Sunday 4 October 2020

System Fail.

      The third episode of "System Fail" has just been released, it takes you through the Portland riots, to the people's response to the Belarusian cesspool of corruption and tyranny presided over by President Alexander Lukashenko 

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Saturday 3 October 2020


      I found the article ‘The Rebellions of Misery’ by Gustavo Rodriguez extremely interesting and very informative. Taking history and portraying it like a long string with lots of knots along its length, which we have to untie. Though quite long, I consider it well worth a read in full. After all trying to understand what and why people will finally rebel, what is the trigger, what is the spark that will ignite the fire, and what direction will it burn, is always the enigma we have to solve.
The following is a short extract from Act For Freedom Now:
‘The Rebellions of Misery’ by Gustavo Rodriguez
The rebellions of misery.
      “All control systems are based on the punishment/award binomial. When punishments are disproportionate to rewards and when employers no longer have any rewards left, uprisings occur.”
      In the second decade of this century, urban revolts are becoming more frequent throughout the global geography, with subtle variations in duration and intensity. Hong Kong, France, Algeria, Iraq, Haiti, Lebanon, Catalonia, Ecuador, Bolivia, Sudan, Chile, Belarus, and now the United States of America, have been the sites of massive protests widely reported in the means of mass domestication. As I have pointed out on other occasions, these demonstrations have very particular motivations that explain them; however, it is indisputable that they all possess an intangible link that serves as a common denominator of most of these mobilizations: the weariness and rage of despair.
        Far from the leftist rhetoric that insists against all evidence that “as long as there is misery there will be rebellion”, what has really motivated the recent rebellions has not been “misery” but the conjunction of weariness and despair. These two factors – which drive the nostalgia for the “devil you know” and yearn for the return to the welfare state, to industrial capitalism and to the society of labour – are the causes of the widespread unrest that has led to the global revolt of our days.
        It is increasingly axiomatic that “misery” only produces “misery”. That is to say, servitude, begging and even the loss of all dignity. As the proverb goes, “hunger is a bad counsellor”. She is the mother of all those specimens that hang a sign around their neck that says “I will do any work” (even for the SS, as George Steiner reminds us). Therefore, instead of creating rebels and refusers, misery breeds disease, malnutrition, mortality, fear, sexual exploitation, corruption, soldiers, police, informants and voters: human misery.
         This is why misery is exalted by the left, knowing that the future is fattened in its jaws, as that is where future votes are counted. All we have to do is to consign some “prizes” and, to state abracadabra: the corpse-like clientele will remain guaranteed for a relatively long period of time, until “there are no more prizes” (Burroughs dixit) and the uprisings return.

 Read the full article HERE:

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A Shed.

        Derek Mahon, (Born November 23rd. 1941, Belfast-Died October 1st. 2020 Cork.) poet, weaver of words, shaper of thoughts, profuse in output, honours in multitudes, a man who turned words into artists paint brushes and saw life in all its facets as his pallete, has just recently died. My humble tribute to this magician of words is to post the last verse of his poem
 A Disused Shed in Co, Wexford: 
They are begging us, you see, in their wordless way,
To do something, to speak on their behalf
Or at least not to close the door again.
Lost people of Treblinka and Pompeii!
‘Save us, save us,’ they seem to say,
‘Let the god not abandon us
Who have come so far in darkness and in pain.
We too had our lives to live.
You with your light meter and relaxed itinerary,
Let not our naive labours have been in vain!’



Wikipedia: Derek Mahon, Moscow 2010.

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Friday 2 October 2020

B(A)D News.


  The latest episode of B(A)D news from A-Radio Berlin;

 In this episode you will hear contributions from:
      1. Radiofragmata (Athens, Greece) on direct actions, environmental struggles and the upcoming anniversary of the death of Pavlos Fyssas. One of his songs is featured at the end of their segment. Rest In Power Killah P!
      2. The Anarchist Radio Berlin in conversation with comrades from the “Burning Arks” collective, discussing solidarity work around a police operation not so well known outside of Spain, called “Operation Ark”, which took place in May of 2019.
     3. Dissident Island Radio from London with a short roundup of union wins, animal action, eco-wars and acab ammo from a largely wet august on the steadily sinking ship that is the so called United Kingdom.
     4. Radiozones of Subversive Expression contribute reports about the fire that recently devastated the Moria refugee camp and the evacuation of the Rosa Nera squat.
   5. Frequenz A with a short report about the ongoing struggle against gentrification in Leipzig (Germoney).
      6. Free Social Radio 1431AM from Thessaloniki with updates about the eviction of Terra Incognita squat, the invasion of cops in Libertatia squat and comrades in hunger strike and the martyr Ebru Timtik in Turkey.

Listen HERE:

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Thursday 1 October 2020


        Over the centuries imperialism has left a blood soaked patchwork quilt across the planet. In land after land it is the indigenous people that have to fight hardest just to survive, time and time again they are the downtrodden, marginalised, excluded in the lands they and their forbearers have lived since time immemorial. Usurped, exploited, and all too often facing genocide, while the imperialist colonisers sit on the throne of lands that were never theirs.   
        That vast patch of land known as America and Canada, is ruled by people who came and stole what they wanted and ruthlessly destroyed the lives of the indigenous peoples. Of course the dispossessed are always fighting back and some pay a heavy price for their attempts to gain justice.
The following from AMW/English:
         Statement by the Northwest CNI and the Northwest Regional Resistance and Rebellion Network for the murder of comrade Oscar Eyraud Adams.
September 29, 2020


        On September 24, a commando of more than twelve hit men assassinated the defender of water, land and life Óscar Eyraud Adams, a Kumiai from Tecate, Baja California. The killers moved freely in the territory, entered his house, shot him and fled without being disturbed by anyone.
      Our colleague Óscar Eyraud Adams (originally from the Kumiai community) was a social fighter for the rights of indigenous peoples and in solidarity in national struggles. It currently maintained its actions focused on defense of water and territory. He sought the self-determination of the Kumiai community, and the use of water concessions that had been denied by Conagua. Oscar was willing to fight to achieve it.
      He was assassinated by the Narco Estado in Tecate Baja California. None of this could have happened without the collusion of authorities; the impunity that criminals enjoy can only occur due to the open complicity of society with the government and the owners of money.
      The Kumiai tribe, original inhabitants of these soils, have survived a war of extermination of more than 500 years. They have preserved the traditions, language and knowledge rooted in these lands. Now, they continue to be persecuted by the State, which is uprooting the young people who are fighting for the self-determination of their people, for life and for the territory, since for the narco-state money seems to be the only thing that matters. For large companies there is water, and all the facilities for them to continue fattening their wallets at the expense of our land, while for the Kumiai there are bullets and slander. This is not the first time this has happened. Let us recall the case of Aurora Meza, who was unjustly imprisoned some years ago, a situation that considerably worsened her health, which cost her her life.
      We demand an end to the extermination of the Kumiai tribe, of the defenders of the territory and of life. Since extermination and death is exercised in many ways: sometimes with cowardly bullets as in the case of Oscar, others creating slander, others unjustly putting activists in jail. The denial of the right to water, life and territory are just different forms of the same plan of extermination.

Northwest Indigenous National Congress and
Northwest Regional Network of Resistance and Rebellions
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          I suppose we are meant to have a little sympathy for that capitalist business, the Windsors, as their business enterprise seems to be taking a wee hit during this pandemic. It seems that their business has taken a £35 million hit. Like all entertainment businesses, they are suffering from a drastic drop in tourists, foot fall is well down because of Covid19. Like all capitalist entities, they are doing the usual policy of “savings”, a wage freeze for their staff, but I doubt if there will be any drop in the standard of living for the family members who own the business. 
The Windsors at home.
      Though the Windsors is a capitalist entity, it comes with lots of bells and whistles. It holds the stamp of legitimacy over a lot of what our “elected” Parliament can do and can’t do. It is claimed that the UK is one of the leading democracies in the world, a rather odd claim, since we have a monarchy. In this illusion of democracy, it is the Queen who opens Parliament, our elected Prime Minister has to ask the Queen’s permission if he wishes to close Parliament early, as Boris did not so long ago. Lots of what we have going on in our parliamentary world, has to seek the monarch’s permission, none of this is the hallmark of a democracy. The Windsor enterprise is a capitalist business, just like any other capitalist enterprise, it is owned by a family, it makes lots of money but somehow the family still manage to draw social security benefits. The benefits they received from the taxpayer’s purse, year ending March 2020, amounted to £69.4 million, this was an increase of £2.4 million on the previous year. How much did your social security benefits increase during the same period? 
UK democracy on display.
      This so called democracy is such a blatantly obvious sham, an illusion of smoke and mirrors, and at its head is the finest example of power privilege and imperialism in the world, which cost, you and I, the humble taxpayers approximately £70 million a year. Think of this as you make your way to the foodbank, the job centre, and struggle to keep a roof over your head. You could fix the situation, but that would require solidarity with a real desire to create that fairer, better world for all, and see an end to pomp, power and privilege.
How UK democracy works.

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Wednesday 30 September 2020


      Remember 2008, the "financial crash", when the financial Mafia, by duplicity and sleight of hand, had blown their big gambling balloon up so hard it burst, and their gambling loses had to be met by you and me pouring billions of taxpayers money into their coffers. This was then followed by us the ordinary people suffering years of "austerity" as we were told , "we need to get the national debt down". Of course of political ballerinas and their financial friends said that they had put in place new checks and balances so that such greed drive corrupt actions could not happen again. From now on, our noble bankers and financiers would be squeaky clean, what an illusion. 
      Here we are in 2020 and one of the biggest members of the financial mafia, JP Morgan Chase, biggest bank in America and 7th largest in the world, has been caught being naughty again. The company has been ordered to pay $920 million in connection with three federal agencies for its role in allegedly manipulating global markets for metals and Treasurys. It has also without too much of a fuss settled a long running lawsuit that accused them of fiddleing to manipulate precious metals market by means of "spoofing". It is alleged that for eight years traders at JP Morgan systematically and deliberately "spoofed" precious metals and treasury futures by placing hundreds of thousands of orders with no intention of fulling them, but simple cancelling before the date of the completion. The claim was made that JP Morgan manipulated these markets and failed in its duty to diligently supervise all its traders. How many billions of dollars did they make in those eight years?
       Of course they are not alone in this cesspool of  greed and corruption, it is as always, endemic in the whole rotten financial system.
This extract from a report by Buzzfeed:
      The problems with money laundering aren’t just confined to one bank or one country. The FinCEN Files investigation also documented that after they were singled out for misconduct, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of New York Mellon, HSBC, Standard Chartered, and Deutsche Bank continued to move money for suspected criminals.
      All this corruption is pouring billions into the coffers of shareholders and CEO, and of course as JP Morgan is a big boy in this greed game, you'll notice its greedy corrupt claws crops up in this list of big snouts in the financial mafia game of plunder and pillage. All this goes of course to show that the capitalist and financial Mafia beasts can't be tamed, they have to be put down.

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Tuesday 29 September 2020

Blood Fur.

        We live in a society that will exploit anything if it can be squeezed for profit. People are exploited to varying stages of degradation, animals are exploited irrespective of the cruelty and suffering, the environment is exploited with little or no regard for the future of life on this planet. Should you object to and attack, any of these profit avenues, you will be labelled a criminal, terrorist or worse. You will be hounded, vilified and persecuted, as all these activities hold the stamp of phony legitimacy, issued by managers of the system, the state.
       Despite the persecution by the state, there is an ever growing army of people who are taking on these savageries against all that lives, and fighting for a better, fairer world for all forms of life, a sustainable world where nature and life are respected in all their wonderful and fascinating forms.
        Many months after Richii’s sentence, the filth has taken him to prison to serve six months. We want to remind you how important it is to support folks in prison, write letters and send love his way, he will need it.
      Richii was arrested and sentenced on bogus charges for fighting against the fur industry. He was targeted because of his history organising in animal rights in Sweden and used as an example to try to stop a campaign that has become increasingly effective. His charges are manufactured to make him look bad and are not based in reality.
      Read his words below:
     “Auf wiedersehen comrades
     if you are reading this, I have been kidnapped by our animal hating & corrupt state and will be imprisoned for a while.
      Many of you have asked me if I want any form of support in prison. Feel free to write me! However, do not feel obligated to send money or other expensive things. Instead, donate that money to your local animal sanctuary.
     Never to stop fighting for the animals, regardless of any resistance or setbacks.
      We are the only ones they’ve got, the only ones who want to save them at any cost and the only ones who care enough and are dedicated enough to set our egos aside for what’s right. We are the ones fighting to end cruelty and exploitation of animals and we’re going to end it once and for all, step by step.
      Fight even harder to crush the resistance: show no mercy for those who stand between us and the oppressed individuals we are trying to save from a certain death.
       Fight back. Organize yourself.
       No revolution has ever begun without a fight, no revolution ever happened in silence. Silence Is Violence.
       Raise your voice for those who can’t speak, fight until every cage is empty and smashed into pieces. I will join you as soon as I can.
For the animals
My address in prison :

Box 3112
200 22 Malmö
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Monday 28 September 2020

Our WW4.

         War, that integral part of this economic system we live under, the wars of imperialism, wars fought all over the world with your blood for their gain, the war of state power for plunder and pillage to benefit the few, those members of the pampered, privileged parasite class. However there is another world war that the establishment don't want you to see, hear about, or in any way support. It's the war of the people for justice, equality and freedom. In country after country the battles rage and blood is shed, but for the noble cause of that better world for all, free from exploitation, for a sustainable world unshackled for the chains of profit for the few. 


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Ace Events.

        As usual, our friends at ACE Edinburgh have been busy doing their organising and have come up with some events worth pursuing. Why not pay them a visit and show solidarity and support.

ONE: Thurs 1st October – Ex Black Panther Lorenzo Komboa Ervin live from the States in online meeting.
TWO: ECAP and Oficina Precaria re-start support appointments at ACE plus more solidarity news
THREE: Global Climate Strikes restart, in Edinburgh demo at Scottish Parliament
FOUR: ACE groups continue activities  More Info 
       Thurs 1st October – Ex Black Panther Lorenzo Komboa Ervin live from the States in online meeting.
Lorenzo Komboa Ervin, in person
     Anarchism, poverty, and black activism. We need to talk about austerity, capitalism, and government repression, and compare notes, and offer international solidarity. (organised through Action against Austerity)
Time: Oct 1, 2020 07:00 PM Dublin/Dundee/Glasgow.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 875 0800 8832 Passcode: 218912
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        Find your local number:
       Very recent interview with veteran organizer and former Black Panther and political prisoner Lorenzo Kom’boa Ervin on the current political crisis, fascism and rising relevance of Black anarchism.
      Pamphlet written by Lorenzo
      Please note, while this meeting is not being advertised in open spaces like public facebook, we encourage people and groups to inform friends and contacts.
        ECAP Tuesday Sessions are reopening as appointment only for the time being. (Please note the situation could change at short notice) If you need solidarity on a benefits or poverty-related issue we’re asking people to contact us by Phone on 0131 557 6242, Email or Facebook private message to organise an appointment.
        More info including covid safety measures which need to be followed
          Support, solidarity and mutual aid to combat precarity, OP give a wide range of support focusing on migrants to Scotland, including support with Settled Status applications. To make an appointment with OP the best way is via the web: or alternatively
       Safety measures for OP appointments here Facebook @piescotland website

       “Solidarity not Charity”
     “MATE (Mutual Aid Trans Edinburgh) was set up during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide direct support by and for trans and queer people in Edinburgh.”

          Global Climate Strikes restarted on 25 September, in Edinburgh there was a demo at Scottish Parliament, look out for future action…..
Scottish Youth Climate Strike
Green Anti Capitalist Front Edinburgh
Extinction Rebellion Edinburgh

         Although the ACE premises have had to close for public events during the Covid-19 emergency the groups based at ACE are still active – go to click on the drop-down menu and check out the different groups current activities via the links. Also check for events at and plus there are links to some of the ACE groups at
         We also recommend Living Rent tenants union To UNSUBSCRIBE: email with 'unsubscribe acenews'. Thank you.
     ACE premises are currently closed due to the Coronavirus emergency. Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh, 17 West Montgomery Place, Edinburgh EH7 5HA See ACE Facebook @AutEdinburgh and for special events and regular meetings online.
       Tel 0131 557 6242 - the phone is being checked and we will try and respond within a couple of days. Email (please note that the acenews email does not accept messages).
      To unsubscribe: <>
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[acenews] News from the Autonomous Centre of Edinburgh.

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       For those who might be unsure, thought this was worth sharing, so lifted it straight from ANARCHISM:

Le Monde Libertaire - Officiel

🏴 For a st century anarchism.
By the Black Star - FA group of Allier - via the website of Libertarian Socialism (full text online)

🏴 Anarchists want an egalitarian society of free men and women For anarchists, any government, any state power makes it possible materially to dominate and exploit one part of society by the other. To the way social, government and centralizing life are organized, they are opposed to a self-managerial and federalist mode of organization. Anarchist ideas are distanced both from the reformist views of socialism (who believes it possible to gradually change the unequal foundations of capitalist society through parliamentarism) and from Marxist concepts, especially dictatorship as a revolutionary means.

🏴 "... Anarchism is the requirement to place our lives under the double seal of individual freedom and social equality between these individuals, the refusal to abandon one of these pillars on the other's pretense, and the placing in place of a way of organization of society allowing these goals to continue to be fulfilled.

▶️ Read the whole text:

· See original ·

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Saturday 26 September 2020

One Or T'other.

         There is no half freedom, we are either free or we are not, there is no half justice, there is either justice or there is not. We accept one or the other, freedom or its opposite, enslavement, justice or its opposite, injustice. There is no middle road to walk, accept your enslavement and injustice, or resist and fight for freedom and justice for all. There is no free world while there is one in enslavement, there is no just world when there is one injustice. I can’t walk as a free man, knowing it is a privilege to me and not to others, I can’t accept justice for myself, while others suffer injustice. We are one family and together we must fight for that freedom and justice for all. 
It's Not For Me.

I don’t want freedom that’s a privilege to me
but not for you.
I don’t want the shield of justice that’s mine
but invisible to others.
I take no comfort from a warm home
while others sleep in doorways.
My food is bitter, tasteless, unsatisfying
when I know a child is hungry.
I can't live in a land of isolated peace
as others bleed from war.
What is mine should also be yours to share
our bounty and our burdens,
happiness is an empty vacuous illusion,
if it's an island.

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Screw Them.

       Every second word from our mainstream media at the moment, seems to be "bailout", all the capitalist enterprises are hurting and are demanding a government bailout. We should remind them that this is capitalism, a world of their making, not ours, and in that magic world of capitalism, you start a business to extract profit by exploiting the ordinary people. If you fail to make money, then you go bust, simple capitalist rules. Nowhere does it say that if your business isn't making money by exploiting the people, then you have a right to turn to those being exploited and say, you'll have to give us lots of your tax money, so that we can keep our yachts and our Bentley's.
        I'll repeat what I keep saying, if you can't make money from exploiting us, then  great, screw you and go bust, we don't need you anyway. If what you do is essential for the welfare and health of the people, then let's take it into public ownership, rather than use tax payers money, that could be going to health, welfare, housing and education, rather than trying to keep parasites in the style to which they think they are entitled.
       So I'll say it again, loud and clear, screw the economy, and what we deem to be beneficial and/or necessary for society, we take and utilise to our mutual benefit. We don't "bailout" our exploiters, all to preserve their pampered, privileged, parasitical existence. You know it makes sense, they screw you, then when things are a bit difficult, they come with their begging bowl, telling us that we need them, just another of their many lies.

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      More and more our world is seen through a screen, now with virtual meetings and virtual reality the natural world is becoming a forgotten and alien world. Even the barbarity of war can be carried out from an office somewhere thousands of miles from the horror, destruction and death. The hands-on world is slowly becoming a distant memory. Is this the direction we wish to go, to a world that suits big business and the controlling state, where you become a studied, profiled predictable entity, devoid of the right to your own social structures and interactions, without being monitored? Where communities are in a monitored virtual world?

The following from Montreal Counter Information:

Anonymous submission to MTL Counter-info

PDF to print (11 x 17)

Poster text:

Fire to the Cybernetic Prison

It’s never too late to resist

Artificial Intelligence
     AI labs, recipients of several $100M in government funding, are working to put “machine learning” algorithms in the service of a long list of industries. Under an “ethical” facade, some applications will simply allow well-placed capitalists to further enrich themselves. Others aim to reinforce repression, whether detecting shoplifters at the supermarket with automated video surveillance, developing facial recognition tools that work even on partly covered faces, or “predicting” crime or the probability of a prisoner re-offending.

5g Wireless Networking
     The unprecedented bandwidth of 5G technology enables the deployment of AI on the scale of a city in real time. Every movement becomes trackable thanks to thousands of cameras integrated into a centralized surveillance apparatus. This vision is already in practice in more than one European “smart city”. Countless sensors dotting public spaces, in businesses, cars and public transit, and worn on our bodies aim to make every action the object of calculation, prediction and control, all under an eco-friendly label. By its pervasiveness, a web of algorithms is made invisible and therefore impossible to resist.

Robotics and Automation
     Self-driving cars. Robotized warehouses. Cashierless stores. Delivery robots that call the cops when they are attacked. An infrastructure is being deployed that will change the world of work and our living environment permanently. We don’t mourn the disappearance of back-breaking and boring jobs. A dehumanizing pace is imposed on the remaining workers, who must keep up with the machines and productivity software or be shown the door. Meanwhile, what measures of social control and what exploitative schemes await the new excluded masses of an age of technological unemployment?

Life in Front of a Screen
     Possibilities for authentic relations between humans and with our surroundings are increasingly erased in service of a virtual hyper- connectivity. Understanding, discovery, and the search for meaning are reduced to production of data. Attention deficit, memory problems, loss of emotional skills and imagination, disrupted sleep, musculo-skeletal pain, anxiety, loneliness, depression: the symptoms of addiction to online technologies are worsening as the proportion of the population that has spent their entire lives immersed in touch screens grows.

For free and full lives, open to the unknown

Be the outage in their network!

And just a thought: 

Tomorrow’s World!

See the fat cat’s grinning smile
as Corporate Capitalism runs amok,
Chasing profit as it goes
firing millions of ordinary folk.
Raping and polluting land after land,
starting bloody wars.
Toxic waste, sweat shop wages
and oil covered sea shores.
Where have all the flowers gone
beneath this ozone free sky?
To join the birds, to join the fox
on yonder plutonium field to die.
Mercury fish, strontium lamb
trees that never show a leaf,
radio active beaches, toxic streams
good lean BSE-antibiotic beef.
In a world of epidemic, plague and famine
it’s bottled water and chemical food.
Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice
so you know its got to be good.
Beneath a sky that’s always black,
hurricane winds and endless drought,
its oxygen masks for the toxic air,
corporate profit’s what its all about.

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Friday 25 September 2020

Wrong Path.

 Just a thought.

Our Future

Once upon a time,
in our not so distant past
stood a beautiful, a unique world,
laden with promise,
a world where our future was open,
our potential vast.
Now, seduced by glinting tinsel of the mad
our reason quivers
on the edge of a dark abyss.
We have created a world
where wastelands abound
where we
the many, the marginalised, the ordinary,
struggle to survive in voracity that astounds
are seduced
to create wastelands in our minds,
slowly accepting chaos
in a world of insanity.
Here corporate monsters
of hypocrisy, contradictions,
sever the fragile cord
that unites being with being

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