Showing posts with label workers day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label workers day. Show all posts

Saturday 4 May 2024

Wednesday 3 April 2024

May 1st.


         A small bunch of Glasgow groups , RBC, Glasgow Keelie, Spirit of Revolt have been putting on events leading up to and beyond May Day. the idea is to make more people aware of the importance of May Day to the ordinary people, our continuing fight for a fair and just world for all.
          There will be a special event on May 1st. in Red Rosa Calton 159 London Road. Come along and help celebrate International Workers Day, make new friends, all welcome.

Vissit ann arky at   

Thursday 2 May 2019

Glasgow May Day Rally, 2019.

      May Day across the world saw marches, rallies and protests, their is no doubt that a vast amount of people across the globe are angry enough to take to the streets on May Day to show that solidarity and vent dissatisfaction which bubbles inside them for most of the year. 
      In Europe cites across the continent from Moscow to Turin, from Gothenburg, to Instanbul from St Petersburg to Paris, and many more cities saw massive rallies and protests, and on occasions the police came down hard and there were many arrests.
This from The Independent, Athens:
      In the Greek capital of Athens, three separate May Day rallies took place, organised by rival groups. A series of strikes by trade unions across the country to mark international workers’ day has left the capital without bus and metro services, and the whole country without national rail and island ferry services – leaving some municipalities isolated from the rest of the country. 
  St Petersburg May Day Rally (photo Independent)
       Here in Glasgow it was a much more family, fun celebration and what it lacked in numbers it made up for in enthusiasm and passion. Despite the usual Glasgow lousy weather there were stalls, musicians, singers, poets and speakers, and a receptive and pleasantly surprised passing public. All thanks to that small and  dedicated bunch of Glaswegians, The May Day Organising Group, well done. Rather ironic, our feisty little celebration took place just next to an army recruiting stall!! Its white van and blue tent can be seen in the last photo.
Some Glasgow May 1st. 2019 photos and videos:

Visit ann arky's home at

Tuesday 16 April 2019

May Day, Our Day.

      Just on the horizon there is the glimmer of that special day, May Day, Workers Day, May 1st. A day that this society seems to have tamed into a sedate march that doesn't interrupt the flow of the economy, a little display, a few speeches and then go home or get busy with the consumer addiction. We have to free May Day from the dead hands of the political ballerinas and take it back to do our own thing, in our own way. May Day is not dead, it has just been sedated by the political messiahs. We can bring it back to life.
       It should be a day of fun, of celebration, a family day, a day to throw of the shackles of conformity and be yourself, a day shaped by you and your friends.
      To this end the Glasgow May Day Organising Group have put together a series of events, to try to remind us of what May Day is all about, to help us remember our history, the history of the ordinary people, and bring back that fun and family feeling to our day. 
     This May Day, celebrations will begin on May 1st. short march and rally, with music, singers, poets and stalls. May 2nd. a radical history walk through our city centre, stopping at points of interest and a wee discussion from one or more of our members. Saturday May 4th. a film show, Salt of The Earth. Then on May 5th. the culmination of the May Day celebrations, our now annual Picnic on The Green with stalls, poets, singers, dancers, musicians, food to share, bring the family, bring your street, bring what you expect to find.
Details of all these events can be found on these links:

Visit ann arky's home at

Tuesday 18 April 2017

May Day Picnic On Glasgow Green.

           May Day is fast approaching, sadly so many of our young people have had its true significance erased from their memory, its true purpose is never emphasised in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media.  They would rather spout it as a holiday, so go shopping, buy a ticket for a show or sit in front of your TV and overdose on the candy-floss and bubble-gum crap that it pours out over your living room floor. However, May Day is a very important day in the history and culture of the working class, the ordinary people. 
        It is a day to celebrate our victories in the struggle for that better life for all. A day to remember all those who tirelessly fought the battles to improve all our lives, our working class heroes. A day to meet up with old friends and make new friends, a day of chat, fun, discussion, for all that vast army of ordinary people who struggle day to day.
      In an attempt to bring Glasgow May Day, as it should be, back to that great celebration of ordinary people, in the open air, a group are holding a May Day picnic on The Green, on the First of May 2pm onwards, bring what you expect to find, bring the family and friends, bring your street. Enjoy singing, poetry, music, chat, fun, laughter and friendship. See you there.


     On Monday May 1st, from 2:00 pm in the east part of Glasgow Green next to the cycling centre, across from the Templeton Factory, join us for a family day, a fun day, a day to celebrate the solidarity of the working class and on the Green where it belongs.
      Music, poetry, banners, face painting, singing, food to share, friends to chat with, people to meet, stories from our radical past, and news of actions and projects of the present.
Visit ann arky's home at

Thursday 23 March 2017

Glasgow's May Day.

         It is fast approaching, that day that will be celebrated all over the world, the workers day, the day for the ordinary people of this world to come together to celebrate and remember. I'm talking about May Day, a fun day, a day to renew old friendships, make new ones, a family day, out in the open.
       Sadly in Glasgow it has deteriorated to a slow march through the city and then a meeting in a cinema to listen to our political ballerinas explain how they and they alone, will lead you to the promised land. Most young people in Glasgow have no memory of the May Days out in the open, having fun. To alleviate this illness, a group of us are trying to bring May Day back to the Glasgow Green and have it reborn as what it was meant to be, a family day, a fun day, a day to celebrate our common connections, a day to show the solidarity of the working class.
     So come along to the May Day Picnic on The Green, at Free Wheel North. Monday May 1st from 2:00. Bringing what you expect to find, bring your street, bring May Day back to the Green. It is workers day, the celebration of spring, out in the open, as it should be.
      Make this a day to meet up with old friends and comrades, make new connections, and have a real fun relaxing friendly day on The Green. May Day belongs to the people, let's make it what we want it to be.
          Join us at Free Wheel North on 1st of May 2:00
See website for details: Updates for activities will be posted as they come in.

Sunday 3 May 2015

Glasgow's Wet And Cold May Day March.

       Glasgow, George Square, the forenoon of Sunday 3rd. May, a drab wet and cold day, lousy for this time of year, but the array of colourful banners and colourful umbrellas, painted a different picture. It was Glasgow's official May Day march, and despite the lousy weather, by my estimate, I would say that 500+ turned out to brave the rain and the cold. Think what a wonderful turn-out there would have been had the sun been kind to us. They were lead off by a brass band and the usual banners, were held aloft by soaking wet arms, well done.
Some photos from the day:

Visit ann arky's home at