Saturday 15 January 2011


        January 16 marks the twentieth anniversary of “Desert Storm”, a massive American bombardment against the Iraqi civilian population, mainly around Baghdad the Iraqi capital. The bombing consisted of more than 100,000 sorties dropping more than 85,500 tonnes of bombs. It was the precursor to the the first American lead invasion of Iraq. After this first invasion the people of Iraq suffered more than 10 years of American lead economic sanctions, during which it is estimated that over 500,000 Iraqi children died as a result of these sanctions. This was followed by Operation “Southern Watch” which began in August 1992, operation “Vigilant Warrior" began 1994, then “Desert Strike, 1996 which expanded the “no-fly zone over parts of Northern Iraq, then of course there was operation “Desert Fox” which was a 4 day bombing campaign that started on December 16 1998.

          It is estimated that between 1992 and 2001, 2 years before the so called war on Iraq is supposed to have started, American and allied pilots flew over Southern Iraq some 153,000 times. The Americans have never stopped military operations in Iraqi over the last 20 years and have been meddling in Iraqi internal affairs since they helped put Saddam Hussein in power in 1963. That is 48 years of the Iraqi people have been suffering because of American Imperialism. So don't accept the myth that is peddled that the Iraq war is heading for its 8th anniversary, it is 48 years of American meddling of which 20 years has been brutal military oppression.
         They are still there, still exerting their military might on the Iraqi people. Think of a generation growing up their entire lives spent under these conditions, will they have any love of the Western world? The people of Iraq must be allowed to determine the future of their own country without the interference of Western Imperialism lead by the American military machine. The Iraqi people have suffered a brutal hell because of US policy through four different US Presidents, George Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and now Obama. The Iraqi people have suffered more than enough, they have the right to SELF determination, not forced to live their lives according to some Western ideology.


  1. What of the militant extremists who plotted and killed thousands in the United States at the pentagon, the world trade center and the other plane that crashed? What of the thousands of other terrorist attacks worldwide? For a full list of terrorist attacks go to Wikipedia and type in "List of terrorist incidents" to get a year by year account scroll to the bottom of the page.

  2. What of them? I have in no way advocated or condoned violence, I condemn all acts of terrorism. However that does not alter the fact that the biggest acts of terorism are carried out by the various states across the globe, the US and the UK being amonst the worst offenders. Are you saying that what is happening in Iraq is justified and the people of Iraq deserve to have this violence heaped on them? Yes, there are acts of violence happening more in the developed world than there used to be, perhaps we should look at why and try to do something about that. However we will never get rid of violence as long as we have states that consider might is right and god is on there side. What is happening to the innocent people of Iraq is terrorism, no matter what is happening else where and did the Iraqi people carry out any of the acts you refer to?

  3. I am convinced that Iraq was, and still is to some extent, a state sponsor of terrorism. Had the United States and it's allies completed the job of taking out Saddam Hussein in the first gulf war, the second war would not have been necessary. I am not a war historian, but I do think that heads of state must defend their countries however they think is most appropriate. Iraq attacked it's neighbor Kuwait, Kuwait asked for assistance, from that point on the US was engaged in an ongoing battle with Iraq.
    Does that mean the taking of innocent lives was acceptable? Most certainly not. But in war, casualties are an inevitable result.

  4. “I am convinced that Iraq was and still is to some extent, a state sponsor of terrorism.” Once again we are back to your “belief”, you say you are convinced, evidence please!! Is your “belief” enough to unleash 20 years of brutal assault on the Iraqi people? Iraq invaded Kuwait!! There is a little more to it than that, read you history and look into the cause and effect of what goes on in the mighty political world of the “Super Powers”. Remember, Saddam, like the Taliban were funded, armed and supported by America until it suit the US to dump them.

  5. Saddam was a madman who not only killed his own people by the thousands (this is well documented), but he also invaded his neighbor Kuwait (also a fact, well documented). Yes, America did fund Iraq, that is true, but when a country or leader "goes off the reservation" and becomes tyrannical, there is no choice but to bring it under control. The US funded Iraq when they were attempting to defend themselves from Iran.

  6. What can I say about this comment, there are so many war mongering, wild west, gun slinger type of phrasing and inaccuracies that it doesn't merit a reply. All of course based on the high moral standards of Guantanamo bay, School of Americas, good ol' US of A. Read your history, not the US government propaganda, a wee look at would do for starters.
