Showing posts with label David Cameron. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Cameron. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 November 2023



        They keep saying we live in a democracy, a country where we elect those we wish to hold the offices of government. However, if it suits the powers that be, they will introduce someone who hasn't been elected, just to suit their political ambitions. One David Cameron, of Eton Bullingdon Club, he who introduced the Brexit referendum and lost then resigned. while in office he introduced us to austerity and the disastrous illegal war in Libya. In his retirement from parliament, he decided to persistently lobby all his old chums in government to give our tax money to one of his cronies to boost his business. You would say that makes him unfit for government office. Of course politics is an underhand shady business, so unelected David Cameron pops up as Foreign Secretary. A slight of hand, just give him a seat in the House of Lords and hey presto, he can hold a ministerial post unelected. Ah, the wonders of capitalist democracy in this land of imperialist pomp and ceremony. 

Sunday, 25 April 2021


       In this video the the reporter gets it right, well almost. Pointing out the inherent cronyism and corruption built into our political system, but falls into the usual channel of a blind allay, by suggesting that we change things so that we hold our government to account. Centuries of history has proved to us that this is impossible. Governments govern, until we step outside that framework of forming governments of professional politicians, the rotten apples will continue to spread their obnoxious rotten stinking odour, and continue to shaft the public to protect their power and privileges. Capitalism is the problem dear friends.  Thanks Loam for the video link.


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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Making A Quick Exit.

       So David Cameron makes a hasty retreat out the door of the commons shortly after saying he would stay and contribute as a back bencher. We are used to politicians saying one thing, and then doing another, but such an about face, after such a public statement to the contrary, does make you think.
         Could he be taking to his heels just ahead of the an MP’s report which openly lays the blame for the Libyan disaster at his feet. His quick exit out the door was just one day before an MP’s select committee produced its findings on Libya. A damning report which states that Cameron’s 2011 military adventure as, “lacking both “accurate intelligence” and a coherent strategy for the aftermath of removing the dictator.” It lays the blame of the bloody collapse of Libya, the following refugee crisis, the rise of ISIS, squarely on “David Cameron’s blunders when he intervened to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi.”
They go on to say, “They saw “no evidence that the UK Government carried out a proper analysis of the nature of the rebellion in Libya”. and, “There was no “defined strategic objective” – which meant a limited intervention to protect civilians “drifted into a policy of regime change by military means”
       Does this not make him guilty of crimes against humanity, a war criminal? Will he now follow that other recent British war criminal Blair, and trot off on a very lucrative career spouting his verbal crap for fat fees.
       I don’t give David Cameron any credit for being different, he is just like the rest of that cabal of two-faced careerists that frequent that edifice to British imperialism, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption. We should know by now that they are all self-serving members of that cosy and profitable little club. However, it is a powerful and dangerous little club, and the sooner we abolish it the better for all of us.
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Saturday, 10 October 2015

Sing The Truth

Sunday, 30 December 2012


       David Cameron in his new year speech has said that Britain “is heading in the right direction”, and he really means it. As far as our millionaire parasite Prime Minister and his millionaire corporate cronies are concerned, we are “moving in the right direction”. Two years of shrinking incomes due to wage freezes/cuts and wage increases of less than inflation, have taken the country nearer to that corporate dream of a low wage sweatshop economy. It is all falling into place, low wages, part-time workers desperate to hold onto their carp job, temporary contracts that can be cancelled at a moments notice and a massive erosion of workers rights and entitlements. A few more years of this and our corporate masters will be able to compete with any sweatshop in the East. Their other success story is of course the cuts in social spending. To the corporate greed merchants, social spending is tax money, if we can get rid of all that mamby-pamby social spending nonsense, it would mean a reduction in taxes and therefore, an increase in their profits. In their philosophy of greed and exploitation, if people want services of any kind, social or otherwise, they can purchase them from the corporate world. Of course if you can't afford that, well, tough, that's not their problem.
     Yes Mr Cameron, you can hold your head up high among your millionaire corporate cronies, you have been successful in taking the people of this country well down the path of transformation from workers to serfs. However, if I were you, I would not get too confident and complacent, I do expect the people of this country will start to stand up and do to you, what you have done to them, and kick the shit out of you, and those millionaire corporate cronies. We will not quietly crawl into serfdom, we have been there before. 

ann arky's home.

Saturday, 3 November 2012


     After our millionaire Prime Minister Cameron, spouted his ridiculous statement about "spreading privilege" I thought this article would be a good read.

This from The Anarchist federation:

A Class Struggle Anarchist Analysis of Privilege Theory – from the Women's Caucus.

Aims and definitions

      The purpose of this paper is to outline a class struggle anarchist analysis of Privilege Theory. Many of us feel “privilege” is a useful term for discussing oppressions that go beyond economic class. It can help us to understand how these oppressions affect our social relations and the intersections of our struggles within the economic working class. It is written by members of the women’s caucus of the Anarchist Federation. It does not represent all our views and is part of an ongoing discussion within the federation.
       What do we mean – and what do we not mean – by privilege? Privilege implies that wherever there is a system of oppression (such as capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, heteronormativity) there is an oppressed group and also a privileged group, who benefit from the oppressions that this system puts in place1. The privileged group do not have to be active supporters of the system of oppression, or even aware of it, in order to benefit from it. They benefit from being viewed as the norm, and providing for their needs being seen as what is naturally done, while the oppressed group is considered the “other”, and their needs are “special considerations”. Sometimes the privileged group benefits from the system in obvious, material ways, such as when women are expected to do most or all of the housework, and male partners benefit from their unpaid labour. At other times the benefits are more subtle and invisible, and involve certain pressures being taken off a privileged group and focused on others, for example black and Asian youths being 28% more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than white youths2.
      The point here is not that police harassment doesn’t happen to white youths, or that being working class or a white European immigrant doesn’t also mean you’re more likely to face harassment; the point is that a disproportionate number of black and Asian people are targeted in comparison to white people, and the result of this is that, if you are carrying drugs, and you are white, then all other things being equal you are much more likely to get away with it than if you were black. In the UK, white people are also less likely to be arrested or jailed, or to be the victim of a personal crime3. Black people currently face even greater unemployment in the UK than they do in the USA4
      The point of quoting this is not to suggest we want a society in which people of all races and ethnicities face equal disadvantage – we want to create a society in which nobody faces these disadvantages. But part of getting there is acknowledging how systems of oppression work, which means recognising that, if black and ethnic minority groups are more likely to face these disadvantages, then by simple maths white people are less likely to face them, and that means they have an advantage, a privilege, including the privilege of not needing to be aware of the extent of the problem.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Friday, 8 June 2012


              Athletes a part, we all know that the Olympics will be the gathering of all the pompous, arrogant, parasites, such as heads of state, dictators, monarchs, princes, etc. from all shades of the authoritarian spectrum, some worse than others. Though on the whole, the entire ratbag should be classed the same, but it does no harm to single out one who might stink a bit more than the others.

This appeal from AVAAZ

Dear friends across the UK and the Middle East,

         The British government is about to reward a torturer with a luxury hotel and chauffeur-driven BMW at the London Olympics -- unless we demand they stop this outrage.
        Prince Nasser bin Hamad Al-Khalifa is a chief architect of Bahrain’s brutal suppression of the Arab Spring, accused of personally torturing protesters, and persecuting athletes who have stood up against his father’s dictatorship. Gifted the presidency of the Bahrain Olympic Committee, Nasser now stands to receive VIP treatment at the London games. British Foreign Secretary William Hague has said that Nasser will be “closely assessed”, but hasn’t yet committed to keep out this human rights abuser. If enough of us raise our voices, we can ensure Nasser is kept away from the London games.
         Avaaz members in the UK and Bahrain have come together to start a campaign to force Secretary Hague to keep this torturer away from the Olympics, but they need our support. Sign the petition now -- when we reach 30,000 signatures, we’ll work with Bahraini activists to deliver the message to Secretary Hague and PM David Cameron in London:

          Nasser is the son of Bahrain’s ruling King Hamad ibn Isa Al Khalifa, one of the Arab World’s most brutal dictators. Intimately involved in the crackdown on the Arab Spring pro-democracy protesters in Bahrain, Nasser has used his platform as head of the country’s Olympic Committee to ensure that athletes in particular have been punished if they dissent.
        He installed himself as head of a committee that targeted 150 athletes and sports officials for their democratic views, including a disabled athlete, personally ensuring that two of Bahrain's national football team star players were also arrested and imprisoned. When Mohammed, capped 52 times for Bahrain, was sentenced to 2 years in prison, Nasser tweeted, “If it was up to me, I’d give them all life.” Several of the protesters have also claimed that they were personally tortured by Nasser after their arrests for peaceful demonstrations.
        Foreign Secretary Hague and PM Cameron have the power to block Nasser’s entry into the UK, but right now, they stand set to reward him with publicly-funded VIP treatment for the duration of the London games. Let’s stand with Bahraini athletes and protesters to demand that Hague and Cameron prevent Nasser’s attendance at the games. Sign the petition:

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


        I like this little extract from Omar Ibrahim's blog. Omar is in Wansworth for protesting in London during the the March 26th. protests. His blog is called "Bang up for Protesting" and is well worth a read, also a show of solidarity and encouragement by comments would help him through is spell at her Majesty's pleasure.

         "--- There was chubby cheeked David in Brussels when it all went wrong for him. The great Sarko, another entertainer from France had a bit of a spat with him it seems. A French diplomat described Cameron as ‘a man who turns up to a wife swapping party without his wife’. David Cameron had legitimate demands for a level of fiscal autonomy, but he was out of the loop. If only David had been at dinner with Angela Merkel and Sarko the night before things may look better for him. The problem is he made a stupid decision a while ago and has no friendships in Europe. No one likes him and is very alone.
          You see David Cameron won Conservative Party support by appeasing a load of right-wing ultra nationalists in his own party. He did that by signing the party to an EU voting bloc that is replete with anti-semites, homophobes and ultra-nationalists from Eastern Europe. The kind of people who have been so alienated during Soviet times that a social democratic state would send them running for the home made weaponry. People raised on stories about the halcyon days of royal rule when pogroms kept the Jewish population low.---"

Read the full article HERE.

ann arky's blog.

Monday, 12 December 2011


         While the UK mainstream media fills its pages and TV time with squabbles over David Cameron's EU veto, we should not lose sight of what the “Euro crisis” means on the ground. The conditions in Greece for the ordinary people are appalling, what is happening there is nothing short of crime against humanity. The criminals in this case are the financial gurus of the bond markets with complete complicity of European national governments. The Greek people are being ground into the dust by “austerity” cut after “austerity” cut, increase taxes, pension cuts and thousands being added to the unemployment army on a daily basis. Ill health, suicides, drug addiction and alcoholism are all on the increase, these are the constant companions of poverty. In the new Greece to be pregnant is now a nightmare unless you belong to that well-heeled group in the upper echelons of the income bracket. Read how it is to be pregnant in modern Greece.
      Of course we should not be under any illusions that we are somehow guaranteed immunity from the Greek treatment, it could and probably will come your way, in the not too distant future. That's capitalism for you.

ann arky's home.

Friday, 2 December 2011


        David Cameron is probably feeling all flushed with success after bombing Libya back a couple of centuries, and is now looking around for another little ego trip. After all there is oil and gas to be got in Iran, can't let a little thing like human casualties to stand in the way of that. The West is in dire fanacial straits, but the expense of war will be far out weigh by all those lovely oil and gas assets to add to the coffers of the Western corporate Mafia.

       The western powers seem to be doing everything possible to increase tension with Iran. Yesterday EU ministers imposed new sanctions on top of those agreed by Canada, the US and Britain last week. David Cameron promised yet another round in January, meanwhile he has expelled Iranian diplomats in response to protests at the British Embassy in Tehran, closing one of the last channels for negotiation.
      A British minister recently promised that further unspecified 'appropriate measures' will be taken against Iran. The recent IAEA report showed there is no conclusive evidence that Iran is developing nuclear weapons, but this kind of western brinkmanship can only antagonise the Iranian regime.
      Stop the War is planning a national campaign against an attack on Iran in the next months. The campaign starts with a public rally in London on Monday.

Public Meeting: Don't Attack Iran
Mon 5 December, 7pm
Speakers include George Galloway, Tony Benn, Lindsey German and Abbas Edalat
Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion sq, London WC1R 4RL

Please tweet and share widely:
You can download a leaflet from:
Sign the petition here:

Saturday, 12 November 2011


          Is this the inside story of Eton, the training ground for the off-spring of parasites. Eton, where privilege is taught as a given, a place where its output, is people who have never lived a day in the real world, but get handed the job of telling people in the real world how to live. Eton, the home of pomp, privilege, parasites and piss artists.

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