Showing posts with label child poverty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label child poverty. Show all posts

Thursday 3 February 2022


     Day by day, drip feed by drip feed, we the ordinary people of this country learn the force of the kick in the teeth we are about to receive from this capitalist system. The latest detail is the rise in interest rates. It might not seem much, but could be enough to push those on the edge over into the poverty bin. Mortgages could increase, interest on you credit card, any future HP you might feel you need to take on, any loans you may find yourself forced into, will in all probability cost you more.
       Of course the big one is the increase in energy bills, that thing that no home can live without. The increase is going stratospheric. No matter the sticking plaster or paracetamol the government offers, it will not be any where near enough to eliminate a massive increase to your bills.
      Then there is inflation in general, sending food prices, among other day to day necessities, through the roof. Trying to put food on the table never mind trying to cook it, will an impossible task for thousands. Just to add a little bit more pain to that kick in the teeth, those working families who are at the moment just about managing, will now be hit with an increase in National Insurance, over and above those just mentioned.
This July 2021, before this latest attack on living standards of ordinary people.  

            Now, if that sort of unjustified pain doesn't make you angry, what will? This pain is being planned and administered by millionaires, who will probably be unaware of what their energy bills are and care even less. Some will take off to their luxury extra home somewhere in the warm sun, or take their yacht to the Mediterranean for a wee break. They will have no need what so ever to change their way of living, they live in a land of plenty. They don't feel that pain, they administer it, without a care in the world.
       So you are angry, who will you direct you anger at, the local council, mere pawns in the game, who are legally bound to do the dictate of the government. So the government, well they are just the managers of the system, they follow the instruction of the financial Mafia, that is where the power lies. That gang of mobster who go under different flags, but belong to that one clan, the corporate financial Mafia. The main gangs being the IMF sometimes called the International Monetary Fund, but in reality, the Internation Mankind Fuckers, the ECB, know as European Central Bank, real name Eternal Money Bastards, and the Davos Club, the place where the rich and powerful meet up to decide the best way to exploit the world's people and resources to create greater profit to be split among themselves. They all come together under the banner of corporate capitalism. Until we smash that organisation, we are at the mercy of the financial Mafia. 
      Take what you get or fight back. Organise your communities in conjunction with other communities, not to ask nor demand, please can we have some more, but to take control of you communities resources, in solidarity with all other communities. Every brick, every house, every boat ever built was built by your hands, every piece of equipment every item transported was made and transport by you, it all belongs to you. Take it and use it to service our own people and see to the needs of all our people, with no place for profit, CEO and shareholders bonuses. It's yours by the sweat and blood of you and you forbearers. Nothing is gained by self contained anger, show it, direct it, along with solidarity, it is your righteous weapon.
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Sunday 24 October 2021


         It always surprises me why we tolerate a world where millions die of poverty and starvation while others live in unearned opulence. I say unearned deliberately, because it is not hard work that makes you a millionaire/billionaire, it is your ability to exploit others for your own personal gain, and this is always possible under the present system of capitalism, that is the aim of the system, get rich at others expense.
         This figures paints a horrifying picture, 45% of all child deaths worldwide are from causes related to under-nutrition (World Health Organization, 2018).
That itself should shame the world into righteous anger and bring the existing system down, but it doesn't. Some other figures that should bring us onto the streets to vent are anger and disgust, all this taking place in a world where there is enough food to feed everyone, but profit dictates that this will not happen.

Harrowing details of the unfair, unequal, unjust system we tolerate.

       780 million people, 11 percent of the world's population, live in extreme poverty on less than $1.90 per day.
        At least 14 million children suffer from severe acute malnutrition around the world. Severe acute malnutrition is the direct cause of death for 2 million children every year.
       Every day, 1,000 children under 5 die from illnesses like diarrhea, dysentery, and cholera caused by contaminated water and inadequate sanitation.

Source 1: United Nations, Source 2 and 3: UNICEF

         In the year 2000 our esteemed world leaders agreed to eliminate extreme poverty by 2015, the above figures are proof that they failed miserably, either they are incapable of solving this scar on the face of humanity or they don't wish to, as it might upset the economic system of greed and profit, from which they do very well thank you.
       The answer to this crime against vast swaths of humanity is to destroy the corporate/state economic system of capitalism, it is designed for the few to gather abundance around them at the expense of the majority. There is no point in tinkering with the workings of the system, it was never intended to bring about equality or justice, and appealing to those who manage this cancer that blights humanity is pointless, they stand to lose too much of their power, wealth and privileges, and they will fight tooth and nail to maintain the status quo.
      I penned the following lines more than 20 years ago, they could be written tomorrow and still be a true picture of our world.

Eighteen Hungry Children

Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day
eighteen of tomorrow's people
cruelly thrown away.

When pandering to a fashion
gratifying our greed

think, theirs is no desire
but a basic need.

Envisage a familiar face
a child that calls your name,

try to be the parent
try to place the blame.

Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day,

eighteen little faces
that never learnt to play.

Walk past your local school
listen to the shrill

stand and count to sixty
imagine hunger start to kill.

Fingers must be pointed
at decisions made on high,

questions must be asked
loudly asked by you and I.
Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day,

eighteen preciuos lives
the claws of hunger slay.


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Tuesday 15 June 2021


          If ever there was an incident that showed up the gross inequality and crass stupidity of this economic system, "Blue Origin" must be up there for first prize. For sheer self indulgence at a preposterous cost, and utter waste of the world's resources, Jeff Bezos must claim the crown. His self indulgent trip which he opened to bidders for the few seats available drew bids from 159 countries with well over 7,000 pampered parasites bidding in the millions to get their fantasy fulfilled. Bidding started at $4.8 million, the winning bid was $28 million for a 10 minute journey, with approximately three minutes at zero gravity. Of course in this crazy world such an endeavour sets of a rush of copy cat acts, and that other pampered parasite Richard Branson wants to be in the scene with his billion $ enterprise Virgin Galatica, to set up a little competition to satisfy those idiotic pampered plundering parasites who have millions plundered from the ordinary people, which they wish to throw at living in the fantasy world of the idiots.

Photographer: Matthew Staver/Bloomberg

           While this little bunch of plundering parasites indulge themselves in their little fantasies, paid for by wealth stolen from those trapped and woven into their schemes of exploitation, millions die of hunger, millions are homeless, and millions don't have clean water to drink. Even in the so called developed countries, food banks grow, homelessness grows, child poverty grows, health services creak under strain, education systems flounder through lack of funding, social services get shaved. While this little group of pampered plundering parasites squander $28 million on their twisted minds ten minute flight of fancy. No doubt there will other ancillary costs of a few million, but what does that matter when you can milk the people for more when you need a little spare million or two.
          Truly a world of insanity managed by idiot fantasists, and we accept it, are we the insane?

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Sunday 14 February 2021

Failed System.

            The rich developed West, overflowing with wealth, a parasite class living in obscene opulence side by side with outrageous child poverty. The UK, 5th or 6th richest nation on the planet belongs to that unique club where child poverty is above 26%, we are in keeping with other countries that fail miserably to see to the health and welfare of the next generation. In that rich conglomerate of nation states belonging to the world's largest trading block, the EU, (I know that UK is no longer a member, but these figures were compiled shortly before we left.) there are 12 nation states where child poverty is above 26%, with Bulgaria and Romania champions of European child poverty, with Bulgaria at approximately 46% and Romania approximately 49%.
          This is modern capitalism at work, luxury yachts, grand mansions, tax havens, power and privileges for a small band of leeching parasites and struggle and poverty for the many with children bearing the blunt of this greed driven system of exploitation for profit.
         Large corporations dictate economic policy to the various governments and they put the stamp of legitimacy on them, then enforce the implementation on the population, all to the detriment of the people and the benefit of the corporate parasite class.
         Child poverty will remain with us as long as we tolerate this capitalist system where the holy grail is the economy, where the only reason for any form of production is for profit. Common sense tells us that it would by much better and fairer for all in society, if we built it round a state free public ownership and co-operatives, organised by the communities in co-operation with each other, and all free from the profit motive. However don't expect our prancing political ballerinas and their corporate paymasters to arrange that for you, that task will have to be up to us, to throw their rule book in the bin and take control and shape society to see to the needs of all our people, only then will we see child poverty turn into something your read about in the history books.
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Monday 11 January 2021

Two Faced Society.

        Wrote this little piece five years ago, I like to drag these past rants out just to see what has changed. However over my 86 years I have heard all these promises of pie in the sky spewing from the mouths of our political ballerinas, over and over again, "We will eradicate the scourge of child poverty", "We will end homelessness in X number of years", but nothing much changes. These two-faced careerists either have very short memories or are just barefaced liars. They know it has all been promised before and they know that these inhumane injustices are still with us today, and if we continue with the present system they will be with us tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.

My rant form 10 January 2016

        This winter may have been mild, but it is Scotland, and it is winter, cold and damp, not the sort of conditions anyone should find themselves homeless. While our parasitical politicians tell how well everything is doing, spouting, everything is on the up and up, some facts contradict that propaganda. The number of homeless people is rising, rising homelessness can never equate with an improving society. Glasgow City Mission, a charity that helps provide temporary shelter for homeless people, claims to have had a 60%+ increase in the number of rough-sleepers seeking a bed for the night. The charity claimed that, December 2015, saw 711 individuals came to them seeking a bed, compared with 437 December 2014. The quietest night this December saw 14 individuals seek a bed for the night, last December that figure was 4. While the busiest December night this year the figure was 31, compared with last December when there were 21.


        Not a very flattering picture of Glasgow, Scotland's largest city, and an indictment of the system we live under. Glasgow has an abundance of glossy, glitzy, shopping malls, lots of fancy expensive restaurants, car parks littered with luxury cars, yet hunger and homelessness stalks its streets. Under the neon lights a doorway can be a shelter from the cold and damp, a dark lane, a bed for the night. There is an invisible army of enforced hungry, lurking in the shadows of abundance. It is totally unacceptable that hunger's vicious claws tear at an individual a hands throw away from a warehouse of food. It is totally unacceptable that someone should lay their head on cold wet stone for a bed, when the city abounds in empty accommodation.

        This cruel injustice is the law of capitalism, no matter your needs, you will have to do without, if you can't pay. You can't be provided for if there is no profit in it for somebody. In this insane system, you can die from hypothermia and/or hunger, while shelter lies empty, and food rots next door. Why do we tolerate this?
         The figures may be different today but the injustice and inhumane callous cruelty persists, ah, that's capitalism for you. With the present pandemic creating a whirlwind of unemployment and austerity, we can expect the usual result from capitalism, more child poverty, and more homelessness to help to "balance the books".

The Homeless

Tenebrous spectres, they exist, out there,
on the crumbling edge of chaos.
A father, a son, a brother,
a daughter, a sister, a mother.
Fragments of some shattered family structure;
waste products
from a society being driven to destruction
by a hurricane of greed,
living a life that wears out life,
the devious death of exhaustion from existence.

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Friday 27 November 2020

UK Poverty.

        The following is a comment left on one of my posts by Loam, thanks comrade. It refers to a documentary made by John Pilger, a number of years ago, read it, and think what has changed in the years since, basically the poverty and deprivation is still there, it looms large like a huge scar on the face of our unequal and unjust society. Then try to contemplate what things will be like in the coming years, after listening to our Chancellor of the Exchequer, with his wage freeze for millions of ordinary people and his talk of "hard times" ahead. How can we let that happen when millions are living in "hard times" now and in the past, with 25% of our kids living below the poverty level, and any deepening of the "hard times" would certainly lead to more homelessness, destitution and death, stunted development for millions of our kids. Perhaps we should be asking those who predict and manage these "hard times", how it will affect them and their privileged families. Ask how many of their kids will go to school hungry, how many of their wives will consider taking to prostitution to feed their kids. Of course we should also ask, what gives them the right to plunge millions into poverty, to stunt the health and development of millions of kids while they maintain their pampered, privileged position of power and wealth. Do you know the answer to that question?
The Warmth of a Dream 
He lay in a dark doorway, dreamed of home,
night frost locked his joints
morning rain chilled the marrow of his bones.
In the dream there was a sister,
a pram in a garden, a crowd of youngsters
who called him "mister", a time of little pain.
Are these youngsters the same young men, who
now laugh at him, throw beer cans,
piss on him as he lies drunk in some dark lane?
When was that first step down this slippery slope,
when was that first step to no forgiveness.
No will to rise to beg for food,
numbness kills the pain.
The dream brings a warmth that feels good,
dark fog shades out consciousness,
an ambulance carries off a body washed in rain.

       “Tonight, more than two million parents will go to bed hungry in order to give their children something to eat… for the first time since the Great Depression, Britain – the so-called Welfare State – is deliberately cutting back the means of survival of its poorest, and their children.” Children growing up in poverty is the subject of Smashing Kids, 1975. John Pilger meets the Hopwoods, of Liverpool, where hunger has become a way of life during father Harry’s unemployment as his family of five survive on £1 a day. The wallpaper in their council house is torn and there are no clothes in the couple’s wardrobe and no sheets on their bed. The family have never had a holiday and Harry tells Pilger: “It would be easier to serve time than to put up with this.” Frank Field, director of the Child Poverty Action Group and later a Labour MP, says benefits from the unemployed are falling in real terms and many families struggle to feed their children. The Brunsdens, of Hackney, east London, are one of these and have just been served with notice to quit their council house for not paying rent. Mother Irene shockingly tells Pilger that she would have to resort to prostitution “if my baby really, really needed something to eat and I didn’t have a penny”. Another mother says she does not mark her younger children’s birthdays because “they’re too young to know anyway”. Pilger points out that the current Labour government’s planned increases in social benefits will be wiped out by inflation, “imposing a direct threat to the survival of the growing number of the poor”. Smashing Kids, 1975 (Pilger, ATV), ITV, 14 August 1975 Producer-director: John Ingram (26 mins)

Smashing Kids from John Pilger on Vimeo. 

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Tuesday 23 June 2020

Fueling Hatred.

       What makes you hate a system? I suppose we all come at it in our own way. I took to anarchism at the age of 17 as a apprentice in the shipyards, these views were reinforced after I left the yards and became a door to door salesman. Below I will relate very briefly some of the experiences that hardened that hatred of the system and done much to strengthen my love of anarchism. They are not in any chronological order, just as they come to mind. Nor are they limited to Glasgow, these scenes were repeated in other districts where I knocked on doors for a living, Coatbridge, Airdrie, Port Glasgow, Greenock, and so the dreadful scenes kept repeating themselves.

      1. Entering the "single end", I found myself in a square room with no furniture except for a wooden kitchen chair, where the woman sat tearing up waxcloth to throw on the fire to try and heat the place. I then became aware of a bundle of coats lying on the floor in the corner and noticed to little heads sleeping huddled beneath the coats.
     2. As I entered the house a voice said, "watch your feet" and I noticed that there were hardly any floorboards in the hallway, and a young boy was in the kitchen chopping them up to burn to keep warm. In the living room with a couple of chairs, there was a wire coming in the window from the house above. The electricity had been cut off and they paid the woman above a few shillings every week  so that they could have some light and the radio.
   3. A house I entered and stood in the hall while the man, trousers down below his navel, and a t-shirt well above it, displaying a blackened stomach where you could see the cleaner lines where the sweat had created little rivers. As he looked for some documentation, which was never forthcoming, my attention was drawn to a kitchen cabinet in the hall, the type with glass doors and a drop-down front. The glass had long gone, and the front was open, while looking at the bits and pieces of food lying there I also noticed maggots crawling among the scraps. Then a little white face appear looking in a puzzled manner at me, it wore nothing but a very short vest, was filthy and pale white, obviously had never seen the outside.

     My memory is filled with such visions of abject poverty and deprivation I witnessed on a daily basis. This while Glasgow was a bustling industrial city, with wealth pouring into the coffers of our lords and masters. Our politicians preaching about eliminating child poverty, all those years ago, and here we are in the 21st. century with approximately 25% of our child population living below the poverty line. Talk about hypocrisy and empty promises. When will we ever learn.
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Thursday 5 March 2020

Not News!

    This is just a wee blast from the recent past. I penned this about three years ago, but felt I wanted to spout it all again, as it is a train of thought that never leaves my mind. "When will we ever learn"

    Something about living a long time, news never seems like news. Recently the Joseph Rowntree Foundation announced that almost one third of the UK population are living on an inadequate income. In its statement it said that during 2014-15, approximately 19 million people were surviving on less than the Minimum Income Standard (MIS). Mired in that 19 million group of desperate people are six million children, roughly 45% of all UK children, and 1.8 million pensioners. These depressing figures are up from six years ago when they were quoted as, 15 million, or 25% of the population.  
       Why do I not see this as news? Well has it ever been other? It is just bubble gum and candy floss to plaster across that babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media. Through the years, as I have seen governments come and governments go, I have been reading figures like this. Under one government the figures improve slightly under the next they deteriorate, so we switch governments again, and the process goes boringly but brutally on its destructive way. Yes we the ordinary people wrestle small gains here and there, but slice by slice they are taken away from us, and we have to start all over again in the constant struggle to try and get a decent standard of living. Poverty has soared and then slightly abated, homeless has grown and then slightly abated, child poverty has increased and then slightly abated. However, none of these problems have ever been addressed  and solved. Nor can they, the system is incapable of solving these problems, or surely it would have done so by now. Have no illusions, the system has the wealth and the resources to sort it all out, but doesn't. Based on the profit motive, these problems are actual results of the system, a few must gain while the majority must lose, that's capitalism. So if you wish to see that 45% of UK children ceasing to be a statistic on a poverty scale, if you wish to see those 1.8 million pensioners live the remainder of their lives in reasonable comfort, don't ask for better allowances, organise to destroy the system that is responsible for these statistics of misery and anxiety. We must accept that it is a class war, and at the moment we are losing, but we have the numbers, the ability, the resources and the imagination, to turn that tide and be the winners of that better world for all.

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Friday 14 February 2020

Vultures Don't Feed Lambs.

       The Mirror newspaper published an article recently, and I wonder why, perhaps they thought it was "news". What the Mirror doesn't seem to realise is that every ordinary person in the UK knows that poverty has rise sharply. Every ordinary person in the UK knows that child poverty has rise sharply. Every ordinary person in the UK knows that pensioner poverty has rise sharply. Every ordinary person in the UK knows that people with disabilities are finding it harder to make ends meet. So where is the news? It would have been better had they pointed to the real causes and the only remedy, get rid of the economic system that creates these problems.
       They take their facts from a recent Joseph Rowntree Foundation report. The report states that over the last 5 years poverty has increased for pensioners and children. It also states despite rising employment, in-work poverty has also risen, and it doesn't take an economic expert to see this is down to the fact that inadequate pay, hours and/or both these factors. It has now reached the point where more than 50% of the people living in poverty are in a working family, this is up from 39% 20 years ago, now there's capitalist progress for you.
      Other interesting facts from the every day life of people in the UK, there are more than 4,500 people sleeping rough on the streets of England alone. 14 million people here in the UK are living in poverty, an increase of 400,000, over the last 5 years, there are 4 million children living in poverty, an increase of 300,000 over the same period. The report also states that people are more likely to be living in poverty if they are in a family where there is a disabled person or a carer.
     Now try as you may to equate that with one of the richest countries in the world  and a supposed highly developed and civilised country. We live in a society where deprivation and opulence live cheek-by-jowl and the capitalist system has proved over the centuries that it can't remedy this disparity. This inequality has increased and will continue to increase as long as we tolerate a economic system that has as its foundation the creating of wealth for the few at the expense of the many. the building bricks of capitalism is exploitation of the many by the few, and the above figures are not an unavoidable accident, they are an ideological choice, the inevitable consequences of such an economic system. How much longer will we accept the poverty of our friends and family, the stunting of the potential of our children and the abandonment of our elderly, while the perpetrators live a life of obscene opulence with private jets, luxury yachts and  private estates. The remedy is in our own hands, don't expect the vultures to feed the lambs.

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Wednesday 11 December 2019

When A District Gets Milked.

      I was born in Garngad and move to the Springburn area, where I lived the largest slice of my life and it is still my part of the world. In my many years I have seen some very dramatic changes to our city and to my patch, Springburn.

 Springburn Road at Balgrayhil, around 1940/50s
       Springburn, once a busy industrial centre, known as a railway town in its own right. A mass of different industries supplying the massive steam locomotive industry in its area, the expansive St Rollox railway repair yard, Tennant’s Chemical factory on Sighthill, once the largest chemical plant in Europe, with its tall chimney belching out its noxious fumes over the area, it even had the killing hand of a Cape Asbestos factory. Its main street, Springburn Road was a busy highway of trams buses and shops. Springburn Park was a shining jewel in the dirt and grim of this densely populated industrial area, the park boasted a magnificent winter gardens, once the largest glasshouse in Scotland at 842 sq. m.
       Today Springburn is a shadow of its former self, dominated by a very busy dual carriageway that split the community asunder, that magnificent glass structure in the park now resembles the skeletal structure of some bygone dinosaur. Its industries gone, its houses demolished and most of its people dispersed to other parts. 
Springburn Park winter gardens today, photo by Stevie Douglas.
      So what now? Here are some statistics for the area. Though a few years old, I doubt if they have improved that much, if at all, due to the ensuing years of austerity, benefit cuts and social services ravished.

        Life expectancy for both males and females has risen in recent years in Springburn but has remained below the Glasgow average. In the most recent period shown (2008-12), life expectancy was notably lower than the Scottish average, particularly for men.

Adults in income deprivation,       3,610 – 29.9%   2012.
Working age in employment deprivation,    2.120 – 27.8%   2012
Children in poverty,       1,100 – 46.4%   2011

    Springburn ranks in the most financially distressed 10% of constituencies in Glasgow.  2016.

     That’s how capitalism works, it milks you for all it is worth and then when it deems fit, moves on and abandons you to poverty and deprivation. Surely we can do better than this!
Springburn Road today. 
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Wednesday 13 November 2019

Do We Leave The Problems To Our Kids?


      So you have seen the grotesque pantomime performed by the political ballerinas at Westminster, you have seen the rising child poverty, you have seen the increase in precarious working conditions, you have seen the decimation of our social services, you have seen the increase in homelessness and un-affordable rents, you have seen the corporate mafia vultures circling our National Health Service. Look abroad and you see the rise of fascism in Europe and else where, you have seen the wars in the Middle East where the West has stepped in to bring the people of that area "democracy" and delivered death, destruction and destitution, plus an unimaginable wave of desperate people taking the dangerous course migrating half way across the world in search of a decent life. You look at our burning planet and the total unwillingness linked to complete inability of the system to do anything meaningful about this impending disaster. You look at Chile and you see the people of that country rise up in desperation to try and stop the the ever downward spiral of their living conditions, as well as the continuing exploitation, endemic corruption and state violence. Across the globe people are standing up and saying, very loud and clear, this system doesn't work for the vast majority of the people on the planet.

      We see the vast wealth that we produce, but we see it private jets, luxury yachts, opulent penthouse and vast gated estates, we are aware of the tax havens that are a boon to the millionaire and billionaire predatory class, while we, the wealth producers, struggle from day to day for a decent living.
      It is obvious that we have the imagination, the desire, the means and the ability to devise a much fairer and sustainable system that is built on mutual aid, and co-operation, that sees to the needs of all, and respect for all life on the planet. A system freed from the vile clutches of the profit motive, free of borders and authority over others. You know that in your hearts that is the world we want for our children and our grandchildren. However it is up to us to deliver it, or will we sit back and leave this vile corrupt system of exploitation for our kids to sort out?

     It is obvious that the system cannot be reformed, it is built on exploitation of others for personal gain, that is the basic principle of its existence. The only answer is the total destruction of the entire system, and that will only come about by you and me standing up and joining those who are already in direct conflict with this cancerous system of corruption and greed. We can eradicate it from the planet and place it in stories of the past, labelled "The Darkest Hour In Human History.
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Friday 11 October 2019

Depressed, Probably Suffering From Capitalism.

The real shape of the UK:
At least '320,000 people homeless in Britain'
Fifth of people in working UK household trapped in relative poverty.
There were 4.1 million children living in poverty in the UK in 2017-18.
There are expected to be 5.2 million children living in poverty in the UK by 2022
47% of children living in lone-parent families are in poverty.
Children from Black and minority ethnic groups are more likely to be in poverty: 45 per cent are now in poverty, compared with 26 per cent of children in White British families.
London the richest city in UK has the highest rate of child poverty in the UK.
70 per cent of children growing up in poverty live in a household where at least one person works.
Figures show a homeless person dying every 19 hours in UK.
       This is the true picture of capitalist Britain, poverty, rough sleeping and homelessness are part and parcel of a very large slice of the population of this country. There isn't much good you can say about capitalism, unless of course you are one of the millionaire/billionaire exploiters that control the system. However, you can of course list a catalogue of its negative aspects. These vary from the brutal deprivation of millions of humans, the abject poverty of millions more, and of course its endless lists of wars for resources, markets and power. These all happen on a vast scale affecting us all across the planet, but there is also the individual problems less associated with this unjust economical system.
     Across the developed world, that part that is considered the lucky part of the world, there is an ever increase in mental health problems, rises in self-harm, suicides and substance abuse. More and more people feel anxious, depressed and isolated these can all be traced back to the type of society we live in, a capitalist economy where injustice, inequality and the constant fear of poverty have created a state of anxiety that can become normal, the accepted way of life. Capitalism doesn't just affect your purse and standard of living, it can also decimate your physical and mental health, without you realising the root cause. 
      A society freed from the greed drive profit motive that sees to the needs of all our people, would go a long way to eliminate these personal problems of physical and mental health.

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Tuesday 6 August 2019

Deliberate Avoidable Cruelty Foisted On The Poor And Vulnerable.

     How many facts have to be revealed showing that the inequality and exploitative nature of this capitalist system is also avoidable, cruel, inhumane and downright vicious, before enough of us stand up and state, enough is enough, and bring the whole rotten edifice down.
     Every so often we get little parcels of information of the cruelty built into the system, but they are never brought together to paint the full picture of a society built on avoidable poverty and deprivation with an ongoing attack on the poorest and most vulnerable.

 The following facts gleaned from--
     Fact, if you live in a poor area of society you are likely to die anything up to 10 years earlier than someone living in a more affluent area.
     Fact, life expectancy among the poorest is declining, contrary to the trend in the more affluent areas.
     Fact, children in the poorest areas are two and a half times more likely to die as children then those from the more affluent areas.
     Fact, there are 2.2 million people in the the UK living in severe food insecurity, the highest reported in Europe.
      Fact, recent Unicef data shows one in five children under 15 live in a home with severe food insecurity, stunting the lives of the poorest children.
      Fact, Philip Alston, the UN’s special rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights, said policies and drastic cuts to social support were entrenching high levels of poverty and inflicting unnecessary misery in the UK, and that Brexit was exacerbating the problem.
      Fact, Emma Revie, chief executive of The Trussell Trust, said: “A failure to address the root causes of poverty has led to soaring need for food banks, with more than 1.3 million food parcels provided to people by our network last year.
       Fact, high living costs, stagnating wages and the rollout of universal credit has led to a steady rise in food insecurity.
       Fact,  The findings, published in the journal Lancet Public Health, also reveals that the life expectancy of England’s poorest women has fallen in the last seven years – having dropped by three months since 2011.
       Fact, findings show that people in the poorest sectors died at a higher rate from all illnesses – but that a number of diseases showed a particularly stark difference between rich and poor, notably respiratory diseases, heart disease, lung and digestive cancers and dementias. 
       Fact, Professor Majid Ezzati, senior author of the research from Imperial’s School of Public Health, said: “Falling life expectancy in the poorest communities is a deeply worrying indicator of the state of our nation’s health, and shows that we are leaving the most vulnerable out of the collective gain.
       Fact,  Researchers said this showed that poorer people in England were dying from diseases that can be prevented and treated, and that greater investment in health and social care in the most deprived areas, as well as industry action to make healthy food choices more affordable, would help reverse the trends.
       Fact,  “Working income has stagnated and benefits have been cut, forcing many working families to use foodbanks. The price of healthy foods like fresh fruit and vegetables has increased relative to unhealthy, processed food, putting them out of the reach of the poorest.”
      Fact, “The funding squeeze for health and cuts to local government services since 2010 have also had a significant impact on the most deprived communities, leading to treatable diseases such as cancer being diagnosed too late, or people dying sooner from conditions like dementia.”

        All of the above facts are happening in one of the richest countries in the world. All of the above facts are avoidable. All of the above facts are created by deliberate ideological strategies. None of the above facts are unavoidable accidents. Put all these facts together and ask yourself, is this system worth persisting with, or should it be brought down and replaced with a system of equality, justice and sustainable co-operation that sees to the needs of all our people, a system freed from the corrosive and exploitative motive of profit that benefits a small bunch of pampered and privileged parasites? What does your humanity and intellect tell you?
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