Saturday 4 May 2024

Wednesday 3 April 2024

May 1st.


         A small bunch of Glasgow groups , RBC, Glasgow Keelie, Spirit of Revolt have been putting on events leading up to and beyond May Day. the idea is to make more people aware of the importance of May Day to the ordinary people, our continuing fight for a fair and just world for all.
          There will be a special event on May 1st. in Red Rosa Calton 159 London Road. Come along and help celebrate International Workers Day, make new friends, all welcome.

Vissit ann arky at   

Thursday 28 March 2024

Crooks & Liars!!


        Once again, in this country, we are approaching what they call elections, what I prefer to call "National Crooks and Liars" competition. Having been aware of these competitions since my teens and now 90 years old it is obvious to see the pattern. The contestants raise themselves into a frenzy, spouting the most barefaced lies with such conviction as they can muster, wear a particular colour tie to denote which camp they are aiming to be part of hoping for a lucrative job and fat pay check with pension and expenses.

       Flunkies leading the Crooks and Liars to their new lucrative job.

                                                      Image courtesy of The Guardian.

          You have all heard the lies and should know them off by heart. "We will end child poverty in X number of years", "We will end the scourge of poverty across our land in X number of years". There other favourite lies they like to spin, "We will end homelessness in X number of years by building X number of house every year." Of course after the "Crooks and Liars Competition" is over things settled down to the usual backhanders to friends and cronies, double dealing and second and third jobs with the various companies that bought them during the competition to safeguard their wealth and profit making. So where does that leave you and I, well as usual right where we always end up, struggling for a decent life.

         The following information is taken from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation 2024 report.
            Poverty has increased, close to pre-pandemic levels
2021/22 22% approximately 1 in 5 UK population were living in poverty, that accounts for 14.4 million people.
Among them 8.1 million working age adults app 2 in 10 living in poverty. 4.2 million children (app. 3 in every 10)
It has been almost 20 years and 6 prime ministers since the last prolonged period of falling poverty

          In the 1980s, under the Conservative Government of Margaret Thatcher, there was then an unprecedented rise in poverty even at a time of high income growth, This has not been reversed, meaning current levels of poverty are around 50% higher than they were in the 1970s. 

            Lots of people will give reasons for The Thatcher push to poverty, but rest assure none of these reasons were for the benefit of the ordinary people.
          So, with these facts in mind, do you think it is worth bothering to support any of those in this ridiculous charade of "Crooks and Liars" Competition??
Visit ann arky at    

Wednesday 27 March 2024



            Latest addition to Spirit Of Revolt Archive, read on line is Basic Bakunin, Anarchist Communist Editions No.1. Published by the Anarchist Communist Federation. From John Cooper Collection T SOR 3-52-14-1 Check the website for a host of free to read on line in anarchist literature and much more.

Visit ann arky at  

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Paris Commune.



               Anarchist history is varied and exciting and on many occasions has changed society dramatically. The Paris Commune is just one example and well worth remembering and celebrating, even if the end was a bloody massacre. The spirit lives on. This from SubMedia, with the promise of more to come.


                     It is worth remembering the Spirit of Revolt is probably the largest archive of Anarchist and Libertarian Socialist history and memorabilia in Scotland. Why not have a browse.  

Visit ann arky at   

Sunday 17 March 2024

Free Event.

           Anarchist Film Group are holding a free event/PowerPoint talk followed by a discussion, in the Electron club CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street, Tuesday 26th March 7pm.
            It's on direct action and community activism with specific examples covering housing issues, the 1984/85 miner's strike and the Poll Tax. The Speaker will be John Cooper, long standing member of He will be using material from our John Cooper Collection T SOR 3 and his own personal experiences. This is a must and should prove very interesting.
            If anyone is interested they are welcome to attend.
Visit ann arky at  

Tuesday 12 March 2024

The Source.


          Although they missed a few months of "Read of the Month" the small band of Spirit of Revolt volunteers have not been idle. They continue to organise free monthly events, among other things. The next free event is April 11th 6:30-9:00pm at the Electron Club in the CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow. The subject matter for this talk/discussion/questions/chat will be "A Short History of May Day" the speaker will be Dek Keenan. Come along, learn, have your say, make new friends. Back to "Read of the Month", We catch up with March offering, so here is Spirit of Revolt, March issue of “Read of The Month”  The Source: Independent Monthly Magazine. No. 1. From our Charlie Baird Collection T SOR 6-7-25. Enjoy and perhaps have a wee browse through the other gems held in the Spirit of Revolt Archive, an be surprised at the extent of the content we hold on Anarchist and Libertarian Socialist history and events. 


Visit ann arky at  

Sunday 10 March 2024

Kill Kids!!


         Zionism is psychopathic cult, day and daily we hear quotes from its advocates and its leaders. the brutality in their proclaimed beliefs grates against any glimmer of humanity. They are devoid of any traces of decency and humanity. The following quote from "The Cradle" is not unique to this particular individual but is repeated by members of the Zionist government of Israel on a regular basis.Making perfectly clear their real aim in Gaza, the elimination of the Palestinians and claim their land as part of greater Israel.


       Rabbi Eliyahu Mali, head of the Shirat Moshe yeshiva (religious school) in the occupied city of Jaffa, called on the Israeli army to kill everyone in Gaza, including babies.
        During a conference on 8 March, Mali said that “according to the halachic principle (a religious-ethical system of legal reasoning in Judaism), all residents of Gaza must be killed.”
        When asked during the conference if babies should be killed as well, he said: “The same thing. You can't be clever with the Torah. Today he's a baby, tomorrow he's a fighter. There are no questions here. Today's terrorists were previously 8-year-old children.”
         “Those who create the terrorists” should also be killed, he said in reference to women in Gaza.

        How long can the so called civilised world allow this regime of killers to continue with their genocidal policies, which they pursue with open vigour, laughing at the Western imperialists who supply them with the money and armaments. Governments that ignore the cry for justice and peace from the vast majority of its citizens? 

 Visit ann arky at    

Friday 8 March 2024

Blood Oil.

Image courtesy of Palestine Chronicle.

           So the very compassionate good old U$ of A is building a port on the beaches of Gaza and will protect it with their war ships. The pretext is that they will deliver aid to the Palestinians, however, they won't stop the genocide, for in all honesty that would upset their real plans. Once the Zionist psychopaths have destroy Gaza and dispersed its population, then the U$A is in a wonderful position, with a ready built port, to extract the riches of the Gaza oil fields just of the coast of Gaza and ship it to their markets around the world. A nice wee boost for the economy of the U$A.

           The callous barbarity and inhumanity of the western imperialists knows no bounds. Profit overrides the lives of thousands of innocent civilians and the starvation of children. U$A can stand by and let the Zionist psychopaths do the killing, while they wait in the wings to reap the blood soaked spoils of this brutal genocide. Throughout this entire inhuman genocidal attack on the civilian population of Gaza, U$A and its Western puppets have supported the slaughter to the hilt, stood by and arm the aggressor and now they are getting ready to collect their pay back, the riches of the Gaza oil fields. Endless wars are rich pickings for this blood soaked insanity of an economic system. Its total destruction is the only answer to get to a society of fairness and justice for all. A society built on mutual aid, co-operation, that sees to the needs of all our people.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Keelie 47.


                Once again the great wee pocket rocket of a newspaper, your newspaper, the Glasgow Keelie hits the street. Issue 47 now available at pickets, demos, on the streets, seek out your copy, you won't be disappointed, From what your council gets up to, how we are continually ripped-off by this insane economic system that feed the rich at the expense of the poor. Contact with those who on a daily basis fight the injustices and call for justice and peace. Of course we support Palestine and demand a ceasefire in Gaza and an end to the Zionist perpetrated genocide.
           You can also read it on line at Glasgow Keelie, ask for copies to distribute among you friends, communities and workplaces, all for free. Or get in touch and gives your grip about the injustice we the people suffer on a daily basis, tell us your story, articles welcome. 

Visit ann arky at  

Monday 4 March 2024


Words of wisdom from the past.

An extract from an undated article by Bobby Lynn.

“War is the health of the state” wrote Randolph Bourne.

--------- When the Labour fakirs took the reins of government in 1945, within six days it sent conscript troops into the Surrey Docks in London to break a ten week old strike against a wage cut. Three months later a national dock dispute brought more than 45,000 militant port workers out on strike. In both these cases as with many others the workers left their battle stations, their place of work. The Labour government took advantage by again sending conscript troops to break the strike. A fair percentage of workers now realise that the point of production is their fortress. There will always be a vertical bar between the haves and the have nots as long as the working class is “legally robbed” by the captains of industry. -------

Sunday 3 March 2024

Joe Hill.


         Mark your diary, the next free Spirit of Revolt event is Thursday 7th March, 6:30 to 9:00 in the Electron Club, CCA 350 Sauchiehall Street. As usual we keep the variations going in the past free monthly events we have covered such subjects as occupations, Calton Weavers strike, veganism, punk do it yourself music scene. This Thursday's free event is a short film about Joe Hill, followed by the usual talk/discussion/questions/chat. Come along and have your say, hear other people's views, get to know some new friends.
        Since its formation, 12 years ago by a small group of unpaid volunteers, Spirit of Revolt has put on numerous events from talks to exhibitions in The Mitchell Library and other venues, also had stalls at other groups events. Along with exhibitions in the Mitchell Library we have run a series of events in the Mitchell Library called "Show and Tell" where we arranged events round material in the archive with relevant material on display for people to examine. Today it is still the same small group of unpaid volunteers plus the occasional help from, very welcome supporters who give us a few hours of the time to help out, all very much appreciated.
        Since the beginning we have always been part of the Anarchist, Libertarian Socialist Movement, and proud to be so, doing our utmost to preserve the history of the struggles of the ordinary people and the activists in their midst. We also try to digitise everything we can, and make it easily and freely available on our website.
       Why not have a browse through the website, check out Our Catalogue, Audio-Video section, Read of the Month, Strugglepedia, see the wealth of information available. Sadly we live in a capitalist system and all this cost money. If you like what we do and think we are doing a good job and would like to see this archive grow, then perhaps you could see your way to make a small donation. A one off, or a monthly direct debit, say the price of a pint or a couple of cups of coffee, every little helps us build on what we have already done.

        To help out, visit our DONATE page. Thanks. 

        Below is a photo of one of our poster from an earlier exhibition on "The Rent Strikes". 

Visit ann arky at  

Friday 1 March 2024


          I've lived a long time, 90 in about 3 weeks time, and all my adult life I have listed to election and party political speeches and broadcasts. Why politicians hate old folks, they have memories, and lots of my memories are of those political out bursts by the pompous political ballerinas. Along come an election and out they spout, "We will end child poverty 5 years" "We will eliminate poverty if 5 years." "We will end homelessness by building 300,000 new homes a year over the next 5 years". I've heard this so often, the number of years quoted may vary, but the vacuous promise is usually there.
        Here we are 2024 approaching that 90 mark and what I see is child poverty is increasing, poverty across the population is growing, homelessness is growing, more and more household are anxious and stressed as they try to make ends meet, food banks have sprung up and are overwhelmed. With all these phoney promises doing nothing to change this situation, why do we keep repeating the same mistake of voting for them. They say that the first sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing but expecting a different result, are we really that insane? 
       Why in the name of any logic or rational should we even listen to this bunch of so called representatives, who in actual fact only represent themselves and their rich cronies.
       Let's prove how sane we are by pulling the plug on this burden and restriction on our lives, stop voting, become ungovernable, organise within you communities and workplaces to take control of own lives and shape society they way we want it to be. Fair, just, co-operative based on mutual aid, and seeing to the needs of all our people. Tell me "why not"?

Visit ann arky at  

Monday 26 February 2024




Image courtesy of Al Jazeera.

             Gaza today, Palestine for 70 years of ethnic cleansing, unimaginable bloodshed suffering and deaths in an act of genocide in which the Western imperialist are totally complicit. The future as seen by those Western imperialists, domination by hi-tec devastating armaments. Is it the future the people want? I doubt that very much, so we have to assert ourselves and become the dominate power on this planet, people of peace and equality, sharing, mutual aid, co-operation and seeing to the need of all our people.   

This from SubMedia. 

Visit ann arky at   




Representative Democracy?

Day in day out without a doubt there they yelp

Inside their privileged Hallowed Halls of pomp

safe in their protective bubble of lavish pensions

extravagant expenses fat salary and backhanded perks

with theatrics, arguing nuances of deprivation and poverty

with straight faced skill weaving illusions to fool the populace

using genocide and ethnic cleansing for scoring party points

ignoring the blood of innocents that is a land’s poison

with composure complicit in the slaughter of a population

Right Honourable Gentlemen, Members of Parliament

“Representative Democracy” truly a misnomer ,so please,

spare us your devious vacuous fanciful platitudes

self indulgent arse licking pimps of pomp and power. 


Image courtesy of The Independent.