Tuesday 10 May 2016

We Eat Austerity, And Send Our Wealth To The Banks.

        Having been a regular visitor to Greece over the years, and enjoyed the pleasantries of that country and the generosity of its people, I have watched the people of Greece being cruelly sacrificed on the altar of big finance, and my mind can’t help revisit the present problems faced by the people of Greece. The general perception by the people of the rest of Europe is that we have generously pour billions into that country and they are still in a mess. Of course the truth is far removed from that piece of chicanery and illusion. What we should all be aware of is that the “rescue packages”, were really designed to save the private investors and the banks, the people of Greece don’t come into the equation. According to research done by the European School of Management and Technology, of the first two aid packages amounting to more than €215 billion, a mere €9.5 billion went to assist the people of Greece, the remainder went to interest payments and to service old debts, in other words, it went back to the banks. 
         Greece is no longer a sovereign country, its so called socialist government is merely there to implement the dictate of the financial Mafia, the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) and they are determined to gut and clean out any assets left in that country and in the process totally destroy the already shattered social welfare structure of Greece.
        Even in the “refugee crisis”, Greece has been left to sort it out by itself. While Turkey got a deal of €6 billion to tidy them through, Greece got bus loads of advisers to help them stream line the paper work and processing of that tragic army of desperate people landing on the shores of Greece in their hundreds of thousands. 
       Yet we have that member of the financial Mafia, Wolfgang Schauble, German finance Minister, stating, “we were very generous with Greece.”, helping to weave the cruel illusion that the problem is really all about the nasty, lazy, inefficient, bad managers that is Greece.
          Greece is the perfect example of how the financial system that controls our lives, is hell bent on attempting to secure its debt laden banking system at the expense of the welfare of the people. For the same reason, all our welfare systems are under attack, the financial Mafia will continue to push for more and more “austerity” which translates as, “send all the money to the banks” to prop up the phoney crumbling house of cards. 
        Let’s look at Greece in honest detail and ask, why do we tolerate such a vicious, unjust, corrupt system that openly only benefits the pampered parasites who are looting the earth at everybody’s expense. If you say you want justice, then you have to say, you want an end to the capitalist system. 

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Monday 9 May 2016

I Saw The Sun!!!!

       Our weather has seen fit to take pity on us sun starved Scots. The last few days have been wonderful, and it looks set to continue for the next week. So Sunday saw me out on by usual territory, around the Campsie Hills area, I cam always get a good plate of lentil soup there.
      It was hot, but yet again, the wind stayed with us, it was an easterly wind and quite strong, but still a great day.
       I believe that Scotland's countryside is so beautiful that it doesn't matter where you point your camera, it's always a pretty picture.

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Chat, Songs And Poetry, Happy May Day.

        Yea, I know, I keep going on about the May Day picnic on The Green, but it was a great wee self organised event. So here is a wee video of the event thanks to Bob at City Strolls.

And the more sedate and sanitised official May Day march and rally.

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Sunday 8 May 2016

We Live In A Financial Asylum.

        And so the sorry, sad, Greek tragedy continues. Come July the Greek government has to pay €3.5 billion in debt repayment, but it needs a bailout of more debt to make that payment. Yes, that’s the crazy system we live under, I owe you ten quid, I can’t pay you until you give me ten quid, with which to pay you. Although the people of Greece have been driven to dire poverty and deprivation, the financial Mafia want another round of budget cuts to the tune of €3 billion. What more can they cut, unemployment in Greece is running at approximately 25%, with youth unemployment running at around 51%, an education system in a state of collapse, and a health system in total chaos. Of course there is still lots of Greek assets that could be sold of to the corporate greed machine at give away prices, to help recapitalise the banksters of the Western world. 
         Well, will Greece get more debt with which to make a payment to its debt? The negotiations are not going too well, they are deep into the waffle stage, the Troika is now squabbling among themselves, with the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) stating that the Greek debt must be “restructured”, they are getting a bit cautious about throwing their money into the Greek debt hole, on the other hand the EC (European Commission) and the ECB (European Central Bank) will not hear of that, as it would mean that as they hold the vast majority of that Greek debt they would lose lots of filthy lucre. If the restructuring doesn’t take place, the IMF has threatened to walk away, which means the bailout disappears. 
      How long will this crazy insane game of monopoly continue, how long must the people of Greece be held hostage in the crazy financial house of cards that is the capitalist financial system? Sadly, as long as we all accept the capitalist system, The system is controlled by a faceless, unelected, uncontrollable, financial Mafia, and it is not interest in the answers to the problems the people face, it is only interested in protecting and growing its wealth. So stick with capitalism, live in the asylum.
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Saturday 7 May 2016

May Day On The Green Photos.

       For all you poor souls who missed Glasgow's May Day Picnic on The Green, here are some photos to make you feel you made it there. Thanks Anne.



Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Glasgow's May Day March Photos.

       For those who didn't manage to Glasgow May Day march on Sunday May 1st. a wee bunch of photos to make you feel you were there. Thanks Anne.



Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Friday 6 May 2016

Pulling Up The Drawbridge In Fortress Europe.

      The latest from SubMedia TV. As usual, tells it like it is. Statements like refugee camps, migrants stuck at the border, The Balkans Corridor, don't portray the appalling conditions, the abject misery, and state brutality being heaped on desperate individuals and families as the flee the nightmare of a landscape devastated by Western imperialist war ventures, and its violent aftermath. Of course the language used by that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, has changed, these hundreds of thousands fleeing desperate people are no longer asylum seekers, or refugees, they are now simply "migrants", the first two labels might evoke some sympathy, so they have to be dropped.

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Thursday 5 May 2016

Tropical Scotland.

       What a beautiful day, Thursday, 5th. of April, 13 degrees, by Scottish standards that is practically tropical. Another run round familiar territory, the Campsie area. The one draw back was the 17/18 MPH wind, great as it got behind you, as you whizz along thinking that your really good on the bike, but hell when you come down to earth and find yourself grinding uphill with the full blast in your face. Never the less, a great afternoon out, feeling good, it has been a wee while since I have managed to grind the pedals along the road. Let's hope this is the start of something good.
 Outside Her Majesty's Lowmoss repression centre
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk