Saturday 2 September 2023




       In this unjust, unequal society justice is the at the dictate of the powerful, the ordinary people are in a continuous struggle to try and achieve justice, but so far have failed. So what is universal justice? In all Probability it is anarchism.
         This film on justice is from Submedia and is well worth the time to sit down and watch, and perhaps spread it around.

 From Submedia,       

It's our pleasure to announce a new episode in our A is for Anarchy series, "What


          A world without police or prisons doesn’t mean a world where harm isn’t confronted or addressed. Learn more about anarchist conceptions of justice in this episode of A is for Anarchy
         Our conceptions of justice shape who we are and how we believe the world should work. In this episode of A is for Anarchy, we examine historical foundations of justice, the carceral criminal justice systems employed by states today, and anarchist strategies for confronting and addressing harm outside of the punitive logic of the state.
        In a world where states claim a monopoly on justice, we’re left with just us, so what are we going to do about it?

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Friday 1 September 2023

I spy!!

                                                Image courtesy of Who What Why.

         The following extract is from Freedom News and refers to the U$A, but I don't for a minute think that it is only in that country that the surveillance culture is out of control, well as far as the public is concerned, but hasn't gone far enough as far as the powers that be are concerned. Here in the UK we are continually filmed, photographed by CCTV, tracked by our mobile phones and cash machines, and car number plate identification is everywhere. I go to a dance display of my grand daughter and I'm not allowed to take photos or film the kids, but the state can photograph kids running around and playing in the park, or just doing what kids do, and they do it with impunity. The state can only exist with control over the population and in their eyes that means more surveillance, more of your data available to their prying eyes. The existence of a state controlled surveillance system nullifies any possible semblance of a democracy. and makes a mockery of freedom.

From Firestorm Books

        The opening of our bookstore on Sunday had unexpected guests. Throughout the afternoon, a police drone hovered conspicuously over Haywood Road, directly in front of our shop. Occasionally it flew back to the nearby APD substation, only to be replaced a few minutes later. As we handed out homemade popsicles to celebrate our big day, some community members were alarmed. People wanted to know if the drone was ours. A neighbor arriving with her family asked if she and her children were being filmed.
         It seemed that our shop and the hundreds of people who visited it were being surveilled. While the quadcopter sat in the sky and stared creepily down at us, police cars drove by slowly. Sometimes the drivers appeared to be filming with their cellphones. One officer hollered unintelligibly at folks sitting on our patio. This wasn’t a covert operation—Asheville cops wanted to make sure our customers knew they were being watched.
        This bizarre abuse of power is worth talking about, not because it’s exceptional but because it’s increasingly normal. We live in a city where the surveillance capabilities of the police have greatly outpaced restraints, and elected officials ostensibly tasked with oversight are eager to appease a tough-on-crime audience. That’s an Asheville story, but it’s also a national story, with cities across the US being reshaped by a conservative backlash to the George Floyd Uprising and its call for a reckoning with the white supremacist roots of policing.
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Thursday 31 August 2023

Keelie 43.

                 With all the double dealing and underhand business of our political ballerinas, all with the aim of enhancing their personal wealth and that of their cronies, with the resulting poverty of the ordinary people, we have to be aware of what they are up to and organise against their self-seeking greed driven system. Hence the need for papers such as the Keelie it is the voice of the ordinary people of Glasgow, it helps to shine a light in those dark corners of the political sewer that sweeps through our city and further afield.
          So don't forget to grab your free copy of The Glasgow Keelie, No.43 it is now on the streets at pickets, demos and in pubs and cafes. You can also read it on line here. You can also contribute to its contents with you own personal grip against the injustice that surrounds us all. Or why not request a bunch to circulate among your friends, neighbours and work mates, contact the Keelie here.

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Wednesday 30 August 2023



             The struggle for freedom and justice is not a new struggle, generation after generation of ordinary people have been struggling for that better world for all. We owe it to them to continue that struggle, the struggle will be over when we overthrow the present system of state/capitalism that has spawned so much poverty, wars and insecurity for the mass of the world's population while heaping unimaginable wealth, privileges and power on the few.
           The Glasgow Keelie Group and others took to the streets to mark the state murder of one of those freedom fighters. James Purlie Wilson who was brutally hanged and then beheaded by the state on Glasgow Green for his part in the 1820 insurrection. This enactment took place in Glasgow on Sunday 27 August on Glasgow Green, at the Barras and in front of the Glasgow's People's,Palace.

       For more on the 1820 insurrection go to and click on Strugglepedia 

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Tuesday 29 August 2023



          The following is a comment from an article on the war in Ukraine. It is always good to hear as many opinions as possible and come to a some sort of decision about  the £millions of British tax payers money that is being thrown into this blood bath of youth. What kind of regime are we supposedly bolstering with weapons and money, how many of Ukrainian's youth will be sacrificed to support the lie that it all about democracy.

Realist · 1 day ago

         In order to accept the amount of violence and death incurred by our Ukrainian proxy pawns, most Americans must reflexively assume that the "other side" in all these wars that America deliberately provokes or starts never has a legitimate thing to say or point of view to defend. They are assumed wrong, guilty of moral deficiencies and undeserving of any more life simply by fact of not being Americans. Non-American lives carry no value whatsoever. As many lives as you like may be slaughtered slowly and methodically or stamped out in one fell swoop.
       It is never wrong to hoodwink these poor fools into basically serving as nothing more than cannon fodder to further the international policies of the American government, which in the case of Ukraine is simply to do damage of some kind to the Russian state or its assets, which happens to stand as a slight impediment to absolute American hegemony on the planet. Nobody gets to influence even their own neighborhood on the other side of the world unless we say so. Savage actions like the industrial scale murder of half a million young men representing virtually the entire next generation for the people of Ukraine is callously thought "worth it" or justified to achieve these goals versus the oh-so-evil Russians.
      The facts that the government of Ukraine, which we helped install illegitimately through a coup d'etat, are dedicated Nazis who still worship actual historical Nazis from WWII, who practice no semblance of actual democracy in their own governance, and who deliberately and methodically spent 8 entire years repressing the resident ethnic Russians within the borders of Ukraine, disenfranchising, censoring and conducting genocide against them until at least 15,000 such victims had been killed.
      All those actions, which might be considered heinous crimes if committed by some other population, are just readily brushed aside because the killing is not being done by Americans and the dying is nearly entirely being done by i) a people (the Ukies) whom we do not care about whatsoever and ii) a people (the Russkies) whom we hate for no reasons that ever have to be honestly admitted or logically explained. We are the exceptional ones and need offer no explanations. They are the Untermenschen and unworthy of life, let alone competing in this world with the glorious USA. Now where have we heard the likes of all that before? 

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Monday 28 August 2023



       To most people it is obvious that the world we live in today is run on completely unfair, inhumane and cruel ideology. It is a world that produces enough to see to everybody's needs but doesn't even attempt to distribute it in a fair and decent fashion. We have created a system that allows a few to amass unimaginable wealth, to grasp the world's resources and distribute them in the best way to maximise their already unearned wealth and privileges We then proceed to surrender our power to that small wealthy privileged parasite class and accept an existence of servitude, poverty and deprivation. We allow this coterie of plunderers and pillagers to engineer wars to help bolster their power and wealth. Their very existence depends on our obedient servitude and as long as we obey their rules and legislation, so the situation will continue, and the gap between the obscenely wealthy parasite class and the ordinary people will widen, and we will hand our children and grandchildren an inheritance of servitude and poverty. 

Image courtesy of Wait But Why.

          If we wish to change this cruel insane system to one of fairness and freedom, we would do well to remember the words of William Kingdon Clifford, English mathematician and philosopher, 1845-1879. "There is one thing in the world more wicked than the desire to command, and that is the will to obey."

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Ragged Uni.


         Thought this might interest some folks if you are in or around Edinburgh on these dates.

Next Ragged University Events...

10th Sept 2023 Edinburgh: Come along to The Outhouse (12A Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh) at 5pm for a screening of presentations on the 'East India Company and a discussion of the origins of the modern multinational corporation' with Alex Dunedin... Click HERE for info

13th Sept 2023 Edinburgh: Come along to The Outhouse (12A Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh) at 6.30 pm for a talk on 'How, as an environmentalist, I got involved in solidarity with the Palestinians' by Eurig Scandrett... Click HERE for info

20th Sept 2023 Edinburgh: Come along to The Outhouse (12A Broughton Street Lane, Edinburgh) at 6.30 pm for a talk on 'Bees and Honey' by Gino Jabbar... Click HERE for info


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Saturday 26 August 2023

State Murder.



          Let's not forget those who gave their life in the desire for freedom for all. come on down to Glasgow Green Sunday 27th Aug 1-3pm commemorating the murder by the state of James Purlie Wilson hanged and headed on the Green in the State's brutal repression after the 1820 insurrection more on the 1820 insurrection click on STRUGGLEPEDIA 1820 Insurrection.

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State Inhumanity.


Update on Alfredo Cospito’s situation and call for solidarity August 2023
           The latest news we’ve got about Alfredo, still in prison in Bancali (Sassari) under the 41 bis regime, are that his health is stable, he is physically sound and has regained weight after his six-month hunger strike. Unfortunately, he receives very little mail, almost none. Also, when the prison withholds letters, postcards or telegrams, often he’s not informed by prison staff.
           He thus finds himself subjected to an even higher and more arbitrary censorship than the already harsh one of 41 bis. Let’s not let him lack our solidarity! We urge all to write letters or postcards using registered mail with return receipt requested, to increase the chances that, if they are withheld from him, he will be at least notified.

Against all prisons!

Cassa Antirepressione delle Alpi Occidentali

Alfredo Cospito
C. C. “G. Bacchiddu”
strada provinciale 56 n. 4
Località Bancali
07100 Sassari
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Friday 25 August 2023

Our History.



         Spirit of Revolt Archives of Dissent, Glasgow/Clydeside is an Anarchist, Libertarian Socialist Archive and has been in existence since 2011. It was formed by a group of unpaid volunteers, this film tries to explain the reasoning behind the formation of the project, its aims and some of the volunteers involved.
         At present we have 49 collections catalogued and on the website with others waiting to be catalogued and posted to the website. These collections contain thousands of historical documents, pamphlets, leaflets, serials, letters, photos, posters and a myriad of memorabilia, related to the struggle of the ordinary people, lots of this already free to read on line. We are not associated with any political party of trade union, and rely completely on donations from comrades, friends and associates. If you think what we are doing is a worth while cause and important enough to continue, why not make a one off donation or a monthly direct debit, the price of a pint or a couple of coffees a month would make a tremendous difference


Film Introducing Spirit of Revolt Archive.

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Wednesday 23 August 2023



          The photo below is of the Glasgow Anarchist Group from 1915. The photo is known to lots of anarchists but we are all stumped as to who they all are. We have some info but haven’t had it properly verified and would dearly love to know who these people were. Though it is dated the 1st January there is not a glass on the table, all cups, saucers and cakes, love and cakes, the essential of any anarchist society. Does that tell us something about the group?


 The info we have at the moment is;

1. Molly Loyd, she married the guy to her left No 2.
2. Charles McPherson, lived in Harmony Row, Govan, worked in Fairfield Shipyard.
7. Willie MacDougal, we know a good bit about him, see; HERE. 
      As for the rest we would love to receive any info on any of them, no matter how small the detail it could help to lead us to further info. Any further info on Molly and/or Charles would also be very gratefully received.

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Anarchist Vision.


         A bit late with this, but it is still August. Spirit of Revolt for your August Read of the Month brings you a publication from our Charlie Baird Collection, Of Man and Revolution: An Anarchist Vision. Michael Tobin T SOR 6-7-21. Well worth a read, and while on our site why not browse through what is probably Scotland's largest collection of Anarchist and Libertarian Socialist history and memorabilia. Lots of personal photos, letters, documents, pamphlets, posters, and much more, lots of it on line for you to read for free. T SOR 6-7-21 Of Man and Revolution: An Anarchist Vision. Michael Tobin 


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Tuesday 22 August 2023



         In conjunction with Call for International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners 2023 // 23 – 30 August.

From Bloomington Anarchist Black Cross

[PDF for printing]

         Fire Ant is a quarterly publication focused on spreading the words of anarchist prisoners and generating material solidarity for our imprisoned friends. Begun as a collaboration between anarchist prisoners and anarchists in Maine, Fire Ant seeks to raise material aid for anarchist prisoners while fostering communication between anarchists on both sides of the walls.

        Issue #16 features art, poetry, letters, and essays by Sean Swain, Marius Mason, Michael Kimble, and Eric King; and an update on Thomas Meyer-Falk.

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Sunday 20 August 2023

It's a Con.

           While our planet goes through a man made catastrophe of monumental proportions that risks the demise of most of the species on the planet, including our own, our political ballerinas pump out a mixture of bullshit and garbage. We are told it is our life style, that of you and I, the ordinary people have to change. We are offered advice on how to safe the planet, from taking shorter showers, shallower baths and only boiling the water we need in the kettle. This might be good advice in saving on energy bills as we all live in or on the edge of poverty, brought about by the economic system that is destroying the planet. However this advice will not save the planet nor make much of an impact. The only way to save the planet from this threatening doom, is go after the ones with the biggest carbon footprints. Instead of taking a short time in the shower, how about demanding that those in the billionaire/millionaire parasite class get rid of their co2 pumping massive luxury yachts, their gas guzzling limousines and private jets, and their several luxury mansions dotted around the planet. The carbon footprint of one of these greedy thoughtless parasites is probably equal to a small village and all its inhabitants.
       Then of course their is the one that must not be mentioned, the largest carbon 
footprint on the planet, wars and the military industrial complex. States will take no measure to ban wars but will ban non electric cars and replace them with electric vehicles which still produce all the co2 in the production of the internal combustion car, plus their insatiable requirements of lithium for their enormous batteries. Of course lithium comes with a massive carbon footprint in its mining and refining and shipping around the planet and massive distribution centres. The disaster of climate change we are all facing will not be solved by you and I changing a few things in our lifestyle. It will take root and branch destruction of the present economic system which is based on perpetual growth for profit for the few and poverty for the many. A system that allows a select few to amass unimaginable wealth at the expense of the planet and our civilisation, and who stand unaccountable. What sane mind would accept this unnecessary mad suicide dash because of a greedy thoughtless few. 

Friday 18 August 2023



                                                      Image courtesy of BBC.

           Our imperial masters don't like the goodies they pillaged from the lands they stole in their imperialist wars to go anywhere except to their benefit. France is in a tizzy because the people of Niger decided that they no longer want the rich resources of their land to be plundered and pillaged to the benefit of imperialist France and the West. France and other Western countries are quite prepare to shed the blood of other nations to protect their golden goose. Hence they are encouraging, probably exerting some pressure on, the coterie of their puppet governments in that part of Africa, the (ECOWAS) Economic Community of West African States, to marshal up their forces and invade Niger, no doubt with a bit of help from the West. What is at stake is not the well being of the people of Niger not the defence of democracy, but the rich source of uranium, oil and gold. Niger is very rich country in resources, and all those riches go to feed the western corporations while making sure the resident population of Niger live in poverty. However, it is not all going to the imperialist's plan, on Wednesday 16th August (AU) the African Union stated that it will not support military intervention in Niger to return the ousted President. No doubt the imperialist nations of France and U$A will continue to push for war. For them it is a no loss situation, the citizens of Africa will supply the blood, death and destruction, the West will supply the arms, booty for the Western Military Industrial Complex. Shades of Ukraine. 

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