Showing posts with label Submedia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Submedia. Show all posts

Sunday 29 November 2020


     The latest offering from SubMedia "System Fail", No.5 is as usual informative and interesting.

The following from SubMedia:

       We're pleased to bring you System Fail 5, where we look at the aftermath of the US Presidential elections including the so-called "Million MAGA March" held in DC on November 14th. We also pick the brain of anarchist strategist and author of The Masters Tools: Warfare & Insurgent Possibility, Tom Nomad

Watch the episode here:

         We're also very excited to announce the launch of our new Circle-A podcast, hosted by JR. This will give us a chance to delve deeper into the interviews featured on System Fail, and will also give us a chance to dust off some of the best interviews from our Trouble series.
         We're still relatively new to the world of podcasts, but for now you can find us on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. If you like what you hear, please consider leaving us a five star rating and recommending us to your friends.
       We've produced two episodes so far, both of which are available on our website at:

Episode one: What is 1492 Landback Lane (w Skyler Williams)
Episode two: Destroying the Prison Industrial Complex (w El Jones)

This episode features scenes of graphic violence, including shots from Charlottesville

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Sunday 4 October 2020

System Fail.

      The third episode of "System Fail" has just been released, it takes you through the Portland riots, to the people's response to the Belarusian cesspool of corruption and tyranny presided over by President Alexander Lukashenko 

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Sunday 2 August 2020

Changed Patterns.

        The covid19 pandemic has certainly altered the way we live or day to day lives, sadly the remodeling of our daily patterns has not been done by us the public. This remodeling of the patterns for living has been totally orgainsed by the state, which never bodes well for our individual freedoms. Another factor in the way our lives have been patterned has been the link to the life blood of this economic system, the economy, so this has been a major aspect of how the state handles this pandemic. It is never a case of health and welfare of the people above all else. Our lives have had to be juggled with the saving of the economy. The wealth of the pampered and powerful few holds sway over the lives of the public. So "opening up" the economy will be pushed, even knowing that it could, and probably will, cause an increase in public deaths. They would rather have that, than a decrease in corporate profits.

This is the 2nd episode of Sub-Media's "system Fail":

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Sunday 28 June 2020

System Fail 1.

        Submedia has just released its first episode of their new format "System Fail"  and it covers the first part of the present uprising against police brutality in America.
The following from Submedia:

          (Note: The video has already been blocked in the US on YouTube... we'll work on getting this addressed.)
        The pilot episode of subMedia's brand new show, System Fail, looks at the incendiary riots that have swept across the United States in the wake of the murder of George Floyd, and the state's desperate attempts to bring things back under control.
Featuring an interview with Oluchi Omeoga, co-founder and core organizer of the Black Visions Collective and Reclaim the Block.
          Thanks to everyone who has kicked some cash our way during this economic crisis.  If you're in a position to do so and want to support our work, please consider making a one-time donation or signing up to be a monthly sustainer at

All for now,
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Friday 22 May 2020

Failed System.

        I always find SubMedia, informative and interesting, I'm looking forward to their new series which starts in June, below is the trailer to get you interested.
      The crew at subMedia have been hard at work for the past few weeks on our new show concept, which will be dropping early next month.  Until then, check out our first teaser trailer.
System Fail:
      It’s a time of pandemic and universal anxiety. The economy is in free fall. The geopolitical order is in flux. And as the old world burns, a 5G-fuelled cybernetic dystopia waits in the wings.
        Buckle up, comrades… this is going to be a bumpy ride.

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Monday 4 May 2020

Now What?

    May Day 2020 passed, the celebrations are over, what now? Do we plan for next May Day 2021, and more celebrations, or do move on that spirit of May Day solidarity, and change tomorrow to our desires, to our better world for all. Or do we just knuckle down and get back to the normal of the parasite class that has, is, and will continue to, screw us and destroy the planet, our only life support system? There never has been a greater opportunity for a world wide drive to take control of our lives and change society to one that caters for all our needs excluding nobody. World wide we are all aware of and involved in the pandemic and how it showed up the glaring weaknesses in this corrupt system of inequality, what are we going to do about it. If we let this opportunity pass, what then? It can also be an opportunity for the parasite class to tighten its grip on our lives, to march forward on its plundering and destructive path, it is up to us. As far as the planet is concerned we don't have a lot of time to stop the terminal rot, the destruction of the system that is destroying our planet is the only real answer to our problems.
The following from SubMedia:
       This May Day finds us at an important historic crossroads. Amidst a global pandemic, this year the streets will be eerily silent as people forgo the marches, rallies and riots that are the annual rituals of international workers day. But while the streets may be calm, the class war rages on. Wildcat strikes are popping off among 'essential workers' who two months ago were seen as some of the lowest, most precarious participants of the gig economy. Prison uprisings are breaking out around the world at an unprecedented rate. And millions of tenants are withholding their rent in what could become the first global rent strike in history. These are interesting times. Stay safe. Get organized. Fight hard. Happy May Day.

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Monday 27 April 2020


        Like the article says, "these are dark days", also very confusing, because none of us have lived through such a situation before in our life time. Also, information can be conflicting, loaded in this direction or that direction. Forces with wealth in mind pushing for "get the economy growing again" and those with concern for people's lives, "human life and wellbeing is paramount". It would be easy to cover your ears and just ride this one out, but for sure that would lead you back to the callous failed and exploitative system that brought us to this situation.  Now more than ever we have to focus on what we had, its poverty, its greed driven market economy, its perpetual struggle for a half decent life for most of us, while the few piled up unimaginable wealth and its accompanying power and privileges. That can't be on our desire for normality, we have a golden opportunity as we come together to help each other, through this nightmare, to make that the foundation of our new normal. We are learning day by day that we can organise to see to our needs, simply by co-operation and mutual aid. We should not let that desire to be part of a caring community that doesn't seek profit, just the well being of each other to disappear, and give in to the forces of the market economy. We have felt the burden of that model for centuries and the weight never lifted off our shoulders, and still the few wallowed in opulence cradled in pomp and power. That can never be our normal again. 
The following from It's Going Down:

 From SubMedia,
         These are dark days. As the COVID-19 crisis turns our world upside-down, the social isolation and atomization of capitalism has given way to full-blown social distancing. At a time when we most need to come together, we’re told that human contact can kill us. Alarm bells are flashing everywhere as the dead pile up, the economy burns, and more and more people’s mental health deteriorates. This is the most severe and far-reaching global crisis that most of us who are alive today have ever experienced. Its a terrifying, alienated, and stressful time. It’s also no time to give up. No time to turn on Netflix, bury our heads in the sand, and wait for things to pass. Certainly not for anarchists, or anyone who calls themselves a revolutionary.
       These are dark days. As the COVID-19 crisis turns our world upside-down, the social isolation and atomization of capitalism has given way to full-blown social distancing. At a time when we most need to come together, we’re told that human contact can kill us. Alarm bells are flashing everywhere as the dead pile up, the economy burns, and more and more people’s mental health deteriorates. This is the most severe and far-reaching global crisis that most of us who are alive today have ever experienced. Its a terrifying, alienated, and stressful time. It’s also no time to give up. No time to turn on Netflix, bury our heads in the sand, and wait for things to pass. Certainly not for anarchists, or anyone who calls themselves a revolutionary.

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Thursday 14 November 2019

What Is Property?

        As we look around, it isn't hard to see that all that was common and open to all is fast disappearing and being gobbled up into that great  bucket of "Private Property". More and more of the planet and all that is on it, is being owned by fewer and fewer, and more and more we find that the vast majority of people have lost all that was common, Why? Quite simply, capitalism a system that is built on the principle of the few gathering more and more wealth and therefore property, at the expense of the many. We are fast reaching the stage where all the planet will belong to a few who control the corporate and financial juggernaut that is capitalism. In this system, property is power.

        All power structures are rooted in ideology. A shared belief in this ideology is what keeps the structures of power in place. Under capitalism, the edifice of social control is built on the collective illusion of private property, and the sanctity of the so-called ‘free market’. Any moves taken to challenge this logic will therefore provoke pushback from the system’s indoctrinated cheerleaders, and will certainly catch the attention of the repressive and recuperative functionaries of the state. But as the saying goes… you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few eggs. And you definitely can’t overthrow capitalism without messing with people’s stuff.

So…. what is property, anyway? And what do anarchists have against it?

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Monday 22 July 2019

What Is Violence.

       Violence should be avoided, but is self defence violence?  Is the state the greatest perpetrator of violence on the planet? Is self defence against the vast state institution of violence, violence or self defence? Violence comes in many shades, from physical, to psychological, suppression of desires is violence, stunting the potential of an individual by avoidable poverty is violence. How should we respond to these acts of violence?

Sub.Media: What is Violence?

        SubMedia offers up another video installment in their A is for Anarchy series. This episode takes on violence, what it means, how it plays out in struggles, daily life, and how it is utilized by the State and forces of domination.

       Our societies are heavily dependent on violence to function. While states will attempt to hold a monopoly on violence and constantly find new ways to legitimize their use of force, people struggling against domination can also use violence to confront the hierarchical systems oppressing them. While debates around violence and tactics seem to be revived every time someone decides to fight back, the necessity of physical attacks on power cannot be ignored. So, what is violence exactly, and how does it function in the world?
Music: Outspoken Beats & Blaze Audio
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Sunday 4 March 2018

Killer Cops And Gun Control!!

        When you consider that in the last ten years or so, the police in America have killed more Americans than all the mass shooters and terrorists put together, you have to ask yourself, if America considers gun control, where should it begin?
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Monday 29 January 2018

Learning To Resist.

         On this, the 50th anniversary of the global uprisings of 1968, subMedia pays homage to the insurgent youth who helped kick things off a half-century ago by taking a look at some contemporary student-led movements that are still tearing things up around the world. In this month’s episode of Trouble, the first of a two-part series on radical student movements, sub.Media talks to a number of current and former student organizers from so-called Puerto Rico, Quebec and Chile as they share their experiences from the high-points of past struggles and provide hard-fought lessons that can help prepare a new generation for the battles to come.
Originally published by Submedia:
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Friday 17 March 2017

Spaceship Earth Has No Escape Capsule.

         Two policies that will, in my opinion, eventually destroy the planet for human habitation, one is the illusion of perpetual growth, and the other is the continuous wars that are engineered to support that illusion. At the moment practically the whole of the Middle East is a hell-hole of bloodshed, destruction and unbelievable misery for millions of ordinary people, and this is just one strand of what has been continuous wars imperialism has foisted on the planet. These wars are to hold/gain or increase control over resources to feed that illusion of continuous growth, or they are to protect markets, create or capture new markets, or to prevent another force from gaining ground in that field. The driving force is capitalism's insatiable insane philosophy of "perpetual growth", a policy of rip the planet apart  to feed the greed of the corporate world. Where and when will it stop, will the corporate world one day say, well I think we have done enough damage, let's start to try to repair the mess we have created? If that's what you believe, you will be a spectator to humanity's destruction. The when and where is up to the ordinary people, the world belongs to all life that lives on, and depends on, the planet for survival, and if we don't stand up and fight for it now, our home will be lost forever. Just remember, spaceship Earth has no escape capsule.

Global Fuckin Warming from on Vimeo.

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Monday 6 February 2017

Who Are They?

          There is an ever increasing number of people who knowingly and deliberately break the rules, ignore the dictates of political party leaders, occupy buildings, turn up at protests, and who at times, according to the establishment, create "mayhem". They go under different banners, but have one aim in mind. The babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, condemns them, and writes a false history regarding them. It paints them as hooligans, bomb throwing thugs, assassins, and worse. Who are they?

The Rebel

Rebel rebel break the rule,
What does it matter that a “wise” man sees a fool.
Not for you the herd’s dull beat
Making tomorrow, yesterday’s repeat,
Living out the life of a clone
Marching with the crowd but always alone.
Shaping your life from some dusty tome
Playing it safe, staying at home.
Rebel rebel break the rule
Swim in the sea, never the pool.
Live your emotions, feel the surge
Follow your dreams, chase the urge.
Make life though short, an exciting game
Not a mad march for fortune or fame.
Capture the moment, live it now
Being alive your only vow.
Rebel rebel break the rule
In the end, you’re humanity’s jewel.
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Sunday 26 July 2015

Take Your Bottled Water And Get Out.

      We have on our side a vast army of brave, intelligent and compassionate people, we must surely win if we all come together. No group or groups should have to fight in isolation, solidarity is our weapon of success.

     Yesterday Chevron, the company behind the Pacific Trails fracking pipeline, attempted to enter our unceded territories. They have no consent from our chiefs and our hereditary governance system, who are standing strong in their stance against all pipelines. Next to the Wedzin Kwah river, which is pure enough to drink from, Chevron presented us with an offering of bottled water and industrial tobacco.
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Wednesday 24 June 2015

Capitalism The Executioner.

       A thousand times or more, you have walked from A to B, and waved your banner, you have shouted your slogans, you have listened to their speeches. Then you have gone home and waited for the next election, guess what, it has changed nothing. The capitalist beast is still in there exploiting, repressing, enslaving and plundering the earth's resources to the point of destruction, our planet is dyeing from a human greed inflicted wound. The rich and powerful, who don't give a shit about you or the planet, get richer and more powerful, the corporations and the financial Mafia have made puppets of national governments, you are fodder for their greed machine. So is the plan, to continue to march from A to B, continue to wave your banner, continue to shout the latest slogan, continue to listen to their speeches and then wait for the next election? They say that one sign of insanity is to keep doing the same thing but expecting a different result. Surely we are not all insane?
      We have to organise outside the system, we have to circumvent its rules, we have to try to live the alternative to their mantra of greed and perpetual growth. To abide by the rules of your executioner, is to accept certain death. Capitalism is the executioner of the planet. Our existence depends on the death of capitalism.

This Changes Fuck All from on Vimeo.

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Friday 13 March 2015

Anarchy In Rojava.

       The latest video from The Stimulator at Submedia, is on what is happening in Rojava, among other things, plus a wee plug for AK Press.

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Tuesday 4 November 2014

The End Of The World As We Know It, Do You Care?

         Another informative episode from The Stimulator, from tar sands resistance to mass protests against the disappearance of 43 students and teachers, from Iraq to Kobane.

Locomotive Time Bomb from the stimulator on Vimeo.

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Saturday 10 May 2014

Whose Streets?

         What can we learn from past protests? One of the largest and probably longest in the West, in recent years was probably Montreal 2012. For approximately six months the streets belonged to the protesters, though the true extent of this occupation never really got that much coverage from that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Here is the story of those six months.

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Monday 25 November 2013

Yes, It Is Class War.

     The on-going financial "crisis" in Europe has laid bare the illusion of democracy, the smoke and mirrors have been exposed, with policies being shoved down the throats of the people, it is obvious that Europe functions as a financial entity, run by banksters, in the interest of capital. This is a policy that will continue and will be defended by a further move to the right by the political class. As the resistance of the people stiffens, so the powers that be will shred what is left of that illusion of "representative democracy". To expect the financial and political class, through compassion, to surrender the massive gains they have made in wealth and power over the last few years, is rather naive. They are on a winning streak, and we the people, are taking a beating. They are organised, and brutal in the administering of their policies, and ruthless in the defence of their gains. If we the people wish to defend ourselves from further deprivation at the hands of this financial Mafia onslaught, we have to be better organised, more brutal, and attack with greater ruthlessness. No matter how you look at it, how you phrase it, what we are involved in, is a savage period in the long running class war. Justice and equality for the people will only come when we finally win that class war, by eliminating this system of profit, greed and exploitation.

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