Tuesday 17 December 2013

The Crime Of Agent Orange, Lingers On.

      In that babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, the true horrors of war are soon of the front page and all is forgotten. Dates and battles are remembered, for a while, especially if our lords and masters can claim them as a victory. However the suffering and permanent damage that wars do to the ordinary people, is seldom reported after the war is over, and we are supposed to carry on as before. But what about the victims of the longterm damage all wars cause. Most people will have heard of Vietnam, lots will know of the Vietnam war, and some will be aware of America's 20 year battle to subdue the people of that small nation, Vietnam. Lots will also know the fact that “agent orange” was used, but be unaware of the extent of its use and the vast area affected, by this chemical warfare on the ordinary people of Vietnam.
      What may be a little less known is the longevity of the chemicals in “agent orange” and the dioxins that come with the substance. Nor will they be aware of the fact that the research that produced this toxic nightmare, goes back to the second World War and was part of the UK and USA's chemical warfare program, with Monsanto at the heart of the project, even away back then it was redundant of any morality.
    Today the Vietnamese people are still suffering the effects of the dioxins released during that criminal action of spraying the crops and vegetation with “agent orange”. They have suffered a host of cancers, birth defects and other illnesses. Even today, certain estimates state that over 5 million Vietnamese are still being exposed to “agent orange” and its cancer producing dioxins.
       The Vietnamese government estimates 5 million people were killed with hundreds of thousands still missing and 500,000 children born with birth defects as a result of its use. There are also estimates that up to 5 million Vietnamese are still exposed directly to Agent Orange. The Red Cross of Vietnam estimates that up to 1 million people are disabled or have health problems due to Agent Orange.
Exposure to TCDD (dioxin)
      There are two different health effects that must be considered when dealing with dioxin. One is the effect of direct exposure to the individual and the second is the effects on the germline of the individual, both maternal and paternal. The latter is far worse as it signifies there is a permanent effect on the human genome and all future generations. This is one of the horrific legacies of dioxin, only now being understood. (It will be dealt with in a later article).
Read the full article HERE: 

 Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Government Crack Down On Trade Unions.

An appeal for solidarity from Labour Start:

      Two weeks ago I asked for your support as Korean railway workers were about to launch a strike.  They were concerned back then that their government might attempt to break the strike.  They wanted the solidarity of workers around the world.  They wanted a clear message sent to their government and nearly 9,000 of you sent off messages of protest.

Today, their worst fears are coming true.
     Just a few days into their strike, the Korean government has launched a savage crackdown. 
  • A few hours ago, the offices of the railway workers union were raided by dozens of police.  Computers and other equipment were seized.
  • Arrest warrants have been issued for the top union leaders -- who are currently hiding in a safe place.
  • Korean media are reporting that the military is prepared to send hundreds of soldiers to work as strike-breakers.
  • Tomorrow morning, the subway workers in Seoul are set to launch a solidarity strike, shutting down the capital.

          It is our job now to mobilize the widest possible support for the Korean railway workers.

         Those workers are on the front lines today of the fight against neo-liberal policies such as privatisation -- and they are defending the basic human right to have independent trade unions with the right to strike.

          If you've not yet done so, please send off your message of protest today: http://bit.ly/1c8Uao8

    If you've already supported the campaign -- thanks.  But let's do more: 
  • Post this link to your Facebook page: http://bit.ly/1c8Uao8  Tell your friends there that you support this campaign and urge them all to do so.
  • Tweet this: Hands off the Korean railway strikers! http://bit.ly/1c8Uao8 @labourstart
  • If your union has a mailing list of its members, make sure they are all informed about this important struggle.  There are many millions of organized workers out there who aren't aware of this fight.  Please email your fellow union members.
           Finally, LabourStart is being continuously updated with news about this strike and others.  Make sure it's the place you start your day on the net:  http://www.labourstart.org


    Eric Lee
     Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

It's Illegal, Then It's Legal.

      In the illusion of representative democracy, the government is supposed to act out the will of the people. When the people break the laws of that government, they are punished. However, when the government breaks those laws, it simply changes the law. So when the people go through the process of the law and win, it is pointless. First the government will appeal, and if that appeal is rejected, then it is just a matter of changing the law. How do the people beat that sort of democracy? All their laws are just arbitrary statements written down by pompous parasites to suit the ideology, nothing to do with the will of the people.  
 This from Boycott Workfare:

     In August 2012 it was ruled in the high court that the letters given to claimants mandating them onto workfare schemes of up to 780 unpaid hours did not communicate to people what was required of them on these schemes. This meant all the benefit sanctions that had been awarded through a range of different workfare schemes were unlawful and had to be repaid. The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) went about appealing this ruling, but in February 2013 the decision was upheld.
     After this the DWP rushed through the retrospective Jobseekers (Back to Work) Act, making the unlawful withdrawal of benefits from an estimated 179,000 people now apparently legal – although obviously this Act did not change the fact that people were not fully aware of what was required of them at the time. This Act was supported by the Labour Party and deprived people who would have suffered significant hardship of a total of £130 million that was unlawfully stolen by the government.
Read the full article HERE: 
 Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Stop Mass Expulsions.

Stop the mass expulsion of Nigerians
     Man who needs kidney dialysis is due to be put on charter flight to Nigeria tomorrow. Benjamin [not his real name] has End Stage Kidney Disease and has been told that his medication cannot control the symptoms of anaemia and hypertension that he has without dialysis. Without medication he is in real danger that he could suffer a stroke. Dialysis could potentially pro-long his life for 30 years, without dialysis, Benjamin has been told he will die soon.
       Benjamin only discovered his medical condition after he arrived in the UK and although his first asylum case was refused his was detained after he made a fresh submission. The Home Office (despite giving him Section 4 support on the basis of his fresh submission) claim to have no record of him submitting new evidence.
      Kidney dialysis is only available at private medical clinics in Nigeria. Renal failure ranks high among killer illnesses in Nigeria, but unlike malaria and HIV/AIDS, it is ignored. Cost of treating the ailment is high. Nigeria has only 75 neurologists and about 50 functional dialysis centres and it has been estimated that at least 32 million Nigerians had chronic renal illnesses

Stop this Charter flight to Nigeria: 
22.20hrs Tuesday 17 December 2013
      Nigerian man Isa Muazu who recently was on hunger strike for over 100 days has been given fresh removal directions for Tuesday 17th December. This will be the third attempt to remove Isa from the UK after the Home Office spent up to £108,000 chartering a private jet two weeks ago in a failed attempt to fly him back to Nigeria. The Home Office have given him fresh removal directions and are now going to try to return him on a mass charter flight as part of a regular Home Office exercise called Operation Majestic.
     We are currently waiting for the determination from Isas recent application to the Upper Tribunal which is due to be given at 10am tomorrow morning giving his lawyer only 12 hours to fight the decision. As well as Benjamin and Isa, Unity are in contact with at least another 6 people who the Home Office are trying to put on the same flight. We urgently need you to take action to try and stop this charter flight by faxing and calling the Nigerian High Commission, Nick Clegg and Theresa May

1. Call the Nigerian High Commission
      We are calling for anyone who can to call the Nigerian High Commission and urge them to try to stop the current charter flight. Recently Nigeria has refused planes to land because the proper procedure has not been followed phoning, faxing and emailing them can work.
     Please call the number below and let them know of your concern for many of the individuals on this flight and urge them that they do not have to be party to this inhumane method of mass exportation.

Nigerian High Commission
Phone: 0207 839 1244 extension 277, alternatively just press 0 during the main menu of options.
Fax: 020 7839 8746
Or online message http://www.nigeriahc.org.uk/enquiries
Or contact Mr T.G. Adenyi Minister / Special Assistant to the High Commissioner 0207 839 1244 Ext 205 or email adeniyi@nigeriahc.org.uk mailto:adeniyi@nigeriahc.org.uk
Or Mrs J.C. Ejere Administrative Attache TEL: 0207 8391244 Ext 298
ejere@nigeriahc.org.uk  mailto:ejere@nigeriahc.org.uk

2. Lobby Theresa May
      Please contact Home Secretary Theresa May to let her know this degrading mistreatment of people cannot go on.
Rt Hon Theresa May MP, House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Fax: 020 8760 3132 (00 44 20 8760 3132 if you are faxing from outside UK
Email: UKBApublicenquiries@UKBA.gsi.gov.uk

3. Also ask Nick Clegg what he thinks about mass expulsions
Parliamentary office: House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA
Tel: 020 7219 3000 mailto:nick.clegg.mp@parliament.uk
Constituency Office: 85 Nethergreen Road, Sheffield, S11 7EH Tel: 0114 230 9002
Fax: 0114 230 9614 mailto:nickclegg@sheffieldhallam.org.uk
Departmental Office: Cabinet Office, 70 Whitehall, London, SW1A 2AS
Tel: 020 7276 1234 mailto:publiccorrespondence@cabinet-office.gsi.gov.uk

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Why Not To Buy Kellogg's

       An urgent appeal from IUF for solidarity. Please take a minute to send a message.

Say no to disposable jobs -
tell Kellogg's to end the Memphis lockout! 

     Transnational cereal maker Kellogg's has locked out 220 members of the IUF-affiliated BCTGM since October 22 at its factory in Memphis, Tennessee in an effort to force union acceptance of a plan to radically increase the use of casual workers. With this plan all newly employed workers would be employed as casuals with no guaranteed hours at significantly lower pay and benefits, effectively transforming over time the entire employment structure at the facility. The company calls this "The New Workforce of the Future". The workers are fighting back.


E-mail: iuf@iuf.org
Rampe du Pont-Rouge, 8, CH-1213,
Petit-Lancy (Switzerland)

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 Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Monday 16 December 2013

Student Protest Is Back!!

      Student protest is back, claims an article in popularrestance. Well I hope it is, but that is not enough, protests have to be across the spectrum of society. Those who are hurting must organise and fight back, the low paid, the unemployed, the disabled, pensioners, single parents, they are all being attacked by the "austerity" measures, they are all hurting, they are all being wounded by the attacks of this millionaire corporate cabal we refer to as the government. As the IWW would say, an injure to one is an injury to all. Each group has to join with the other groups, and support each other, solidarity is a winning weapon. To borrow one of their slogans, "we're all in this together", but it against them, drivers of the corporate greed machine.

Students at University of London march through the streets of Bloomsbury as they continue their Cops Off Campus campaign. (file photo)
Students at University of London march through the streets of Bloomsbury as they continue their Cops Off Campus campaign. 

From popularresistance.org
       In 1967, the London School of Economics suspended two students for taking part in demonstrations. The harsh treatment of the duo inspired their peers to hold a sit-in protest and a boycott of lectures. Within weeks, the suspensions were lifted. This began a decade-long student movement that took on social injustice at every turn. Protesting racism, US foreign policy and a whole host of other issues went hand-in-hand with studying in the UK.
     Fast-forward 46 years. The University of Sussex suspends five students for their involvement an occupy-style campaign. University management refuse to release evidence of the disruption they have caused and the student body is moved to action. More protests are arranged, a petition is started, messages of support flood in from MPs and academics. Within less than two weeks, senior management buckles to the pressure and the students are reinstated – with a renewed confidence that they can stand up to authority and force through change.
Student protest is back.
Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Petition, ATOS Kills.

     Petition:- Glasgow 2014 Ltd Organising Committee: Drop ATOS as a sponsor for the 2014 Commonwealth Games

        Glasgow Games Monitor have recently created petitions on 38 Degrees and Change.org calling for ATOS to be dropped as a Commonwealth Games sponsor.
The Change.org petition is live and if you agree with it please sign it – you can pass this link on to promote it as well:
     The 38 Degrees system is more complicated and we have to get a critical mass of people to agree to the campaign before they start running it. Please vote to help us get the campaign going on 38 degrees as well, if you have any suggestions or comments feel free to list them on the 38 degrees site:
     For background information view some of our previous posts relating to this campaign here and here.
Best wishes,
Glasgow Games Monitor

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

The Pitchfork Protests.

       Italy, another country where the people's anger, which has been seething below the surface, is now beginning to boil over. There have been protests in Turin in the north of the country to Sicily in the south and they are spreading. This is a growing revolt against the state and its corruption, against austerity for the many, while the few bask in luxury, it is the same complaint as in every other capitalist country on the planet. Though our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media aren't exactly shouting about the swelling anger.

Students clash with police during a protest against the local government in downtown Turin on December 14, 2013. (AFP Photo / Marco Bertorello)

      These protests in Italy are grouped under what has become known as the “pitchfork” protests and they claim no affiliation to any political party. They are manual workers, low paid, unemployed and students, and are not confined to the big towns and cities but across the whole country. It is a combination of protests, marches, sit-ins and other direct action. There are large groups involved in these protests in Turin, Milan, Florence and Palermo with large protests planned for next week. This week it spread to Rome, with students clashing with police outside a university being used by government ministers as a conference centre. One of the banners read, "Our university isn't a catwalk for those who peddle austerity,". On Tuesday last, Beppe Grillo, head of Italy's anti-establishment 5-Star Movement urged police to join protesters. 

    Italy, like the rest of the capitalist world, has been hit by “austerity”, it is also a country with 12% unemployment, which rises to above 41% for the young under 25's. Low wages and increasing poverty are driving these protests, Is Italy reaching the “enough is enough” stage? According to Danilo Calvani, a farmer and one of the protestors, “There are millions of us and we are growing by the hour___”

A protester throws a stone during a protest in downtown Turin December 9, 2013. REUTERS/Stringer

    How much longer can the various capitalist states keep the lid on the boiling pot of anger? We know they will bring out the usual brute force, telling the people, “It's for your own good” and “Law and order must be preserved”. What that translates into is that they are prepared to viciously crush the will of the people to protect their own wealth and power. They are not interested in the least in change for the benefit of the many, that's not what capitalism is about. 


 Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Sunday 15 December 2013

Death In A Cardboard Box.

      Homelessness lurks in the shadows of every city in this capitalist world, from the poorer Third World countries, where it doesn't so much as lurk, as hits you in the face, to the super rich Western countries, where the try to keep the streets “clean”, for the benefit of businesses and tourists. It's part and parcel of the system. At no time under capitalism has there been no homeless and at no time in the future will capitalism get rid of homelessness. The recent death of a young, 24 year old homeless man, who froze to death in Bloomington Indiana, brought a group of angry people onto the streets to protest at what is nothing less than murder in the midst of wealth. Among other acts, the protesters handed out hundreds of fliers.
From a flier distributed during the march:
   "...When the city unendingly talks about the “problem of homelessness in Bloomington,” they are talking about an eyesore, an abstract liability for downtown business and the ballooning dreams of developers.
     When we talk about the “problem of homelessness in Bloomington,” we’re talking about constant police harassment, the veiling of poverty, and people being turned away from shelters in below zero temperatures.
In short: we’re talking about a person freezing to death.
Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

I'm Proud.

What I think.
I’m Proud

I’m proud of my people, proud to be one of them,
that great mass on society’s bottom rung.
Those who, with coal-dust under their nails
in their eyes, in their lungs
claw at the earths entrails.
Their brothers,
cement in their hair
in their mouth, in their ears,
oil ingrained in their fingers,
on their face.
Sisters, glistening with sweat
midst the ceaseless noise of machines
that throw out shirts, shoes, toys, carpets
for other people.
Those with soil and sweat stuck to their skin
smelling of the earth, feeding the multitude,
grinding out their lives in a harsh pitiless system
weighted down
with a sack load of half-dead dreams,
sometimes brought to their knees
by a tidal wave of despair,
never defeated,
groping in the dark to find tomorrow,
keeping hope alive;
they amaze me.
Somehow, from somewhere
in this cold, cruel
unforgiving scheme of things
they find love for their children.
Not a teaspoonful, not a cupful,
but buckets full, to bathe them in,
to pour over them.
They seem to know
that one day this world will be ours
and to take care of it
we will need those who have been loved.

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Saturday 14 December 2013

We Should All Be Practicing Anarchism.

        America as a nation is in a state of terminal decline, it's infrastructure is rotting on a daily basis, and there is no money in the kitty to sort it out. Cities and towns are struggling just to stay out of bankruptcy, Detroit didn't manage, and other cities are facing the same fate. Shops and supermarkets close, teachers and other professionals, leave for greener pastures, you have to leave town to find a dentist, and unemployment climbs. Though from our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, you never get a hint of the collapse, it is all about growth and corporate dividends. An article in The Economic Collapse, highlights some of the problems 

     Unfortunately, it is probably appropriate that our infrastructure is decaying because we are decaying in just about every other way that it is possible for a society to decay. We are decaying economically, politically, mentally, emotionally, physically, morally and spiritually. We are a complete and total mess. So why shouldn't what is happening to our infrastructure on the outside match what is happening to us as a nation on the inside?
      And sadly, we simply do not have the money that we need for infrastructure because of all the debt that we have piled up. The federal government, our state governments and our local governments are all struggling to stay afloat in an ocean of red ink, and unfortunately that means that spending on infrastructure is likely to be cut even more in the years ahead.
       So get used to rotting, crumbling, decaying infrastructure. What you see out there right now is only just the beginning.
Read the full article HERE:

        Of course I believe that we here in the UK are in the same mess, our roads are rated close to Third World standard, our education system just about matches that. So what should we be doing? Well according to John Zerzan, we should be practicing anarchism while we still have some leeway to try and get it right, make adjustments, and work things out, rather than wait for the inevitable collapse and be forced to get on with it, without any margin for error. Sounds like good common sense to me.
     Governor Chris Christie has essentially forced Camden, an unprepared community, to experiment with anarchism. Which is awfully irresponsible.  When I interviewed political theorist John Zerzan for this article about anarchism—written in response to the shrill and ridiculous things people were saying about anarchists and anarchism after the May Day 2012 protests—he argued that we should all be thinking about and practicing modes of anarchism right now so we'll have, in his words, "a soft landing" when the shit hits the fan.
     The slow-motion catastrophes of late capitalism and climate change, he and others argue, guarantee that Americans will be living in anarchic circumstances sooner or later, and we have a choice—we can practice and experiment with anarchism now (despite the risks) while we're still bad at it but have some wiggle room for failure.

     Or we can wait until it's too late and we're forced, en masse and with no practice, to live beyond the state. Once things have gotten that bad, it might look like Camden—on Christmas.
Read the full article HERE:
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Friday 13 December 2013

Stoning By A Loving Religion.

         Of all the barbaric crimes committed by humans, stoning, is probably the most horrific, though I hesitate to classify those who commit this crime as human. Death by hanging, firing squad, guillotine, beheading, though barbaric crimes, as a rule they are usually relatively quick. What kind of beast can take a young woman, it is usually young women, tie their hands by their sides, bury them to their chest in a pit and then stand by and throw stones at them until they are dead. According to wikipedia, stoning is a slow form of execution by torture. What horrendous crime must these poor individuals have committed? In some case it can be, having sex out of marriage, or in a recent case, for the heinous crime of owning a cell phone.


      There can be no justification for such cruel and barbaric treatment of human or animal, it can't be justified on religious or cultural grounds, and those who advocate it and/or indulge in this inhuman act, are beneath the beasts of the earth, there is no place in the human race where they should be accepted.
      As usual, this is another barbaric spin-off from what is called a loving religion, and like all religions, it is all about instilling obedience by means of fear. No religion is exempt from doing its damnedest to have unswerving passive obedience. A public stoning in a village will surely get all those young women to bow their heads in submission. 

 Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk