Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ISIS. Show all posts

Friday, 7 January 2022


          In this world in the grips of insanity and savage brutality in the name of power and wealth, it is no surprise that the powers that be turn a blind eye to such atrocities as the Zionist genocide of the Palestinian people and seizure of their lands, the Turkish state's war crimes against the people of Rojava. Our media is filled with how bars, restaurants, airlines are suffering because of covid19 and are screaming for tax payers money to keep them in the style to which they have become accustomed. The destruction of lands and killing of its people doesn't seem to register with their mind set.
       It is up to the ordinary people of this world to take to task the fascist Turkish state the Zionist genocide brigade and their bedfellows, among them all the major states on the planet.
      This call for support from the fighters of Rojava should receive all the solidarity and support we can muster, their dream can be our tomorrow.

The following from Enough is Enough:


Originally published by Anarkismo.

        Embargo, cutting off water sources and air strikes against civilians have been some of the war crimes committed by the fascist Turkish state throughout this year against the revolution in Rojava.
       While facing the internal political and economic crisis, the Erdogan government has to accept the failure of the military operations in the mountains of Kurdistan, appealing to the use of chemical weapons, in the face of the resistance of the Kurdish warriors of the revolution.
       The intensification of the attacks last October, the flyers launched from the aeroplanes and the recent troop movements threaten a new invasion of the autonomous territories in the North and East of Syria.
       At this delicate moment, we want to reaffirm our solidarity with our revolutionary comrades and all the peoples of Rojava and condemn once more the occupation of Rojava, the multiple aggressions and war crimes of the Turkish neo-fascist state and its jihadist allies, as well as their preparations for war.
      The Rojava Revolution, which is about to celebrate 10 years, and together with the free Kurdish mountains, represents not only a grassroots democratic and federalist alternative for the Middle East, but for the peoples of the world.
      In this 21st century of economic, social and ecological crisis, in a world transformed into a junta of great powers and capitals for financial speculation; the struggle and creation of projects of a different society have a global strategic role. The Rojava revolution, with its strong roots in the struggle of women, the deepening of democracy with broad popular participation and the protection of the environment, is a revolutionary example of these times from which the peoples of the world must learn.
      It is not a coincidence that since its beginning thousands of people all over the world have risen up in solidarity with the heroic resistance of Kobanê against the fascist forces of ISIS.
      ISIS, a criminal, obscurantist and fascist group, whose creation was facilitated by the disastrous US military intervention in Iraq, the funding and support of Saudi Arabia, and which has the ideological and tactical support of the Turkish state, and whose fighters were recycled as mercenaries for the invasions of Afrin and Serekanyie, and are now preparing to invade Rojava as a paramilitary force of the Turkish army.

Read the full article HERE:

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Tuesday, 13 March 2018

The Birth Of Freedom Is The Cure For The Capitalist Cancer.

      Night after night, news broadcast after broadcast, that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media pour out about the death and destruction, by Assad and the Russian military machine. Somehow they manage to remain silent about the dictator Erdogan with his Western kitted out war machine, creating death and destruction around Afrin. It seems that to the babbling brook of bullshit, death and destruction in one part of the Middle East is acceptable, while death and destruction in another part is not. It is not that the West cares about the human misery, suffering and trauma, it is more a matter of how it fits into their power structures.
      What the people of Rojava and Afrin have been doing is building an alternative to the dominant capitalist structure, and that is unacceptable to the capitalist imperial powers, so they will sit back and let Erdogan satiate his bloodlust and build another slice to his empire. They may sort him out later, once he has done their dirty work, or they may just reward him by letting him keep his new plundered territory. 
        This death and destruction in Afrin and on to Rojava, will continue unless the people across the world stand up, come together and show their anger and determination to call a halt to this attempt to crush the will of the people, and stop this imperialist power grab.   

          Kurdish red crescent (Heyva Sor) Co-chair Jamila Hame in Afrin: ” Yesterday one of our teams were nearly killed. They tried to evacuate 5 killed civilians from the village Marate/ Afrin district. While arriving a Turkish warplane started to bomb that area 2 times. The crew left the car and hides in the surrounding till they finished the attack. We can’t work proper. If observation drones & warplanes flying we can’t move without also getting targeted. It’s really difficult and the whole world stays silent. Why?”
      Jamila Hame continues: “We provide first aid, help to distribute food, blankets, water, Milk for the children, there is a lack of medications. We are non-stop with the people. We send so much pictures of the warcrimes & brutality the people of Afrin are facing. But there is just silence. Why?”
      Enough is Enough supports the work of Heyva Sor. We printed solidarity t-shirts and all profits will go to Heyva Sor. More information:
Or go directly to our shop:
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Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Imperialism Is Imperialism,Is Imperialism.

         The Turkish state under the grip of dictator Erdogan is doing what all dictators and  imperialists do, attempting to build his strength at home by conjuring up the "enemy" across the border. He also, like all his breed, craves expansion of his power and territory, and blood will flow to fulfill his messianic dream. He is just another slither of the capitalist imperialist cancer that is soaking our planet in the blood of ordinary people.
        Two extracts from articles at opposite ends of the political spectrum, Insurrection News and The Washington Post. Both are a call for solidarity.
          First from Insurrection News:
            The Erdoganist army and its barbarian allies (namely the Turkish backed Free Syrian Army /TFSA & the so-called Syrian National Army /SNA) invaded 4 outer villages and 4 defensive points in the Afrin region. They are moving really very slow. They have air power and more superior weapons than us but our defense line fuck Erdoganists and their Syrian terrorists’ moral. Erdogan’s fighter jets are bombing blank points. His special operations units are fearful of moving into the Afrin city center. Our last stand defense line can survive at least 4 months. Yes unfortunately, without international support, Erdoganists can invade Afrin. But it will be a great chaos for them. Erdoganist army will be sad!
        Comrades, we need your help more than everything. Its a life or death situation. This invasion isnt only about Afrin nor Rojava/Assyria/N. Syria but Erdogan wants to invade also the whole border territory, including Iraq’s Ezidistan (Zoroaster Kurdish lands /Sinjar), Ninewah (Iraqi Assyria), Turkmeneli (Iraqi Shia Turkomans) and Iraqi Kurdistan’s Qandil mountains area (PKK’s HQ and dissidents and opressed people’s refugee villages and camps). Its clearly IMPERIALISM and he wants to destroy everything and massacre every people he just hate.
          Another important thing is Turkish and Bakur (Turkish Kurdistan) Kurdish comrades situation. Before the invasion, Erdogan first invaded Turkish Kurdistan and Eastern Turkey to eliminate PKK and her Turkish Marxists allies. Not only guerrillas but also autonomous municipalities were invaded. Erdogan and his fake opposition (Kemalists and Nationalists) are all fascists, they even arrested members of parliament from HDP (pro-Kurdish and Turkish Marxist alliance, 3rd biggest party in parliament). Our comrades in Turkey and Turkish Kurdistan are in HELL.
Read the full article HERE:
                This from a source that I don't often quote, as I see them as part of that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, but sometimes we can glean some information from their usual biased propaganda.
        From The Washington Post:  (April 28th. 2017) 

          On Tuesday, Turkey bombed the headquarters of Kurdish fighters in northern Syria, killing 20 of our soldiers. Immediately after the strike, the leaders of our forces — known as the People’s Protection Groups, or YPG — rushed from their operations center near Raqqa, where they’ve been working with the U.S. military to push the Islamic State out of its Syrian stronghold, to view the site of the attack. The American colonel and other officers who accompanied the YPG leaders were met by tens of thousands of protesters, including the mothers of soldiers who have died fighting the Islamic State. They asked the Americans a simple question: “How is it possible that our soldiers are fighting with you against ISIS while your ally Turkey is attacking us here?”
         This is not the first time that Turkey has attacked us. Turkish planes and artillery have been bombing northern Syria for more than a year, and Turkish forces invaded the country last year. In each case, the Turks have acted under false pretenses. They claim to have invaded Syria to fight terrorism, and yet the groups they support on the ground (Ahrar Al Sham and Nour Eddin Al Zanki) share the same jihadist ideology that the United States has been fighting since 9/11.
         The Turks said they bombed our headquarters because they claimed our territory is being used to launch attacks against Turkey, but those accusations are unfounded. Let me be as clear as can be: We have never used northern Syria to launch any attack against Turkey. If Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan doesn’t trust us when we say this, fine. But why can’t he trust the U.S. personnel in our area who assure him of the same?
        Erdogan justifies these illegal attacks with the same baseless claim: that the YPG is the same as the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which is currently fighting the government inside Turkey. This claim is based on the fact that we share a founder and many intellectual values with the PKK — but this is equally true of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), a legal political party in Turkey with 58 members in the Turkish parliament. They are no more PKK than we are, and any attempt to equate us with the PKK is disingenuous.
       Erdogan knows this. He knows that our political and military leadership is completely separate from that of the PKK. He knows that any attempt to combine YPG with PKK would run contrary to our core value of decentralization of power. He knows we are not using northern Syria to launch attacks on Turkey. He knows all this. He just doesn’t care. Erdogan is trying to force the United States to choose between us and Turkey. We don’t think such a choice is necessary, but it is worth considering what that choice entails. We, the Democratic Council of Syria, are an alliance of progressive, democratic parties that govern the Northern Syria Federation. Though we are besieged from all sides (by the Islamic State, the Assad regime and Erdogan’s Turkey), our region is more stable than any other part of the country. So much so, in fact, that in addition to our population of 3 million, we have taken in an additional 500,000 refugees (Christians, Sunnis, Shiites, Armenians and Yazidis) from across Syria
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday, 20 January 2017

Obama, No Prince Of Peace, No Pope Of Hope.

       It is fascinating, but sad, how our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media shapes perceptions, how by selective reporting and exaggeration, and selective ignoring, they can create an alternative vision to the reality we live under. Now as Trump moves into the White House and Obama moves through the exit, there is a wave of sadness at losing a liberal rational president of peace. However, President Obama was no white dove, no prince of peace, his legacy is one of escalating state assassinations across the globe. Mr Obama was a president who was at war longer than any other American president in history. He authorised approximately ten times more drone strikes than George W. Bush.
       The independent, nonprofit Bureau of Investigative Journalism puts the total number of people killed at roughly the same number, 2,753, but its estimate of how many of them were civilians six times higher than the Obama administration’s estimate. Even more chilling from a constitutional perspective is that the Obama administration has — with little to no complaint from the American people or the other two branches of government — deliberately targeted and killed US citizens in drone strikes, without those individuals ever having been given their constitutional right to due process of law.
        Obama played the populist card when he withdrew vast number of troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, but fanned out the area in which he used the more surreptitious air-strikes. He took is silent assassinating drone strikes and expanded them outside the “war zone”, of Iraq and Afghanistan, to countries America had no war with, such as Pakistan and Yemen. Recent figures show that Obama had dramatically upped the number of bombings for the year 2016 to more than a staggering 26,000. Of course we are told by that babbling brook of bullshit, that these were all in the name of peace, and for the well-being of the people of those countries. It is estimated that the “coalition” who are involved in the Middle East have during 2016, drop almost 31,000 bombs, all in the name of peace and the well-being of the people, of course, of which the Obama contingent were responsible for 79%. The number of bombs is likely to be an under estimate as a strike can be multiple bombs. Apart from the horror, bloodshed, death and destruction from such numbers, look at each bomb as costing approximately, around £500,000, add that up, and think how else could that money have been spent bring peace, and helping the well-being of the people. 

       It is reported that “Incoming US President Donald Trump has said he will wage war on Isis, vowing to "bomb the s*** out of 'em". My heart goes out to those poor unfortunate people who happen to inhabit that area where ISIS is active. You can imagine what such a remark would do for the arms industry, yes, you are right, their shares have rocketed. In this society war is a very lucrative business, it is touted as creating jobs, but more important, creating even more wealth for the obscenely wealthy. So Obama will be applauded by the establishment for doing a great job.
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Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Making A Quick Exit.

       So David Cameron makes a hasty retreat out the door of the commons shortly after saying he would stay and contribute as a back bencher. We are used to politicians saying one thing, and then doing another, but such an about face, after such a public statement to the contrary, does make you think.
         Could he be taking to his heels just ahead of the an MP’s report which openly lays the blame for the Libyan disaster at his feet. His quick exit out the door was just one day before an MP’s select committee produced its findings on Libya. A damning report which states that Cameron’s 2011 military adventure as, “lacking both “accurate intelligence” and a coherent strategy for the aftermath of removing the dictator.” It lays the blame of the bloody collapse of Libya, the following refugee crisis, the rise of ISIS, squarely on “David Cameron’s blunders when he intervened to overthrow Colonel Gaddafi.”
They go on to say, “They saw “no evidence that the UK Government carried out a proper analysis of the nature of the rebellion in Libya”. and, “There was no “defined strategic objective” – which meant a limited intervention to protect civilians “drifted into a policy of regime change by military means”
       Does this not make him guilty of crimes against humanity, a war criminal? Will he now follow that other recent British war criminal Blair, and trot off on a very lucrative career spouting his verbal crap for fat fees.
       I don’t give David Cameron any credit for being different, he is just like the rest of that cabal of two-faced careerists that frequent that edifice to British imperialism, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption. We should know by now that they are all self-serving members of that cosy and profitable little club. However, it is a powerful and dangerous little club, and the sooner we abolish it the better for all of us.
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Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Kobane Liberated, One Year Ago Today.

        On this day, January, 26th., 2015, the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane was liberated by its defence forces, after having been under attack from ISIS for 134 days.
This by ROAR Collective
       During its four and a half months of resistance against the jihadist juggernaut of the so-called Islamic State, the small town of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border gained international fame as a bulwark of freedom, equality and democracy. The seemingly hopeless fight of the poorly equipped defenders of the city made up primarily of the local Peoples’ and Women’s Defense Forces (YPG and YPJ) became a contemporary saga of the universal struggle of good versus evil.
      What made the battle for Kobane unique was not only the refusal of its people to hand over their home town to the jihadists and their determination to continue the resistance against all odds. What truly triggered the collective imagination of observers of this heroic battle were the revolutionary ideas the town’s defenders were fighting for. As protectors of the birthplace of the Rojava revolution, what motivated the resistance fighters to continue their struggle were the revolution’s core values based upon the ideals of gender equality, direct democracy and ecological sustainability.
        The successful liberation of Kobane one year ago not only proved to the world that the Islamic State could be beaten, it also confirmed that a different world is possible, free of hierarchy and oppression, capitalist exploitation and imperialist aspirations. The battle for Kobane and the Rojava revolution have triggered hopes that the same region that was home to the birth of civilization thousands of years ago, could now once again provide the fertile soil for the creation of a new society.
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Thursday, 10 December 2015

ISIS, Turkey, Israel And Blood Stained Oil.

       So America can bomb and smash the Iraqi regime and bring it crashing down, it can step in with NATO and bring down the Libyan regime, but it can't stop the march of ISIS, strange. More than 15 months of bombing, over 8,000 bombing operations, and the oil still keeps on flowing through ISIS to fund their operations. The slaughter and the posturing politics of the imperialist states goes on, with nobody really sure what the hell is going on. The only thing we can be sure of, is that hundreds of thousands of ordinary people are being killed, maimed and traumatised. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing their homeland and and barely surviving in fields and inadequate camps, far from home. A humanitarian crisis across the Middle East and a humanitarian crisis unfolding here in Europe continues to be playing out before our eyes and all because of imperialist foreign policies. Money changes hands, bankers and brokers get rich, governments gobble up the blood stained oil, and the people suffer. This is the playing field of world capitalism.

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Friday, 9 October 2015

Silly, But Dangerous America.

         I found this article full of honest to goodness truth, not that I favour the Russian imperialism over the Western imperialism, they both stink and are responsible for brutality on a massive scale. I have always said that the Americans were not interested in destroying ISIS, at least not until it had bled the Assad regime to death, then they might step in and blow it to pieces. A cold calculating brutal policy, as the whole of Syria and the surround area would be utterly destroyed and hundreds of thousands of innocent people would be dead. But in American eyes, well worth it to see a regime they don't like being brought down. Of course as stated in Club Orlov, the arms corporations make lots of money from such callous, brutal endeavours, They are the real force behind Western policies.
       But it was Putin's speech that laid out the Empire's silliness for all to see when he scolded the US for making a bloody mess of the Middle East with its ham-handed interventions. The oft-repeated quote is “Do you understand what you have done?” but that's not quite right. The Russian «Вы хоть понимаете теперь, чего вы натворили?» can be more accurately translated as “How can you even now fail to understand what a mess you have made?” Words matter: this is not how one talks to a superpower before an assembly of the world's leaders; this is how one scolds a stupid and wayward child. In the eyes of the whole world, this made the Empire look rather silly.      What happened next is that Russia announced the start of its bombing campaign against all manner of terrorists in Syria (and perhaps Iraq too; the Iraqi request is in Putin's in-box). What's notable about this bombing campaign is that it is entirely legal. The legitimate, elected government of Syria asked Russia for help; the campaign was approved by the Russian legislature. On the other hand, the bombing campaign that the US has been conducting in Syria is entirely illegal. There are exactly two ways to legally bomb the territory of another country: 1. an invitation from that country's government and 2. a UN Security Council resolution. The US has not obtained either of them.
Well worth reading the full article HERE:
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Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Syrian Kurdistan.

        Donnacha DeLong, Circled A Radio, returns this week with a show about what's happening in Syrian Kurdistan, with an activist who has seen first hand the new society Kurds are trying to build in the midst of conflict. Features Tottenham's own Zaher Baher talking about what's going on in Rojava in Syria and why they need our solidarity. 

From Libcom By Zaher Baher, from Haringey Solidarity Group and Kurdistan Anarchists Forum

Also a talk on the subject from last year's Anarchist Bookfair.
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Saturday, 5 September 2015

Rojava, What Is Going On.

       It is extremely difficult to know what exactly is going on in Rojava, we can't rely on that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, they will spew out what ever misinformation bolsters the ideology of their corporate masters, with a complete disregard for truth, people, society or humanity. There has been lots of verbal support from "left" thinking people in the West, but where do we gather the pearls of reliable data on which to base our opinions?
        The following is an extract from one stating to be an anarchist eyewitness on the ground in Rojava.

-------Yet, in positions of power, there are many revolutionary people with a strong anti-state philosophy. [7] So there is an opportunity here. We have a unique space where we can organise, carve out our own projects and implement our ideas. We are at an advantage in this space with access to a lot of resources (think oil fields and country of three million people) rather than your little commune or squat.
        Maybe that’s cool for you and you like the lifestyle but don’t call yourself a revolutionary. I’m disappointed that there’s less than a dozen libertarian type revolutionaries here. They are desperate for solutions here and if we don’t give them, they will go to the corporations rather than allowing their people to starve.
      ISIS became strong when they announced to the world their project for a revolutionary caliphate. Revolutionary Muslims came from all over the world with the strength of their conviction and made ISIS powerful. If Rojava fails it will be because of the lack of international solidarity and I will personally disown the anarchist movement as a joke movement incapable of practical change. Now the revolution has happened but people don’t seem to want to know about it. Cool.
        Here are some excuses I’ve heard from friends I’ve invited:
“I have to look after my dog.”
“I can do more from here advocating and protesting.”
“I don’t know if Rojava is real” (i.e. I will stay comfy in a capitalist state rather than risk a revolution).
“I have important work here” (maybe your work is more useful in Rojava).

        History is made by people that leap into unknowns. If you are satisfied with the status quo, stay where you are. But this revolution is the biggest libertarian project of this century. This is a chance to be a better person that swum against the tide. The more of us that do this, the stronger we become. And we don’t even need to be that great in number.
The time of theory is over. Now is the time of action.
from Rojava Reality

Additional Notes
2. This claim is backed up by Abdullah Ocalan’s brother, Osman, who says that the PKK still has a Stalinist ideology of ‘one party, one leader’ and that the PKK “orchestrates 90% of what is happening in Syrian Kurdistan.” The Rojava regime, apparently, has even tried to ban the display of pictures of politicians other than those from the PKK such as Abdullah Ocalan. They have also banned overly critical journalists.
3. Workers’ “uncooperative” attitude is hardly surprising considering that selling your labour to a cooperative in a market economy gives you no real control of your life anyway.--------

Read the full article HERE: 
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Monday, 24 August 2015

Turkey's Insurrection.

        Syria, Turkey, Rojava, Iraq, ISIS, plus the American imperialist meat-grinder, all seems like a broth-pot of confusion, we can't rely on our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media to help us out of the fog of confusion, they only spew out illusion, division and sedatives. However I am sure of one thing, it is indeed the end of the world as we know it, but not so sure I feel fine, at least not on the climate front. The corporate greed machine seems intent on planet destruction for a fast buck.

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Sunday, 26 July 2015


 An Appeal:
This is why we stand with Kobane

Please watch/share this video and donate if possible to the below Firefund to help restore the heroic city of Kobanê. Those recently massacred by TURK-ISIS in Suruç were on their way to assist the city, and this is a great way to honor their sacrifice. I know and can vouch for those working on the project, and it was developed by the official Kobanê Reconstruction Board.

[Link to Give] -->

* I was also personal witness to the battle of Kobanê last year, and I learned more about humanity by watching the Kurds defiantly resist and repel ISIS there, than all of my years up to that point.

This is why we stand with Kobane Please watch/share this video and donate if possible to the below Firefund to help restore the heroic city of Kobanê. Those recently massacred by TURK-ISIS in Suruç were on their way to assist the city, and this is a great way to honor their sacrifice. I know and can vouch for those working on the project, and it was developed by the official Kobanê Reconstruction Board.[Link to Give] -->* I was also personal witness to the battle of Kobanê last year, and I learned more about humanity by watching the Kurds defiantly resist and repel ISIS there, than all of my years up to that point.
Posted by International Brigades of Rojava on Thursday, 23 July 2015

Thursday, 19 February 2015

From The Ashes Of Disaster---!!

Kobani after the city was liberated from ISIS.
     Is this what freedom looks like? If so it should not deter us, we should remember we surfaced every road, laid every railway line, built every house, and we done it for others, we can do it for ourselves.
     "We have always lived in slums and holes in the wall. We will know how to accommodate ourselves for a time. For, you must not forget, we can also build. It is we the workers who built these palaces and cities here in Spain and in America and everywhere. We, the workers, can build others to take their place. And better ones! We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute."
       Kobani, the city, may be in ruins, but the people of Kobani are anything but, they are vibrant, and optimistic, like Durruti said, "they carry a new world in their hearts".
This from Anarchist News:
      While the liberation of Kobani came as a long-awaited relief and was proudly celebrated by the citizens of Kobani, it was a bittersweet victory. More than 80 percent of the city has been destroyed entirely, reduced to little but a heap of rubble. Throughout the battle, YPG based its operations from the west where there was little fighting, except for ISIS’s mortar shells and the real danger of sniper fire.
      As a result, the urban center has shifted west — the only part of the city where life still exists. Guerrillas, taking a break from the front-line in the villages surrounding Kobani, stroll through the streets calmly with Kalashnikovs in hand, soaking up freedom. Men and women linger at street corners, chatting about the latest YPG victory in the villages.
     A school now functions, with eager children hoping to forget the pains of the conflict. In itself, the school amounts to little more than a concrete foundation of a house on the western outskirts of the city. However, when you descend into the basement — chosen for its obvious protection from ISIS shells — there is a bustling environment of alternative education.
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday, 7 February 2015

An Experiment In Living.

     Our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is always eager to go into the brutal and gory details of ISIS's actions, and how the US lead bombing raids are all that is happening in that region. However in the region of Rojava, there is something else happening, something that our Western masters are not keen on you hearing about. an area struggling to create a new type of society, free from the shackles of the state and free from an institutional police force and prisons. This is an area of approximately 4.6 million people and they are radically changing the nature of society, a massive experiment in living, and our babbling brook of bullshit, can't bring themselves to tell us about it, the blood curling details of war, as far as they are concerned, makes better news. Under no circumstance would they inform us that there is a region where the people are trying to take control of their own lives, it might catch on.
      In the cantons of Rojava, there is a small central government with an absolute minimum of 40% female delegates, but most of the day-to-day work of running society happens at a local level, street by street and village by village. Democratic Confederalism's chief architect, Abdullah Ocalan, says that “Ecology and feminism are central pillars” of the system he has spearheaded, something that you would have to go very far to the margins to hear from Western politicians. In Rojava, men who beat their wives face total ostracism from the community, making their lives in a highly social, connected society virtually impossible. Instead of a police force and jails, 'peace committees' in each municipality work to defuse the cycles of inter-family revenge killings by consensual agreements between both sides – and it works.
Read the full article HERE:
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Saturday, 17 January 2015

ISIS, A Long Running Story.

       For those interested in ISIS and what is going on in the Middle East, you could do no better than read Alistair Crooke's historical analysis of the roots of ISIS. The following is a short extract:
Today, ISIS' undermining of the legitimacy of the King's legitimacy is not seen to be problematic, but rather a return to the true origins of the Saudi-Wahhab project.
In the collaborative management of the region by the Saudis and the West in pursuit of the many western projects (countering socialism, Ba'athism, Nasserism, Soviet and Iranian influence), western politicians have highlighted their chosen reading of Saudi Arabia (wealth, modernization and influence), but they chose to ignore the Wahhabist impulse.
After all, the more radical Islamist movements were perceived by Western intelligence services as being more effective in toppling the USSR in Afghanistan -- and in combatting out-of-favor Middle Eastern leaders and states.
Why should we be surprised then, that from Prince Bandar's Saudi-Western mandate to manage the insurgency in Syria against President Assad should have emerged a neo-Ikhwan type of violent, fear-inducing vanguard movement: ISIS? And why should we be surprised -- knowing a little about Wahhabism -- that "moderate" insurgents in Syria would become rarer than a mythical unicorn? Why should we have imagined that radical Wahhabism would create moderates? Or why could we imagine that a doctrine of "One leader, One authority, One mosque: submit to it, or be killed" could ever ultimately lead to moderation or tolerance?
Read the full article HERE:
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Gods And Guns.

     Arming the people to go out and kill for god, no I'm not talking about ISIS or any other Islamic fundamentalists, I'm talking about those white Christian fundamentalists, fighting for capitalist America. Talk about double standards, are we really in a lake of blood because a bunch of opposing religious nutters want to kill all opposing gods and their followers? We have enough on our hands fighting the injustice of capitalism, religion, any religion, just makes that task so much more difficult, When can we send this airy-fairy, insanity of a belief in a man in the sky, to the dustbin of history. Another name for religion would be state sponsored insanity, with the aim of keeping the people in-line and confused.  There are a multitude of infallible gods to pick from, there are so many Gods, that you will soon be able to get them in Poundland, just pick the one that suits your devious purpose.

This From Daily Kos:
"That the impious presumption of legislators and rulers, civil as well as ecclesiastical, who, being themselves but fallible and uninspired men have assumed dominion over the faith of others, setting up their own opinions and modes of thinking as the only true and infallible, and as such endeavouring to impose them on others, hath established and maintained false religions over the greatest part of the world and through all time."
(2nd paragraph, Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom, composed by Thomas Jefferson in 1777, enacted into Virginia law on January 16, 1786)
Excuse me? “GOD and country?” Ahem, well, just WHOSE “god” might that be, U.S. Army?

Let me fairly go out on a limb here and gamble that it is neither the god of Islam nor the god(s) of Hinduism? No way it’s Buddhist, Sikh, Shinto, Native American Spiritualist or The Flying Spaghetti Monster. I believe it’s a very safe bet to presume that the Army is pretending to refer to the “Judeo-Christian” god, and by THAT worn out and duplicitously deceptive label, of course, I really mean what the Army REALLY means; only the “Christian” god, Jesus. Unfortunately, as the experts will tell you, there are literally multiple tens of thousands of distinctly separate denominations of Christianity in existence. So, once again, the question is begged as to exactly WHICH “God” the U.S. Army Special Forces are boldly, publicly and eagerly recruiting for?
Read the full article HERE:
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Monday, 3 November 2014

Having The Shit Kick Out Of Us.

      George Osborne at the recent Tory party conference announced that if the Tories get in at the next election he would introduce £25 billions worth of new cuts, which would include one of the biggest squeezes of welfare in recent times, at the same time promising his rich friends tax cuts to help pour more cash into their already overflowing coffers. He also announced a two year freeze on working-age benefits. This is another way of saying two year of cuts to working-age benefits, as no doubt inflation will not stay frozen at the same time.
 How the West introduces democracy abroad.
      This arrogant pompous millionaire parasite, also said the the British people could no longer afford to live in a country which spent £100 billion on welfare payments to people of working age. Perhaps he could start by getting his rich billionaire corporate friends to start paying wages that would stop those working, from having to claim benefits just to survive. Of course we are a country that can afford to spend more than £250 million on bombing Libya back to the stone age, and re-entering the Iraq war at an unknown cost, as it forecast to last for years, but missiles being fired are in the region of £250,000 and £750,000 each, and tornadoes flying at a cost of more than £40,000 an hour. However, all we ever get from this bunch of pampered Oxbridge millionaire parasites, is about how the poor and the vulnerable are a heap of scroungers and are costing us too much. 
The West's version of a ballot box in the Middle East.
     We are being severely  beaten in a brutal class war, and the sooner we realise this, the sooner we can begin to address this as united group, aware of our class connections, and take on the pampered parasite class, that at the moment, is kicking the shit out of us.
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