Showing posts with label cost of living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cost of living. Show all posts

Wednesday 16 November 2022


          We all know that politicians lie, they lie with ambiguous statements, phoney predictions and promises they have no way or intentions of delivering. At the moment the BIG lie is inflation, they have just announced that inflation is running at the highest for 41 years at 11.1%. Of course if you are one of the very many millions who struggle to make ends meet, then the picture is a little bit different. You will obviously spend more of your income on food than the likes of Rishi Sunak and Jeremey Hunt, who will have no problem with inflation. However you are facing a food inflation rate of 16.2%. Even that is not the true figure for the vast majority of the population, who spend the biggest part of their income on the basics, they are facing something in the region of 30% inflation. The poorest always pay to keep the financial Mafia happy.
  The following figures explain this.
        The inflation rate over the previous year for the following is eye watering;

         Low-fat milk up 47.9%
         Margarine up 42.1%
         Pasta up 34%
         Sauces and spices up 33.2%
         Oils and fats up 33.2%
         Butter up 29.7%
         Flour and cereals up 28.1%
         Cheese up 27.1%
         Eggs up 22.3%
         Jams and honey up 22.2%

        How do these figures relate to you and the so called inflation rate of 11.1%
      Don't you think we have had enough of the lies, austerity and exploitation of this economic system of greed with milk and honey for the few and a little bread and perhaps a scrap of margarine for the rest of us.
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Friday 11 November 2022



                                                  Image courtesy of The Week.

        As I have spouted many times, the wholesale price of gas has been falling for sometime now, but we're told that they can't reduce the price to us as that is not how the markets work. Well an interesting little snippet appeared in the press, the Isle of Man has reduced its energy prices by 25% due to the falling gas price. Perhaps they haven't yet learned how the markets work, or perhaps we are just being ripped off. I know where my thoughts lie. For how much longer will be put up with being shafted on a daily basis by the rich and powerful?

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Sunday 16 October 2022



         We have a Prime Minister how was elected by the party faithful on a manifesto of tax cuts, her chosen Chancellor put her plans on paper, the financial Mafia didn't like what they saw and punished them, thereby trashing the UK economy. Liz decided to try and save her skin and threw the Chancellor under a bus. To try and look like she is listen and learning, she brings in as Chancellor one who is a follower of her opponent in the Tory election. He throws her policies out the window and starts to install Rushi Sunak philosophy. The mandate that she was elected on is binned, but Liz still sits on the throne, mandate or no mandate, ah, the wonders of British politics.
          We are somehow supposed to be comforted by the new Chancellor, Jeremy Hunt. He who trashed the NHS when he was in charge of that brief. While we the ordinary people are being bundled into poverty by 10% inflation, well below inflation wage increases, astronomical energy bills, increased interest rates, which will impact drastically on mortgages, credit cards and loans, pushing still more people into poverty. Our supreme Chancellor has stated that there will be tax increases and cuts to spending, more misery for you and I. These extremely wealthy individuals consider it is only right the we the ordinary people should pay for the gambling disasters of the capitalist system. They will do what is necessary to satisfy their masters in the financial Mafia, they call it balancing the books.


          How much longer will we accept this cull on the poor to protect the billionaire parasite class and their plundered wealth. I'm sure in your minds there are better ways to run our society, there is no moral argument for inequality and injustice. It is not as if there was insufficient wealth to go round,that small class of millionaire/billionaire parasites surround themselves with obscene opulence, purchase £100 million yachts, private jets, and wee bolthole mansions in the Caribbean. All from wealth that you and I, the ordinary people created. Let's take control of our wealth and shape society to our needs and the needs of all our people.

                                              Image courtesy of The Mirror

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Thursday 13 October 2022


           Something we can perhaps thank Liz Truss for is that she has directed that great politically apathetic mass to turn their minds to involvement in the political morass that is screwing up their lives. More people are feeling the results of deliberate policies fashioned behind the closed doors of the power mongers, and they don't like it much at all. What was always there, the great divide between rich and poor has now come into sharp focus as it grinds on to its obvious conclusion, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. However, now it is at real pain level and that makes live profoundly miserable for millions of ordinary people. So rise up you political sleepers and demand your right to a decent life, demand you right to shape society and see to the needs of all our people. We the ordinary people are the creators of all the wealth in the country, demand we decide how it will be shared, not the millionaire/billionaire parasites that call the shots today.

                                     Image by Harry Burton, courtesy of The Print

       I remember reading somewhere that at a Glasgow street meeting, by a socialist in the 30s. He asked the crowd if they were hungry, a general murmuring of yes. The speaker then said, "there is only a plate glass window between you and a good feed". He waited a while, no response, his reply was "I see, you're not hungry enough". As this "cost of living crisis" (cost of exploitation crisis) bites ever deeper into our lives, will we ever be hungry enough?

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Tuesday 4 October 2022


           I penned this wee piece away back in April 2010, but thought it was worth another shout. With the chaos and poverty engulfing us all at the moment, surely now is the time to seek alternatives to the plundering and exploitation of the existing system, now is the time to start to create the better fairer world for all.



         Ask the average person on the street what they think of “anarchists” and they’ll all probably say something like “chaos” “violence” “mayhem” or some other negative expression. Ask them what they have read of anarchist history or anarchist theory and they will probably say “nothing.” So where did they get their opinions? Obviously they got those opinions from the propaganda organ of the state and the corporate greed machine commonly called “the media”. Why should the media give anarchists and anarchism such a bad press? Could it be because they see anarchism as the greatest threat to their desire and ability to rule over and exploit the people of this world? The state is an hierarchical structure set up to control the people and legislates to protect the wealth of the corporate greed machine. Anarchism is a non-hierarchical system of sharing and mutual aid to the benefit of all in society, the two are totally incompatible. The corporate greed machine works to exploit the population and drag all the wealth up to a privileged few, it puts a price on everything and excludes all those who can’t pay the price, be it healthcare, housing, leisure, services or the necessities of life. Anarchism seeks to see to the needs of all in society and for society to be shaped by all those who take part in that society. The state/capitalist/corporate system produces an ever widening gap between rich and poor, plunders and rapes the planet in an endless drive to increase profits to the shareholders of the corporate beast. Anarchism seeks sustainability through a system based on free association, voluntary co-operation and mutual aid. Given a choice why choose to be exploited, why choose to struggle for the benefit of the privileged few, why sell your children into poverty? We can produce enough to see to the needs of all on this planet, the reason we don’t is not lack of resources it is simply that the system says “NO”, there must be profit in every action, profit for that greedy privileged few who control the corporate greed machine. We accept a system of winner take all and to hell with the hindmost, our compassion and common sense surely demand we look at the alternatives. It is only common sense to attempt to break the downward spiral of the corporate driven consumer juggernaut that destroys the environment and creates the illusion that happiness comes in pretty packaged boxes, at a price. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to try to create a better world of peace and freedom from deprivation for all. Anarchists point the way, anarchism is the tool.


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Saturday 10 September 2022



Image courtesy of The National.

                The launch of Glasgow's Enough is Enough campaign on Wednesday 7th September saw the Old Fruit Market Hall jammed packed with people demanding action on the cost of living crisis, (exploitation crisis) There was anger and passion from the audience and the speakers. Let's hope that this will spill over onto our streets and generate a mass movement to bring justice and fairness to our society.

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Tuesday 6 September 2022

Bood Money.

          How much money and resources are the Western imperialists prepared to pour into Ukraine to keep the bloodshed going, in the hope that it will bankrupt Russia? To them the human cost is of no consequence.
          It appears to be limitless as billions are paid into the coffers of the arms industry with more sophisticated and deadly weapons making their way to Ukrainian soil. One estimate puts America as paying out on average, between Feb. 25, 2022 and Aug. 19 2022 approximately $228 million per day. This war in Ukraine is between tow imperialist camps, the American and its vassals imperialist camp and the Russian imperial camp. It just so happens that the bloodshed is taking place on Ukrainian soil and it is Ukrainian blood that is being shed.
          The result to you and I is of course a savage attack on our living standards, which is being milked by the super corporate world. They never miss an opportunity to turn a crisis into a goose that lays the golden egg, for them. 

          Researcher Stephen Semler documented the 21 distinct military aid packages that the Joe Biden administration approved for Ukraine in the year between August 2021 and August 2022, at a total of $40.13 billion.
          Two of those 21 pledges were approved before Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. Excluding these two presidential drawdowns from August and December 2021, which are worth $260 million combined, the Biden administration passed $39.87 billion for military aid in Ukraine between February 25, 2022 (the day after the Russian invasion) and August 19, 2022.
         This $39.87 billion in pledged military aid divided by the 175 days between February 25, 2022 and August 19, 2022 comes out to an average of approximately $228 million per day.
          This spending does not include the billions more that the US government has pledged in economic aid to Ukraine. It likewise excludes the tens of billions of dollars of military aid that European countries have approved for Ukraine.
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Thursday 18 August 2022



         Strikes are popping up all over the place, some union organisd and others wildcat strikes, all with the same message, we will not be poor any more. Post Office workers have just voted 98% in favour of strike action, others are going in the same direction. The anger of the ordinary people is now being transferred to action with the mind set this plundering of the ordinary people for the fat cat corporate world, can and will be challenged. All of us must get behind these struggles for a decent life, it is all of us that are being shafted on a daily basis. Our solidarity is unbeatable, if we all stand together and support every action for that better life for all.
         Glasgow again showed support for the RMT workers and their struggle for a decent life. Thursday August 18th, a protest by RMT was held outside Scotrail headquarters in St Vincent Street, and again there was colourful and vociferous support from various groups and individuals standing with the RMT Union members. The support and actions must continue and gain momentum and we will win. 

Some photos from the protest.

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Saturday 13 August 2022

A Storm.

            To those extremely rich individuals sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, during this "exploitation crisis" who waffle on about growing the economy being the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. They totally ignore the fact the the crisis is now, millions are facing deprivation on a Dickensian scale, They may throw a few peanuts your way, a propaganda stunt to make you believe they are trying to improve your situation. However, it is that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that they are focused on, and it will not be shared with you.
          It is encouraging to see more and more people take to the streets to vent their anger at this blatant exploitation. The public are now more determined than ever that they will not take this being shafted by the rich and powerful any more. The anger is there and it will not dissipate by the usual paracetamol of meager handouts to try to appease that righteous anger. We, demand a dramatic change in how our society is run, we will have a fair society or that anger will spill over and explode across the whole of society.
          Across the country there are demonstrations, protests and rallies, Glasgow is no exception. This Friday, August 12th. saw a protest held outside the head office of Scottish Power, in St Vincent St. from various groups and individuals, all with one thought, we will not take this plundering of our assets to enrich a handful of very rich and powerful individuals and corporations. I loved their very large banner, Power to the People, very appropriate outside Scottish Power. There is a storm brewing.

Here are some photos from Friday's protest, courtesy of Bob Hamilton.


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