Showing posts with label NATO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NATO. Show all posts

Friday 27 September 2013

Austerity My Arse.

 ht f35 night flight ll 120207 wblog Why the $400B F 35 Fighter Is Not an Option for Syria

       Austerity is the cry from governments across the world, but that only applies to the social side of society. Every budget gets trimmed, benefits get cut, wages get frozen, social services get decimated and their costs go up. However this all looks ridiculous when it comes the that side of the state apparatus called “military”. The case of the super-duper, F-35 “do-everything” fighter, makes you scratch your head and wonder, why do we tolerate such idiots running our affairs. This power monger's toy is estimated to cost the US almost $400 billion and rising. It was to be operational in 2012 but is now thought to be 2015/18, what a wonderful money spinner for the arms industry, no austerity there. It will be available to their NATO buddies and some other “friendly” nations, who will chip-in to the development fund, some of their taxpayers money for the privilege of being able to buy a few of these toys. Once you buy this money eater, you are lumbered with astronomical costs just to keep the thing running. Norwegian Rear Admiral Arne Roksund estimated the his country's 52, F-35's, will cost $769 million EACH, over their operational lifetime. When the state apparatus talks to us about “austerity”, they are really just laughing at us, and taking us for a bunch of idiots. And we are if we tolerate this unbelievable waste of time, energy and resources to be spent on the toys of empire, while millions live in poverty, millions starve and others die from preventable diseases. What will the people of the world gain from this multi-billion dollar state status symbol?

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Monday 24 September 2012


       An old article, but nothing much has changed, it is still America bombing democracy into the world. In the language of American (world) corporatism, the road to freedom and democracy is through the slaughter and misery of the people. For them true democracy is paved with the slaughter of children, is the freedom to exploit all natural resources and to destroy any resistance to that exploitation.
Recent studies from the New York Times show that...
  • Over 300,000 children are fighting as soldiers in armies world-wide today
  • Over the last ten years, 2 million have died in wars...
  • ...there have been 1 million orphaned...
  • ...6 million have been seriously injured...
  • ...12 million have become homeless...
  • ...and ten million are seriously psychologically traumatized as a direct result.
        The UN, in response to these figures, drafted a document to try and end the abuse of children. Only two UN nations turned this down. One was Somalia, and the other was the United States. That's right, the good old USA, the world's leader in support of human rights, refused to sign or ratify the Convention on Children's Rights. Why? Their excuse was that they recruit 17-year-olds into the Marine Corps. Doesn't it make you feel good to live in a country that would rather promote the abuse of children rather than slightly reform the recruitment policies of a single branch of it's (needless, wasteful, abusive) military?
        I've said it a million times before, the US people take a government press conference as gospel. Of course there's bickering between conservatives and liberals, but they share a common goal, and they don't want it to look like it's a priority. An example? Look at the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia. As Noam Chomsky has said...
"Despite the desperate efforts of ideologues to prove that circles are square, there is no serious doubt that the
NATO bombings further undermine what remains of the fragile structure of international law. The US made that entirely clear in the discussions leading to the NATO decision."

        Stop and think about it. There are too many instances of attrocities committed or bankrolled by the United States, each of which is covered up from the eye of the media or appologized for, to suddenly start trusting them just because a dead revolutionary wrote a song. Things have definatly changed since the revolution, if you'll consider Thomas Jefferson's ideals about aristocrats vs. democrats. So how can you believe that the US actually supports a human rights mission? The attrocities by the Yugoslav government have noteably increased by god-knows-fold since the NATO campaign started, which was admitted as "predicatable" by the US leader of the bombings. So why didn't someone stop and say something? Well, England is "by now, about as much of an independent actor as the Ukraine was in the pre-Gorbachev years", and none of the other NATO countries, or capitalist countries for that matter (with the exception of Russia, who isn't a NATO nation anyway), would stand to oppose the US. Not surprisingly though, despite thier willingness to take a stand, the other NATO countries are, for the most part, growing tired of Madeline Albright and the violent policies of the United States. The really scary thing is this: The US gets away with it, but other nations catch the breeze by the source of all disruption to anti-war world order, the United States, whenever they do something of this sort.
       Could it be that the US wants to turn the world into one capitalistic empire? The other reformed capitalist countries sure don't seem to stand up for all the people in the world that die in needless wars. If they're not part of the solution, obviously they're part of the problem, because passive agression or blind agreement in a "focus, nod, go back to work" fashion gives the aristocrats of the American government exactly what they want: to be the rulers of a secret imperialism.

ann arky's home.

Friday 20 July 2012


          The war in Afghanistan has been a costly, bloody and brutal affair, it has been 11years of savage conflict where the NATO countries have poured in money and young lives. The total NATO deaths has passed the 3,000 mark, of those more than 2,000 were American forces and over 400 were from UK forces. On top of that there has been tens of thousands of physically injured and mentally scarred young people from the NATO forces. Then of course there is the figures that get very little coverage in that babbling brook of bullshit, Western media, Afghan civilians killed. The figures are horrendous, according the UN figures almost 13,000 have been killed in the last six years, 2,332 in 2011 alone, a 10% increase on the previous year. Then it being a capitalist war we have to look at the financial side. The estimated cost to the US tax payer, calculated up to September this year, will be a staggering $487.6 billion, and to the UK tax payer it will be £20billion. How much is that in social services?
        Why have the Western nations poured so much in suffering and money into this poor country? To catch/kill, Osama bib Laden? To bring democracy to the Afghans? Well they have succeed the first mentioned, at what cost? They have of course failed miserably in the latter.
       However could the reason for this costly savage slaughter be clarified by this extract from a BBC article:
      Afghanistan is known to have vast reserves of oil, gas, copper, cobalt, gold and lithium. In late 2011, a consortium of Indian companies inked a deal to begin mining some of the country's large stores of iron. But the country is known to have a wider array of mineral resources; in 2010, the Afghan ministry of mines claimed a value of its reserves of nearly a trillion dollars, then carrying out tours to promote investment in them.
Continue READING:

       Of course a Western compliant puppet government in Afghanistan would see them control those assets as the have done in Libya and Iraq, with Syria and Iran in their radar.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 19 June 2012


      Do you think that there are far too many psychopaths in power in this world?

by W. Finnerty Mon Jun 18, 2012 09:37
Motivated largely by a long-standing (and growing) belief that psychopaths (with “Iago” type personality disorders) have far, far too much influence at the present time in places such as the City of London, Wall Street, Westminster, and Washington, I yesterday sent an e-mail to Dr Anne Jeffers (Consultant Psychiatrist based in Ballinasloe, County Galway, Republic of Ireland) which made direct reference to the “Learning to become aware of the dangers of the ‘Iago’s of this world” comment at Sun Jun 17, 2012 10:24.
By “psychopath” I mean the kind of person who fits the following dictionary definition: “A person afflicted with a personality disorder characterised by a tendency to commit antisocial and sometimes violent acts, and with a failure to feel any guilt for such acts”: as, for example, relating to the antisocial “bailing out” of the bankers — at tax-payers expense — in connection with the bankers “derivatives” gambling debts (debts which may be in the region of quadrillions of Euros overall), and, for example, in relation to the “violence” aspect of this particular personality disorder, with all of the ongoing warmongering during the past year or so connected with places such as Libya, Syria, Israel, and Iran: warmongering which has the extremely dangerous potential (it seems to me) to suddenly develop into a major thermonuclear WW3 type confrontation involving NATO countries on one side, and Russia and China (together with some other large nations such as India perhaps) on the other.

 ann arky's home.

Tuesday 3 April 2012



Saturday May 19th Troops out of Afghanistan,
Don't Attack Iran,
No intervention in the Middle East

         The occupation of Afghanistan has passed crisis point. Afghan soldiers are turning their guns on NATO troops, negotiations with the Taliban have broken down and protests against occupation are continuing.
        Meanwhile, further war in the Middle East is terrifyingly close. The debate about war on Iran in Israel is more about when rather than whether to attack. In the US there is also a sense of inevitability about war. Officials in the International Atomic Energy Agency say their leadership is being used by the US to justify war on Iran. The US is opposing direct intervention in Syria for the moment, but this can change and meanwhile Western allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are arming the Free Syrian Army.
      Stop the War is calling a day of protest on Saturday May 19th to coincide with big protests in Chicago against the NATO summit.

Details will be announced in the next few days.

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 7 February 2012


             While the West continues with its Afghan adventure, the drug barons continue to make millions from the poppy fields of Afghanistan, The West while fighting the Taliban, now claim that their aim is to get rid of the opium poppy fields and choke the heroin trade. What they fail to mention is that the Taliban had already done that before the West went in to get rid of the Taliban. It was also the discontinuing of Western aid after the Soviet era that re-started the opium growing in Afganistan before the Taliban came to power. 
          During the Taliban rule, Afghanistan saw a bumper opium crop of 4,500 metric tons in 1999,.[13] However, in July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. As a result of this ban, opium poppy cultivation was reduced by 91% from the previous year's estimate of 82,172 hectares. The ban was so effective that Helmand Province, which had accounted for more than half of this area, recorded no poppy cultivation during the 2001 season.[14]  (wikipedia)

            It is only since the West invaded that the heroin trade has once again flourished and grown to the multi-million dollar business that it is now. The Afghan puppet government is riddled with corruption and drug barons, who are making millions while the Western troops fight a losing battle.
         11 years of bloodshed and misery to remove the Taliban and as the West pulls out the Taliban are ready to move in and take control. However what we have left is a country in ruins with massive unemployment, heart breaking drug addiction, unbelievable poverty and wealthy drug barons in control. This is the legacy the West hands to the Afghan people, they paid in lives and misery, we paid in billions of dollars and the pointless deaths of far too many of our young people. The story in Iraq is much the same, the ordinary people pay and are left to cope with depleted uranium, deaths in every family, destroyed infrastructure, homelessness, poverty and deprivation. Where is the benefit of either of these actions, where is the public outrage in the West. We accept this slaughter and no doubt if the powers that be decide, for what ever insane reason, to do the same to Syria and /or Iran, the people of the West will put up with it with the usual anti-war protest by the handful. We live under a state of international corporate fascism and the public seem to want it, accept it, or are blind to the fact. WHY.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 13 November 2011


          After 7 months of NATO blasting the infrastructure of Libya so that a mixed bag of rival tribal groups and religious fundamentalists could take over, Libya is not a peaceful place. Over the last 4 days or so there have been clashes in and around Tripoli with armed groups firing all manner of weapons at each other. To the west of Tripoli there has been fierce fighting between the city of Zawiya and the tribal lands of Warshefana which was still continuing today Sunday. The residents of Tripoli are complaining that armed groups have taken over many “desirable” locations in the city, including a gated seaside resort.

        This is the bunch of self interested groups, now armed to the teeth, that we have unleashed on the Libyan people. We spent billions of our tax payers money destroying many of the Libyan towns and cities, then handed the rubble to tribal warriors and religious fundamentalists, but we did get our hands on the oil. The oil that gave the Libyan people free health care, free education, a lump sum on the birth of their first child, a deposit for newly weds to help to purchase their first house, cheap fuel and free clean drinking water. Now that the West controls the oil, and now that Libya has joined the “free democratic capitalist West” how much of the oil money will the Libyan people see, and how much will go towards their “free” infrastructure and social services,? Oh, and bye-bye 19p a gallon petrol. That's capitalism for you.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 6 November 2011


This video is perhaps a little out of date, but the opinion is most certainly not. I don't think it can be said too often that NATO is not a humanitatian organisation. Nor should anyone hold any illusions that the West will put itself out for the benfit of any Middle Eastern people. The Libyan episode cost those involved billions of pounds, at a time of a financial crisis in those countries,why? Why the Libyans, why not the Syrians, Bahrainians, and how about the Saudi regime, probably one of the most repressive regimes in the area. Can't we step in to protect Palestinian civilians from the Israeli onslaught? It is all about resources and oil is a mighty big resource in today's world.

ann arky's home.

Thursday 3 November 2011


       Wars always produce death, upheaval and misery, and though the make money for some in the corporate world, they also cost governments (tax payers) money, and Cameron's ego booster, the Libyan war will have an effect on the finances of the nations in NATO. So indirectly the Libyan oil grab will add to the European debt crisis. The following is a short extract from Russia Today.
-----Another adverse factor for the sociaEurope has been the military conflict in Libya.
      NATO has officially declared its campaign in Libya accomplished, but the war in that country is likely to rage on. The alliance assumed command of all air and naval operations over Libya on 31 March, 2011, titling the war effort Operation Unified Protector. From that day on, NATO air forces (mainly comprised of British and French jets) conducted over 26,000 sorties, including 9,600 air strikes. Needless to say, every single one of those missiles and every gallon of fuel and every day of fighting had a very hefty price tag attached to them. Meanwhile, most allied nations’ budgets for 2011 were not designed to accommodate multi-billion war costs. The expenses assumed by the main sponsors of NATO’s Libya campaign (i.e. Britain and France) make a full-blown European crisis all the more likely – and such a crisis could spark a second global meltdown. ----
Read the full article HERE.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 29 October 2011


         The police wade in to clear over 1,000 peaceful protesters of the Occupy Oakland movement in Calafornia. The scenes make a mockery of the freedom loving democracy that the US is always trying bomb onto other countries. Watching these scenes I was wondering how long would it be before NATO moved in to protect civilians from brutal reprisals handed out by the state apparatus. NATO, where are you when we need you? More on this brutal act of repression HERE.

ann arky's home.

Friday 28 October 2011


      Now that the Libyan regime has been replace to the satisfaction of the Western oil companies, the truth is starting to come out. At first we were lead to believe that it was a people's “uprising” against the regime and our heroic peace loving NATO stepped in to save civilian deaths. However it now seems to be that it was a fundamentalist engineered uprising and Qatar and Sudan have now stated that they sent in forces to help the “uprising”. It is also stated that Libyan al-Qaeda groups fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq return to Libya to help the “rebels”. What kind of “people's” uprising is it if it is supported by troops from at least two different countries and the force of NATO plus war hardened religious fundamentalist al-Qaeda groups and takes more than six months to overthrow the regime?  It is obvious that if NATO hadn't stepped in with its, over 10,000 strikes, the "uprising" would have fizzled out. This is in no way to condone the Gadaffi regime, but does show the lies behind the West's talk of protecting civilians in a people's uprising. The last thing the West would do is send in NATO to support is a people's uprising, especially if it was somewhere in the West.

      Already the citizens of Sirte are beginning to vent their anger at the violence that has been heaped upon them, no doubt other divisions will make themselves clear as NATO, Sudan and Qatar all withdraw and the Libyan people start to make their real voice heard.
     What the West can look forward to is profit from all that oil and all that re-construction that needs to be done after we blow the place to bits.

ann arky's home.


         Here in the developed Western world most people look at NATO as a force for good. However it history dosn't back that up. Country after country has suffered from its military might. In truth it is no more than the Western corporate world's hit squad. The following is an extract from an intersting article which you can read HERE. 

         Like dominoes they are falling: Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya. Even al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was taken out in a surprise ambush by US special forces at his secret hideout inside of nuclear-armed Pakistan.

           Since its first act of aggression on the territory of a sovereign state (on February 28, 1994, NATO aircraft shot down four jets in the Bosnian War) each successive NATO operation is revealing an increasingly disturbing trend: the leaders of the condemned countries are meeting violent, even barbaric ends. Has the rule of law taken a back seat in NATO's global juggernaut?
           Compare the ‘natural’ death of Slobodan Milocevic, former President of Serbia and Yugoslavia, with that of the grisly murder of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Shortly after the end of the Yugoslavian War, which saw a massive NATO aerial bombardment that lasted from March 24, 1999 to June 10, 1999, Milocevic was sent to The Hague to stand trial for charges of war crimes. Milocevic surprised his accusers by deciding to represent himself in the five-year trial. The case, however, abruptly ended without a verdict when the former four-term leader died of an apparent heart attack.

Tuesday 25 October 2011


         As the various groups give their views on the outcome of the NATO forced regime change in Libya, the opinions switch from Shangrila in Libya, and a peaceful world, to chaos with ethnic and religious battles, and Western oil companies working the miracle of changing Libyan oil into money in Western corporate shareholders' bank accounts. Who knows, but I think we can take it that the first is out of the question. The country's infrastructure has been decimated by NATO and marauding well armed militia, hell bent on firing off as much armaments as possible. It seemed as if the were on a bonus scheme from the Western arms producers. In most of the scenes from that poor unfortunate country, there hardly seems to a building that hasn't been multi-potholed. What homes are left to go home to? Such Western vengeance directed at a man who was responsible 42 years ago, for the bloodless overthrow of the Western puppet, King Idris, and for the nationalisation of Libyan oil. At that time Libya was a very poor country, as far as the people were concerned but no as far as the oil compnaies and their cronies were concerned. Gadaffi used that oil revenue to give Libya, food security by irrigation, free clean water pumped from under the Sahara, free education, free health care, and he kept a lid on the religious fundamentalists, who will now come to the fore. Probably his biggest crime in the eyes of the Western corporate world was the nationalising of the oil. Had he just taken power and left the oil in the hands of the Western corporate greed machine, perhaps he would still be in power and would still be feted by the West. Ah, that's capitalism for you.

Saturday 22 October 2011


       Every death from the Western war on teror is another "turning point", there has been so many that it is obvious that the West is running round in circles.
       This from STOP THE WAR COALITION.

       The killing of Muammar Gadaffi in Sirte has been marked by a round of celebration by western governments over their intervention in Libya. As with the capture of Saddam Hussein in Iraq and the killing of Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, it will be described as a turning point and a further victory in the seemingly endless 'war on

      There is little reason for the triumphalism. Nato's war on Libya was not a 'humanitarian intervention' but a war for regime change -- illegal under international law. It was about the western powers attempting to regain control of the region in the face of the Arab uprisings across the Middle East. Yet despite its overthrow of the regime in Libya imperialism faces many problems in the region.

       In Libya itself it is already clear that there are many divisions between the different elements in the new government, and not at all clear that a stable regime will emerge. Even if it does, the ordinary people of Libya will see their interests subjugated to the oil companies and other western business, backed up by Nato, which has no intention of vacating the scene.

       The consequences of the war on terror elsewhere are not outbreaks of peace and democracy but rather a spreading of the war. Afghanistan, ten years on, has just experienced its bloodiest two years of war. Iraq remains a society destroyed by war and occupation. Somalia remains war torn with Kenyan troops recently crossing the border. Pakistan suffers drone attacks which have killed thousands. The Israeli oppression of the Palestinians continues. There are threats of intervention over Syria.

        The recent alleged plot against the Saudi ambassador to Washington was blamed on sections of the Iranian government and Saudi and Israel are both urging attacks on Iran. Far from the west conquering all, it is deep in the mire of war. The gloating over Gadaffi should not become an excuse for further interventions that will only spread the carnage further.

With Libya, secured an American invasion of Africa is under way.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 25 September 2011


         While NATO pulverises the Libyan people in the name of freedom for the Libyan people, our subservient media paints a picture of peace loving rebel fighters running around the country freeing their fellow citizens. The method they use to free them is to sit back and wait until NATO blasts the hell out of them and then rush in all guns blazing. If that doesn't work, then they lay siege to the town or city, starve it of food, water and medical supplies, after which they will ask NATO to go back in and terrorise the citizens with a massive bombardment from the air. Thus, Western style freedom crawls its bloody way through Libya.
       What is vomited from the mainstream media has no relation to the truth as it is happening on the ground in that unfortunate country. What is happening is tribal faction killings, looting and ethnic cleansing of towns and cities across Libya, aided and abetted by NATO and its paymasters. The following is a short extract from BEFORE IT'S NEWS.  It is well worth reading the whole article. You certainly will not get the information on the Ten O'clock News.

        ---- Despite desperate attempts by Wall Street and London to proclaim their intervention in Libya a success, even going as far as sending their political proxies Nicolas Sarkozy of France and David Cameron of the United Kingdom for a quick photo opportunity at the rebel held airport in contested Tripoli, vast swaths of the nation are still fiercely resisting NATO and their proxy rebel forces. This includes entire cities still standing in defiance against rebel attempts to "starve them out" and dozens of daily NATO airstrikes (NATO report for September 22) aimed at breaking the population's will to fight on.

         Weeks ago, the rebel forces, led by US State Department and UK Home Office listed terrorists from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG), a subsidiary of Al Qaeda, boldly announced plans to starve out cities resisting their unelected, foreign backed seizure of the North African nation. The London Telegraph reported in an article aptly titled, "Libya crisis: Rebel leaders hoping to starve Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte into submission," that under the cover of heavy NATO bombing rebel leaders hoped "to starve Col Gaddafi's home town of Sirte into submission, laying siege to his last remaining stronghold in an attempt to avoid mass bloodshed, according to the man spearheading efforts for a peaceful takeover."

       Fox News would relay an AP report on September 2, 2011, that rebel commanders declared, "we want to save our fighters and not lose a single one in battles with Qaddafi's forces. In the end, we will get Sirte, even if we have to cut water and electricity and let NATO pound it with airstrikes." AP cited Mohammed al-Rajali, a spokesman for the rebel leadership in the eastern city of Benghazi. Ironically, the article was titled, "UN Warns Libya is Short of Water, Fuel, Medicine," a crisis admittedly being caused by the premeditated denial for entire cities of critical supplies for their civilian populations, enabled by NATO bombing and under the cover of UN recognition of the terrorist rebels - a move that has soundly resigned the UN's legitimacy and stated purpose to the scrapheap of history. ___ READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE.

Thursday 1 September 2011


       So the West's white knight in shining armour that goes by the name of NATO rushed in to save the Libyan people from a massacre. Six months later the Libyan people are looking at 50,000 dead and 200,000 wounded, the destruction of their water supply, electricity and their hospitals. Meanwhile friends of the white knight are queueing up to get the contracts to rebuild the destruction, of course the Libyan people will have the privilege of paying the bill. Considering that the Libyan people had the best education system and health service in the area and free clean water to everybody, some of them will be asking, could we have done a better job ourselves? Also would the white knight have rushed in to their rescue had their main export been turnips? Don't turnip growers deserve protection as much as oil producers??

     It is sad, for at this moment in time so many Libyans will be filled with hope for the future of their country, only later will they find out that they have lost their country's assets to the Western corporate world, who are not a benevolent bunch. If and when the reconstruction of their country starts, they will see their debt pile up but their assets will not be theirs to pay the bills. They will become just another nation in debt to the corporate world. How much of the oil money will now go towards giving them some of the basics they had before the white knight rushed in to save them, free education, free health care, free clean water and cheap fuel?

Monday 29 August 2011


          Now as the Libyans look at a divided country facing a humanitarian crisis we should be asking ourselves whether the NATO carrying out of UN resolution 1973 has been a success or not. The UN resolution was to stop Gaddaffi using the Libyan air force and army helicopters to attack the rebels and bomb civilian areas, in so doing prevent a humanitarian disaster. What UN resolution 1973 did not do was sanction regime change. It is also clear the the resolution did not sanction an aerial campaign against the Libyan government nor the Libyan army. The NATO force was to be a defence force for the Libyan people, it was not meant to be an attack force for the benefit of Libyan rebels. However as usual, the Western powers deliberately misinterpret UN resolutions to further their own imperial designs. No matter your opinion of the Gaddaffi regime the military campaign carried out by NATO against Libya was illegal, thus making the the leaders of the governments involved, mainly UK, France and Italy, equally guilty of war crimes as the man they wished to replace, Gaddaffi. It is not the first time that the Western imperialists have carried out regime change by means of military action, but it usually results in instability and/or civil war in the country they have targeted. The result can usually be classified as a humanitarian disaster, and from the reports coming out of Libya it would appear that this case is no exception as report after report paints a picture of a devastating humanitarian catastrophe. The only conclusion that can be drawn from the evidence on the ground is that the NATO carrying out of UN resolution 1973 has been an abysmal failure. The main beneficiaries being the Western oil companies who have already moved to get their slice of the action. It is sad to think that there are still people out there who believe that during their financial crisis, the Western powers spent all that money and effort simply for the benefit of the Libyan people.

Saturday 27 August 2011


            All those who are rooting for NATO in the Libyan attack should ask themselves, what they actually know about the Libya that NATO is destroying. What do you know of the type of society that was in place before the “rebels” backed up by the oil hungry Western fighting machine NATO started its onslaught, an onslaught that has totally destroy the infrastructure of that country? How did the people live? Who are these “rebels”? I bet you don't know, except what the Western imperialist media has told you. Don't you think that might be a biased view? How long will it be before the Libyan's can once again experience the free education, free health care, free clean drinking water for all, decent working conditions and a decent pension they had before the "rebels" set them free? As soon a any rebellion calls on the Western imperialist powers for military help, it has sold any legitimacy it may have held.


Social Welfare

A government advertisement appearing in an international publication in 1977 asserted that the Libyan social security legislation of 1973 ranked among the most comprehensive in the world and that it protected all citizens from many hazards associated with employment. The social security program instituted in 1957 had already provided protection superior to that available in many or most developing countries, and in the 1980s the welfare available to Libyans included much more than was provided under the social security law: work injury and sickness compensation and disability, retirement, and survivors' pensions. Workers employed by foreign firms were entitled to the same social security benefits as workers employed by Libyan citizens.
Subsidized food, inexpensive housing, free medical care and education, and profit-sharing were among the benefits that eased the lives of all citizens. The government protected the employed in their jobs and subsidized the underemployed and unemployed. In addition, there were nurseries to care for the children of working mothers, orphanages for homeless children, and homes for the aged. The welfare programs had reached even the oasis towns of the desert, where they reportedly were received with considerable satisfaction. The giving of alms to the poor remained one of the pillars of the Islamic faith, but the extent of public welfare was such that there was increasingly less place for private welfare. Nonetheless, the traditional Arab sense of family responsibility remained strong, and provision for needy relatives was still a common practice.

 Medical Care

The number of physicians and surgeons in practice increased fivefold between 1965 and 1974, and large increases were registered in the number of dentists, medical, and paramedical personnel. Further expansion and improvement followed over the next decade in response to large budgetary outlays, as the revolutionary regime continued to use its oil income to improve the health and welfare of all Libyans. The number of doctors and dentists increased from 783 in 1970 to 5,450 in 1985, producing in the case of doctors a ratio of 1 per 673 citizens. These doctors were attached to a comprehensive network of health care facilities that dispensed free medical care. The number of hospital beds increased from 7,500 in 1970 to almost 20,000 by 1985, an improvement from 3.5 beds to 5.3 beds per 1,000 citizens. During the same years, substantial increases were also registered in the number of clinics and health care centers.
A large proportion of medical and paramedical personnel were foreigners brought in under contract from other Arab countries and from Eastern Europe. The major efforts to "Libyanize" health care professionals, however, were beginning to show results in the mid1980s . Libyan sources claimed that approximately 33 percent of all doctors were nationals in 1985, as compared with only about 6 percent a decade earlier. In the field of nursing staff and technicians, the situation was considerably better--about 80 percent were Libyan. Schools of nursing had been in existence since the early 1960s, and the faculties of medicine in the universities at Tripoli and Benghazi included specialized institutes for nurses and technicians. The first medical school was not established until 1970, and there was no school of dentistry until 1974. By 1978 a total of nearly 500 students was enrolled in medical studies at schools in Benghazi and Tripoli, and the dental school in Benghazi had graduated its first class of 23 students. In addition, some students were pursuing graduate medical studies abroad, but in the immediate future Libya was expected to continue to rely heavily on expatriate medical personnel.
Among the major health hazards endemic in the country in the 1970s were typhoid and paratyphoid, infectious hepatitis, leishmaniasis, rabies, meningitis, schistosomiasis, and venereal diseases. Also reported as having high incidence were various childhood diseases, such as whooping cough, mumps, measles, and chicken pox. Cholera occurred intermittently and, although malaria was regarded as having been eliminated in the 1960s, malaria suppressants were often recommended for use in desert oasis areas.
By the early 1980s, it was claimed that most or all of these diseases were under control. A high rate of trachoma formerly left 10 percent or more of the population blinded or with critically impaired vision, but by the late 1970s the disease appeared to have been brought under control. The incidence of new cases of tuberculosis was reduced by nearly half between 1969 and 1976, and twenty-two new centers for tuberculosis care were constructed between 1970 and 1985. By the early 1980s, two rehabilitation centers for the handicapped had been built, one each in Benghazi and Tripoli. These offered both medical and job-training services and complemented the range of health care services available in the country.
The streets of Tripoli and Benghazi were kept scrupulously clean, and drinking water in these cities was of good quality. The government had made significant efforts to provide safe water. In summing up accomplishments since 1970, officials listed almost 1,500 wells drilled and more than 900 reservoirs in service in 1985, in addition to 9,000 kilometers of potable water networks and 44 desalination plants. Sewage disposal had also received considerable attention, twenty-eight treatment plants having been built.