Tuesday 25 May 2010


       Culture and Sport Glasgow workers from unions Unison, Unite, BECTU and GMB will be striking on Friday 28 May and Monday 31 May.  This is a continuation of the fight from the strikes on the April 30 and May 6.
       Strikers will again be picketing major Culture and Sport Glasgow holdings across the city, including Kelvingrove Museum, the People's Palace and the Burrell Collection.  Strikers are protesting because CS Glasgow is:
       Cutting all overtime payments to single time; downgrading some jobs to impose pay cuts of £500 - £2,000 per year; and ending premium rates for work on six public holidays.
       Strikers would appreciate solidarity at the pickets. Anarchist Federation members will be at at least one picket site - if you'd like to meet up, email glasgow@afed.org.uk.

        These are your libraries and sports centres, apart from undermining the conditions of the staff, these cuts will put in jeopardy the proper functioning of these facilities. Try to imagine your city without the array of libraries and sports facilities we have. They are far from perfect but to cut and hack at what we already have will deprive many young and old from what meagre facilities we now posses. It will be a poorer city for all of our people if they go ahead with these cuts. We have to defend what we have from the onslaught of cuts that our new millionaire cabinet are going to do their damnedest to inflict on the ordinary people of this country. It is not just a city wide appeal for solidarity, it is a country wide fight.
ann arky's home.

Sunday 23 May 2010


      These are just some of the thoughts that the BNP scumbags haven't got round to writing into their manifesto. Though given the support and time, these and other abhorrent ideas will be come their open aims.

  In February 2009 following the death of the six-year-old son of David Cameron, the Conservative Party leader, Jeffray Marshall, the central London BNP organiser, said: “We live in a country today which is unhealthily dominated by an excess of sentimentality towards the weak and unproductive. No good will come of it.”
      Marshall continued his sick tirade, stating that although it would be “a kindness” to kill children with disabilities”, this was not the same as advocating such a measure as compulsory state policy. “But so what if it is,” he declared. “At least we would all know where we stand. There is actually not a great deal of point in keeping these sort of people alive, after all.”
Mark Collett BNP Director of Publicity said about AIDS: “It is a friendly disease because blacks, drug users and gays have it.”
     Tony “The bomber” Lecomber has advocated a “racially purer” Britain through the sterilisation of the poor, the sick and the disabled. Lecomber even thinks that the rich are “genetically superior” to ordinary people and that poor people shouldn’t be allowed to have children.

Friday 21 May 2010


      Activists in Parliament Square, who have been camping out in protest against the war in Afghanistan, are being threatened with eviction in the run up to the Queens Speech next week. They are asking for people to visit them to show support. Send messages to: supportdemoracyvillage@gmail.com
They can also be followed on Twitter at: http://twitter.com/Democracyville

ann arky's home.

Thursday 20 May 2010

Citrus worker after citrus worker say...

"I have not complained because I have my family to support and I'm afraid to lose my job." - Marcelino Tepec

"I do not file a claim against my boss for fear of retaliation. I'm afraid he will no longer give me work." - Pule Vargas

"I know my legal rights are being violated by this contractor, but I do not complain because my other co-workers do not complain and I am afraid to speak up for myself." - Javier Cantor

That's why we want to tell you what's been happening in California's citrus groves and ask for your financial assistance.

Narcizo Peralta has worked for a labor contractor in the citrus orchards for nine years. When asked about his employer, he begins a litany of abuses that bother him deeply. "... I work in the citrus and they do not provide water for us. We have to take our own water. They do not provide us with equipment nor do they pay us the minimum wage. When someone gets hurt on the job, the crew boss cusses us out."

The first three items on Narcizo's list are blatantly illegal. If an employer pays less than twice the minimum wage - and citrus growers pretty much all do - they must provide tools and can't expect workers to purchase their own. Yet Narcizo's co-workers report they are required to buy shears, sacks, and gloves out of their own pockets. Employers must also pay the state's minimum wage.

Agricultural employers must provide clean drinking water for workers. Can you imagine working under the hot California sun without it? They are also supposed to provide sanitary bathrooms. But workers report that the bathrooms, when they are available, are filthy.

Rafael Vega has worked for various labor contractors for about 20 years, so he knows what he's talking about when he notes the ways that contractors cheat workers. "This contractor paid us in cash and one day me and my co-worker asked her to pay us with a check so that we could report to social security, and she became upset and fired us all, the entire crew!"

Your donation helps us do the legal work to take the workers' claims to the California Agricultural Labor Board and the courts -- as well as organizing in the fields and meeting with workers in their homes. Please be as generous as you can. Thank you.
ann arky's home.

Tuesday 18 May 2010


         Every time I look at British politics all I see are power hungry greedy careerists, then I think perhaps I'm a little cynical. Now and again along comes a politician that seems to talk a little sense and be held with some respect. Somehow Vince Cable appeared as such a person. When he spoke on the economy people listened. So when he commented on George Osborne's billions of pounds of cuts this year and described them as dangerous and “crazy”, most people nodded approvingly. However, the honourable Vince made those comments shortly before he joined with rich boy George, in the cozy-up richboy's coalition, to help him implement those self same cuts and more for next year. What worth his words now? I should have known that it was not cynicism on my part but knowledge born of a long life of political observations and experiences. Right Honourable Gentlemen, is surely the greatest misnomer in the English language, this has to be a case where the trade description act must be enforced.
       It's the same old story, what is said in opposition has no connection with what is done when in power. What appears in a manifesto is just the car salesman's speel, none of it has any connection with the truth.  


When the hordes run with their flaming torches,
When they light the torch of freedom
Burning all injustices
Scorching all hypocrisies
Making a bonfire of poverty
Throwing dogma, patriotism and religion on the flames,
I’ll be there, among them with my box of matches.

Thursday 13 May 2010


        Comment on that “coalition” government from the pillar of the Tory party the Telegraph which states in its leading article;
         “They [Cameron/Clegg] may be making a virtue out of a necessity, but they are doing it with brio... Such starry-eyed optimism is engaging, but should be treated with caution, particularly given the inexperience of the new administration...”
           While Benedict Brogan in the same paper states;
           "The danger is that an exhausted nation will believe its new leaders, and be sorely disappointed when their brave new world turns out to be a mirage."
           Of course you and I know that these two public school boys will indulge in the same old cuddly up to the rich and powerful, their group, and make the ordinary people pay the price.
           The smiling made up faces of the new kids in town will not make the cuts any easier on us, nor will it do anything for those joining the rising dole queue. We have been to the theatre, we've seen the show, it is now over. Time to go home and face reality and think how to survive the coming onslaught to be delivered by the smiling faces and well manicured hands of those who are immune to such ravages.
ann arky's home.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


One of David Cameron's ancestors: King William IV (1765–1837), uncle of Queen Victoria
     So we are all in this together!! Well from the back ground of our new Prime Minister it would seem that they are all one big family, but in no way related to you or I, or our world. He hails from that little bunch of privileged parasites that have held the reins of power for far too long, and no doubt will do all in his power to see that things stay that way. We can rest assured that he wont be upsetting any of his cousins etc.
    "David Cameron is a direct descendant of George I, George II, George III, and King William IV (great × 5 grandfather) and his mistress Dorothea Jordan (and thus fifth cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II As an illegitimate descendant of William IV, Cameron is not in the line of succession to the British throne. He is the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, once the chairman of Aston Villa Football Club, and Birmingham-born documentary film-maker Joshua Dugdale is his cousin.[16] In May 2009, tabloid newspaper The Sun published a discovery by amateur genealogist Tony Andrews that Labour politician Harriet Harman is related to David Cameron through her aunt's marriage to his great uncle.

Tuesday 11 May 2010


Saturday 15 May is a day of action for Palestine, including a demonstration in London, calling for:

* An end to Israel's violations of international law
* An end to Israel's illegal occupation and settlements
* Israeli war criminals to be brought to justice
* An end to the siege on Gaza
* A ban on all settlement goods
* Suspension of the EU-Israel Association Agreement
* An end to the arms trade with Israel

OPPOSITE 10 DOWNING STREET, LONDON SW1 (nearest tube Westminster)

Organised by: Palestine Solidarity Campaign, British Muslim Initiative, Stop the War Coalition, CND, Palestinian Forum in Britain.

Supported by: Association of the Palestinian Community UK,
Friends of Al Aqsa, Friends of Lebanon, the Green Party, ICAHD
UK, Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Liberal Democrats
Friends of Palestine, Pax Christi, Public and Commercial
Services Union, UNISON, UNITE the Union, Zaytoun

DOWNLOAD LEAFLET:   http://bit.ly/bNg9J4
ann arky's home.

Monday 10 May 2010


       Jews for Justice for Palestinians (JfJP) have organised a short UK tour by one of the Shministim - Or Ben-David - a 19 year old Jewish Israeli woman who has refused to enter military service and has been imprisoned three times as a result. The Shministim - all 12th grade high school graduates - in the tradition of conscientious objectors worldwide, have taken an incredibly brave and inspirational stand in refusing to serve in the IDF in opposition to Israeli policies of occupation and oppression of Palestinians.
      Or will be spending a couple of nights in Scotland - a great opportunity to meet Or and hear first hand about the Shministim campaign. More on the Shministim here   http://www.shministim.com/

     On Wednesday 12th May, 5.30 pm, Or will be speaking at the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Palestine in Edinburgh.

     On Thursday 13th May - 7.30 pm - Public Meeting at STUC, 333 Woodlands Road, Glasgow G3 6NG.

     The meeting is being jointly sponsored by Scottish Jews for a Just Peace and Scottish Friends of Palestine 

All Welcome.

Sunday 9 May 2010


       Warrantless searches, phone tapping, torture, kidnapping, indefinite imprisonment without charges, denial of legal representation, a continuous assault on our civil liberties, you name it, all part of the free democratic West. We slumbered, we are now in the grip of neo-fascists with an agenda aimed at protecting a privileged elite and using the unbridled power of an authoritarian government to enhance and protect their wealth.
      They are not wearing black shirts, nor stomping down our main streets in their shiny black boots and they are not burning books. To most people Fascist means swastika waving rallies and chants against the Jews. They are wrong. Today’s fascists are radical, conservative, corporate, authoritarian nationalists. They always play the fear card, terrorists from abroad, al-Qaeda, the continuous war against the enemy over there, then claim they need the power to protect us.
       The longer we slumber the tighter their grip until all freedom and civil liberties are a thing of the past. They will not reverse the trend of their own accord, they will never willingly relinquish their power. This is no time for slumber, this is a time to challenge that power, the gangrenous marriage of state and corporate power must be broken, dismantled, atomised and buried in the dustbin of history. Power must belong to the people who make up our society or it belongs to the putrid, pampered, privileged parasites of the new era of the fascist/corporate/state. If we continue to slumber our children will inherit a world of violence, deprivation, control and punishment, while the elite gorge on the fruits of our children’s labour.

Saturday 8 May 2010


        An employee of the burnt bank speaks out on tonight’s tragic deaths in Athens – On wednesday may 5th during the general strike in Athens 3 people died when molotovs were thrown at a bank which was all closed up and appeared empty but in fact the bosses of the bank had forced the employees to hide there despite their repeated requests to leave. They were told that if they left they would be fired. This is off the occupied London website (http://http://www.occupiedlondon.org/blog/) and is very necessary counter information by the employees of the bank. The Greek state is using the situation to try and vilify the anarchist movement in Greece so counter information is very important at the moment.
love & rage.

          Please spread Tonight’s tragic deaths in Athens leave little space for comments – we are all very shocked and deeply saddened by the events. To those (on the “Occupied London” blog even) who speculate that the deaths might have been caused purposefully by anarchists, we can only reply the following: we do not take to the streets, we do not risk our freedom and our lives confronting the greek police in order to kill other people. Anarchists are not murderers, and no brainwashing attempted by Greek PM Papandreou, the national or the international media should convince anyone otherwise. That being said, and with developments still running frantically, we want to publish a rough translation of a statement by an employee of Marfin Bank – the bank whose branch was set alight in Athens today, where the three employees found a tragic death. Read the letter, translate it, spread it around to your networks; grassroots counter-information has a crucial role to play at a moment when the greek state and corporate media are leashing out on the anarchist movement over here in Greece.
           I feel an obligation toward my co-workers who have so unjustly died today to speak out and to say some     objective truths. I am sending this message to all media outlets. Anyone who still bares some consciousness should publish it. The rest can continue to play the government’s game. The fire brigade had never issued an operating license to the building in question. The agreement for it to operate was under the table, as it practically happens with all businesses and companies in Greece. The building in question has no fire safety mechanisms in place, neither planned nor installed ones – that is, it has no ceiling sprinklers, fire exits or fire hoses. There are only some portable fire extinguishers which, of course, cannot help in dealing with extensive fire in a building that is built with long-outdated security standards. No branch of Marfin bank has had any member of staff trained in dealing with fire, not even in the use of the few fire extinguishers. The management also uses the high costs of such training as a pretext and will not take even the most basic measures to protect its staff. There has never been a single evacuation exercise in any building by staff members, nor have there been any training sessions by the fire-brigade, to give instructions for situations like this. The only training sessions that have taken place at Marfin Bank concern terrorist action scenarios and specifically planning the escape of the banks’ “big heads” from their offices in such a situation. The building in question had no special accommodation for the case of fire, even though its construction is very sensitive under such circumstances and even though it was filled with materials from floor to ceiling. Materials which are very inflammable, such as paper, plastics, wires, furniture. The building is objectively unsuitable for use as a bank due to its construction. No member of security has any knowledge of first aid or fire extinguishing, even though they are every time practically charged with securing the building. The bank employees have to turn into firemen or security staff according to the appetite of Mr Vgenopoulos [owner of Marfin Bank]. The management of the bank strictly bared the employees from leaving today, even though they had persistently asked so themselves from very early this morning – while they also forced the employees to lock up the doors and repeatedly confirmed that the building remained locked up throughout the day, over the phone. They even blocked off their internet access so as to prevent the employees from communicating with the outside world. For many days now there has been some complete terrorisation of the bank’s employees in regard to the mobilisations of these days, with the verbal “offer”: you either work, or you get fired. The two undercover police who are dispatched at the branch in question for robbery prevention did not show up today, even though the bank’s management had verbally promised to the employees that they would be there. At last, gentlemen, make your self-criticism and stop wandering around pretending to be shocked. You are responsible for what happened today and in any rightful state (like the ones you like to use from time to time as leading examples on your TV shows) you would have already been arrested for the above actions. My co-workers lost their lives today by malice: the malice of Marfin Bank and Mr. Vgenopoulos personally who explicitly stated that whoever didin’t come to work today [May 5th, a day of a general strike!] should not bother showing up for work tomorrow [as they would get fired]. – An employee of Marfin Bank [greek original available]

Friday 7 May 2010


So the election is over and the British people have spoken,--and there verdict,- a hung parliament. All that remains now to be done is to set a date when we can actually march them all to the scaffold and carry out that verdict.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 4 May 2010


          As the hatchet is taken to the living conditions of the Greek people the rest of the European working class can either look on as bystanders living the illusion that it wont happen to them, or they can be realists and join in solidarity with the Greek working class in the knowledge that they are next in line. It is much better to pre-empt the onslaught on your living conditions rather than trying to win back what has been slashed from you.
           We should have no illusions, we in Britain are heading back to the Victorian era of working class poverty once the elections are out of the way. Once the new millionaires are in the seats of power the real carnage will begin. There will be massive cuts to all social services, raging unemployment, wage cuts and wage freezes, higher taxes, lower pensions and working longer to get that meagre pension. There will be no care home places for the elderly and infirm, no nursery places unless you are prepared to pay through the nose. There has been estimates of council budgets being cut from 20% to 25%. So if you think the council isn't doing enough at the moment, well imagine what they will be able to do with a quarter less money in their purse.
           It is only common sense to fight back in self defence, we can't just sit back and let the financial pundits grab billions of taxpayers money while we bleed and crawl. Our very generous government handed the financial world billions of our tax payers money, which was gleefully accepted and in return the same financial world now tells us our debt is too high and the working class will have to pay to reduce this mountain of debt. Does that sound like your government is taking care of you?? 
           We don't owe anybody anything, we the working class make everything in this world, we grow all the food, we transport and distribute everything in this world. At no time has the working class of the world been living beyond its means. However the parasites of the political and financial class have been since the birth of capitalism.
           The capitalist system has lurched from one crisis to another and it is always the poor, the working class, that have to take the pain, yet they are never the ones that have gained the most. This "crisis" could be the greatest opportunity the world's working class has ever had. A chance to change the system once and for all to a system of justice. A system based on mutual aid that sees to the needs of all our people, a system freed from the grip of the parasites and their insatiable desire for ever increasing profits. A system of free association, voluntary co-operation and sustainability.
           We have the opportunity to realise the people's dream, we could be nurturing a new spring, ushering in a summer of justice, equality and a society free from the fear of deprivation

ann arky's home.



Saturday 1 May 2010


Press Release from Scotland Against Criminalising Communities
10.30am Friday 30 April 2010

         Civil liberties group Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC) is calling on Scotland's SNP Government to take urgent action to stop police using  "stop and question" powers at Scotland's ports and airports as opportunities to try to recruit informers to spy on our Muslim community.
          The move follows allegations that a Muslim man, Asif Ahmed, was recently asked to to work for Special Branch to spy on the Muslim community after being stopped and questioned at Edinburgh airport under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Asif Ahmed will be speaking at a press conference being hosted in London this morning by the human rights group Cageprisoners. The press conference is being held at the Frontline Club (2nd Floor, 13 Norfolk Place, Paddington, London W2 1QJ) at 10.30am  
          Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000 allows police to stop and question travellers at ports and airport "for the purpose of determining whether they are a person who is or has been concerned in the commission, preparation or instigation of acts of terrorism." Failure to answer questions is a criminal offence. Police do not need to have any grounds for suspicion before questioning someone under Schedule 7.  
          It is completely unacceptable for police to exploit people who find themselves in this frightening and vulnerable situation by trying to recruit them as informers. It is particularly despicable that they targeted Asif Ahmed in his way. He and his wife recently endured the trauma of a racist attack while travelling by train from Nottingham. 
         Schedule 7 is a draconian piece of legislation that denies travellers - including British citizens - the limited right of silence that they enjoy in all other circumstances. SACC has long campaigned for its repeal. In the meantime, we urge police to refrain from abusing these powers to pressure people into spying for them. 
         Terrorism legislation is the responsibility of the Westminster Government but policing in Scotland is controlled by the Scottish Government.  The Scottish Government must insist that police stop using Schedule 7 as a recruitment tool. 
          In June 2008 the Scottish Government announced that it was to provide Scotland’s police forces with an additional £3.8 million to combat terrorism.  Some of this money was spent on policing airports and ports. It is unacceptable that funding provided by the SNP is being used to intimidate and antagonise our Muslim community. 
          Schedule 7 questioning has been a frequent source of friction between police and Scotland's ethnic minorities. In October 2008 the Scottish Afghan Society held a well supported demonstration outside Strathclyde Police HQ demanding an end to harassment at Glasgow airport. 
           Police attempts to recruit ordinary people as spies don't just target the Muslim community. Underhand tactics by Scottish police made headlines last year when environment campaigner Matlda Gifford taped police trying to recruit her.  

More information:   Richard Haley contact@saccnet.org.uk  07936432519

ann arky's home.

Friday 30 April 2010


Just a few thoughts on the UK elections campaign.


The questions arise. Why war and hunger?
Why does poverty continue to linger?
Why such need in a world of wealth?
Why put a price on a child’s health?
Confused and angry the public stand
gazing in disbelief at this pathetic band.
Those shiny politicians designed by spin
their street credibility paper thin,
the great persuaders looking the mood
struggling so hard just for our good!
Masters of the art of wheeling and dealing
exceptional experts at legal stealing.
Enter the Media, drowning us all in trivial text,
everything you need know
of scandal and sport, crime and sex.
Together they create a world of confusion
all fashion and style, a vicious illusion.
So no matter how often we point at need,
we always drown in a sea of greed,
no debate entered into, no answers found,
the waffle the babble goes round and round.


 Written  by Joseph Abrams Foxnews.com NEW YORK.

      Without fanfare, the United Nations this week elected Iran to its Commission on the Status of Women, handing a four-year seat on the influential human rights body to a theocratic state in which stoning is enshrined in law and lashings are required for women judged "immodest."Just days after Iran abandoned a high-profile bid for a seat on the U.N. Human Rights Council, it began a covert campaign to claim a seat on the Commission on the Status of Women, which is "dedicated exclusively to gender equality and advancement of women," according to its website.
        Buried 2,000 words deep in a U.N. press release distributed Wednesday on the filling of "vacancies in subsidiary bodies," was the stark announcement: Iran, along with representatives from 10 other nations, was "elected by acclamation," meaning that no open vote was requested or required by any member states ― including the United States.The U.S. currently holds one of the 45 seats on the body, a position set to expire in 2012 . The U.S. Mission to the U.N. did not return requests for comment on whether it actively opposed elevating Iran to the women's commission.
       Iran's election comes just a week after one of its senior clerics declared that women who wear revealing clothing are to blame for earthquakes, a statement that created an international uproar ― but little affected their bid to become an international arbiter of women's rights. "Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes," said the respected cleric, Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi.
       As word of Iran 's intention to join the women's commission came out, a group of Iranian activists circulated a petition to the U.N. asking that member states oppose its election. " Iran 's discriminatory laws demonstrate that the Islamic Republic does not believe in gender equality," reads the letter, signed by 214 activists and endorsed by over a dozen human rights bodies.
       The letter draws a dark picture of the status of women in Iran: "women lack the ability to choose their husbands, have no independent right to education after marriage, no right to divorce, no right to child custody, have no protection from violent treatment in public spaces, are restricted by quotas for women's admission at universities, and are arrested, beaten, and imprisoned for peacefully seeking change of such laws." The Commission on the Status of Women is supposed to conduct review of nations that violate women's rights, issue reports detailing their failings, and monitor their success in improving women's equality.
        Yet critics of Iran 's human rights record say the country has taken "every conceivable step" to deter women's equality. "In the past year, it has arrested and jailed mothers of peaceful civil rights protesters," wrote three prominent democracy and human rights activists in an op-ed published online Tuesday by Foreign Policy Magazine. "It has charged women who were seeking equality in the social sphere ― as wives, daughters and mothers ― with threatening national security, subjecting many to hours of harrowing interrogation. Its prison guards have beaten, tortured, sexually assaulted and raped female and male civil rights protesters."
         Iran's elevation to the commission comes as a black eye just days after the U.S. helped lead a successful effort to keep Iran off the Human Rights Council, which is already dominated by nations that are judged by human rights advocates as chronic violators of essential freedoms. The current membership of the women's commission is little different. Though it touts itself as "the principal global policy-making body" on women's rights, the makeup of the commission is mostly determined by geography and its membership is a hodge-podge of some human rights advocates (including the U.S. , Japan , and Germany ) and other nations with stark histories of rights violations.
        The number of seats on the commission is based on the number of countries in a region, no matter how small their populations or how scant their respect for rights. The commission is currently made up of 13 members from Africa, 11 from Asia, nine from Latin America and the Caribbean, eight from Western Europe and North America, and four from Eastern Europe . During this round of "elections," which were not competitive and in which no real votes were cast, two seats opened up for the Asian bloc for the 2011-2015 period. Only two nations put forward candidates to fill empty spots ― Iran and Thailand . As at most such commissions in the U.N., backroom deals determined who would gain new seats at the women's rights body.
         The activists' letter sent to the U.N. Tuesday argued that it would be better if the Asian countries proffered only one candidate, instead of elevating Iran to the commission."We, a group of gender-equality activists, believe that for the sake of women's rights globally, an empty seat for the Asia group on (the commission) is much preferable to Iran 's membership. We are writing to alert you to the highly negative ramifications of Iran ’s membership in this international body." A spokeswoman for the U.N.'s Department of Economic and Social Affairs, which oversees the commission, did not return phone calls or e-mails seeking comment. When its term begins in 2011, Iran will be joined by 10 other countries: Belgium , the Democratic Republic of the Congo , Estonia , Georgia , Jamaica , Iran , Liberia , the Netherlands , Spain , Thailand and Zimbabwe .

Wednesday 28 April 2010


      We've received an urgent request for help from workers at a garment factory in the Philippines.

      A hundred workers have been locked out for more than two months now, camped out in front of the main gates of the Mactan Export Zone, which is one of the largest in the country.
     As the union put it, "The fight of the Alta Mode workers is a struggle for job security and workers rights." Alta Mode supplies garments to such global brands as Abercrombie & Fitch, whose 'social compliance manager' is one of the targets of this protest. No union has managed to successfully organize workers in the three decades that the Mactan Export Zone has been in existence.
     Let's put an end to the "no union, no strike" policy of those export zones and support the Alta Mode workers.

Please take a minute and sign up to the campaign -- and then spread the word to your fellow union members.

Thanks very much.

Eric Lee.
ann arky's home.

Tuesday 27 April 2010


 Parliamentary wash-up rubber stamps DNA retention of innocent 

       The controversial retention of DNA and other materials of innocent people for 6 years was passed as part of the so called "parliamentary wash-up" before parliament was dissolved. When a General Election is called all Bills not passed on the date when parliament is dissolved are lost. To get around this politicians use something called the "wash-up" whereby the major parties horse-trade over legislation that has not yet made it all the way through the parliamentary procedure. The new DNA retention law is contained in the Crime and Security Act which is just one of many new acts that have been snuck through without proper parliamentary debate. The European Court of Human Rights in 2008 ruled that the UK government's retention of the DNA of innocent people was unlawful - it remains to be seen whether the new 6 year retention is compatible with that ruling. During the wash-up a total of 18 bills were passed into law.
More details HERE

For a list of bills passed without proper debate see:

ann arky's home.

Monday 26 April 2010


       Ask the average person on the street what they think of “anarchists” and they’ll all probably say something like “chaos” “violence” “mayhem” or some other negative expression. Ask them what they have read of anarchist history or anarchist theory and they will probably say “nothing.” So where did they get their opinions? Obviously they got those opinions from the propaganda organ of the state and the corporate greed machine commonly called “the media”. Why should the media give anarchists and anarchism such a bad press?
        Could it be because they see anarchism as the greatest threat to their desire and ability to rule over and exploit the people of this world. The state is a hierarchical structure set up to control the people and legislate to protect the wealth of the corporate greed machine. Anarchism is a non-hierarchical system of sharing and mutual aid to the benefit of all in society, the two are totally incompatible. The corporate greed machine works to exploit the population and drag all the wealth up to a privileged few, it puts a price on everything and excludes all those who can’t pay the price, be it healthcare, housing, leisure, services or the necessities of life. Anarchism seeks to see to the needs of all in society and for society to be shaped by all those who take part in that society. The state/capitalist/corporate system produces an ever widening gap between rich and poor, plunders and rapes the planet in an endless drive to increase profits to the shareholders of the corporate beast. Anarchism seeks sustainability through a system based on free association, voluntary co-operation and mutual aid. Given a choice why choose to be exploited, why choose to struggle for the benefit of the privileged few, why sell your children into poverty? We can produce enough to see to the needs of all on this planet, the reason we don’t is not lack of resources it is simply that the system says “NO”, there must be profit in every action, profit for that greedy privileged few who control the corporate greed machine.
         We accept a system of winner take all and to hell with the hindmost, our compassion and commonsense surely demand we look at the alternatives. It is only commonsense to attempt to break the downward spiral of the corporate driven consumer juggernaut that destroys the environment and creates the illusion that happiness comes in pretty packaged boxes, at a price. We owe it to our children and grandchildren to try to create a better world of peace and freedom from deprivation for all. Anarchists point the way, anarchism is the tool.