Friday 24 September 2021


     Saturday September 24th. George Square Glasgow saw a youth protest against the pillaging and plundering of their future for the benefit of the corporate bosses. Great to see so many young people active and well keyed-up on the climate emergency issue and the array of colourful posters and street chalking was a pleasure and inspiring to see. We owe it to the younger generation to get ourselves involved and bring an end to this insane capitalist suicide mission. We owe the future generations the right to live on a planet that is sustainable and can provide for their needs.  We can't be the generation that handed our kids and grand-kids a heritage of a disintegrating eco-system and oblivion. Unless we join them on the streets, workplaces and communities, that will be our gift to the next generation, time is running out faster than we can imagine. Solidarity and direct action now could save the day, and ours and their tomorrows.

Some photos from Saturdays protest.

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Dear friends, 

         In less than 6 weeks, world leaders will meet in Glasgow at COP26 to discuss our future. We already know that many groups and communities on the frontlines of the climate crisis will not be able to make it to Glasgow this November. 

         This means that it’s more important than ever to get organised so that our demands for climate justice are loud enough that they can’t be ignored.

Global Day of Action for Climate Justice

       On 6th November, movements across the world are coming together to take action – from indigenous struggles to trade unions, from racial justice groups to youth strikers. 

        The Covid pandemic means that not everyone can travel to Glasgow. That is why on the 6th November, we’re calling for decentralised actions worldwide. Wherever you are in the world, you can help bring climate justice to COP26.

Find your Local Action for Climate Justice 

When you find your local action, make sure to click ‘More Info’ and RSVP to be kept up to date. Can’t find an action or local hub near you? We can help you organise one.
Help us build the movement by spreading the word far and wide - see template WhatsApp, email, social media text here.

Want to get involved but not sure where to start?

       There are many ways you can get involved in our movement. We need all hands on deck: in workplaces, communities, schools, hospitals and across national borders.  Now is the time to join the fight. 
       Join us for our webinar to find out how you can get involved - from volunteering to mobilising, from local to international levels. We'll discuss why and how we're getting organised for COP, our plans for and before COP, and the different ways you can get stuck in.

Sun 26 Sep 4 - 6 PM BST - register here
Don’t worry if you can’t make the session. You can re-watch it here afterwards.


Latin America and Asia Coordination Meeting

         We’re getting organised globally! We’re hosting Asia and Latin America regional meetings to share information about what is planned and to explore the possibilities of organising actions globally on Nov 6.

         Asia Coordination Meeting - Date: 29 Sept 7:30 AM UTCregister here
Latin America Coordination Meeting - Date: 4 Oct 2021 5:00 PM GMT+1 - Zoom link

Africa Coordination Meeting coming soon!

UK Local Hubs Meeting

         We’re inviting representatives from all the COP26 Coalition Local Hubs to an organising meeting ahead of the Global Day of Action on Nov 6th. We want to hear how plans are developing across the country, what extra support is needed, and enable Local Hubs to share experiences and resources. Open to all activists currently mobilising in their local areas for Nov 6.

Wed 29 Sep 7pm – 8pm BST - Zoom link


      Our movement can only grow because of our amazing volunteers!
It’s not too late to play a key role in the movement that brings climate justice to COP26. From logistics to graphics to mobilisations - wherever you are in the world, there are many ways you can support the movement both now and during COP.

Homestay Network

     Do you live in the central belt of Scotland and have an open floor, sofa or room? Share your home with Indigenous leaders and visiting activists coming to COP26.  

Find out more and become a host.

Other events

Glasgow Local Social

     If you’re in Glasgow, join local organisers for a social, to get to know the Coalition, local campaigners supporting our efforts in the city, and have a peek into one of our venues for the People’s Summit.

Wed 29 Sep 5pm BST, Saramago Cafe, Centre for Contemporary Arts


Local hub and regional meetings

     Local areas are getting organised! Find more events in our Coalition calendar or contact your local hub to find out about local events.


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Thursday 23 September 2021

Same Old.


        Just in case there are any young people out there that think the present day energy crisis is a new phenomena, I would like to point out to them that the ordinary people get shafted year in year out, while millionaires become billionaires and billionaires bank accounts grow fatter by the hour. It will be ever so, as long as we tolerate this greed drive exploitative, insane system of profit oriented capitalism. To make my point I'm reposting this article I wrote for the Anarchist Critic away back in 2008, read it and see if it rings familiar.

issue 67 Aug. '08

         Energy firm Centrica, owners of British Gas, recently announced a massive 35% price increase to take effect immediately. A day or so later they announced a profit of almost one billion pounds for the six months to June 30th. This was £100 million higher than the city financial spivs were expecting, this did not however, cause them to revue their price increase. So while the city spivs were rubbing their sweaty palms in greedy glee, the rest of us are probably sweating while thinking of our next gas bill, of course you will not be sweating come the winter when you cannot afford to heat your home. British Gas managing director, Phil. Bentley, stated, “We very much regret that we have had to make this decision at a time when many household budgets are already under pressure” I wonder, how cold will his house be this winter and how much pressure is his household budget under?
         Every winter in Scotland there is an large increase in deaths among pensioners, mainly from cold related health problems. Pensioners and others on low income in this country cannot heat their homes properly during the winter and have to make that third world choice, “to eat or to heat”.
The recent fuel price increases will push even larger numbers of vulnerable pensioners and low income families further into the pit of fuel poverty. Many will die and others will suffer health problems that will stay with them the rest of their life.
       Look around you, see the old and the low income families, try to visualise the ones that wont make it through the winter. Try to think of how they will die, their life slowly ebbing, their dignity disintegrating as the temperature falls and the dampness bites. As one of the richest nations on the planet are we prepared to see our friends and neighbours die in poverty because of the greed of shareholders? Are we prepared to stand by and feed the rich parasites at the expense of those around us? Or will try to change things so that we see to the needs of all our friends and neighbours, put an end to such indignities as death from fuel poverty and put all the natural resources in the hands of the people?
ann arky would be interested to hear how you will cope with this massive increase in gas prices and what you think should be done.

When will we ever learn? 

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Wednesday 22 September 2021


            I know I often spout about the callous indifference to human welfare and dignity, the savage brutality and the arbitrary decisions in prisons but the case of an 18 year old pregnant woman being held in privately managed by Sodexo HMP Bronzefield, Surrey, surely goes down as among the lowest of the low for the treatment of a prisoner in a UK prison, I wonder if profit from people's misery had anything to do with staffing. It seems that the pregnant young woman pressed the buzzer for help, a guard shone a torch in and saw nothing unusual. The young woman was on her hands and knees at this point. Unable to reach the buzzer again she passed out, when she came-to, her baby was lying on the floor of the cell dead. A child dead, a young woman's life torn asunder, a family in distress. A deed that is beyond comprehension. 


              The usual inquire was held, and of course as usual, lessons have been learnt, and of course, changes will be made. The fact that this happened in a UK prison in the 21st. century is an indictment against the entire prison system. This sort of thing is totally incompatible with any civilised society. Every brick in every prison is a tombstone to human decency, and the only answer to such callous indifference to human life and dignity is the total abolition of the prison system and the type of society that requires and fosters these cages of human repression. 
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Wednesday 15 September 2021


           I wonder what George Orwell would make of today's society, with its total surveillance, quarantine, curfews, lockdowns, travel bans, alienation from those around us and vaccination certificates. Would he rewrite 1984 and date it 2020-21. It is difficult to imagine just how far we have walked down the obedience path, the submissive population, waiting for our next set of instructions. All for our own good of course, in the meantime the rich have increased their wealth and power, millionaires have become billionaires. Meanwhile we the ordinary people have suffered a shackling of our freedoms and are now faced with having to pay for this corporate plundering of the public purse, which was all organised and assisted by the state. We will face closures to social facilities and services as it is pointed out the we have to get the debt mountain down, not those who benefited massively from this pandemic.
        I tend to moan a lot about not enough anarchist pamphlets, serials, magazines, journals etc. on our streets, so I always like to publicise any I come across. The following is an extract from the new issue of "The Local Kids" which is free to download and distribute:

          Population management is now supposedly the responsibility of everyone. Obedience to the state has been dressed up as solidarity. More surveillance is called freedom. All in the name of a return to normal life that appears as a mirage in the desert. Should we rehash for the umpteenth time a comparison to 1984? Its author might have thought that it takes a continuous and considerate effort to see what’s right in front of your nose; can we truly say that? Is it difficult to see what’s going on? Or is it that we speak different languages and will find no common understanding of life?
        We could jump into the fray, unveil their lies, battle for the real meaning of words, uphold a correct perception of reality. But then we would be entering the realm of politics where we can only fight with words without radically changing the narrative. A stubbornness that can have its value to demonstrate the absurdism of society. But only by refusing to do politics can we challenge the power of this system over our lives. That also means that we cannot pretend to have solutions at hand for the crises we’re passing through. The existence of capitalism is based in the progressive destruction of the living conditions of all living beings.
       The blackmail has always been the same; we should do as they say or our own survival is at stake. We’re held hostages in the name of the economy, the nation, and now public health. Our health is instrumentalised in their disgusting game of politics – the legitimisation for an expansive surveillance; tracing whom we met, where we have been, where we will go to. Expanding control to a level where it becomes normal that going to the movies necessitates carrying the right certificates and surrendering our data. Triggering the most basic of fears – the fear of death, of loss – they mobilize obedience to fulfil their dirty dreams of authority: lockdowns, curfews, border closures.
      Seeing this summer which is marked by extreme weather, wildfires and floods – products of the exploitation of the planet – this will be more and more the reality of this society. There are no pragmatic proposals to be made. The wager stays the same, to refuse their game (false choices between quick and superficial fixes to real crises), to be lucid and sabotage the vicious cycle of domination.

Summer 2021

Free download, PDF (A4)
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Tuesday 14 September 2021


          Squatting is not a pastime, it is not a event perpetrated by casual criminals, it is a process forced on ordinary people in a society that has no regard for the right of people to have a place to stay. Squatting is a product of an inhuman system that allows rich speculators to leave property empty some times for years on end, in search of greater profit, while  people desperately seek a place to live. The fact that the state will always come down hard on the squatter rather than the property speculator, who in all probability lives in luxury, is proof, if you need it, where the state's priorities lie. The housing shortage will never be solved as long as we perpetuate this system of state/corporate profit before people. A housing shortage keeps prices high allowing property speculators, banks and mortgage brokers to pile their ill gotten gains high in some off shore tax haven bank account.  You would be a fool and extremely naive if you expect the present system to solve the housing shortage Decent housing for all will only arrive after we demolish the present system of state/corporate capitalism. 

The following from Enough is Enough:

 Image: Demonstration against housing crisis in Amsterdam on September 12, 2021. Image by Indymedia NL.

     Originally published by Woonprotest Twitter account. Translated by Riot Turtle.
         Yesterday (September 12, 2021, Enough 14) we had a great protest and a powerful march. But we have to dwell on something else: after the march, people tried to squat a building near Dam Square which has been empty for a long time. The riot police prevented that from happening and in the process the police used excessive force. Among other things, a person who was already fully enclosed was hit on the head with a steel baton. We are deeply shocked and condemn this police violence. Our support goes out to the people who were injured, suffered trauma or ended up in jail.
        Let it be clear: we are pro squatting, we said that on stage, we said that in the media and so we are still saying that now. Squatting should be decriminalized because it is part of the fundamental housing right. Indeed, squatting plays an important role in the fight against parasitic investors who leave many good residential properties empty. The real problem is the prioritization of the interests of speculators who do not care about our housing and our right to have a place to live. Squatting is the result of inhuman mismanagement.
       We are also working behind the scenes to take concrete action on this and to do something about it because this is unacceptable.
       Again, our deep thanks to all the people who were there, who couldn’t be there but support us and are part of the movement and everyone who supported us. This has to be a tipping point. This is the beginning of a new movement. 

Woonprotest, September 13, 2021.

Further reading: Attempted squatting action on Graven Street and police brutality [Amsterdam, Netherlands]

       Addition by Enough 14: All arrestees from Sunday were released again.

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Sunday 12 September 2021


      As usual, a few simple words of wisdom from Gregg at Not Buying Anything:

        During the last 18 months many former consumers have said "Bye-Bye" to Buy, Buy, Buy. Either by choice, or by force, or both, many are joining the ranks of anti-consumer survivors across the globe.
        If the power brokers ever succeed in "restarting the economy", many of those former consumers will never say "Hello" to consumerism again. They are finished.
         Many can see that it may be prudent at this juncture in history to switch from being a consumer to being a survivor. Unless you are very rich, you can't be both.
         When you leave consumption as a way of life behind you, it is possible to see the way forward more clearly.
        Survivors are focused on growing a garden and raising their own food. They are busy investing in social capital and their local community and economy.
        Survivors look for ways of circumventing the negative effects of corporate and government control of our lives. They make changes that allow them to operate outside of the matrix.
         Making a conscious choice to become self-reliant and resilient as a family, group, or community means becoming active survivors rather than continuing on as passive, dependent consumers.
        Eventually we will all need to reject the mindless waste of the Buy, Buy, Buy propaganda we have been subjected to for far too long. Bye-bye.
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       Two events that have been prominent in our mainstream media recently have been the Afghanistan withdrawal and the American 9/11 revenge attack. These two events have had our political ballerinas spouting sound bites, hand-wringing, finger pointing and the usual flag waving, while spewing out patriotism, that poison that leads to fascism and war. Of course we know that 99% of all of that media bubble gum and popcorn is pure unadulterated bullshit.
        With that little comment I thought I would share these two videos with you. Thanks Loam for the links.


No, I shall not die for the fluttering flag,
if truth be known, ’tis nothing but a multi-coloured rag
held aloft by some foolish hand
inciting worker and peasant to kill
on some green and wooded hill,
peasant and worker from some other land.
Nor shall I shed blood for the fluttering rag
that brings out fools to stand and brag
of brutal deeds painted grand,
deeds where rustic and craftsman lie so still
killed by my brothers' misguided hand.
No allegiance have I for the Nation
this man made autocratic creation
that divides my brothers in a world so small,
binds us to a country's cause, right or wrong,
bids us follow its drum, sing its song,
then sheds our blood in some border brawl.
No, I'll be no slave to flag or nation,
have no ear for power oration,
though its iron heel is on my breast,
my back feels its leather thong,
at patriotism's barracoon, I'll be no guest.

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Saturday 11 September 2021


         As most Westerners remember 9/11, a dreadful tragedy in which almost 3,000 people died, a disaster which was a retaliation for Western imperialism from those who resent it most. It was an incident that marred so many innocent lives and those are the people our hearts must go out to in sympathy. However 3,000 deaths are dwarfed by the hundreds of thousands, if not millions, that have died at the hands of the Western imperialist foreign policies. From the Philippines, 1899-1902, Vietnam, 1969-1973, Iraq, 2003-2011, Afghanistan, 2001-2021, are just some of the Western imperialists foreign policies that have turned so many against the West.




        However, when we pay our respects to those who died in the American 9/11 we should also remember that other 9/11, the Chilean 9/11. September 11th. 1973, the U$A supported the overthrow of the elected Chilean government of Salvador Allende in a military coup by General Pinochet. This brutal dictator’s rule ushered in an era of savage state repression and brutality against any opposition, and didn’t end until 1990, by which time more that 3,000 Chileans were dead or missing, while thousands more had fled into exile. All this under the helping hand of the U$A imperialists.

Listless eyes, lifeless face
motionless body with hanging limbs
carried by a mother fleeing
foreign policy’s vicious whims.

No toys, no laughter
no playing in the sun,
a short pitiful life;
an Afghan child, 2001.

No plans, no choices
no hope by any name,
collateral damage
in the big players game.
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Thursday 9 September 2021


A brief history of Three Mile Island nuclear disaster.  

         Nuclear power can never be green and can never be safe, apart from each one being a ticking time-bomb, remember Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, Fukushima. Cleaning up the site where a nuclear power station was can take years and in some cases the ground can't be used for hundreds of years. It is estimate that the ground where Dunreay nuclear research facility stood will be out of use for at least 300 years. Then there is the problem of getting rid of the waste from these radioactive monsters, the only thing they can think of is to ship it to some other part of the planet and bury it, leaving it to leak into the water table to be dealt with by future generations.


    Burying it is what is being planned in France, transporting it across country to an area where the people have no desire what so ever, to have this radio active dump on the doorstep.


This from Act For Feedom Now.

         In Bure (France), the State wants to build a center for burrying nuclear waste. In September 2021, the public hearing to determine the public utility (DUP) of the CIGÉO project will begin. A pseudo-participatory show that will open the way for the next works and expropriations. Our “public participation” means resistance and sabotage – exiting nuclear power requires manual work.


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