ? Is it making weird ass memes with dogs punching cops ? Making our own zines with our own perspectives & stories ? Producing magazines/journals, podcasts, autonomous websites (?), and other decentralized, self-organized media compositions outside the dominant culture ? Starting our own infoshops, autonomous community spaces, non-hierarchical collective bookstores, and/or unique cooperative/collective houses for building affinity-centered social relationships ? Posting up flyers, stickers, and graffiti with counternarratives advocating anti-state, anti-capitalist, and anti-hierarchical culture(s) ?
        Or is it, ultimately, none of the above, and just making TikTok dance videos ? Or maybe both ? I don't really fucking know, just throwing out ideas...
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Sunday 7 November 2021


       Saturday November 6th, global day of action saw protests, rallies and direct action against this insane system of capitalism across the world. Glasgow, host to the jamboree that goes under the name of Cop-Out-26 Carnival of Illusions, was certainly no exception, with estimates of up to 100,000 marching through the streets of the city voicing the anger at the insanity of the system and the phoney promises made by the privileged pampered few.
       However important as it is, climate protests were not the only gripe from the citizens of Glasgow. There is real anger at the vandalism of the Glasgow City Council, as it closes libraries, swimming pools, community centres, and sits on its hands as one of the city's gems slowly rots. Glasgow's Peoples Palace and Winter Gardens has been a well loved and well used facility on Glasgow green since the late 1800's. Now its much loved Winter Gardens is lying derelict, trashed by the city council. The people of Glasgow are angry as they watch this treasured facility slowly rot and fall into ruin. The council can spend millions making way for cafes, bars and restaurants to take over pavements and increase the profits to the owners, but can't find the money to save and protect this loved precious gem on the Green. It was their duty to care for, maintain and protect this type of facility for the people, they have failed miserably. This is nothing short of vandalism and dereliction of duty.

                       How the Glasgow City Council takes care of the people's assets.

        So if you were on the Green on Saturday you would have seen the magnificent protest action built round the theme of "Tie A Yellow Ribbon" Friends of the Peoples Palace, Winter  Gardens and Glasgow Green did in fact tie a yellow ribbon round the entire building with some home truths printed on the banner. Today, more than ever there is so much to be angry about, the trashing of the planet and trashing of the people's facilities. There should be 100,000 people on our streets on a daily basis, it's the only way to make our anger heard and for us to set the agenda.

         Some photos to give you a flavour of what the protest was all about.


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      Another bulletin, magazine, serial, call it what you will, but the more the merrier. Our literature should be on ever street corner, every workplace, it should be read, discussed and ideas put into practice. The only way to get people to pick up your ideas is to make them easily available. When people start to really want to change society and they look around for ideas, and they will, if our ideas aren't on the table, then they will not be pick up. Our literature is our message of hope, a well of ideas for that better world for all.

This one one is Storm Warnings, issue 45 (September 15, 2021) :

          “Reality has never taken the imagination hostage to such an extent as it has in these last days. Our desires and our wildest dreams are dominated by an invisible catastrophe that threatens and confines us, tying our hands and feet to the shackle of fear. Something critical is being played out right now around the unfolding catastrophe. Ignoring the few Cassandras who have been issuing warnings for decades, we have now moved from abstract ideas to concrete facts. As the current emergency with all its prohibitions demonstrates, what is at stake is not only the possibility of survival, but something much more important: the possibility of living. This means that the catastrophe that affects us today is not so much imminent human extinction – to be avoided, we are reassured from above and below, thanks to an absolute obedience to the experts of social reproduction – but rather the invasive artificiality of an existence whose omnipresence prevents us from imagining the end of the present.”

For reading

 For printing (A4)

For printing (Letter)

Previous issues HERE: 

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Friday 5 November 2021

Septic Isle.


          I couldn't help re-posting this comment left by Loam on my article on the Cop-Out-26 Carnival of Illusions. Thanks Loam.

THIS SEPTIC ISLE – by Mike Cashman, inspired by the work of William Shakespeare

This sorry state of things, this septic isle,
This den of crony works, this dreadful mess,
This other pigsty, this great fest’ring pile,
This coven of the knaves that won’t confess.

I speak not of the land and people fine,
But government that’s in place by deceit
That’s had so many reasons to resign
But sent integrity into retreat.

This open flouting of all moral rules
For profit and backhanders they call fees,
This treatment of us as so many fools
They think won’t see the wickedness and sleaze,
Or else will brush it off as “All act thus”,
And tolerate wrongdoing with no qualms,
As p’litical manoeuvres on a bus,
Ignoring all the consequential harms.

This focus just on how much cash they hoard,
With ethical good standards in the bin;
That Ministerial code that’s just ignored,
With blind eye simply turned on any sin.

Determination that there’ll be no lessons learned;
This attitude that rules are not for them,
That if you break the rules they’re overturned,
That no wrongdoing will they e’er condemn.

This land with better past, this much loved land,
That had good reputation far and wide,
Is now leased out, by dirty oft bribed hand,
Like to a criminal that does not hide.

Britain, bound in with the triumphant sea,
Is falling fast and left its soul behind
Contaminated now; as PPE
Has dodgy deals and crony contract signed.

That Britain, with ambitions global claimed,
Hath made a shameful conquest of itself.
And never will the Government be blamed
For damage they have done to wealth and health;
Integrity’s another empty shelf.

….with thanks and apologies to William Shakespeare.

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Angry Youth.

         What a heart warming sight it was in Glasgow today, to see thousands of young people take to the streets to voice their anger and disgust at the powers that be for the way they are plunging the planet into extinction.They are alive to the lies and the illusions that are being spun around their phoney, going green. The kids are wise to you lot and they are angry and prepared to take to the streets to vent their righteous anger and change the direction in which the present system is dragging them. They are the ones who will pick up the price tag for this plundering and pillage of the Earths resources for the personal gain of the few pampered privileged parasites. George Square was a microcosm of the planet's people, there were young people from all over the world, letting the powers that be, that they have had enough. Join them tomorrow, November 6th. no matter where you are, tomorrow is world day of action by the young and the old, and those who wish the kids and grand kids to have a planet they can live on with safety, comfort and a future.

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