Tuesday 13 July 2021



           So dangerous bumbling Boris and his privileged band of brigands have decide to remove all Covid restrictions in England, his timing for doing this is when cases of Covid are rising rapidly in ever part of the country. Most experts state that this is risky and could be dangerous, so much for following the science. One expert in the field of infections has stated that no other country in the world has attempted this while cases are rising, oh dear. Estimates of the outcome of this action vary from expert to expert, as to be expected as it has never been done before. Estimates bounce around reaching 100,000 infections a day, 1,000 daily admissions to hospitals and a possible 100 to 200 deaths a day, with the resultant disruption to the NHS normal services. One expert compared dangerous bumbling Boris's action like taking the control rods out of a nuclear reactor. Pro. Chris Whitty has stated, "The slower we take it, the fewer people will have Covid, the smaller the peak will be and the smaller the number of people who will go into hospital and die." and dangerous bumbling Boris response to all of this is let it rip.

         There is only one reason for lifting the restrictions, the economy. His rich corporate backers have obviously been having a wee word in his ear, whispering, "We need to start making more money again, get the peasants back out there working and spending." Another thought that will guide him in this decision is the fact that his financial Mafia friends will be wanting him to get the tax revenues up so that the peasants can start to pay off the massive debt, also think austerity. One thing you can be sure of, his actions never have the welfare of the ordinary people in mind. 

      Call me cynical, but it sounds very much like a policy of herd immunity, let the bodies pile high, eventually the weak and vulnerable will be eliminated and society will be immune. Then we can get on with the usual exploitation and money making for the pampered privileged parasite class.

Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info    

Sunday 11 July 2021


           Every part of the planet that the European has landed and decided this is theirs has meant a life of horrendous cruelty and brutality for the indigenous people, their belief in their phoney superiority knows no bounds. Most people are aware of the genocide carried out on the indigenous people of that land they call America. They then went on to write a false history of how the good white settlers fight hard and honourably to defend themselves against an evil vicious savage. 
      Then in that patch of the globe called Canada, they had a different approach, besides treating the indigenous people as less than human, they took their children and put them in "residential schools" under the care of fanatical Christian fundamentalists. Many indigenous families never saw the children again. Now we find out that these schools have hidden mass graves of children, child deaths that were never recorded, buried in unmarked graves, we are talking about thousands of children taken from the parents to be shaped in the image of their would be masters.

        Let's not forget swagger salt of the earth Aussies, with their Bondi Beach and Sydney opera house, they simply attempted to obliterate the indigenous people. The Aboriginal people of that land only make up 3% of the population but make up 29% of the prison population 2021 figures, back in 1989 they made up 1.1% of the population but 14.3% of the prison population. It is safe to say that they are the most incarcerated group on Earth. Another indication that the indigenous people of that land are of no real value to the white settler, is the fact that since 1991 at least 474 have died in police custody. As far as I'm aware, no police officer has ever been charged with any offence in any of these deaths.
        This is the horror and vindictive savagery that has built the Western wealth and power, slavery and subjugation of indigenous people. From India to America, from Australia to Canada, from New Zealand to South America, they have all felt it to their sad and brutal detriment, the savagery of the Western civilising of the world. Sadly it still goes on, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, and so the sorry tale continues. It is up to all of us to settle this for once and all, we are one race, on one planet, and we need each other if we are to survive and create that better world for all our people. Don't expect the pampered, privileged parasites who gain immensely form this system of subjugation to do anything to alter the bloody path we walk. 
Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info  

NO Metro.

          One way for capital to take control of an area is gentrification and one way the state can assist this process is subsides and infrastructure that will encourage developers. For many years the Greek state has tried to turn Exarchia into an up-market developers paradise but so far has failed. Of course they don't give up easily, after a concerted effort from police brutality to change this area, which so far has failed, they continue with the attempt to put in place the infrastructure that will attract developers, a Metro station in the centre of Exarchia Square. This has been met with strong and determined resistance from the locals and their supporters.


      Today, 5/7 at around 6:00am a surveyors workgroup and a contractor showed up at the square for setting out the works concerning the construction of a metro station in the square.
       Immediately people from the neighbourhood and in solidarity arrived at the square making it clear that the people won’t allow the construction of a metro station in Exarchia, forcing them to leave.
       They also made it clear that, as has happened until now, the next time they show up in the neighbourhood the people will be there to prevent any work.



Individuals from the Exarchia neighbourhood and in solidarity

A small attack against Airbnb in Exarchia

        Some days before we did an action against an apartment that is being rented through the Airbnb platform in Manis street, Exarchia.
        We wrote slogans, painted the key box, we threw leaflets with written on them in English “Housing is not a luxury, stop the evictions and gentrification” and “Immigrants welcome, tourists go to your own homes”. Then we threw paint on the balcony. The Delta cops passed by the point a few minutes before the action and a few minutes after we had finished without understanding anything.
 Visit ann arky's home at https://radicalglasgow.me.uk   

Wednesday 7 July 2021

I Am.



I am fire,
I surge, I hiss,
sometimes bursting forth in a flame
that lights up the world
illuminating unimagined dreams.
Then the black cloak
blankets out the glow.
Again all is dark,
but, still
beneath the surface
I surge, I hiss,
I endure, waiting, seeking,
building up pressure.
One day I will explode
destroying forever
the Tartarean crust of oppression.
I am fire,
I am the people.

        The people of Colombia have been on the streets for 67 consecutive days, facing savage brutality in the form of torture, beatings, disappearances, live ammunition  and rape at the hands of the state's minders, the police. This shows to what lengths the state will go to subdue the people, and it also shows what the people are facing in their struggle for justice, equality and freedom. The new world of justice for all will not be created on social media, it will not be legislated into being within the corridors of power. That world that belongs to the people and functions for all the people, will only be won on the streets, in the workplaces and in the local communities. A major weapon in that struggle will be the solidarity between communities, but that solidarity must cross those imaginary lines drawn by the power mongers, borders must fall, national flags used as firelighters. There can be no divisions between the ordinary people. It is one world, we are one people, this world is ours by right of the sweat, toil and blood of our previous generations.


I am the crowd
I swim in the quagmire of poverty
its hooks, its barbs, tear my flesh
rupture my dreams,
I hold my breath for centuries
hoping to break through, gasp pure air.
Through the murky mire
I see bright things, shiny things, sparkle
I see women in fine dresses, men in silk shirts.
I ask myself,
why do I swim in this cesspool?
I want the light and warmth of rectitude
to caress my labouring body,
seeds of my dreams to bloom
like wild flowers in a meadow.
One day, I will use my boundless strength
to haul this torn, battered being
out of the morass
onto the warm grassy bank,
when I do;
woe betide you, women in fine dresses
woe betide you mister in your fine silk shirt
should you ever try to get in my way,
for I am the strength of the world,
I am the crowd.

MedellĂ­n. Colombia. 

          A few days ago, during the anti-government protests in Medellin, Colombia a 15 year old girl was raped by the police. On July 2, groups of feminists set fire to the police station with Molotov cocktails.

Originally published by Abolition Media Worldwide.

        This is not an isolated case, since the protests started, more than 2 months ago, 28 women have been raped.
         The uprising in Colombia has hit its 67th consecutive day. Despite hundreds of people being killed and disappeared, and police shooting out the eyes of demonstrators, people have been returning to the streets, fighting back valiently, burning police stations and attacking police.

Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info  

Sunday 4 July 2021


         Exploitation, poverty, homelessness, famine, wars, pandemic, injustice, inequality, deprivation, racism, these are the some of the thoughts that occupy my mind most of the time. Now and again my mind turns to those other things, things that I love, poetry, comradeship, and of course roses. I have grown roses for years, I simply love to see a rose bush in full flower and growing and tending them fills me with tremendous pleasure.
       Last year due to the early warm spring we had a wonderful long lasting season of beautiful roses. This year due to the prolonged early morning frost right up to the middle/end of May, the roses seemed to be much slower and a bit behind. However, nature being what it is, they are now in full swing with some magnificent blooms. To try and share my pleasure I have captured some of the blooms just after a shower of heavy rain, though the transfer from camera to blog doesn't do the photos justice. The pure white one is a standard T rose called Iceberg, the bloom is particularly long lasting and at the moment, the bush is covered in beautiful white blooms, all enhanced by the raindrops. All of them things of beauty that can for a while, keep at bay, those other afore mentioned thoughts of the avoidable horrors that plague our wider world.

Visit ann arky's home at:


Saturday 3 July 2021

Wet Sma' Shot.

           Well Paisley's Sma' Shot Day passed without its bands, drums banner, flags, march and burning of the "Cork", as I stated in a previous post, the town fathers had decided to cancel it, well, they didn't say that in words, but did in deeds. The said it would be an online affair, which just means that it was cancelled. How do crowds march through the streets with banners, music and noise, end up in a flat bit of town and carry out the annual ceremony of burning the "Cork", while sitting at home looking at a screen?
        However this working class struggle and victory was marked on the street in Paisley by a small group of die-hard working class warriors. The "Cork" turned up, with his ill gotten money sticking out of his hat, pockets and sleeves, but wasn't burnt on this occasion, literature was handed out, but the weather decided not to be on their side and it poured buckets. Undeterred the event went ahead, the stall, the "Cork" and leaflets, explaining about the Sma' Shot Day and the Radical Paisley got distributed. If you missed the event, enjoy the photos.

Visit ann arky's home at https://radicalglasgow.me.uk   

Thursday 1 July 2021

Live Free.

            Autonomous spaces, where people organise in a co-operative manner the way they want to live, free, in peace, co-operation and harmony are essential bullet holes in this authoritarian system of control freaks and profit gobbling maniacs. However the state can't tolerate free thinking people who live in harmony outside their cage of submission. The Greek state has used every brutal tool in its authoritarian armoury against these autonomous spaces brutal evictions, detention and prison sentences, bricking up doorways, and mounting a military style occupation of the area. However, the Greek state is not alone in this onslaught against the free thinking people, state after state is doing likewise, and never much of a mention in the state mouthpiece the mainstream media. The following extract is from Germany, but it could be Russia, France, Chile or any of the other capitalist oriented states.

Originally published by Kontrapolis
To the companions of Köpi Wagenplatz
         We know exactly how you feel right now. We went through the same shit almost a year ago. The whole chaos of barricading, clearing things out, keeping things there. Arguing, liking each other, all the fear of losing the long used and long loved home. All the questions of where to go afterwards and at the same time knowing that we will not lose our home, because we can still defend ourselves, because we will still defend ourselves.
        Of course the Liebig34 was and is quite different from the Köpi Wagenplatz. But when it comes down to it, we can count on each other. We want to say again a big thank you how you have supported us shortly before the eviction and really on all levels. Without you we wouldn’t have been able to get things going so well and we wouldn’t have had as much fun. And above all, we would not have gotten to know each other better. Thanks for that! For support and new friendships.
That’s why we want to ask everyone to support Köpi as much as we do! More than 30 years of self-organization do not just pass us by. Köpi Wagenplatz is similar to the Liebig a super diverse bunch of people and therefore quite unique. Few Wagenplätze in Berlin have existed for so long and more and more are being evicted and more and more are needed.
        We can’t imagine a Berlin without the Köpi and the Köpi Wagenplatz and we don’t want to. We have experienced the best concerts in Köpi. We all forgot about time for a whole weekend and hung out in the Köpi yard by the fire bin for far too long, drank beer and forgot when next Monday wll come. All in all, we all have our different exciting stories that we don’t want to miss. Köpi is so much more than a place to live! Köpi is a super international place where so many different spaces, people and collectives are. “Köpi bleibt Risikokapital!“ That is clear. Let’s show the profit-oriented system what it means when another self-organized project is taken away from us. Let’s show the pigs that they can’t take away our ideas of freedom. Better burning hearts than dead dreams!
         It is the same as always, Köpi Wagenplatz must be defended to the last.

We wish you a lot of strength!
See you soon your Liebig34
Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info   

Wednesday 30 June 2021

Holy Violence.

       Most of my adult life I have always resented the fact that those organisations which believe in magic and men going up into the sky on a horse and a man having died coming back down from the sky to speak to some of his friends, get more privileges and protection from the establishment than ordinary rational based organisations. Likewise I have always believed that we will never be free until every Rabbi, priest, minister, mullah and any other variety of magical visionaries have been banished to the solitude of their own backsides. I have also longed for the day when every church, chapel, synagogue mosque and any other symbol of the magic brigade is turned into a sports centre, community autonomous space, dancehall, or some other such useful establishment for the locals, free from the idiotic ramblings of that group of insane known as the religious.
      All religions are steeped in blood they persecute those who don't swallow their magic balderdash, they slaughter each other trying to prove that their loving god is more loving than the others. Their history is on catalogue of killing for power and converts.
      So you can imaging that I shed no tears after reading of the burning of churches and I understand the anger, but I shed tears for the savage brutality brought down on the children caught up in their maniacal drive for converts to their hocus-pocus magic rituals.
The following extract from Act For Freedom Now: 

       Two new churches were burned down on Saturday 26 June on native territories in western Canada, bringing the total number of churches burned to four, since the discovery of a thousand unmarked graves near former residential schools run by the Catholic Church in British Columbia.
       In the early hours of Saturday, St. Ann’s Church and Chopaka Church, both located on strips of aboriginal land in British Columbia, were burned within an hour of each other, federal police said. “Both churches were destroyed,” said Sgt. Jason Bayda of the Canadian Mounted Police in a statement. 

           The fires occurred two days after news broke of the discovery of more than 750 unmarked graves on the site of a former Catholic Church-run residential school in Marieval. Last month, the identification of the remains of 215 children near another such school had already shocked and outraged the country, illustrating the ordeal suffered for decades by indigenous children in schools run by the Catholic Church. 
Visit ann arky's home at https://radicalglasgow.me.uk    

Sma' Shot Day.

    Sma' Shot Day a traditional workers celebration held annually in Paisley, according to the powers that be, will be a virtual event this year, that's the same as saying it will be cancelled, but you can watch pictures of past events on your screen. But fear not, a small group of die-hard supporters of working class traditions will be holding a small event to mark this memorable day in working class struggle. The Glasgow Keelie will have a stall where you can come and meet the "Cork", he is usually burnt at the annual celebration. Sadly he will not be burnt this year, so come along a tell him what you think of profit grabbing greedy bosses, pick up a free copy of Radical Paisley, Glasgow Keelie and other free literature, chat with the stall members, and keep alive this important day of workers celebration of victory.

Saturday 3rd. July, 1pm. to 3pm.
Paisley, The Cairn, the Cairn is at the west end of the pedestrianised area near the arcade, M&S etc.

     TRAVEL ON SATURDAY: Cairn is at the west end of the pedestrianised area where the arcade, M&S etc  If not from Paisley, or on the direct train line to Largs, Ayr, Gourock. From Glasgow Central, trains to Paisley Gilmour St. There is another small line which terminates at Canal st, via Dumbreck, a bit further away which used to be ideal for Sma Shot, as in 2019. For 2021 walk up New St. to get to the Cairn. By bus 9 First Bus, 38 McGill, 26 McGill via Govan & Braehead, 17 McGill via Bath St, Kelvin Hall, Tunnel and Cardonald. The Glasgow Times has reported that some localised Orange order parades are scheduled in various parts of Glasgow & could delay some bus travel.

 Timetables via https://www.travelinescotland.com

Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info  

Tuesday 29 June 2021


          Well more than a year and we at Spirit of Revolt, thanks to Covid19, are still unable to gain access to our working room at the Mitchell Library. We can and do try to keep things moving as best we can, one of those things we can still do is to keep giving you our "Read of the Month". A little snapshot of what we have in our archive and on our website, https://spiritofrevolt.info
        This month it is a little known publication called Authority, issue No.2 from 1979. Have a read and perhaps it will tempt you to delve ever deeper into what we have in our archive. There is a lot to read, enjoy and learn from our comrades from the past. 

Read Online: 

Visit ann arky's home at https://spiritofrevolt.info