Why am I
an anarchist? Well ask any anarchist and they will probably come up
with a thousand or so answers. In today's world there is so much
wrong and it is all down to man made systems. Yes there are natural
disasters, but with true human un-costed, co-operation we could could
alleviate most of the misery from them, and in lots of cases we could
prevent human suffering with proper planning, but cost prevents that.
However we can't get away from the fact that most human suffering is
from man made systems. Wars are part and parcel of the corporate
capitalist system, hunger could be prevented, but in a capitalist
world cost is the governing factor. In most cases disease can be
eradicated, but cost is a hindrance. The corporate capitalist system
of profit puts lots of answers to human suffering out of reach, it's
not that we don't have the answers or the resources, it is simply
that the corporate world can't make enough profit from that
particular area. A system based on mutual aid and co-operation would bring unimagined benefits to mankind. So why don't we destroy this man made, profit first system, and replace it with a needs based system the will see to the needs of all our people?
So, why
am I an anarchist?
So, why aren't you an anarchist?
ann arky's home.