Saturday 4 January 2020

Rationalism Or Insanity?

       What have we become, here we are almost a quarter way through the 21st. century and we, the supposed pinnacle of evolution, have a man sitting on the throne of the most powerful military power on earth, who is wrapped in the ignorant babble of fundamental religious nutters, who still believe in that invisible man in the sky, watch their faces and get worried. What's more in there stupidity, they are asking their supposed fair and just loving god, who is supposed to love all humanity, to make America the greatest nation on earth. Talk about twisted brains. If that wee man in the sky is up there, then I am asking him to deliver Trump and his band of deluded nutters to the nearest psychiatric hospital, as soon as possible.

      It isn't funny anymore, this is the man with his finger on the nuclear button  who doesn't take any advice but acts on impulse and on prods from people like Pompeo, who is a Christian fundamentalist who believes passionately in the "Rapture". What have we become, and what will we do?

Pinnacle of Evolution

There’s a crazy ape, who
by means of incredible intransigence
has mastered the art of carnage;
through dogged determination
in a ruthless rampage
raised the body-count beyond belief.
This crazy ape
creates the human chronicles
as a cruel callous calendar,
transforms our indulgent earth
into a primitive barbaric abattoir.
He struts across the land
with bumptious pride;
he’s destructive, he’s devious,
demands dominion
planet wide.
His claim to fame,
history immortalised in rivers of blood.
Even so,
this crazy ape called man, believes
he’s the GODS’ sublime solution,
progress’s perfection,
the pinnacle of evolution.

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Friday 3 January 2020

No Borders, No Prisons

       Detention centres, prisons, call them what you will, they are all state tools of repression, symbols of inhumanity, an abomination in any civilised society. Those who work in them are usually contaminated with the same DNA of the institutions that pays their wages. Who with a shred of humanity would want to be a guard over another human in a cage.
     This article is from Greece, but Greece is not alone in treating humans in this manner, we can all look a lot closer to home and find mirror situations. Migrants are one of the many state scapegoats, tools in the state's propaganda machine.

       Athens, Greek territory. On December 19, 2019, was our last visit to Petrou Ralli Detention Center. Once more the number of detainees had increased and reached no50 50 women from 15 different countries. Indonesia, Ethiopia, Albania, Afghanistan, Georgia, Iran, Italy, Cameroon, China, Tibet, Belarus, Nigeria, Somalia, Syria, and Turkey. In our effort to talk with them, some police officers were in such close proximity that prevented women to express themselves freely about situations they experience. The behavior of some officers was also provoking towards us.

Originally published by Athens Indymedia.

        A characteristic testimony: “When we came here they forbade us to wear our headscarves and told us:” Out of here you can be Muslim, here NO! Here you are Christians… “
        Another testimony: “A police officer invaded into the shower room, while a prisoner was bathing, and made her pull the towel…” At the time, the health of several of them was very bad. Despite our own pressure for two women to be transferred to a hospital as emergency cases, nothing really changed. Ī¤hese women are still very sick. Also, there are no doctors during weekends and during the night time, at Petrou Ralli. On Christmas day we were informed by relatives of prisoners for possible initiation of a few women on hunger strike. The day after our visit they started writing their experiences in the following denunciation letter, where they describe them with their own voices. Experiences that we can simply only imagine. Women from six different countries asked their will for their letter to be publicized. When you have lost everything you do not fear anything.
        Their voices should be heard in the whole world. You can discuss it in your assemblies. The organizations and institutions that talk about human rights should stop fooling us and playing with the plight of migrants and refugees, who are led to extermination.
        We stand by and admire these women for their bravery and solidarity they show to each other…

No person illegal, no person invisible

     Our Rebel sisters are right for the abolition of detention centers and opening of Borders, for stopping illegal racist & misogynist behaviors, for smashing verbal, physical and mental torture

The passion for freedom is stronger than all kinds of prisons

In streets, in squares and prison cells, migrant women you are not alone

The House of Women, for the Empowerment & Emancipation
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Thursday 2 January 2020

Death Throes Of A Psychopathic Fantasy.

      Quite a long article, but it does feel good to get it off your chest, this piece by Paul Edwards, rolls out a lot of my own thoughts over the years. Not that the rest of the capitalist countries of oligarchs, dictators and  representative democracies are not corrupt, just that America leads the world on brutality, greed, corruption and fabricating illusions. I also believe that the end of American savage self destructive imperialism will happen sooner rather than later, and boy, will that leave a mess, that we the people will have to clean up to survive, and attempt salvage the disaster and turn it into that better world. We should be preparing for it now.
 America bring democracy to Iraq.
      Back in the days when the Deep State’s diktats commanded a modicum of credibility, its stated goal was worldwide military “full spectrum dominance”. Twenty years of grossly humiliating failure in its murderously ineffectual floundering has rendered that idea null, even to doctrinaire NeoCon wanks.
       Instead, the WWII term for total situational dysfunction and chaos is now so perfectly descriptive of our national Goon Show that it seems made for it. Back then, when a major planned operation went tits up, GIs described it as “Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition” and the acronym stuck. Consider:
       America raped and bludgeoned half a dozen countries that never harmed it while financing two that injured it materially. That monumental destruction, and the funneling of billions to whore states Isreal and Saudi Arabia (much of it earmarked for death merchants Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, and Boeing) gorged the War Machine at the price of tens of thousands of young American’s lives, bodies, and sanity. Americans mostly don’t care, of course, but that, too, is a fubar indicator.
       In America’s chief industry and source of psychotic pride--making weapons of war--the genius of Capitalism has diligently devised ways to gouge more and more money for less and less quality in extravagantly non-performing turkeys. The motive, Putin observed, is that while Russia makes arms for defense, America does so to maximize War Machine profits. This is why America puts billions into endless iterations of gold-plated F-35s that break down and don’t work, and aircraft carriers that were gangbusters at Midway against Zeroes but are now just lumbering, gigantic pinatas Russia’s Kinzhal hypersonic missiles will blow the jujus out of in a Moscow minute.
       Russia’s hypersonic, non-ballistic missiles--its phenomenal Avangard inter-continental system (Mach 27) and the Kinzhal and Zircon land and sea-based missiles that operate above Mach 9 (6000 mph)--are untrackable and indestructable by US defenses, and are generations ahead of anything America is even testing. This data isn’t secret; it’s openly available and the US Military has it. Regarding the old days of bitter US/Russian weapons rivalry, Mr. Putin said, “They didn’t listen to us then; they’ll listen to us now.”
     America has lately performed the exquisitely difficult geopolitical maneuver of alienating all nations it considers friends while simultaneously actively provoking those it considers enemies. That extraordinary diplomatic Quadruple Axel had never yet been attempted, much less accomplished.
      America has undermined, abrogated, or withdrawn from the entire web of international nuclear arms control treaties, in addition to unilaterally and dishonestly sabotaging the nuclear JCPOA with Iran to the dismay of our “partners”. It did this at a time when it’s futile mayhem in the Arab world has made it the butt of the world’s derision, its Imperial hubris has alienated even its European vassals, and when Russia and China, which have been moderate and restrained in absorbing US rants and tantrums--knowing the mortal risk of brinksmanship as America can’t--have the resolve, if forced, to go all in and show this deluded Empire what real war is all about.
         In addition to its military and diplomatic faceplants, the US has appalled and estranged most of the world with its oafish, braindead denial of rapidly accelerating climate change, and is leading the omnicidal charge of gross polluting nations against all science and sanity toward a blistering, toxic, inundated, and perhaps even humanly uninhabitable earth.
        So much for our status in the world; America is the active definition of fubar at home. A blundering Capitalist Fascist tyranny burlesquing shamelessly as a democracy, run as a Mafia Family for its vicious oligarchs and owners, with a Kshatriya class of Deep State Security thugs managing its clownish Punch-and-Judy politics to mesmerize the rubes, it has baldly stolen every benefit, every right, every security, and every source of pride from its dull people and left them with porn, dope, toons, and cage fighting in place of hopes, dreams or aspirations beyond becoming one of their own exploiters.
       Our Capitalist ruling class, entrenched in absolute power behind a symbolic Potemkin Government of flunkies comprised of a contemptible claque of hicks, clods, whores, and sleazy, Cracker hypocrites--our Congress--that stages infantile foodfights to cozen the gullible, rapes and robs us with the blessing of a justice system that is the black embodiment of corruption. Pathologically greedy, Capitalists have abandoned production as a less efficient way to plunder the public good than financial chicanery, bank fraud, and tax crime. Poisoned by their disease, they lack even the foresight to alter their sick voracity in the face of the climate catastrophe that is driving mass extinction and may portend the end of humanity itself.
        After half a century producing nothing of benefit to the American people, our Congress, fiercely divided for melodrama’s sake on fairytale principles neither gang respects or adheres to, focused only on doling trillions in fiat money to its masters, is fully engaged in an exercise so ridiculous and debased that a rational nation would summarily dissolve and eliminate it.
        A criminal sociopathic President, impeached by a criminal, sociopathic Congress, not for high crimes in which they have been deeply complicit, but on two empty, trivial, puny premises, with the charade locked in insoluble stasis while the clueless country hurtles toward catastrophe: this is what is laughingly referred to as government in this sad, stupid, criminal nation.
        QED, Fubar is indisputably the term that applies. Perceptive cynics will take issue, saying that because great Capitalist thieves have both hands deeper into the national till than they ever have proves that the system is working as intended. On a superficial level the argument is defensible but behind the heavy protective armor of Imperial propaganda lurks the broad insider economic awareness that the day of dollar hegemony is at sunset.
          Russia and China are dumping treasuries by the hundreds of billions and buying gold in unprecedented quantities. Money cognoscenti are deeply troubled by enslavement to a currency supported only by the “full faith and credit” of the U.S.A., in which they now have no faith whatever. Decoupling from the dollar as the world reserve currency and adoption of a basket of currencies in its place will bring a devaluation jolt that will disintegrate our massive debt-disabled national financial junkyard and bankrupt us all.
           Back in the days of Bill Mauldin’s Willie and Joe, GIs not under fire at the Front could laugh at Army disasters and joke about the fubar. We don’t have that space: our Front is everywhere and we can’t escape it. The plain fact is it is terrifying to live in an evil, dying, decomposing Empire. There is no joy in exposing systemic failure of ones own. There is only a profound and wounding sadness in the awareness that your country is a horror, a criminal monster, and the source of so much misery and pain to so much of the world. It is pure grief to find that all you have believed, likely loved, and certainly identified with, is false and rotten at its core. Yet life and beauty have always survived the deaths of empires, and love never dies. History, as well as Dylan Thomas, assures us that “Death shall have no Dominion.
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Wednesday 1 January 2020


      Well that's that over with. I have never been one for ritual, ceremony, tradition, I've always felt they got in the way of freedom of self expression. I'm not one for things should be done this way at this time of year, and if you don't conform you're some sort of oddity. I'll continue to wear my oddity as a badge of honour.
The goal of neo-liberalism ideology.

       And so for something completely different, not new, but it might help shock the party mood back to reality. Prophesy, or reflection of the present and possible future. 
The same can be said for most countries.
Extract from;
by HENRY GIROUX 1-894037-23-5

Page 94/95;

        Neoliberalism is not only an economic policy designed to cut government spending, pursue free trade policies, and liberate market forces from government regulations. It is also a political philosophy and ideology that affects every dimension of social life. Neoliberalism has heralded a radical shift that defines the citizen as consumer, disbands the social contract in the interests of privatized considerations, and separates capital from the context of place.Within this discourse, as Jean and John Comaroff have argued, "the personal is the only politics there is, the only politics with a tangible referent or emotional valence. It is in these privatized terms that action is organised, that the experience of inequity and antagonism takes meaningful shape." Unnder such circumstances, neoliberalism portends the death of politics as we know it, strips the social of its democratic values, and reconstructs agency in terms that are utterly privatized. It provides the conditions for an emerging form of proto-fascism that must be resisted at all costs. Neoliberalism not only enshrines unbridled individualism as a central feature of proto-fascism, as Herbert Marcuse reminds us, it also destroys any vestige of democratic society by undercutting its "moral material and regulatory moorings," and in doing so, offers no language for understanding how the future might be grasped outside the narrow logic of the market. But there is even more at stake here than the obliteration of public concerns, the death of the social, the emergence of a market-based fundamentalism that undercuts our ability to understand how to translate privately experienced misery into collective action, and the elimination of the gains of the welfare state. There is also the growing threat of displacing "political sovereignty with the sovereignty of the market, as if the latter has a mind and morality of its own.'" As democracy becomes a burden under the reign of neoliberalism, civic discourse disappears and the reign of unfetered social Darwnism, with its survival-of-the-slickest philosophy, emerges as the template for a new form of proto-fascism. None of this will happen in the face of sufficient resistance, nor is the increasing move toward proto-fascism inevitable, but the conditions exist for democracy to lose all semblance of meaning----
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Tuesday 31 December 2019

Alasdair Gray, Poet, Writer, Artist, Comrade.

     The death of Alasdair Gray on Sunday 29th. December 2019 will be a tremendous loss to the People of Glasgow and much further afield. As well as being a generous man, donating to Spirit of Revolt as well as many other groups, he was a man of compassion, insight and a battler, never afraid to speak out in defence of justice and humanity.
       The following video is from the last event he shared with Spirit of Revolt, “Writers for Miners held November 2018 in Mono, where, despite the dreadful November weather he turned up and read one of his poems, which he referred to as “A long poem about humanity”. Thanks Bob at City Strolls for the video.

Alasdair Gray reading at, “Writers for Miners” Video

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In Defence Of An Ideal.

       I was recently, reading on Anarchists World Wide, an interview with a defender of the city of Serekaniye in the district of Rojava against the second largest army in NATO and its air-power, the fascist Turkish forces and their co-patriots ISIS fighters. An extremely moving report on what it is like to be involved in the defence of a territory that is more than land but an ideal a vision of a better world for all.
     One passage stood out in my mind about the importance of creating a solid foundation for that ideal that you wish to fight for and defend.

        I think one of the most important things I’ve learned here is the value of commitment. The commitment to really decide to fight the rest of your life. To make a decision that is not easy and to dump all your energies and time in building a base, to do it in the long term and with perspective. Not wanting to do things too quickly, but having perspective of what the revolutionary construction of a territory means, including society, people. I am not saying that in Catalonia there is no commitment, I say that there comes a time when, in the face of oppression, there is no possibility or half measures, it is one thing or another. And sometimes we expected to respond, but if we respond without having built the entire base on a social, ideological and structural level, the response to the attacks will be very short. It will not be long because it will not be ideological, it will not be based on common and shared values.
       And then, of course…how to say it in Catalan? There is much talk here about bawerĆ®, about faith. I believe that at home we have no faith in our own steps, in our structures, in our commitment, also at the vital level. Because if we do not start with ourselves, if we do not fight against our sexist personality, against the competitiveness that exists in us and the capitalist mentality that we have, if we do not learn to live collectively, how can we consider a real change? This is what I have seen here, that life and struggle are the same, that we have to get people to believe again, get organized again and not be afraid of difference, because the difference is what makes community.
Read the full article HERE:
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These Hard Times!!!

        So times are hard, it's a struggle to pay rent/mortgage, heating and eating. It's a worry seeing to the needs of the kids. You have a crap precarious job and your pittance of a pay fluctuates, you're never sure how much you'll get in the next pay packet. Or you could be shackled to a job seekers allowance, circumstances that will dominate your life until you are sold to some greedy employer. Like I said, these are hard times, well not for everybody, while you strain and struggle to live a half decent life, there is that other class of citizen. The pampered parasite class, the rich and wealthy that live off your sweat and toil, who prosper by your poverty. The grotesque difference in wealth distribution built into this capitalist system has now reached unimaginable proportions. While you try to sort your affairs in £s, there is that other group who shuffle their income in £-billions, a lot of it to tax havens, so that they don't have to contribute to the running of our society. The cornerstone of the capitalist system, exploit the many for the benefit of the few, syphon all the wealth created up to the few at the top, and let the rest struggle and scramble for an existence as best they can.
    Some new figures on that grotesque unequal distribution of wealth that is held up as a measure of success. We live in a system whose motto is "Greed Is Good".
       This from Huffpost:
 Jeff Bezos, president and CEO of Amazon and owner of The Washington Post.
        The world’s richest 500 people increased their collective wealth by 25% in 2019 – a stark reminder of worsening income inequality.
        The 500 wealthiest people held a collective net worth of $5.9t (£4.5t) – an increase of $1.2t (£917b) over 2019 alone, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. Topping the list of richest people were familiar names: Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, followed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates, French luxury group head Bernard Arnault, Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett and Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
         The richest Briton to appear on the list was Jim Ratcliffe, the UK’s richest man and CEO of chemicals company Ineos – ranking at number 52 on the index with a total net worth of $20.8b (£15.9b). He was one of 16 people from the UK to appear on the 500-strong list. A total of 171 people on the list were from the United States.
         A study earlier this year found that the 400 richest people in the US owned more than the 150 million people in the bottom 60% of the country ― and that since the early 1980s, those 400 richest Americans had tripled their wealth.
        There you have it, these are hard times, well only for the many and for as long as we tolerate this crime against humanity that goes under the flag of capitalism. There is an alternative, just think about it.
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Monday 30 December 2019

The One-Way Mirror Society.

       We live in a glass bubble that has been constructed around us all by state spying agencies, city council surveillance CCTV and of course our corporate masters. Your mobile phone is a direct link to most of these surveillance groups, your computer is a suction machine for the spying class. Go out and leave you phone at home and your are followed, monitored and profiled by CCTV, facial recognition and car number plate logging. All this data collection is not done with your consent nor is it for your benefit, but for the benefit of the state and the consumer juggernaut that is capitalism.
      You may believe that you lead a private life minding your own business, but your privacy is an illusion and the details of your life are big business. You are the pawn in their vile and secretive constructed glass bubble. Today's society is a one way mirror, and we are at the wrong end. Privacy is not a given, in this society the opposite is the case, it is a privilege for those who have the time and the money. Your privacy is something you have to work at and even then you will not be completely successful in your aim. However there are things you can do to curtail some of the extremities of their prying eyes.
         There are some interesting info which we can all follow to this end in the article from Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Read the report here:  Electronic Frontier Foundation:
Download the report here: Surveillance Report:
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Sunday 29 December 2019

Television, To Be Or Not To Be?.

         A poem for today, and of course tomorrow, or a New Year's resolution. Time to stop that nasty mind numbing screen, spewing sewage on the floor, so thick and putrid that it blocks the door, it fills your mind with a nasty smell, you’d believe you're down a dirty well. It blocks the windows from the sun, makes you forget out there can be such fun.

Television - Poem by Roald Dahl

The most important thing we've learned,
So far as children are concerned,
Is never, NEVER, NEVER let
Them near your television set --
Or better still, just don't install
The idiotic thing at all.
In almost every house we've been,
We've watched them gaping at the screen.
They loll and slop and lounge about,
And stare until their eyes pop out.
(Last week in someone's place we saw
A dozen eyeballs on the floor.)
They sit and stare and stare and sit
Until they're hypnotised by it,
Until they're absolutely drunk
With all that shocking ghastly junk.
Oh yes, we know it keeps them still,
They don't climb out the window sill,
They never fight or kick or punch,
They leave you free to cook the lunch
And wash the dishes in the sink --
But did you ever stop to think,
To wonder just exactly what
This does to your beloved tot?
'All right!' you'll cry. 'All right!' you'll say,
'But if we take the set away,
What shall we do to entertain
Our darling children? Please explain!'
We'll answer this by asking you,
'What used the darling ones to do?
'How used they keep themselves contented
Before this monster was invented?'
Have you forgotten? Don't you know?
We'll say it very loud and slow:
THEY ... USED ... TO ... READ! They'd READ and READ,
AND READ and READ, and then proceed
To READ some more. Great Scott! Gadzooks!
One half their lives was reading books!
The nursery shelves held books galore!
Books cluttered up the nursery floor!
And in the bedroom, by the bed,
More books were waiting to be read!
Such wondrous, fine, fantastic tales
Of dragons, gypsies, queens, and whales
And treasure isles, and distant shores
Where smugglers rowed with muffled oars,
And pirates wearing purple pants,
And sailing ships and elephants,
And cannibals crouching 'round the pot,
Stirring away at something hot.
(It smells so good, what can it be?
Good gracious, it's Penelope.)
The younger ones had Beatrix Potter
With Mr. Tod, the dirty rotter,
And Squirrel Nutkin, Pigling Bland,
And Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle and-
Just How The Camel Got His Hump,
And How the Monkey Lost His Rump,
And Mr. Toad, and bless my soul,
There's Mr. Rat and Mr. Mole-
Oh, books, what books they used to know,
Those children living long ago!
So please, oh please, we beg, we pray,
Go throw your TV set away,
And in its place you can install
A lovely bookshelf on the wall.
Then fill the shelves with lots of books,
Ignoring all the dirty looks,
The screams and yells, the bites and kicks,
And children hitting you with sticks-
Fear not, because we promise you
That, in about a week or two
Of having nothing else to do,
They'll now begin to feel the need
Of having something to read.
And once they start -- oh boy, oh boy!
You watch the slowly growing joy
That fills their hearts. They'll grow so keen
They'll wonder what they'd ever seen
In that ridiculous machine,
That nauseating, foul, unclean,
Repulsive television screen!
And later, each and every kid
Will love you more for what you did.

Saturday 28 December 2019

A World In Revolt.


      It is obvious that our world is changing and changing rapidly. Unrest and mass protests to open rebellion is there on the streets in country after country. Some  protests suffering violent repression similar to a military attack, but still they go on. Some are prolonged and intense and ask no concession from the state. Due to the violent nature of the state and the gross inequality and injustice of the capitalist system, this unrest will continue to grow. Our question is how do we unify it and create sparks that start the fire in other areas.


  From "Groups for the Diffusion of Disorder"
on athensindymedia, via Act For freedom Now:
        Our lives are flooded with the ultimatums and commandments of the State, capital and civilization.
       In the dens of slave labour where we have to sell our labour power to survive, the bosses’ ultimatums are the voice of capitalist development at any cost. The voice of the neoliberal onslaught, the voice of the murderous intents of the bosses who torture our bodies with intensified working schedules, the abolition of Sunday off, work without insurance, no safety measures, layoffs and blackmailing.
       In our schools and colleges the orders of the State and capital are the voices of discipline to the barbarism of our times, telling the treacherous story of submission to the powerful, they are the voices of nationalism and intolerance, the deletion from our memory of every moment of the social war. Their goal is to create a new generation of disciplined slaves, always eager to enter the capitalist line of production without being conscious of their role.
Without a trace of essential knowledge of the history of struggles and uprisings against States and their power. Having accepted their peaceful coexistence with those responsible for their poverty, starvation, wars. Having accepted that the struggle is futile and capitalism is the winner of history.
        In the neighbourhoods where we live and fight, called Exarchia or not, the ultimatums of the State find us in amphitheatres and squats, demonstrations and conspiracy rendevous. Their ultimatums speak the language of modern totalitarianism, police repression, organized and coordinated State propaganda through the media, of their normality that is full of violence for anyone who doesn’t fit into it.
       Their ultimatums are the other side of State terrorism. They are the police batons that smash heads in Exarchia, are the images of refugees surrounded by cops entering buses to be sent to the hell of concentration camps, are the sexist comments and threats of sexual violence from the riot cops to anyone who doesn’t like them, are the dozens of invasions against squats and centres of struggle, is the military occupation of an entire neighbourhood by the police- cannibals scum, is the police surveillance against comrades with bugs and hidden cameras, is the kidnapping of comrades from their homes, the State’s anti-terror campaign is an essential ingredient for the imposition of the law and order doctrine.
       These and many more are some pieces that indicate the central political strategy of the State to conduct a totalitarian war against the anarchist movement aimed at exterminating it before any social unrest emerges on the street. The authorities know that the anarchist movement has the potential to act as a detonator in social struggles. They see that the flames of rebellion are spreading to every corner of the world. That the social and class inequalities that are essentially the locomotives of capitalism are becoming a choking loop around its neck.
        It is a common assumption now that we are at a critical historical juncture.
Continue reading: 

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      Not a new video, but just imagine!!

        To be honest I don't see Trump as waging any new wars, more as a coup maker, a sanction-wager and a pulveriser of the poor, obviously still surplus to humanities requirements.
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Friday 27 December 2019

Barcelona 1936-37.

       After Franco stuck is vicious teeth into Spain in 1939, his regime went all out to portray what had been happening in Spain from 1936-39 as an era of brutal violence, of murderous gunmen roaming uncontrolled, terrorising all decent people. Attempting to make sure that the real story should never be told. Though real history tells a different story than that of the Franco regime's distorted version. And now more evidence of the true nature of what was actually going on, especially in Barcelona has emerged.

This from Anarchist News:

From Roar Magazine
     Re-discovered after 80 years, the photographic legacy of the CNT which brings the libertarian revolution in Barcelona back to life, is now exhibited for the first time. This post was originally published by Text by Pol Pareja. Translation from Spanish by Andrew Hakes.
      It was a Barcelona where taxis were prohibited, waiters and shoe shiners did not accept tips, hats were frowned upon, and the notes of The International rang out from every corner. A city where approximately 70 percent of the businesses were collectivized, with their offices occupied by workers and militiamen. Anarchist Barcelona, a unique libertarian experiment in Europe which had its decisive moment between July 1936 and May 1937, has been the subject of various studies and textbooks. However, the studies and textbooks of this exceptional period have been lacking the graphic history which had been presumed lost.
 Headquarters of the CNT-FAI regional committee, located on the current Via Laietana (then known as Via Durruti). Author unknown

 Posterists of the CNT-FAI in Barcelona. PĆ©rez de Rozas
       The exposition GrĆ fĆ­ca anarquista, fotografia i revoluciĆ³ social (1936-1939) puts to rest this anomaly and offers an interesting testimonial to this period where Barcelona was transformed into the first large city where workers assumed total control of a good part of business and industry.
          The exhibition offers a journey through the photographic collection of the Office of Information and Propaganda, created by the CNT-FAI in Barcelona during the Civil War with the intent of spreading revolutionary ideology in the face of fascism’s advance in Europe. One can see in the exhibition dozens of images of well-known photographers, such as Katy Horna, PĆ©rez de Rozas, Antoni CampaƱƔ and David Marco, among others. Also on display are anarchist publications of the era, postcards, credentials and CNT documents like the Militant Manual (Manual del militante).
       Coming from a propaganda office, the images lend to a benevolent vision of the city during those months. In contrast to the wretched image that Francoism tried to establish of to the libertarian revolution — placing emphasis on the burning of churches, summary executions and the existence of gunman roaming the city at their leisure — the exposition shows a more favorable side of anarchism.
 Anarchist militia in Barcelona. Antoni CampaƱƠ
There are photos of children playing in the Palace of Pedralbes’ pool, which was converted into a children’s school in 1936. There are also photos of the popular university established in the modernist Casa Golferichs and images of collectivized businesses functioning at full capacity. In many snapshots the primary focus is humble workers posing in the very same offices where only months ago their bosses sat. Portraits of militants and snapshots of bullet-ridden churches and church bells prepared for smelting round-out the exhibition.
      “The exposition tries to dismantle the image of anarchism constructed by the bourgeoisie over the years,” says AndrĆ©s Antebi, one of the commissioners of the exposition. “The propaganda office of the CNT focused on dismantling the stigma of anarchism being roaming bandits and irrational violence.” The exhibition, which can be seen in the Arxiu FotogrĆ”fic de Barcelona, also offers an interesting vision over the agrarian collectivizations outside of the Catalan capital, photographed by Carlos PĆ©rez de Rozas and his son for the weekly periodical ¡¡Campo!!, demonstrating that the illustrious dynasty of photographers worked for all sides in spite of their conservative ideology.
 Two militia reading the anarchist newspaper “Solidaridad Obrera.” Author unknown
The photos’ long journey through Europe

        The delay in presenting such an exposition in Barcelona was created by — among various factors — the long journey the CNT’s photographic exposition took around Europe. In January 1939, before the eminent arrival of Francoist troops in Barcelona, those in charge of the CNT-FIA’s propaganda placed their section’s graphics in 43 wood boxes designed to transport Mauser rifles. The revolutionaries had signed an accord with the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam that had the Institute promise to preserve the memory of the union. The images were loaded onto a train and sent to the Dutch capital.
 It is estimated that between 70 and 80 percent of the companies in Barcelona were collectivized. PĆ©rez de Rozas
On the way to Amsterdam, the transport halted in Paris. With the threat of a German invasion looming over the Netherlands, the boxes changed course and finally arrived in the United Kingdom. They were first in London (where some archives were lost during the bombings) and later located in Oxford. When the conflict ended, they were finally transferred to Amsterdam. When the collection arrived there, a legal battle erupted between the representatives of the now exiled-CNT and the International Institute of Social History, who did not acknowledge the anarchist union’s representatives outside of Spain.
 The exhibition also shows agricultural collectivizations in other parts of Catalonia. PĆ©rez de Rozas
       The exhibition also shows agricultural collectivizations in other parts of Catalonia. PĆ©rez de Rozas After 80 years, an agreement was reached between the two parties which recognized the CNT as owners of the collection, with the exception that the collection stays in the Netherlands at the International Institute of Social History, given its great importance as the most important institute of workers’ history in the world. The process of cataloging and organizing a large part of the archives started without the lost office of propaganda’s photographic collection. Thirty more years would have to pass before the photos were discovered in 2016. “Until this date they were sealed, they couldn’t be examined and virtually no one knew they existed,” the commissioner said. After a journey of more than 80 years, the photographs have returned to Barcelona.
  Anarchist militia in the Catalan capital. Antoni CampaƱa
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Tuesday 24 December 2019

Far From The Madding Crowd.

A view of Ayr.

       My little rant will fall silent for a few days as Stasia and I for a wee break, head to Ayr, a wee town on the Ayrshire cost, Rabbie Burns territory. At this time of year I feel it is always good to get "Far from the madding crowd". See you soon.

Robert Burns Cottage Alloway.

       The surrounding area has changed somewhat since the 1700's, he didn't have a road like that passing his windows.

One of the many and varied portraits of how Burns looked.

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