Showing posts with label Berlin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Berlin. Show all posts

Monday 11 October 2021

Rigaer 94.

      It is an endless battle, the state trying to close down any autonomous spaces, groups and individuals they see as a threat to their beloved capitalism. And it will always be an endless battle as long as the state exists, for the people's desire for freedom and justice will persist until the eventual overthrow of this state/capitalist system of inequality, injustice and exploitation. Our resolve must never falter or servitude will be our heritage.

       The Berlin cops, today, 06.10.2021 at 7am, wearing their dirty trash-bag uniforms and carrying shields full of color from the resistance on 17th of July and armed, raided our political structure and living space, Rigaer94. Once again, as everyday, the servants of the state fulfill their commands and obey to the capital.
       The state guarantees the order of the capitalist system, so to squeeze even more profit from people and their living spaces, gain power over every life, destroy any political idea that fights against them and oppress any individual who does not fit to their plans in this capitalistic, patriarchal and racist society. It is clear that the Berlin cops still work with Lafone Investments Ltd. and are their mercenaries, who execute orders of the plan to get rid of Rigaer94 and so to force the gentrification process of Nordkiez, Friedrichshain – after they lost their last attack on us in June this year.
        They entered our political structure and house today morning by smashing windows of the side house on 1st floor, destroying once again our doors and even removing the entire wall of one of the flat-doors which was barricaded on the 4th floor front house. They were carrying their useless papers from the court with warrants to identify everyone who is in the house at the moment of entering. They also made drawings of floor plan to check for construction changes. The warrant is based on ASOG. This law makes it easy for the cops to raid and repress political structures and individuals when they want. Officially the aim of the raid is to prepare for eviction trials of all the flats of the house. However, there is no doubt, that the raid is used to weaken our structures and the movement who fights against state and capital, capitalism and gentrification, one week before the eviction of Köpi Wagenplatz (15th October). It is a common tactic which tries to attack and isolate structures and individuals in solidarity with threatened projects, shortly before an announced-planned attack. As it also happened with the eviction of our neighbours L34 last year, when our structure got raided and sieged for some days on July 2020, few months before the Tag-X.
       We do not get demotivated, we will not stop supporting each other, we will fight: before, during and after any Tag-X and also without an announced date of an attack coming from state and capital. We stand our political, social and emotional decisions to defend our territories and ideas and be supportive with each other through self-organization and horizontal procedures from inside our structures and in our neighborhoods and streets.
       Yesterday all the Gorillaz workers who were on strike got fired and today there are in the streets. We support the workers who fight against capitalism and power. There is a Tag-X when our structures and ideas get attacked, for that it does not matter for us if its a raid in Rigaer94 or if its the fight of the workers who got fired yesterday from Gorillaz company. United we fight against capitalism and power. Let’s take the streets today 06.10., 13:00starting at Schönhauser Allee 180.
      We call to revitalize the tradition to have open meetings concerning attacks on our structures and therefore call you to come today to NewYorck, Bethanien at 18.00.
        Also we will open doors of Ka(d)terschmiede to have food this evening from 8pm to come together and get updated.
        We continue fighting as planned, everyday and especially the upcoming days for the struggle around Köpiplatz and all the threatened projects and ideas.
       Demo United in Anger – 09.10, 18:00 starting at Dorfplatz in front of Liebig34, which got evicted one year ago, ending in front of Köpi-Wagenplatz.
         Support the decentralized action call from Köpiplatz and the Tag-X demo by Interkiezionale on 15.10, 20:00 starting from Zickenplatz, Kreuzberg.

United we fight – we stay ungovernable!
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Thursday 26 August 2021

Class War.

           The state/corporate war on the ordinary city dwellers goes on unabated, it takes on the polite and harmless sounding label of gentrification, Gentrification is the process of changing the cities form living spaces to money making machines of tourism and expensive entertainment. The serfs that will work these new money making centres will be banished to live in the periphery of the city in soulless poor quality schemes. City centres become perfect cathedrals to the class system that dominates the economics of capitalism. Know your place and money is your key to entry, but we know there are ways to fight back. Our imagination solidarity and desire for freedom are our weapons.

The following from Act For Freedom Now:
       Berlin. There are currently seven so-called KbOs areas, considered “high-crime rate locations” in Berlin: Kottbusser Tor, Hermannplatz, RAW, Görli and Wrangelkiez, Alexanderplatz, Rigaer Straße, Hermannstraße. 



Originally published by Indymedia DE.
        Here, the police have the power to establish their own security measures by stopping, identifying and searching people they consider suspicious of crime, even if there is no reason to do so. These measures end up taking the form of racial profiling and other types of discrimination. Controlled and criminalized are mainly Black people, People of Color, Rom*nja and Sinti*zze, groups of young people, drug users, homeless people and sex workers.While the criteria for establishing them are determined based on the discretion of the police, free transit is hindered and prohibited and people are criminalized and deported.
        The streets do not become safer as a result. They are perceived as more insecure and become completely impassable for some groups. Thus legitimizing the monopoly of violence in public spaces by capitalism and the mechanisms of the State. And contributing to the invisibilization of those who do not fit into a capitalist, racist and patriarchal system.Gentrification and social control are going hand by hand by displacing of population from the center to the periphery of our city, creating “safe” neighborhoods from precarious social groups. Leaving a showcase city for tourists and yuppies that have little or nothing to do with those who today we try to build networks of mutual support, solidarity and resistance in every neighborhood of this city.
       That is why on September 12th, during the Entsichern congress, we want to make these spaces ours with a bike demonstration that will go through these areas.
       September 12, 05:00pm (17:00), Alexanderplatz, Neptunbrunnen, Berlin.

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Wednesday 9 June 2021

Rigaer 94.

           Pick your country and the state apparatus will be doing much the same things. Clamping down on autonomous spaces, self-organising groups, and all those that don't fit their model of existence for profit, and regimented control. The state has to know what you are up to, where you are, why are you there and should you be there. This report is from Berlin and it is not the first attack by the state on this autonomous space. The state has all the money time and resources to waste on these types of restrictive measures, after all we given them the money through our taxes, it's a shame we allow them to use our money to control us.
        The Germany state's minders in their usual heavy handed and over the top methods, attacked Rigaer 94, during July 2020.
      This report on the Germany state again planning to close this popular autonomous space is from Act For Freedom Now:
        The time to search the conflict and intensify it is long overdue. It’s time to go against the idea of property and the owners and take on the fight on our side, the side of the disposessed, the renters, the homeless. It is also time to resist against the occupation of our neighbourhoods, against the state and a society, that supports and contributes to its agenda and actions of systematically opressing and exploiting people based on racial ascriptions, drives away, displaces and excludes those that don’t fit or don’t want to fit in with the city of the rich. There is no reason to defend the existing and take the side of those profiting of the capitalist system. There are many reasons though to get organized together and rebel against state and capital, against authorities and its defenders and fight for the principles of selforganisation, mutual aid and a life in freedom and dignity. That is the context in
        To us, this house is a place where we chose to live and fight collectively. It is a place of organization of different local and international struggles in which we involved ourselves over the years. As a piece of the ongoing resistance in this city. Against the policestate and with it the transformation of parts of the city into so called “danger zones”, in which cops harass, control and hunt people. Against gentrification, rising rents, real estate projects, the destruction of public spaces and forced displacement. Against social isolation, egoism and the narrative of “everyone fending for themselves”.
         On the contrary we stand for selforganization, mutual aid and solidarity. For taking our lives into our own hands and defending ourselves against the omnipresent paternalism. For the experiments of selforganized spaces, spaces of the struggle and a life in a collective, without mechanisms of authoritarian and patriarchal oppression. Our open spaces Kadterschmiede and the youth space Keimzelle are meeting points that allow us to stay in exchange even when the social life is supposed to be frozen.
The attack on Rigaer94
         For the 17th and 18th of June, the self-proclaimed facility manager Luschnat, the “lawyers” Bernau and von Aretin and a so called fire security expert designated by them are getting ready to lead another attack against our house with the help of the police. They set out on the legal base of an ordinance by the district Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, that is supposed to force everyone to tolerate a “site inspection to examine the fire security” of all flats and rooms. It’s unlikely that this will be a “simple fire security inspection”, since everyone involved knows, that this house was turned into what is most likely the most fire safe house in the whole city, with the help of many friends in the past months. For a similar planned attack in march, that could be averted, 500.000€ for the Hundertschafts*-cops from different federal states were already spent. This fact points towards an action having been and being set up for a longer time period. We can imagine that the cops will again establish a “red zone” a few days prior to the 17th and 18th of june, to be able to take the house by assault on the 17th, occupy the neighbouring houses and destroy walls, the fire safe doors that we installed, and many more elementary facilities in the house. Maybe Bernau, Luschnat and co. want to then declare the house to be “uninhabitable”. By that they could evict with the help of cops and private security everything in the house they’d want to. Finally they want their hired lackeys to destroy what we have built up. This would be a scenario similar to the eviction attempt of the summer 2016.
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Monday 12 October 2020



         The continuous drive by the state marches on relentlessly, it drives on its desire to crush any form of dissent, independent living or thought. State after state proceeds with its heavy handed evictions and closure of autonomous spaces, it will take the relentless drive by all independent thinkers and groups to return this savagery back on the perpetrators. If you desire a fair society with freedom of expression, thought and action, then you must get behind those fighting this brutal drive for a subservient population. Perhaps you think that the eviction of a squat doesn't affect you, but it does, it means that in the society that you live, the right to an alternative thought and way of life has been curtailed by brute force, savage action against people who are trying to create that better life for themselves and others, is that the type of society that you can live with?

 The following from 325:

Berlin: Liebig34 is evicted (Germany)
October 12th, 2020
9 October 2020
          It feels incredible to type these words into the keys: The Liebig34 is cleared.
          At 7:00 a.m. Robocops started sawing and flexing fences, doors, windows and barricades and at 11:00 a.m. the last inhabitants* of the Liebig34 were dragged out of the rooms.
          We are sad. We are crying. We are exhausted. WE ARE ANGRY.
          They can‘t imagine the determination they have awakened in us. This act of violence will explode in an act of counter-violence and self-defense. Already so much solidarity has happened in the last nights, months, years and has shown what we are capable of doing. This eviction is a moment of radicalization. We can use it and together we can express our hatred for this shit.
          Even if the press, politicians, cops and Nazis are now taking pleasure in our loss, we are turning powerlessness into anger. So many borders have been crossed. We shout NO in your spiteful eats. You can have our house, you will never get our passion. We are so much more than this house – we are anarchists, feminists, queers and antifascists who will now channel their anger and attack capitalist patriarchy to the last.
         We call for the demo from 21:00 in Monbijoupark. We call for decentralized actions. Let us experience a wild and chaotic October together!
34 million property damage – we are already well on the way.
Liebig34 lives. Liebig34 fights.

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Wednesday 23 September 2020

Be Prepared.

       As the covid19 pandemic creates economic hardship for the many, states across the world are tightening their methods of repression and joining forces across borders, they are well aware that with hardship for the many, comes anger. To keep control of their wealth, privileges and power, they will need to crush that anger. The pandemic is an ideal opportunity for them to put on open display, their authoritarian apparatus, engineering consent by fear. Their actions will be given credence by the mouthpiece of the state, the mainstream media. At the forefront of their attack will be all those freethinking individuals, autonomous spaces, self organising groups, migrant support groups and squatted community help centres, anywhere that the people try to organise their lives outside this festering malaise they call capitalism. Of course the word terrorists will be banded about freely by the powers that be. We must be prepared for ever greater brutality and invasive procedures by nervous states, fearful of the strength of angry people united. 

The following article from Enough is Enough:
       On Wednesday, September 16, 2020, several apartments were raided in Berlin and Athens. The accusation of the German Federal General Prosecutor at the Federal Court of Justice is “formation of a criminal organization” according to §129 StGB. In Athens, at 6 a.m. German time – 7 a.m. Greek cops of the anti-terrorism authority (D.A.E.E.B.) and one cop of the German Federal Criminal Police (BKA) stormed two apartments to execute search warrants against three accused and at least one other person affected.
The accused, as well as the other persons present in the two apartments, were taken to the headquarters of the cops in Athens by the cops and were brought to the rooms of the (anti)terror cops on the 12th floor.
       After 10 hours of waiting, 2 people were released and the remaining three were officially arrested on the basis of pepper spray that was found in the apartment (violation of the Greek weapons law) and two pocket knives, and were also charged for refusing to give fingerprints. After another 6 hours, the persons were transferred to the prison wing on the 7th floor. The next morning, all three were dressed in a film-like manner with bulletproof vests (typical for a presentation by the anti-terrorism authority), tied up and brought to court by a heavily armed squad. At the end of the production, the court decided to postpone the trial and to release the prisoners.
      As part of the Kafkaesque game, both the German and Greek media fulfill their role as henchmen of the system, as expected. The state’s attacks on the movement have always been accompanied by the mainstream media, so that the sovereignty of information and the definition of the relevance of the situation should lie with the cops and the state. In the proceedings here, the little information the cops released was enriched in populist articles with also false statements and assertions in order to give the desired impression to a wide audience.
     The cooperation between German and Greek authorities is certainly nothing new. Not surprisingly, but still worth mentioning, we find the common organization of the different authorities. They use a single procedure to implement the political interests of the security authorities and the state in both countries.

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Friday 11 September 2020

No Borders.

        Solidarity, unity, co-operation and no borders are the foundation stones of our victory over this economic system that condemns millions to a life of misery. A system that has only one aim to increase profit, wealth and power to the few. As the inequality grows so does the anger and the resistance, however, likewise the state, the corporate beast's minder, increases it repression, surveillance and brutality to meet that resistance. It is aware of the rising anger and resentment, if unchecked could bring its plundering to an end, so it will increase its viciousness and brutal repression in an attempt to hold onto its very survival and to retain its wealth, power and privileges. 
       We either accept the life of inequality, injustice, mass poverty, murderous deprivation, total surveillance, and continuous wars, that this system hands us, or we resist with all the strength we can muster, and take our anger to the streets. Our world of resistance may seem fragmented, but make no mistake, it is the same battle across all borders, a struggle for justice, equality and the right to a decent life for all. If these struggles happening across the globe, come together across all states enforced borders, our victory is assured. The alternative is unacceptable.
         A call with passion and from the heart from Berlin.
The following is from Act For Freedom Now:
International Call for Action and Discussion Days in Berlin 30.10.-01.11.2020
International Demo in Berlin 31.10.2020

       Connect Urban Struggles – Defend Autonomous Spaces
Over the last years we experience a global resurgence of reactionary politics. State and capital, in a constant process of intensifying exploitation and expanding repression, used the global capitalist crisis, which started a decade ago, as a chance to further restructure relations of power in their advantage. Their political answer is materialized in a shift to the right, with a political alliance of neoliberal economic policies coupled with strong nationalistic narratives and repressive policies against resistance and progressive movements. The new face of authoritarianism has unleashed an all out attack against individuals it considers unnecessary or those that choose to resist and collectivize against the ruin of their lives. In our current period, states the world over used measures against Covid-19 to extend repression, policing and surveillance against societies. At the same time, the failings of neoliberal healthcare systems have led to masses of deaths and increasing inequality due to access to healthcare.
To all of this, people in different areas of the world answer with massive resistance on the streets. Movements with different perspectives have revolted, for example in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, or more recently in France and the USA. The common thread of all these movements is their distance from institutionalized and systemic politics and the choice of self-organization and horizontalism in the fight against authority.
     The movement in Germany is fighting against exploitation and oppression in the belly of the beast. Since the movement reached a climax of mobilization against Hamburg’s G20 summit in 2017, the German state intensified and broadened its repressive arsenal with the goal to suppress and isolate the movement: this has seen the biggest public manhunt since the state repression since the 1960s and 70s, widening of police measures such as preventative arrests and extrajudicial surveillance, increased penalties for crimes against police and the ban of the popular German indymedia website “linksunten”.
In the city of Berlin over the past years the movement has come under constant attack through the eviction of its infrastructure, with gentrification manifesting itself in an attack on marginalized and struggling parts of society: rising rents making life unbearable, more than 5.000 forced evictions of houses per year, increased policing of public spaces and an overall changing social geography in the city. On the one hand this destroys or displaces spaces that the movement uses to support itself. Through heavy policing and state repression, subversive lifestyles and political organization is made impossible within public spaces. On the other hand capital is given space to invest and increase profitability through real-estate, privatization of security through cameras, fences and walls, smart city developments and big public-private partnership projects.
      The struggle of self-organized spaces in Berlin has developed against this background. The eviction of the bar collective Syndikat last August, and the broad mobilization of the movement against the eviction, was only the start of the upcoming fight for our infrastructures. The anarcha-queer-feminist house project Liebig34, the autonomous youth center Potse and the bar collective Meuterei are threatened by imminent evictions. The house project Rigaer94 was again raided in July, in an attempt to use the background of the raid several vain attempts to evict squatted flats were made without any success, since all flats could be held by the people inside or taken back. This phase of evictions might become the biggest attack on the autonomous infrastructure in Berlin since the 1990s.
       These collective spaces have chosen to stay and fight back in different ways. Their struggle has rallied the movement German-wide as a fight we are all a part of: against private property and capital, against the displacement of people from their houses, against gentrification of our neighborhoods, against a patriarchal and racist system which marginalizes, silences and oppresses the voices of those being exploited or deemed expendable for the system. Against this the projects put forward self-organization and solidarity, defiance of property and confrontation with the state and a direct attack on the oppressive social structures of hetero-patriarchy, nationalism and individualism.
      We are traversing a critical period, both for society and for radical movements worldwide. Under the dogma of “law and order”, state and capital are intensifying their attack on society and trying to further their dominance of all aspects of everyday life, stopping every collective vision and claim, and every perspective of resistance and struggle.
       Recognizing Berlin as the capital of one of the most dominant capitalist countries worldwide, we aim to intensify the social struggle in the heart of the beast. Giving a strong answer and creating perspectives against one of the most unbearable states of the world, that consists a model for many countries worldwide and which through its bureaucracy and structures infiltrates all the aspects of our lives leaving no space for self organization and anti-institutional struggles, will create a legacy not only for the local movement but for every rebellious cell worldwide.
       By the end of October an official eviction date of Liebig34 may be public. We will get together to prevent this. And if it has already been evicted in the weeks prior, we will take it back!
       We need all the force we can and call for support to defend our projects. Borderless solidarity is one of our strongest weapons. We want to use this opportunity to make the anarchist perspective more visible and bring the discussion about our ideas, praxis and strategies forward. The days prior to the demonstration on 31.10. will offer space for a plenary assembly, exchange, discussions and ways of actions on our common goals, strategies, occupying ground and collective defense.
        We consider this demonstration as an opportunity to come together to create a breach in their plans and multiple moments of ragefull, dynamic and militant experiences in which we abandon the defensive role and instead take the street as an active and offensive movement.
         Thus we hope to make these days part of a continuous discourse and not yet another unconnected event with no followup.
For these reasons we call for people to take the streets and destroy their plans of evictions. Although our fights in different corners of the worlds take different characteristics as we struggle in different contexts, borderless solidarity and the bridging of our struggles has been possible in the past, and is necessary for the future. Let’s choose confrontation and resistance, and seek them in collective moments beyond borders; let’s make their plans a disaster.
        We join the call of Terra Incognita to turn this year’s October into a month dedicated to solidarity and standing up for every occupied ground threatened by repression.
Lets bring our rage together!
Berlin 30.10.-01.11.202
International Demonstration 31.10.2020
via Liebig34.

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Sunday 15 March 2020

Concrete Desert.

      Despite the system trying hard to set up a society where everything is controlled, the city offers up many possibilities of claiming free spaces, where we can function freely with our own desires, mutual aid and respect. All it requires is a little bit of organisation, imagination and ingenuity, and I'm sure we the general public have these in abundance, if we care to use them. The publication, "A Sea of Possibilities in the Concrete Desert" is along these lines and worth a read. 
The following from Act For Freedom Now:
Brochure from squatters and resisting spots in Madrid, Athens and Berlin
      ‘A sea of possibilities in the concrete desert: Territory, city and insurrection’ – Madrid & Berlin
       This publication is a compilation of texts that emerges from the discussions and the work we started in the wake of the event “A sea of possibilities in the concrete desert. Territory, city and insurrection” that happened in Madrid during June 2019 in Local Emboscada and Local Anarquista Motin. Is the product of a joint work of some comrades from Berlin and Madrid, that does not finish with the publication of this pages and pretends to extend the discussion that we have shared.
      What does it mean to take territory against the State and Capitalism? How can we take it through our struggles? How does it work domination in the territories that we inhabit? Does it mean our way of living in a territory a conflict with the system?


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Saturday 22 February 2020

Inspiration And Solidarity.

       In  this exploitative economic system with its state backed callous repression, two things we need much more off, inspiration and solidarity. Below is an example of each, both from Anarchists Worldwide.

Koukaki fell heavy on them.
        Since 2017, the Koukaki Squat Community (Matrozou 45, Panaitoliou 21, Arvali 3) set up adifferent competitive example of communal life in the center of Athens. Through horizontal procedures, collective work and persistence, it set up open and social projects of communal housing, public bath and laundry, clothes sharing, spaces for public events and a multilingual library. Operating in an area which has been transforming from residential neighborhood to first-class tourist resort, the Koukaki Squat Community raised an embankment against the repressive and economic policies of the state and the bosses, against fascism, racism, and patriarchy. A living hearth of resistance, it also actively supported and connected with other struggles, political projects and public assemblies [1].
      Such an active community of equality and solidarity could not go unnoticed. As many other squats and political projects in Athens, the squats in Koukaki were targeted multiple times by the state, both by syriza and nea dimokratia governments, as well as through fascist attacks [2]. Facing evacuations and repression, the comrades resisted and defended their community by retaking the houses and through dynamic interventions. Their strong resistance came to become a central political issue on 18/12/2019, when the police evacuated all three squats, and on 11/1/2020, with the spectacular police operations to evict the houses of Matrozou 45 and Panaitoliou 21, both of which had been retaken by comrades earlier that day.
Read the full article HERE:

Berlin, Germany: 
Reflections on the Occupation of the Greek Consulate on 23.12.2019.

       On 23.12.2019, we tried to interrupt the normal operation with a symbolic occupation of the Greek consulate in Berlin, After several, also brutal, evacuations of occupations in Greece, we decided to set a sign of solidarity on this way. Even though the action was successful, we decided to publish our collective reflections here to give the chance to follow the whole action and our thoughts about it.
      We entered the building at 11 a.m. with 17 people and calmly asked the staff to stop working for the day. The aim was to disturb the smooth running of the procedure, but without causing further damage. The consulate is located on the 4th floor of an apartment building in Möhrenstraße 17 in Berlin-Mitte. As soon as we entered the rooms, we covered the cameras, explained our reason of the occupation to the staff, hung a banner with the words “Solidarity with the Squats” out of the window and threw out flyers. We made no demands whatsoever, but took the room to spread our ideas and show our solidarity.
     The supporters down the street distributed flyers and our statement to the pedestrians. As soon as the rooms were occupied, we sent our text (…) to all ministries in Greece via fax and e-mail and also to some of the mass-media, because we discussed beforehand if we want to use the media to propagate our action and decided to send the text to some of them.
       In the first minutes of the occupation several visitors came to the consulate, almost all were asked to leave and come back another day, the reactions were different. One visitor refused to leave the premises and remained alone in the visiting room all day.
Read the full article HERE: 
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Sunday 9 February 2020

Fabricated Cities Of Illusion.

       Most cities in the western world are being shaped the same way, designed to be tourist centres, places cleansed of locals, who are excluded and/or marigalised, keeping the city safe for the foreign big money spenders. Cities unsullied by the ordinary working people and the poor, the only poor the tourists are allowed to see are in uniforms serving coffees, meals, drinks and seeing to the needs of money spending tourists in hotels. This unnatural city design will be preserved by heavy handed policing, as nothing must interrupt the flow of money to the financial and corporate powers.

     So the following article, though from Berlin, may sound rather familiar, and shows the extent to which the powers that be will go to preserve their illusion of a happy-happy-exciting but safe city for the big spenders.
        On Friday 24.01 around 4.00 a.m, the cops of the police station 51 (Wedekindwache), raided the flat of Maria P. on Grünberger Straße 46, after her flatmate’s phone call, and shot her dead. Police reports and its careful reproduction through mass media profile Maria as a mentally ill person attacking the cops with a knife. At the same time the state, police and the mass media are targeting persons with mental health issues, suggesting that this ‘diagnosis’ is enough for their potential execution.
      The day after the murder, people gathered in solidarity and started a spontaneous demo in Maria’s neighbourhood. This demo was attacked by the cops, completing in this way the image of zero tolerance while actively defending the provocative statements of the police union (GdP) and the public prosecutor’s office which said that they are currently assuming that their colleagues have behaved correctly.
       Berlin is a city based on the alternative tourism industry and a facade of diversity tolerance, promoting a progressive city image, which offers as products, ideas such as antiracism, antisexism and veganism/vegetarianism without hesitating to rely on the ‘friendly’ police forces (da für dich) to ensure citizen’s peace and security when needed.
      Repression and the “product” Berlin is selling go hand in hand, as in order to make notions like “alternativism” and “diversity” more marketable,the dominant system must de-politicize and deprive them from their “dangerous” elements. Berlin is actually a European metropolis where police violence is daily omnipresent. From the brutal assassinations, arrests, beatings, surveillance cameras and helicopters to the provoking and terrorizing “robocops” during demos. All these things are building up a police controlled city mosaic that leaves no space for any kind of resistance.
       This goes hand in hand with the legislation creating a profile of a sheriff-cop providing them with full freedom and initiative to act without any legal consequences. At the same time, everyone that reacts to arrests, imprisonments and fines is extremely repressed. The state and the police as the genuine dominion are patrolling the city by repressing whatever they define as dangerous against them in the pretext of security and order. This situation is also supported by the left parties, whose only suggestion against police arbitrariness is the use of tasers instead of guns, this way indicating their consent for state repression. The mass media are demonizing once again the victim and treating the murderers as heroes in order to steer social reactions.
       Even if we have no illusions about the state, the cops , reporters and politicians, the society’s indifference to this cold-blooded murder only reveals the real face of this city, completing the puzzle of conservatism, of personal interest and social cannibalism.
It’s crucial now more than ever to resist and react against police terrorism. The rallying of any radical part of society is essential, which through unmediated and anti-hierarchical struggles – from open assemblies to all types of interventions in the city- won’t let those incidents unanswered.
      For a society of equality and freedom, without dominants and oppressed, exploiters and exploited, we fight collectively for the destruction of state and capitalism.
The state arms, the cops murder
Damit wir uns nicht an den Tod gewöhnen
Open call to everyone for the demo against Bullenkongress
31.01 | 20:00 Uhr | Wismarplatz | Berlin-Friedrichshain |
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Friday 29 November 2019


      Housing has become one of the many crises in our money orientated society. Our system has always pushed the illusion that we all should have a safe home to live and bring up our families. However for the ordinary people it is becoming obvious that it is indeed an illusion. We have always struggle to keep a roof over our heads, rents have always increased and sometimes shot up. Now however houses are financial assets to large financial institutions, things to be packaged and traded among the financial Mafia. There is no thought to what a house actually is, a place to have a decent life, a safe place to lay your head.
     A housing shortage keeps demand ahead of supply and therefore keeps prices rising, all music to the financier's ears. Rents keep out stripping income, homelessness keeps rising and the financial Mafia keep laughing all the way to the bank, to their luxury yacht, and to their opulent mansion. That's capitalism for you.
     It is encouraging to see that in some places people are taking action against this brutal exploitation of what is a human right, a safe place to lay your head. In Germany there is a movement to break this landlord rule over their lives. Others perhaps could take note and follow suit.

       Berlin’s spatial dynamics and organized working class show how to secure liveable spaces and combat the financial nature of housing: socialize them.
         Over the last few decades, housing in cities around the world has undergone unprecedented financialization and artificial speculation. Investors have never been richer. The worldwide value of the current real estate market is $217 trillion, 36 times worth the value of all the gold ever mined.
Profits from the commodification of the housing market have skyrocketed in step with the enclosure of spaces and the fixing of financial value to them. Living spaces are now complex financial products that can be packaged up into investment funds and swapped by companies across the world.
       As Raquel Rolnik, former special rapporteur to the UN on adequate housing, attests, “In the new political economy, centered around housing as a means of access to wealth, the home becomes a fixed capital asset whose value resides in its expectation of generating more value in the future, depending on the oscillations of the (always assumed) rise of real-estate prices.”
       Berlin has been the epicenter of the emerging struggle against capital, giving birth to a rebellious housing movement. A city-wide referendum is underway to expropriate “mega-landlords” with 3,000 apartments or more. If successful, the campaign could tip the scales away from speculation and essentially decommodify 250,000 apartments. In Berlin, tenants and housing activists are building upon shared struggle to break capital’s control over the home and democratize how and where we live.
Read the full article HERE: 
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Monday 22 July 2019

How Dare You Try To Live Outside Our System!!

       Greece, Argentina, Germany, Russia, France, no matter where, when people start to set up a life style contrary the laid down norms of our State/corporate/consumerism society, they are met with the full frontal force of the authoritarian state's enforcers. The intimidation is to create subservience in the population, it is saying, "How dare you try to live outside our system, get on with your work, your shopping and screen watching, leave us to handle everything else". Of course people are not like that, they prefer freedom, freedom to choose their own way of life, freedom to shape their society and communities they way they want, not follow the dictates of an authoritarian exploitative economic system.
This from Enough is Enough: 

Saturday 20.07.2019 Friedrichshainer Nordkiez:      
      This morning, the cops of the LKA 5.21 unit under the command of Kranich raided Liebig34. Unusual was the Saturday, unusual the mix of units from different departments. New were a few civil cop faces, not new: the repression.

Originally published by Indymedia DE.

      The reason for this raid was probably stones thrown from the house during the last few weeks. After the cops collected stones from the Dorfplatz around 2:30 this morning, they obtained a court order and search warrant to search part of our house and returned around 6:30 a.m.. They came through the backyard and the front door, sawed the doors and barris, picked them up and thus forcibly gained access to our project. A lawyer was quickly on the scene and was able to observe and testify. Altogether the cops were about three hours in the house, having searched officially and intensively three connected rooms and the attic. They also snooped around in unlocked private rooms, tore posters from the walls, knocked over furniture, cut internet cables and destroyed windows. During the search, they extensively documented the interior and structure of our house. In the officially searched part of the house they collected plenty of DNA and fingerprints from everyday objects. They also confiscated some items from these rooms, such as cigarette butts, stones, deposit bottles, internet switches, wall paint and clothes. They did not seek contact with the people in the house and did not record any personal data.
      Meanwhile and immediately afterwards there were soli actions: the cops were shot from the roof of Liebig14 with fireworks, a cop car covered with stones and paint, barris burned in Rigaerstrasse. People came to support and are still supporting now, helping us to repair our doors together.
This morning joins into the sharpening situation here in the neighbourhood: our anger becomes bigger and the harassment and repression increases. Together we have survived the morning well, but the extensive DNA recording concerns us. It suggests an intention to normalize DNA recording and shows that the cops want to fill their databases. Collecting random samples such as those from cigarettte butts, cups, empty bottles and window frames, shows that even the most basic forms of daily alternative life are criminalised preventively and placed under general suspicion. So it is now enough to drink a cup of coffee in a queer-feminist house project and end up in a DNA database for life, without even a concrete accusation of a so-called crime.
      Our answer: Form gangs and get your crew! Only together are we strong!
        Become active and do not wait for a dayX. In the case of Liebig34 , we welcome both centralised and decentralised actions of all kinds. Over the past few months, they have put a mischievous smile on our faces. We are seeing an increase in radical and militant practices that implicitly and explicitly refer to feminist issues. We want more of it!
Probs to the action of a FLINT* action group against the ASW last week.
For current information on Liebig34 check: twitter @Liebig34Liebig and

Today, Saturday 20.07., 9 pm,Dorfplatz

Tomorrow, Sunday 21.07., 6 pm,manifestation at Dorfplatz in front of our house
Come over! If you have discarded long internet cables, please bring them with you, the pigs have cut our cables, but we won’t be cut off!

Who’s Kiez? Our Kiez!
Love, Your 34 collective
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Tuesday 9 April 2019

Callous, Cruel, Capitalism,

       An all too common aspect of capitalism is its continuing gentrification of our town and city centres, and the commercialisation of all open spaces within the towns and cities. This is not peculiar to any one country, it is the global design being forced on the ordinary people. The result being the eviction of those who can't afford to stay in the new up-market, tourist orientated commercial centres. They are horded out to the periphery, usually in large depressing housing estates, where they are left to see their surroundings deteriorate because of austerity and endemic poverty.
       Within the glossy town and city centres there is homelessness and rough sleeping, while property lies empty waiting for the lucrative offer that fits into their glitzy commercial plan, and makes its owners much richer. Any humane attempt to bring the homeless and empty property together, will be met with the full force of the state's minders, the police. People are away down the ladder of concern when compared with profit. This is the only way capitalism can functioning, amassing wealth for the few at the expense of the many, and it will defend this aspect of its purpose with lies, propaganda and brute force.
     However, across the globe people are resisting this frontal attack orchestrated by the commercial/financial Mafia aided and abetted by the state. 

     Berlin, German territory: Today (April 6, Enough 14), after the #Mietenwahnsinn (rent madness) -demonstration, the empty Bizim Bakkal shop was squatted, which had been empty for 4 years. Berlin police evacuated without a valid eviction title, without contact to the owner and using massive force against activists, journalists and parliamentary observers.
Originally published by Besetzen. Edited machine translation by Enough 14. Imahe above byZecko Twitter account.
       Last year, we occupied several houses, apartments and shops, all of which were evicted by the Senate and the Berlin police except one apartment in Großbeerenstraße. We see ourselves as part of a movement that is defending itself against Berlin increasingly developing into a city for the rich. A city in which social participation and place of residence depend on income and in which every square centimetre is used. The city is losing its open spaces, and Berlin’s neighborhoods are increasingly shaped by tourism, consumption and property speculation. Despite many promises regarding housing policy, the Senate is only watching or even actively helping in this process of displacement.— andi.waffen (@lamda14) 6. April 2019

      Today, 40,000 people took to the streets in a demonstration against rent madness and displacement. How have the demands, which were also supported by parts of the Berlin Senate, been put into practice and how have we begun to get our neighbourhood back? Many demonstrators joined this project on the spot in Wrangelstraße.
      This made it all the more dramatic how the Senate dealt with such practical forms of action. After the police were first prevented from entering by demonstrators present, the police violently cleared blockades in front of the shop and smashed the door of Wrangelstr. 77. The people in the shop, as well as the demonstrators in front, were arrested and many activists and solidary neighbours present were injured by batons and pepper spray. Members of the House of Representatives as well as members of the Bundestag and journalists were also violently prevented from exercising their right of observation by the police. Senator of the Interior Andreas Geisel was informed about the police operation and is politically responsible for it.
— andi.waffen (@lamda14) 6. April 2019
        Press spokeswoman Alisia Ney: “Today’s eviction without an eviction title is a new stage of escalation and shows that the state is not even abiding by its own rules. Yet every eviction, whether with an eviction title or without injustice, remains in a city where people live on the street while houses are empty.”
      Press spokeswoman Jona Sommer: “Since taking office, the red-red-green Senate has been claiming “The city belongs to you!” Obviously, it belongs to investors and the Berlin police. Either Senator Geisel does not have his riot squads under control or the SPD is now solving its internal government crisis by police. In Wrangelstraße 77 it became clear that a majority of the population supports our concern to set up a non-commercial neighbourhood centre in the shop which has been empty for years. ”
        Both conclude: “We will not let an arbitrary and insane police force, like fickle politicians, stop us from occupying more empty spaces and taking back the city actively and directly. We will continue to occupy until we no longer have to.”  
Besetzen, Berlin, April 6, 2019.
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Sunday 14 February 2016

Capitalism Has No Human Side.

        During this recent "refugee crisis", in Europe, (it should really be named a "Western imperialist war crisis"), Germany is seen as the good mother hen, welcoming more refugees than other countries, it would have us believe it is showing the human face of the capitalist system. However, Germany needs lots of young workers, as it is facing a fast shrinking working age population. According to recent statistics, Berlin estimates its working age population will shrink by 6 million people by 2030 as the number of deaths outstrips births, making it hard to keep the economy growing.
 Economy Minister Sigmar Gabriel speaking recently in the German parliament:
"If we manage to quickly train those that come to us and to get them into work, then we will solve one of our biggest problems for the economic future of our country: the skills shortage,"
        So, not so much humanitarian as economics of the corporate world. Germany is set to spend $10 billion on the refugee situation in Germany, but more or less refuses to spend on helping the "refugee crisis" that is swamping Greece. No, the refugees have to make the miserable and dangerous journey across Europe on their own, with cases of young and old dying in the process. Not so much the face of humanity in that situation.
      Another incident that shows the true face of the German state, is how it treats those of its own citizenship that choose to live their lives different from the desired government state of subservience, those who choose not to be hypnotised by consumerism.

This from Act For Freedom Now:

      Following an attack of a police officer nearby, a 500-strong anti-riot team backed up by special forces, dogs and helicopters stormed into the so-called “occupied house” at 94, Rigaer Strasse (or “R94”) on Wednesday night. Police raided the two houses next door the following day and kept up a heavy stop-and-search presence till now.
      Taking place at one of Berlin’s best-known anarchist project, the raid has sent shockwaves through the city, sparking a heated debate on whether it was a case of necessary public safety or unlawful police overreach. For the police and their defenders, the raid was an inevitable consequence of continuing disorder and antagonism coming from the squat. For their critics, the assault on the officer was an excuse used by the police to launch an only quasi-lawful attack on people who they disliked.
       The incident nonetheless has more resonance than as a local street battle alone. While they’ve been in retreat for years, Berlin’s squats were long a high-profile part of the city’s fabric, forming a cornerstone of the city’s alternative mythos. The raid on Rigaer 94 suggests that the city’s authorities are no longer prepared to to let their pigs eat stones in this area, as it happened many times.
        Berlin police say that the four assailants that attacked their colleague were seen escaping into Rigaer 94. When backup officers arrived and entered the building, they found the courtyard and basement massed with potential weapons including metal rods, fire extinguishers, gas cylinders, and a shopping cart filled with cobblestones—a horde they immediately shared via photographs on Twitter. In the interests of public safety, the police returned in greater numbers five hours later, clearing the building and making arrests of supporters outside.
Read the full article HERE:
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