Showing posts with label plundering public assets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label plundering public assets. Show all posts

Saturday, 28 May 2016

How Far Will You Let Them Push You?

         How far will the financial Mafia go in the decimating of people in their drive to re-capitalise their corrupt bankrupt system. Across the globe they have pushed this austerity plan hard, in some countries they have pushed it to the point of destruction. I have no doubt the will push it further if they can get away with their self-centred plan.
          Take Greece, it is now agreed that what the people of Greece are suffering is as bad as, or worse than, the 30's depression, and is expected to go deeper still. The policies forced on to the people of Greece have produced an unemployment rate of more than 25%, and among the under 25's that jumps to more than 50%, in some areas it is over 60%. The number of people in Greece suffering sever material deprivation has doubled since 2008, again sadly it is the 16-24's that have suffered the most.
           Greece is the only country in the Euro area where welfare spending has dropped, and it has dropped dramatically since 2008. A follow on from this ever decreasing welfare spending is a stratospheric rise in the suicide rate, which saw an increase of 35% between 2010-2011, with a further dramatic increase of 55% in 2012. This drop in welfare spending has also heralded in, among other horrors, an increase in substance abuse and HIV, at the same time as HIV clinics and needle exchange units have been closed..
        Homelessness and sleeping rough has seen a dramatic rise, the government's own figures, which some consider to be a modest estimate, put the number of homeless in Athens at 20,000 from a population of 660,000, with a massive increase in the 26-44 age group now homeless.
      Another effect of this financial Mafia extortion racket is the effect it will have on the future of Greece, as migration has soared. Greece has a population of approximately 11 million, since the financial Mafia's inflicted "crisis", around 400,000 have migrated. Of those who have migrated it is reported that nine in ten hold a university degree, with more than 60% holding a masters degree, and approximately 11% a PhD. How will that impact on the future of Greece? All this in a modern, supposedly democratic country in Europe, one of the richest parts of the world.
     Bearing in mind all these facts it is obvious to any individual with a grain of humanity, that the people of Greece need some assistance, What is that trio of inhumanity, the IMF, International Mankind Fuckers, ECB, Excessively Conning Banksters, EC, European Cartel, planning for the people of Greece? Why, more cuts to welfare, lower pensions, work longer to receive those diminishing pensions, higher taxes, work longer hours, and wage cuts. The people can bleed to death, the financial gambling cartel want their gambling losses back.
     This then is the general plan for us all, as the millionaire gambling cabal, the financial Mafia, continue their greed fest to recoup their gambling losses. The quality of life that you and I have is of no interest to them, we don't figure in their grand plan of plunder and looting, it is all about them saving their system and all the wealth, power and privileges that go along with that stinking bankrupt system. There is an alternative.
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Saturday, 6 February 2016

Raw Capitalism.

         Thursday's general strike in Greece saw the centre of Athens packed with 40,000 workers and 14,000 in Thessaloniki protesting against the government's plans, under the directive of the financial Mafia, to cut pensions. A few days earlier, farmers were out in large numbers blocking the roads with their farm equipment. The people of Greece have been bludgeoned by the cabal of mobsters who used to go by the name of the “Troika” but now wearing a new dress, and going under its new title of the representatives of creditor institutions –(EU, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers and the EU's bailout fund, the European Stability Mechanism ) This bunch of corporate millionaire mobsters have taken it upon themselves to plunder Greece of all its assets, making sure they are handed over to the corporate greed machine at a knock down price. In the process the people of Greece are sliding ever deeper into deprivation.
In his case, Karachristos says next year he will be paying 88 percent of his salary in taxes and pension contributions.
 "They have massacred my generation. We can no longer get married or have children," said Dina, 32, who owns a lingerie shop and was marching in Athens, referring to five years of austerity cuts under Greece's successive economic bailouts. 
The symbols of European democracy.
       These are the typical comments from across the spectrum of the population, that is those who have any form of employment. Greece is capitalism with the gloves off, raw capitalism, showing its true colours, plundering the fabric of society and to hell with the people. No country is immune, Spain, Italy and here in the UK, the plan is the same, all public assets to be privatised, including education, NHS and all social services, wages and conditions trashed, pensions whittled down. Look across the globe, the pattern is the same, no matter the particular colour of your government. Capitalism knows no other way, it is a system of exploitation. We have to come together across our communities and our borders and fight back to take back all our public assets and take full control of our society and our lives.
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Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Capitalism = Crisis.

         Capitalism in crisis, capitalism is crisis, to get rid of the crisis in capitalism, we have to get rid of capitalism. Any attempt to tinker with, modify, transform capitalism, will still leave you with capitalism, which is an exploitative system, based on profit for the few and struggle for the many. Dress it up in tinsel, paint it pink, spray it with deodorant, it is still a stinking system whereby the many work for the enrichment of the few. We can never be free if we, the many, depend on working all our lives for the enrichment of the few. Why do we continually struggle through life creating unimaginable wealth for the few? Why do we perpetuate a system of exploitation for the next generation, our children and grandchildren, to inherit? 
           There is a world beyond "market forces", by no stretch of the imagination can the present system be called democracy. It is plutocracy, corporatism, mass exploitation, plundering of public assets, raping of the world's resources, take your pick, but it is not democracy, nor can capitalism ever by democracy.

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Monday, 27 July 2015

We Swim In The Vomit Of Corruption.

      We should all know by now that we live under the vomit of a stinking corrupt system controlled by the financial Mafia. Greece immediately comes to mind, a country where they brought to bear the full venom of their power, to overthrow the government and destroy the social fabric of the country. After five years of "austerity", which translates as poverty and deprivation for the people and the plundering of the country's assets, they have now being shackled to a perpetual regime of higher taxes, lower pensions, more unemployment, a worsening of working conditions and greater plundering of the country's assets. All this in an attempt to protect the financial Mafia's phoney house of cards balance sheets. 
The financial Mafia and national governments usually work hand in hand, to the benefit of the banksters, as they always hold the upper hand. When a government doesn't play to their rules, it, and its people are destroyed, Greece for example. 
      There is never a time, now or in the past, when these banksters, working for the financial Mafia, have got involved in a country to the benefit of the people. Everything they touch, create or modify, is to the detriment of the people and riddled with greed and corruption. From Africa, to South America, Europe to Asia, their poison has ravaged through the lives of the ordinary people, creating poverty, deprivation and wars. Just a thought, If the banks are too big to fail, they should be owned and organised as a public utility.
     The latest piece of corruption and greed to come out of this cesspool, is connected to UBS bank. This from Politics in the Zeros: 

$72 billion in now-toxic Puerto Rico bonds are stashed away in supposedly conservative bond funds and retirement accounts. Moody’s says the probability of default is now 100%. Some of the bonds have no legal protection and their recovery rate might be 33 cents on a dollar. Bonds with better protection will still get clobbered. Recovery on those will be 65-85%.
That’s not the worst of it. UBS (and probably lots of other banks too) underwrote some of the bonds and put them in their own closed-end funds. These funds are not traded. UBS sets the price. Some investors bought these bond funds with money borrowed from UBS and may have used them as collateral for more “investing.” However, UBS just decreed the collateral value on their very own Puerto Rico closed-end funds is now zero. That’s right zero. UBS is saying their own bonds are worthless. Expect a festive number of lawsuits.
Clients were warned that they can no longer use these funds as collateral for loans, even those loans they used to buy these funds with in the first place.
Thus, they will have to come up with new collateral very quickly or UBS may sell the bonds and come after them for the balance. Let’s be clear. Some of them are retirement accounts. All of them will take big hits.
Of course, banks made lots of money by underwriting slop everyone knew was risky then foisting it off on customers and clients. It’s all just terribly tragic. There will be investigations. UBS will promise to sin no more. The government will levy a stiff fine (or is this a protection racket.) No one will go to prison. Lots of people’s retirement accounts will drop in value. None of the banks care what happens to Puerto Rico.
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Tuesday, 30 December 2014

Future Suspended.

      This video by Ross Domoney, may have been post before, but is well worth a second viewing, as it show some very basics of how the system works. Privatisation, plundering public assets and exclude the ordinary people. Creating poverty, breeding racism, dividing the people, while the financial Mafia walk off with the loot.

Future Suspended (2014)
Filmed and edited by Ross Domoney
Co-edited and script by Jaya Klara Brekke
Music composed, performed and recorded by Giorgos Triantafyllou
Assistant editing by Antonis Vradis, Christos Filippidis and Dimitris Dalakoglou
Research by Christos Filippidis, Dimitris Dalakoglou and Antonis Vradis
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Sunday, 6 February 2011


       As the well manicured twins from the millionaires’ club down at the Westminster House of Hypocrisy and Corruption go ahead with the financial world’s plans to decimate the living standards of the working class, they are still, without laughing, muttering that blatant lie “we are all in this together” You and I are looking at a massive rise in unemployment, savage cuts to social spending, cuts in benefits, a shattered education system, reduced pensions, working longer to to get that lousy pension, if you have a job at all, and on top of that they are now about to rip apart the health service and turn it into a market governed grouping of private enterprises, in other words the privatisation of our health service. They are about to create a society where if you want something you buy it, at a profit to some corporate body. Of course if you can’t afford it then you do without and that will apply to health, education and special needs plus a host of other things that a civilised society should provide. While we, the ordinary people, are supposed to take this, the friends of this millionaire cabinet are still laughing all the way to the bank. For example, last year a certain Mr Justin King, chief executive of Sainsbury’s, faced the burden of austerity with an £8 million pay package, his previous year's earnings. Another of the millionaire cabinet’s friends who is in this with us is Marc Bolland of Marks & Spencer’s his contract could net him approximately £15 million for the following year's pay check. As you can see, we are all in this together.

        The most blatant lie about this whole affair is the fact that they keep repeating, “there is no alternative” what shit, and it is ideological shit at that. This is the biggest handover of public assets to the private sector that we have ever seen. You and I and any member of the working class know that we could create a society that would see to the needs of all our people, we know we have the ability, imagination and resources to create a society free from the profit motive, based on mutual aid and sustainability. We know we do not need that army of pampered, well manicured parasites that rip us off day and daily. We, the working class, are facing what is probably one of the biggest challenges that has arisen in capitalism, we now have the ability to organise across the whole of the European continent on an almost instantaneous basis. What is happening in this country is happening across Europe, it is a united attack by the financial institutions of corporate capitalism, it surely makes sense that we should respond with a united attack on those institutions that aim to destroy our already meagre standard of living. Local strikes, marches and demonstrations can be ignored and dealt with without too much trouble to the system. However a national general strike would be a different matter and much more difficult for the system to handle, a pan-European general strike would be impossible for the system to cope with, and would be our opportunity to restructure society to our aims based on that fair and universally desire, of a society free from the fear of deprivation and exploitation.

Saturday, 25 December 2010


                                          Glasgow George Square 1919.
    Since the failure of the 1936 Spanish Revolution the working class movements have battled on a more or less reformist agenda and it is fair to say that they have won major reforms to their advantage. However at the same time they have become integrated into the modern capitalist system of production. From the late 19th century through to the middle of the 20th century pre the Spanish Revolution there were mass movements with a more revolutionary agenda, In Europe this continued up until the start of the second world war and it was probably this war that saved the European capitalist class. Since then there has been no real revolutionary mass movement in Europe. However with the corporate class making a massive push to devour all the public assets in Europe there has been considerable anger among the working class as the pain to be inflicted on the ordinary people begins to become apparent. The corporate world are probably looking at this as their final victory to take control of anything and everything that can turn a profit, from health to prisons, from social welfare to education and more. This anger can and should be the start of what can only be called the second chance of the working class revolutionary movements. The ordinary people are beginning to see that no matter the government they vote in, nothing changes and that what is happening in this country under a Con/Dem coalition government is happening all over Europe with a 57 varieties of governments from Social-this to Christian Democrats that, from left of centre to right of centre. They all preach a different agenda but follow the same grand plan, the corporate plan.

      There is more pain to come from the corporate plan, and before it decimates the working class population, we have to organise a Pan-European mass resistance to this attempt to plunder all public assets. We mine, make and distribute everything in this world, it is our world paid for by the toil, sweat and blood of our forefathers, we are idiots if we let it fall from our grasp in to the hands of a bunch of pampered parasites. We have this second chance we can't lose it without the mother of all fights. They will do what ever they think is necessary for them to attain victory, our defeat. We likewise, must do everything in our power to achieve that final victory. We owe it to our children and our grandchildren.
                                           France, 2010. 

Wednesday, 29 September 2010


      At the stroke of midnight 29 September Spain kicked off its general strike. As the day unfolds we will see where the will of the people lies. Will the people of Europe stop work with the Spanish and have fun with their families or will they take to the streets in protest. Hopefully it will be a mixture of both with a complete stop to all non-essential work across the whole of Europe. Why should the people of Europe allow their living standards to be hacked to pieces at the behest of the millionaires gambling club called the bond markets? Whose debt is it? Who screwed up their own honey pot? Who stands to gain with these cuts?
Who stands to suffer? Just some of the questions that will never be answered by the mouthpieces of the bond markets, ie; the politicians.
        We should however never lose sight of the real purpose behind all these cuts, not only will it safe guard the wealth of the millionaires club but will also transfer all public assets to the private sector, giving them even more of our wealth with which to gamble. This era is crucial, it is the final move by the corporate world to seize what remains of public assets, turning our world into a corporate empire where the people own nothing. No public spaces, no social services, everything bought from the corporate institutions. You can have what you want, but at a price that feeds the pampered parasites in charge of that corporate empire. There will of course be charities who will try to copy with the worst of the poverty and deprivation, co-operation and mutual aid will be seen as signs of insanity.

       They are about to attempt to change the world in their favour forever, it is up to us to change this world in our favour forever. Only by breaking out of the system of profit before everything and changing to wellfare of the people first and foremost based on mutual aid and sustainability can we hope to achieve that aim.

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Monday, 13 September 2010


     Geesus, they never give up, you have got to hand it to them for persistence. I am of course referring to our beloved Glasgow City Council, also known as the Mafia in George Square, previously known as the Purcell Gang. They keep coming up with ideas to turn Glasgow's public parks into commercial buildings, private car parks or privately owned expensive play pens for the for those with a large disposable income.
     We have had the wonderful idea of turning part of Victoria Park into a car park, then there was the one about Botanical Gardens housing a night club and café, and we all remember the Pollok Park private play pen where you could have a shot on their swings at £45 a go. There was the other idea of a café and car park in Kelvin Grove Park and having been rebuffed on all of these baffling ideas they have come back with another attack on one of Glasgow's Public parks. This time it is a charity and café in Ruchill Park. These people seem to have an aversion to green spaces except around the leafy suburbs where they live.
     This latest attempt at hiving off Glasgow's public green spaces is in an area where there is an abundance of vacant ground lying derelict waiting for some sort of amenity to spring to enrich the lives of the community. If the Mafia in George Square wish, I'll take them by the hand round the district and show them acres of space for development that would not damage one blade of grass. To build privately run concrete and tarmac on the one green area in the centre of this district would diminish the quality of life in the area. There are all sorts of ludicrous rumblings coming from the mouths of the Mafia, “- it will bring visitors to the Ruchill Park area from all over Scotland and raise the profile of the park and the north of Glasgow.” Once again, turn it into a tourist attraction and to hell with the local people. Building on the park would be blatant destruction of the limited amenities available to the local people of Ruchill.
      Their other attempts to hand Glasgow's Parks to the private sector have been stopped, let's organise to make sure this latest proposed sale of our public assets is stopped in its tracks.

Monday, 30 August 2010


        This was posted some time ago but I think it is worth repeating as it is more relevant now than ever before. As I keep spouting, the cuts are nothing to do with the "deficit" that is just the excuse. It is all to do with transferring public assets to the private corporate world. A look at history can often show you trends and directions and this trend of hiving off all public assets into the private sector has been going on for some time. It has created devastation in the Third World and now it is set to do likewise in the developed world. The so called "financial crisis" has allowed the big financial vultures to accelerate the process in the developed world. Be warned, it was the Third World first, now it is our turn!!

Extract from:    anarkismo
      Throughout the world, public services have been under attack for the past twenty years. Forming a central plank of the capitalist globalisation agenda, ‘privatisation’ and ‘competition’ are the seemingly unchallenged dogma of modern capitalism. The levels of privatisation which have taken place worldwide are absolutely mind-blowing. During the 1990s alone over $900 billion worth of public assets were transferred into private hands. Globally this agenda is pushed by the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (WTO). The basic theory by which these bodies operate is that all decisions should be made on the basis of profitability alone. Economies in the so-called ‘developing’ world have been carved up under re-structuring deals called Structural Adjustment Programmes which have been like manna from heaven for international business. The World Bank website(1) , for example, “provides information on more than 9,000 privatisation transactions in developing countries from 1988 to 2003”. This information is presented as ‘revenue generating opportunities’ for international capital. The current phase of the WTO’s strategy for the imposition of its privatisation agenda is the General Agreement on Trade in Services – which looks to sell off such basic services as healthcare, education, housing, water supply, waste management etc. This strategy is driven not in the interest of the ordinary people of these countries but by the needs of international capital. As David Hartridge, Director, WTO Services Division put it quite succinctly: “Without the enormous pressure generated by the American financial services sector, particularly companies like American Express and Citicorp, there would have been no services agreement and therefore perhaps no Uruguay Round and no WTO.” (2)
          This privatisation agenda has had disastrous consequences for many peoples and communities in the developing world. According to journalist John Pilger (3)  
        “The introduction of school fees where there was previously free education has driven many poor families to withdraw their children from school, while hospital fees have put basic health care beyond the reach of millions. Although they acknowledge the harm which privatisation has brought to poor communities in the Third World, the World Bank and IMF still insist on prescribing it as an economic model. Water privatisation is just one example. The World Bank notes that water in Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince costs up to 10 times as much from the private sector as it does from the public supply, and that poor families in Mauritania now have to spend a fifth of their household income on water. Yet both the World Bank and the IMF continue to force water privatisation on developing countries. During 2000 alone, the IMF made water privatisation or full cost recovery a condition of loan agreements to 12 African countries. The World Bank has promised Ghana an extra $100 million in loans if it privatises its water supply.”