Showing posts with label private prisons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label private prisons. Show all posts

Sunday 29 December 2013

Private Prisons, Corruption And Inhumanity.

        Prisons are always degrading and humiliating, they are the state's attempt to keep control. In spite of centuries of campaigns fighting for prison reform, they are still an anachronism in democracy. Far from being places for "reform" they are cruel and inhumane and often brutal places. Here in the "developed" and advanced capitalist West, as we are being hit by austerity, which translates into less resources for prisons, and though crime figures are falling, we are seeing ever increasing numbers being imprisoned, most prisons are facing overcrowding. The UK is among the highest prison inmates per head of the population in Europe. However we would have to sink much lower in our inhumanity to reach the level of Greece. 
This from Community:

      More than 30 men were crammed into the cell, locked up night and day for weeks or months. Without enough bunks, many slept on the floor. The windows were painted over, blocking out the sun, and the air was thick with cigarette smoke and the reek of the one toilet everyone shared.
    But what might come as the biggest surprise about this prison was its location: In Greece, squarely in Europe. That’s where former prisoner Giorgos Aslanis spent about three months a roughly 40 sq. meter (400 square feet) police holding cell in the northern town of Serres. The European Court of Human Rights ruled in October that conditions in the cell broke European laws against inhuman or degrading punishment and awarded him 8,000 euros ($11,000) in damages.
Read the full article HERE: 
        However, for the real professionals at dehumanising  people and making billions of dollars in the process, you have to go to that leader of the free world, the land of the free, the good ol' US of A. America leads the world in locking up its own people, though it has only 5% of the world's population, it has 25% of the world's prison population. Privatised prisons are probably the pinnacle of corrupt capitalism, Billions of dollars made from enslaving people for anything from vagrancy to drug use. Greedy shareholders growing rich on the misery of society's vulnerable and unfortunates.

Published on Nov 7, 2013

     Today the US is home to 5% of the world's population but a quarter of the world's prisoners. It also has the highest rate of youth imprisonment and on any given day there are more than 70,000 youths in detention. And the biggest winners of this mass incarceration? The for-profit prison companies whose business models essentially depend on locking more and more people up.

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Sunday 3 February 2013


    Part of the bailout deal forced onto the people of Greece by the Troika, is that Greece privatises its public assets. These are assets that bring money into the public purse of Greece and could be spent on social services. One of the companies, soon to be privatised, in which the Greek state is the principle shareholder is ELPE (Hellenic Petroleum), while anther big money spinner that is set to be privatised on instructions from the troika is OPAP the state owned gambling monopoly. Two enterprises from which, it is virtually impossible not to make pots of money, to be handed over to the friends of the troika, the corporate world. While the troika are stating that Greece is bankrupt, they are forcing it to sell off that from which it could earn income.
      Of course it is all going to plan, the blatant and barefaced plundering of all that is public and transferring it to the private corporate world, the impoverishing of the people to replenish the gambling losses of the financial Mafia. What is more it is not just Greece that is being plundered in this fashion, it is world wide. Take a look closer to home, we here in the UK have already lost a host of rich assets to the corporate greed merchants, coal, gas, electricity, telephone, railway, now instead of being money earners for the public purse are part of the rip-off machine that grinds us ever nearer deprivation. However it doesn't end there, bit by bit education is being privatised, the National Health Service is halfway down the road to privatisation, social housing has all but disappeared, and there is much more to come. The corporate world will attempt to make money from anything, we are already seeing the development of a lucrative prison system. Which will of course mean that policies will turn to making sure that it has a steady and ever increasing flow of people to keep it profitable, it's called growth. The corporate world are not investing in large prisons as a short stopgap to help us out, their eyes are on future profits. Capitalism, no matter its shape or form, that is the direction it keeps moving.
      Do we really want to live in the faceless world of corporatism, a world over which you have no control what-so-ever? A world where you have no say in the shape and direction of your community, a world where everything is available to the rich and nothing available to the poor? Look carefully at what is happening, that is the road we are sleepwalking down, if we don't wake up soon, it will be too late and we will leave a heritage of slavery to the corporate world for our kids and grand-kids.

ann arky's home.

Monday 12 March 2012


        We should be under no illusions that the present bunch of millionaires sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption have a master plan. It is quite simply to privatise everything, and that means everything, no exemptions, all will be turned into cash cows for the corporate world, health, education, social services, police, prisons and the judiciary. There method is the same in each case, starve it of funds, forcing it to seek private money to continue functioning and waffle on about letting competition in to improve things and hey presto, you have a privatised society and we all live in a state of corporate fascism. 
This from SACC:
       You suffer a violent burglary. The scenes of crime officer who comes round is employed by G4S. Fibre samples are found, swabs taken and dispatched to G4S Forensics. The suspect resists arrest, is held overnight in police cells run by G4S, then appears before magistrates trained by the company. After serving his sentence he spends his a period of probation tagged by the company on a G4S work programme....
        John Shaw, the managing director of G4S has already held secret talks with leaders of two Scottish police forces.
Read the full article (SACC article)
        G4S provides security services to settlements and the Israeli Occupation Forces in Palestine. On 11 March 2011 it announced its exit from some contracts in the West Bank, but it continues to deliver security services to illegal settlements in the West Bank and to prisons in Israel. This includes the provision of various security systems in prisons where Palestinian are held as "security prisoners" in violation of international human rights norms.
Privatisation of policing and justice in Scotland is unacceptable!
What You Can Do
Let your MSPs know about your concerns over any privatisation of policing and justice in Scotland. You can contact your MSPs using

 ann arky's home.

Wednesday 16 November 2011


         I am always appalled at the fact that locking people up can be a lucrative business. Our corporate world knows no limits, if it can make a buck, then it will, no matter the method. The corporate prison business in America, as else where no doubt, is pouring large sums of money into lobbying to have new laws passed that will hand out bigger sentences and leave fewer opportunities for parole. That is one business plan to increase you business, of course the fact that it is human misery that you're creating as a by product, doesn't in the least matter. Immigrants are seen as another possible growth area.

       A Corrections Corporation of America report from 2010 actually stated that;

“The demand for our facilities and services could be adversely affected by---leniency in conviction or parole standards and sentencing practices---”