Thursday 28 April 2011


      The recently announced agreement of a government of unity between the two Palestinian groups, Hamas and Fatah would be seen by most sane and rational people as the right step for the benefit of the Palestinian people. After all, faction fighting within any group of people can only be self destructive, co-operation must surely bring benefits to the whole. However to the fundamentalist Zionist nutter Avigdor Lieberman it is a “red line” crossed. He stated, "We have at our disposal a vast arsenal of measures including the lifting of VIP status for Abu Mazen and Salam Fayyad, which will not allow them to move freely," also, "We could also freeze the transfer of taxes collected by Israel for the Palestinian Authority," Meanwhile the Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak said "the latest events do nothing but reinforce the necessity of relying only on ourselves.--- "The army and the security services will use an iron fist to deal with any threat and challenge,"

     It is obvious that the last thing the Zionists nutters in Israel want is peace and co-operation among the Palestinian people. It is the same old divide and rule, as long as the Palestinian people are fighting among themselves there is precious little chance of a Palestinian state. This blatant threat against a people who decide to “bury the hatchet” and try to improve their conditions by means of unity and co-operation lays bare the real agenda of the fundamentalist Zionist nutters in charge of the mighty military state of Israel. The total destruction of any plans for a Palestinian state, the land grab of all the Palestinian lands and what amounts to genocide of the Palestinian people is their real aim. This obvious agenda goes on under the noses of, and with the blessing of, the Western nations, but the real crime is the continuous military, financial and political support from America.

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