Showing posts with label IMF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IMF. Show all posts

Sunday 22 May 2016

The Game Is Loaded, But Not In Our Favour.

-----------Let's not forget that the IMF is not participating in the third memorandum agreement or in its funding mechanism. So, could somebody explain to me why legislation has been passed which requires that any political decision that is made in Greece must be first sent to the IMF, the European Commission and the European Central Bank (ECB), who must then agree on these proposals? This is part of the third memorandum agreement. Could somebody explain to me how the Greek government is supposed to clash with the IMF when this very same government has signed an agreement where the IMF still has the power to accept or reject political decisions made in Greece? The subservience of the Greek government has surpassed even that of the Quisling regime.
           The only way in which this situation can change is if the Greek people find a way to overturn this government, as soon as possible. They have a responsibility to do this, before we see the situation get even worse.-------
Read the full article HERE:
           The above statement highlights the squabbling that goes on within the financial Mafia, in the mean time the people of Greece see their assets being sold off to satisfy the greed of the German section of the Mafia. The German section will under no circumstance countenance the thought of that mountain of Greek debt they hold, being written off, or down. However, debating in financial terms, about the problem the people of Greece face, is just a discussion between money lenders who placed some lousy bets based on greed, and want their money back. It will in no way help the people of Greece to alleviate their poverty and deprivation. Even if all of the Greek debt was written off, they would no doubt be loaded with a massive new debt to “build their economy”. Framing the game in the financial Mafia’s rules, will never solve the people’s problems, the financial Mafia is a big part of that problem.
          The last couple of sentences of the above statement, (The only way in which this situation can change is if the Greek people find a way to overturn this government, as soon as possible. They have a responsibility to do this, before we see the situation get even worse.) is hardly an answer at all, if that means replacing it with another set of career suits, who talking and thinking financially, will take up the debate in the same language as before. As long as we, the ordinary people, play their game, to their rules, we will always come out at the bottom of the heap. What the people of Greece, as well as the rest of us, have to do, is not overturn the present government in favour of another cabal of lords and master, but to overthrow the entire system based on this financial insanity. In simple words overthrow capitalism.

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Saturday 14 May 2016

We Are Drowning In Hyperbole And Hypocrisy.

        Most people accept that we are now controlled by billionaires, sitting behind closed doors, making decisions that we play no part in, or even hear the discussions, yet they shape our lives. A handful of, usually men, sit and follow ideology and dogma that is designed to increase the power and wealth of their institutions. What we do hear from the mouths of this financial Mafia is hyperbole and hypocrisy, we are supposed to accept, without question, their dictates, though we know that doing so will continually tighten their grip over our lives, and lower or living standards. We are drowning in a sea of hypoerbole and hypocrisy. Since this unaccountable cabal, (EC, Excessively Corrupt, ECB, European Conning Banksters, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) never allow their deliberations to be made public, it is good to hear quotes of their statements, their arguments, and their ideas, from one who was there. One who for a short while sat among them, discussed and listened to their hypocritical vomiting, and is prepare to repeat in public, some of those statements.
      This film might be a bit on the long side for some, but it is well worth listening to the full discussion and the questions and answers that follow.
A chat between Yanis Varoufakis and Noam Chomsky, May, 26th. 2016.

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Tuesday 10 May 2016

We Eat Austerity, And Send Our Wealth To The Banks.

        Having been a regular visitor to Greece over the years, and enjoyed the pleasantries of that country and the generosity of its people, I have watched the people of Greece being cruelly sacrificed on the altar of big finance, and my mind can’t help revisit the present problems faced by the people of Greece. The general perception by the people of the rest of Europe is that we have generously pour billions into that country and they are still in a mess. Of course the truth is far removed from that piece of chicanery and illusion. What we should all be aware of is that the “rescue packages”, were really designed to save the private investors and the banks, the people of Greece don’t come into the equation. According to research done by the European School of Management and Technology, of the first two aid packages amounting to more than €215 billion, a mere €9.5 billion went to assist the people of Greece, the remainder went to interest payments and to service old debts, in other words, it went back to the banks. 
         Greece is no longer a sovereign country, its so called socialist government is merely there to implement the dictate of the financial Mafia, the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) and they are determined to gut and clean out any assets left in that country and in the process totally destroy the already shattered social welfare structure of Greece.
        Even in the “refugee crisis”, Greece has been left to sort it out by itself. While Turkey got a deal of €6 billion to tidy them through, Greece got bus loads of advisers to help them stream line the paper work and processing of that tragic army of desperate people landing on the shores of Greece in their hundreds of thousands. 
       Yet we have that member of the financial Mafia, Wolfgang Schauble, German finance Minister, stating, “we were very generous with Greece.”, helping to weave the cruel illusion that the problem is really all about the nasty, lazy, inefficient, bad managers that is Greece.
          Greece is the perfect example of how the financial system that controls our lives, is hell bent on attempting to secure its debt laden banking system at the expense of the welfare of the people. For the same reason, all our welfare systems are under attack, the financial Mafia will continue to push for more and more “austerity” which translates as, “send all the money to the banks” to prop up the phoney crumbling house of cards. 
        Let’s look at Greece in honest detail and ask, why do we tolerate such a vicious, unjust, corrupt system that openly only benefits the pampered parasites who are looting the earth at everybody’s expense. If you say you want justice, then you have to say, you want an end to the capitalist system. 

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Sunday 8 May 2016

We Live In A Financial Asylum.

        And so the sorry, sad, Greek tragedy continues. Come July the Greek government has to pay €3.5 billion in debt repayment, but it needs a bailout of more debt to make that payment. Yes, that’s the crazy system we live under, I owe you ten quid, I can’t pay you until you give me ten quid, with which to pay you. Although the people of Greece have been driven to dire poverty and deprivation, the financial Mafia want another round of budget cuts to the tune of €3 billion. What more can they cut, unemployment in Greece is running at approximately 25%, with youth unemployment running at around 51%, an education system in a state of collapse, and a health system in total chaos. Of course there is still lots of Greek assets that could be sold of to the corporate greed machine at give away prices, to help recapitalise the banksters of the Western world. 
         Well, will Greece get more debt with which to make a payment to its debt? The negotiations are not going too well, they are deep into the waffle stage, the Troika is now squabbling among themselves, with the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) stating that the Greek debt must be “restructured”, they are getting a bit cautious about throwing their money into the Greek debt hole, on the other hand the EC (European Commission) and the ECB (European Central Bank) will not hear of that, as it would mean that as they hold the vast majority of that Greek debt they would lose lots of filthy lucre. If the restructuring doesn’t take place, the IMF has threatened to walk away, which means the bailout disappears. 
      How long will this crazy insane game of monopoly continue, how long must the people of Greece be held hostage in the crazy financial house of cards that is the capitalist financial system? Sadly, as long as we all accept the capitalist system, The system is controlled by a faceless, unelected, uncontrollable, financial Mafia, and it is not interest in the answers to the problems the people face, it is only interested in protecting and growing its wealth. So stick with capitalism, live in the asylum.
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Sunday 17 April 2016

The Surface Glitter Of Athens.

         Just back from a visit to Athens, on the surface, central Athens looks much like the Athens I used to know, the cafés, restaurants, tavernas, all looked busy with pretty pretty butterfly people. One change you do notice is the traffic, it is mainly yellow taxis and motorbikes. They say if you want to know anything about a city, ask a taxi driver, so we did. One driver told us that there are more than 1,700 taxis in Athens, and most are people who have been made redundant. The taxi allows them to work as long as they want, to try to get by, one drive said he worked 16 hours a day, every day and at the end of the month after taxes etc, he was left with €600 to get through the month. Work that out as an hourly rate and you are talking sweatshop money. Another said before the crash he wasn't rich but had €1,800 in the bank and lived reasonably well, now he has nothing and works as many hours a day as he can, every day, just to survive. Two gave conflicting answers to how many had left Greece since the “crash”, one stating almost 1 million, and the other probably 300,00 to 400,000, either amount is a drain on any country. One other we spoke to was leaving in a few weeks to live in Australia to give his kids a chance at a better life. All summed it up as Greece today is dreadful, a disaster. 
       We also went to Exarcheia and visited an occupied cinema, K-Vox, it is run by between 30-40 people, who label themselves as anarchist, communist and libertarian socialist, though the communists emphasising that they had nothing to do with the communist party. It has a café and a library, and they hold various events. All the money raised is used to support political prisoners, it also houses a free medical centre. A wonderful asset, and great to see all the strands of anarchism working together, strength in numbers, and a display of what can be done. If you want to support what they are doing you can contact them at
Enjoying the sun outside K-Vox.
        Athens, like all Western city centres, has poverty well hidden, so as not to chase spending tourists away. Though we did see the signs, up side-streets, the bundles of rolled up blankets in doorways and on two occasions, a man lying on the pavement, as if asleep with a crumpled plastic cup in their hand, both were still there hours later when we passed. The temperature was 25 degrees.
       Other facts about Greece, with a population of just over 11 million, it has a prison population of 12,693, 111 per 100,000 of the population, 2014 figures, but there is an anomaly, the prison population is 54.7% foreigners. Unemployment is running at just over 24%, with youth unemployment running at a staggering 51.9%. 
       All the misery, unemployment, families breaking up, poverty, deprivation and long working hours, suffered by the majority of ordinary people in Greece is simply the result of the financial Mafia's gambling spree, and it isn't going to get better any-time soon. The financial moguls of the Troika,( EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) are starting to squabble among themselves regarding the next bailout to Greece. The IMF saying Greece's debt is unsustainable, so don't want to pour their filthy lucre into the leaking bucket and say the will not participate in the bailout unless the debt is “restructured” The European part of the Troika will not accept that, but say they could not go ahead with the bailout if the IMF doesn't participate. Meanwhile, while the financial gambling sharks shuffle their chips, the people of Greece bleed. That's capitalism.

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Thursday 21 January 2016

World Banking Explained.

     Modern world commerce explained in a very brief video. The only criticism I would have with this, is the statement that capitalism isn't the real problem, it's just a nasty form of capitalism that is the problem. The truth is that there is only one form of capitalism, and that is very nasty indeed.

World banking explained in less than 2 minutes...
World banking explained in less than 2 minutes...An animated interview of IMF whistleblower John Perkins, author of 'HoodWinked' and 'Confessions Of An Economic Hitman'Feel free to share, to educate others... For more info like this, please visit: Wesley Hall: The Voice Of Treason
Posted by Wesley P P Hall on Sunday, 27 September 2015

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Saturday 1 August 2015

Who Controls The Greek Parliament???

       For some reason this video has been taken down from Real News and the embedding code has been removed from Youtube, so here is a link that will allow you to view the video.

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Tuesday 14 July 2015

The EU Coup Over Greece Proves Who Rules.

       We should not underestimate what has happened in Greece, it is crystal clear proof that national governments have no say in how their country is run. Democracy in capitalism, is, as anarchists have been saying for centuries, an illusion, those with the greatest wealth have the greatest power, and they will use that to defend and further their position of wealth and power. 
     The people of Greece are suffering the worst poverty seen in Europe since the end of the second world war. Did that brotherhood of nations, the EU rush forward to help the suffering people? A resounding NO, the rushed forward to try to save their debt ridden banks. As far as the plutocrats that control Europe are concerned, the people of Greece can go to hell in a handcart. This is capitalism functioning as intended, brutal, ruthless and exploitative, a system without compassion. 
       To imagine that there is a milder, more people friendly and compassionate capitalism, is naivety in the extreme. If we the people want justice and fairness for all our people, then we have to start in earnest, to demolish this blot on the face of humanity. We have to relegate capitalism to the bin of distant history, to the fog of the past, and start, in the here and now, to create that better society. To organise in our communities and workplaces, to take control, to shape things the way we want them to be.
      Take Greece as your last warning, it is writ large who controls your life, who controls the direction you will be driven. As a people we can be the slaves of the financial Mafia, or the masters of our own destiny.
An interesting article from A World To Win:
      The eurozone, along with the rest of the capitalist world, is weighed down by debt and economic growth rates have failed to return to their pre-crash levels by some margin. Germany, France and the others are not interested in democracy and not open to pressure or protest, as Syriza have found out. Merkel and co are themselves locked into overriding economic and financial forces.
      Appeals by Tsipras and former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to European solidarity and democracy were therefore bound to fall on stony ground. Their failure to attack capitalism as a system was noticeable and was a weakness. Yet there can’t be a regulated, “softer” form of capitalism, where some countries do austerity and others don’t as a matter of choice, especially within the eurozone where the ECB controls every country’s banks.
Read the full article HERE: 
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The eurozone, along with the rest of the capitalist world, is weighed down by debt and economic growth rates have failed to return to their pre-crash levels by some margin. Germany, France and the others are not interested in democracy and not open to pressure or protest, as Syriza have found out. Merkel and co are themselves locked into overriding economic and financial forces.
Appeals by Tsipras and former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis to European solidarity and democracy were therefore bound to fall on stony ground. Their failure to attack capitalism as a system was noticeable and was a weakness. Yet there can’t be a regulated, “softer” form of capitalism, where some countries do austerity and others don’t as a matter of choice, especially within the eurozone where the ECB controls every country’s banks.
- See more at:

Saturday 27 June 2015

Bombs Or Butter?

       Everybody knows that America is a very wealthy nation, a super imperialist power that dominates the world. According to the IMF, (International Mankind Fuckers), 2015 figures, by GDP America is the second richest country in the world, slightly behind China, UK is ninth.
      However that leader of the capitalist world, USA, up to its armpits in wealth, and like all capitalist countries doesn't spread that wealth around its people. In the citadel of capitalist wealth, 46.2 million of its citizens live in poverty, slightly more than 14%. The figures for 2013 state that 1.5 million children lived in shelter or emergency accommodation. The number of households, in 2014, living with "food insecurity" was a staggering 1 in 7. The numbers living in poverty are multiplied when you add those just managing to keep themselves above that magic line of poverty. Where does all that wealth go? Well according to recent figures, approximately 50% of the federal budget goes on killing and the necessary equipment for that activity.
     This recent article from Freedom Socialist, Voice of Revolutionary Feminism, throws up some interesting facts.

One F-35A fighter jet — $157 million*
Ten new elementary schools — $148 million.
*This does not include research and development; the total cost of the F-35 program so far is $1.5 trillion.
Sources: Defense Industry Daily; Reed Construction Data

        Though hardly front-page news, the proposed federal budget for 2016 boosts funding for the Department of Defense. Obama earmarked $534 billion to these U.S. warlords. Their base budget in 2000 was around $300 billion. His proposal keeps baseline “defense” spending at its typical 20 to 30 percent of the total budget.
       This $534 billion does not include the Department of Energy allocation to build nuclear bombs. Nor does it cover an additional $51 billion for operations in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, etc. This money comes under the Overseas Contingency Operations (OCO) — authorized, unaccountable hush money which exempts the Pentagon from the spending restrictions of the 2011 Budget Control Act. Social services programs are barred from such exemptions.
         When the war-related share of the federal debt is added in, nearly 50 percent of the total federal budget goes to militarism!
            With social programs legally defenseless and the Pentagon now well-protected, the GOP announced its proposal to cut food stamps by 34 percent over the next decade. Obama’s budget would cut Medicare by $400 billion over the same period.
         This Republicrat frenzy for more guns and less butter is an assault on working people everywhere. An effective fightback requires that we understand where it’s coming from.
Read the full article HERE:
       The insanity of this system is there for all to see, a system where unbelievable wealth is created and vast amounts of it are spent on destruction, with the bulk of the rest of that wealth ending up in the off-shore accounts of a small greedy bunch of parasites. Do you have any ideas how better to distribute that wealth we create?
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Wednesday 29 April 2015

People Versus The Financial Mafia.

        Greece is fast running out of money, during the month of May the Syriza government has to find the staggering sums of €750 million to pay the IMF, (international Mankind Fuckers) plus another €400 million in interest payments. May is considered an easy month, but June will prove to be more difficult as the sums are €1.5 billion to be paid to the IMF, €700 million to European institutions, and a further €500 million in interest payments. This is a monthly pouring of money out of Greece into the coffers of the financial Mafia. This from a country where the economy has crashed, where unemployment is sitting at over 27%, and youth unemployment is above 50%. social services have disintegrated, poverty, substance abuse, suicides, homelessness and sleeping rough have all rocketed. Physical and mental health problems have reached staggering proportions, in a collapsed health service. 
      To try to alleviate some of the suffering of the people of Greece, and to try to keep some of its promises to the people, the government has suggested that it lower some taxes to help the poorest, and raise the minimum wage and pensions for those on lowest pensions. Of course the Financial Mafia in charge of Europe, has condemned this action, stating that it is a backward step. Saying that this action would put their negotiations at risk. The financial Mafia in the shape of The Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) are refusing to pay Greece its entitlement of €1.9 billion profits made on Greek debt bonds, until it complies with its demands of “reforms”, which in reality means just get on and do as your told or go bust.
       The Financial Mafia are not in the least interested in the condition of life in Greece, or any other country for that matter, all that matters is that governments keep pouring public money into the bottomless pit that is the financial world. Even if it means that populations of entire countries slide into the morass of deprivation, so be it, all that matters is that the financial Mafia don't lose a Euro of their ill-gotten gains. This is capitalism at work, greed, inhumane treatment of entire populations, a total disregard for humanity in any shape or form, a financial war on people.   
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Monday 30 March 2015

Capitalist Success Breeds Mass Unrest.

       I didn't see much of the riots and mass demonstrations that were going on in Frankfurt, appear in our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media. Somehow or other, mass anti-austerity demonstrations on the streets of Europe's most "successful" capitalist nation state, was not considered suitable for mass distribution. Of course we expect that sort of manipulation of events from the corporate owned babbling brook of bullshit, so we seek our information elsewhere. The demonstrations started at the opening ceremony of the new multi-billion Euro headquarters of the ECB, a player in the financial Mafia cabal, known as the Troika, (ECB, European Central Bank, EC, European Commission, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers). It brought thousands onto the streets, who displayed their anger and dissatisfaction with the present system of blatant exploitation.
Obviously on the wrong diet.

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Wednesday 7 January 2015

Democracy Doesn't Come In a Ballot Box.

     The people of Greece go to the polls on the 25th. January to elect a new governing party, and it looks likely, but not a certainty, that Syriza, a collection of left leaning groups, will win. There seems to be some considerable support from anarchists outside Greece, who are cheering on Syriza, should they be doing so? Is Syriza different, or is it just another contender in the monumental “Crooks and Liars” competition? The same competition that takes place at frequent intervals across the globe, our own home grown one takes place this coming May. If they don't get a majority, who will they go into coalition with? The Greek Communist Party has ruled itself out of any co-operation with Syriza, who else will step forward?
----Given the fact that the only other left-wing parliamentary party, the Greek Communist Party (KKE), has explicitly stated they would never support a “government of the left,” all the other potential allies for a coalition government are flanking SYRIZA from the right. There is no need to mention how a moderate governmental fraction could weaken Tsipras’ position inside the country, as well as during the crucial negotiations with the troika of creditors (EU, IMF and ECB), due to start the day after the elections.----
      Nor does Syriza represent a revolutionary stance, it will be trying to do a deal with the Troika, (EU, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) to get a more palatable arrangement for the people of Greece, a more moderate and compassionate capitalism, some crusts instead of crumbs. And so the system is perpetuated with a few moderate adjustments here and there.
----- A point that needs to be clarified is that, despite its name, SYRIZA’s program is not radical at all, at least in terms of economic issues. Proposals such as the incentives for “green development,” the relaxation of property taxation, increased public investment and food stamps for the extreme poor might have been dismissed by the European social democratic parties of the 1970s as “too moderate.” In the current European context, though, which is monopolized by the obsession of austerity, even SYRIZA’s neo-Keynesianism seems to represent some sort of radical rupture.------
The Obama of Greece??
      What the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media keep pumping out is that this is a major revolutionary event in representative democracy, when in fact it is all about a bit of disruption in the financial Mafia's policy of grinding the people down to a sweatshop economy, an irritant, a nuisance factor, that might upset some profit margins in their bubble of finance. Don't expect the collapse of capitalism in Greece any time soon, when that happens, it will not be through the ballot box in the great “Crooks and Liars” competition.
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Monday 17 November 2014

The True Face Of Capitalism.

      The people of Greece are still experiencing the deepest and most rapid decline in social conditions of anywhere in Europe, with all its attendant miseries. The average salary in that unfortunate country has shrunk to a miserly £17,000 per annum. That is of course if you are working, and that is certainly no guarantee, with unemployment running at 25.9% and youth unemployment at 49.3%. With this economic disaster heaped on the people of Greece, under the dictate of the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers), unrest and crime grows rapidly. In parallel with this, state repression increases and so the prison population grows, and in Greece it grows at a staggering rate.
      The Greek prison system is by far, the worst in Europe, and could compare unfavourably with some Third World countries. Overcrowding is away beyond anything acceptable in any civilised country, and is not going to be resolved any time soon.
     With many prisons already at double or triple capacity, hundreds are stuck in police holding cells, many in pre-trial detention, which has an 18-month limit under Greek law. These detainees have no yard access and are kept locked up for months as their cases wind at a snail's pace through the overburdened justice system.
     The Council of Europe's latest annual penal statistics, published in May and covering 2011, show Greek prisons were at 151.7 percent capacity on September 1 that year, with 12,479 inmates crammed into 8,224 available places. The number of inmates has increased steadily. In January 2010, Greek prisons held 11,364 inmates, according to the Justice Ministry's website. On Nov. 1, they reached 13,147, according to Greek prison system figures obtained by the AP. That doesn't include those, like Aslanis, held in police stations.
       Recent Greek prison system documents from late 2013 list a higher capacity number of 9,886 places across the country, but the number is deceptive as it includes at least five prison wings in two prisons that remain shut due to budget cuts.-------

        Bad as the prisons are, the prison hospitals move into a category of their own, somewhere close to the seventh circle of hell in Dante's Inferno.

      — Inmates held in Greece's only prison hospital are refusing food and medication as part of a protest campaign against their severely overcrowded living conditions.
      The Korydallos prison hospital west of Athens is designed to hold 60 men but currently houses more than 200, rights groups and prison staff said Monday. Most are HIV positive and many others suffer from communicable diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis and scabies.
      Protesters posted statements on Facebook and Twitter saying at least 178 of the inmates have been refusing prison food for the past week, while some HIV positive inmates are refusing to take antiretroviral drugs to draw attention to their plight.-------

       It is in the face of this barbarity that we have seen a wave of hunger strikes in Greek prisons. On one recent occasion it was a hunger strike that stretched across the entire Greek prison system. Today their are still individuals on hunger strike, attempting to draw attention to the injustices that they suffer.
      This is the price that the people of Greece are paying as the Troika carries out its experiment to turn Europe into a Western sweatshop, to compete with its rival, the Eastern sweatshop bloc. Greece is capitalism with the gloves off, it is the true face of capitalism.
     A doctor who examined the comrade at Koridallos prison on Thursday morning, November 13th – during the fourth day of hunger strike – reports that 21-year-old Nikos Romanos has lost 3.2 kg of body weight and feels intense weakness and fatigue even after very mild exertion, such as walking from the cell to the prison infirmary. His blood glucose level (measured by finger stick) was 64.
Between the 13th and the 14th of November, 75 prisoners in the Ε wing of Koridallos men’s prison abstained from meals in solidarity with their fellow inmate Romanos.
Read the full article HERE:

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