Showing posts with label religious fundamentalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label religious fundamentalism. Show all posts

Monday, 24 May 2021

Built-in Racism.

         For those who don't see the religious, racist, fundamentalism that sits as a government in the Zionist state of Israel, this video should perhaps open their eyes and give a clearer picture of the cancer that controls that part of the planet. It might be rather long, but well worth the time as it is packed full of facts, names and dates. 

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Monday, 6 June 2016

The Dangerous Infection Of Christian Fundamentalism.

       Our esteemed lords and masters, clinking their glasses in the subsidised bars of that citadel of imperialism, The Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption, along with our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, are always spewing out verbal sewage about extremists. Of course they always mean the Islamic variety, they never mention the other viral infection on this planet, the Christian variation. This particular sickness is widespread in the US, but is slowly infecting greater numbers here in the UK. Thanks to the Oxbridge cabal of millionaires, so called independent schools are spring up all over the place. In a sane world this would be no bad thing, but when the agenda is set by religious fundamentalism, blind faith, anti-science and egos backed of with big money, the result is far from desirable.
         It has now come to light that there are an increasing number of “faith schools” of the Christian fundamentalist variety, popping up in this country, the most virulent variety being those under the banner of Accelerated Christian Education schools, (ACE) these establishments are a variation of an "education" system, (translates as propaganda system) spawned and developed in the Southern Baptist states of the US, and among the poison they spread is creationism as fact, and women’s submissive position to men. Children are taught in divided slots partitioned from each other. This fundamentalism is extremely dangerous and can poison the minds of children who grow into adults with a closed and bigoted value structure, creating more and deeper unbridgeable chasms in our society.
         Religion must be taken out of education, be should demand education, not indoctrination. Believers can teach at home, or go to their palaces of hallucination, to spout to the willing, but they should never be allowed to take children and blind them to the real world we live in, with their poisonous bigotry and illusionary world of invisible people and magic.

An interesting article from The Independent: 
         A rare photo inside an Accelerated Christian Education school, from the 1980s. Former pupils say the same classroom format is still used in the UK today
  ------ The textbooks used by the schools have also been criticised for providing allegedly inappropriate material. A number of textbooks seen by The Independent and which are reportedly used in schools appear to include worrying content about gay people, women’s rights and also appear to teach creationism as fact.
       One textbook says: “Homosexual, adjective: having unnatural sexual feelings towards one of the same sex… Homosexual activity is another of man’s corruptions of God’s plan.------
Read the full article HERE:
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Friday, 15 January 2016

Death From A Loving Religion.

         For centuries religions have persecuted those who would dare to disagree with their mythological fantasies. They have handed out horrific and barbaric punishments, from burning at the stake, to beheading, the cutting off of hands or feet, to other unbelievable tortures. We like to think that we live in an enlightened age, where we have tamed the beast of religious fundamentalism, but sadly the monster still stalks the earth. There are lands where the only law is the barbaric law of a so called loving good. In Saudi Arabia during 2015 there were at least 151 executions, the highest number since 1995, when there were 192. These executions can be for crimes as petty as drug use, in the case below, where a young man is facing the death penalty, it is for writing poetry. No matter what the poetry contains, what humane, sane individual, can say, hand on heart, the poet deserves to be executed? 
Free Ashraf, poet facing execution in Saudi Arabia
Take Action
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       Ashraf Fayadh, a Palestinian poet and artist who lives in Saudi Arabia, has been sentenced to death for ‘apostasy’. The Saudi Arabian authorities claim that his poetry has questioned religion and spread atheism.
      Ashraf has committed no crime. He is a prisoner of conscience. Ask the Saudi Arabian authorities to free him now.
      Ashraf, a 35-year-old poet and artist, is sentenced to be executed by Saudi Arabian authorities for his art. On 17 November, the General Court in Abha, south-west Saudi Arabia, found Ashraf guilty of ‘apostasy’ – renouncing Islam – for his poetry and sentenced him to death.

Arrested for poetry and pictures on his phone

      Ashraf was initially arrested on 6 August 2013 following a complaint registered against him by another Saudi citizen, who said that the poet was promoting atheism and spreading blasphemous ideas among young people. Ashraf was released the following day, but then rearrested on 1 January 2014, when he was charged with apostasy – he had supposedly questioned religion and spread atheist thought with his poetry. He was at the same time charged with violating the country’s Anti-Cyber Crime Law for allegedly taking and storing photos of women on his phone.
      On 30 April 2014, Ashraf was sentenced to four years in prison and 800 lashes for the charges relating to images of women on his phone. The General Court accepted Ashraf’s apology for the charges of apostasy and found the punishment to be satisfactory.
     However, the court of appeal recommended that Ashraf should still be sentenced for apostasy, and his case was sent back to the General Court, which in turn sentenced him to death for apostasy.
     Throughout this whole process, Ashraf was denied access to a lawyer – a clear violation of international human rights law, as well as Saudi Arabia’s national laws.

A death sentence for ‘apostasy’

Apostasy (Riddah, in Arabic) is the renouncing of Islam. Saudi Arabia follows Sharia (Islamic) law, and ‘apostasy’ can be punishable by death. Yet ‘apostasy’ is not a crime – it is a violation of someone’s right to belief or choose our own religion. It should never incur punishment.
       In addition to that, the death penalty, according to international law, may only be used for the ‘most serious crimes’ (recently interpreted by UN experts to refer to ‘intentional killing’). Apostasy is not a crime at all, let alone a serious one.
       The death penalty is a cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment – it violates our right to life and our right to be free from torture. At Amnesty, we believe the death penalty should never be used.

What we’re calling for

       Quite simply, we’re calling for Ashraf to be freed. He has committed no crime, and as such should not be imprisoned, let alone face execution. We’re asking the Saudi Arabian authorities to drop Ashraf’s conviction and all charges against him. We’re also asking for them to stop executing anyone for ‘apostasy’.
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Thursday, 19 November 2015

The State's Assumption Of The Monopoly On Violence.

      Since that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, continues its coverage of the Paris massacre, with its one sided hypocritical, self righteous view of the world, I feel it is only right that other views must also be heard.
       Again I repeat, without losing or diminishing the sympathy for all those who suffered in that brutal massacre in Paris, and certainly in no way condoning the savage viciousness of the religious nutters who perpetrated this insanity, we should not forget, the French Republic is built on bodies of the innocent and cemented with their blood. An imperialist state where the red of its flag is the blood of innocents. Like all imperialist powers, it is a power structure held together with repression and brutal violence for the benefit of the wealthy and powerful. Like all states, it will not hesitate to use its power against it own people, as they have all done in the past, and then lie about the deaths of innocents, or classify their deaths as "unavoidable collateral damage". The imperialist powers of the world assume a monopoly on violence and stir up hatred by their savage plunder of others' lands in their never ending greed for more wealth, power, resources and markets. The imperialist world of competition for power and and wealth is insanity in the extreme, and we should not be surprised that it spawns violence in all the corners of the planet. This being so, why not here on our own doorstep? The system is our problem, not the people on the planet. 
Photos from the the October 1961 Paris massacre of anti war demonstrators.

Neither their War, nor their Peace!

We must annihilate the enemies of the Republic… and strip those who besmirch the French spirit of their nationality.”
Manuels Valls, Prime Minister, 14th of November 2015

         If one has to recognize a certain continuity of the French Republic, its for sure the continuity of mass murder. From the State Terror of 1793-1794 which gave birth to the word terrorism to the slaughter of the insurgents of 1848 and those of the Commune of 1871; from the colonisation or the deportation of Jews made possible by prior screening and filing to the massacres of Algerian demonstrators in 1961 in the heart of Paris, all French Republics have massacred without counting so that the powerful might continue to dominate and exploit everyone. The French Republic is a mountain of corpses of which the filth that composes the summit has only be able to stay in place by crushing its true enemies, the rebels and revolutionaries who fought for a world of justice and freedom. The “French spirit”, if this enormous stupidity would ever exist, would be a closet filled up until the point of bursting with voices crying for vengeance against the bourgeois, the politicians, the cops, the soldiers and the priests who have trampled them to establish their power.
       Ah, but that’s all rubbish from the past, isn’t it? Do the decades of civil participation, commodity integration and generalised dispossessing really made forget those who still preserved a slightest touch of sensibility that firing randomly into the crowd is not an exclusivity of remote terrorists? That since several years the French State is making its great return on the international scene of state terrorism by multiplying its military attacks in the four corners of the globe (Libya, Mali, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast, Somalia, Central Africa, Iraq, Syria)? The pretext changes each time, but the reasons stay the same: to maintain control of strategic resources, to win new markets and influence zones, to preserve its interests against competitors, to avoid that insurrections are transformed into experiments of freedom. And if it was still needed, warnings have been given also to avert the indolent that this war logic will not know any territorial limit: the death of a demonstrator last year in Sivens or the bodies riddled with shrapnel in Notre-Dame-des-Landes and in Montabot recall that the offensive grenades in khaki do not hesitate, also not here, to be launched against crowds as to sow terror.
Read the full article HERE:
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Monday, 29 September 2014

Oil And Religion, A Bad Mix.

      What is really happening in Iraq and Syria, where does Turkey stand in this bloodshed, where does IS get all their hard wear. Turkey has a vested interest in seeing the Kurds defeated, but as usual, it is all sold as good verses evil, when in fact it is all political manoeuvring for power and territory, by the power mongers. The blood of the people will be shed at the dictate of imperial ideology and religious fundamentalism. Under the veil of a battle between good and evil will lie rich oilfields.
     The corporate imperial West is very reluctant to arm the Kurds as they are building a form of federalism and people's assemblies, not the sort of thing the West wants to see in an oil rich area. No where in this can we say that the West is there for the benefit of the people of that area, the West can quite easily turn its back on brutal repression if the benefits are not rich enough for them. Brutal regimes can be our allies, friendly trading partners, as long as they play ball with their resources. It's when those resources are under threat that those same nations become evil empires and have to be destroyed.

       Moreover, the earlier defeat of IS by the Syrian Kurdish forces both in Kobanê and Sinjar has been interpreted as a slap in the face of the jihadists. Especially the fact that almost a third of the Kurdish militias are made up of women has served to shame the radical Islamists who prefer to see women covered in black robes from head to toe, rather than unveiled, independent and empowered with a AK-47 in their hands.
       The last important fact that has put Kobanê high on the agenda of the Islamic State is that this is the place where the Rojava revolution started on July 19, 2012, when the town was liberated from Assad’s forces and became home to the Democratic People’s Revolution. In this struggle, Syria’s Kurds have declared their autonomy from the state and have since been working to implement democratic confederalism and people’s assemblies as a means to govern themselves.
Read the full article HERE:

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Saturday, 1 September 2012



          It's the same the world over, no matter the religion, those men in funny clothes who, by fair means or foul, find themselves as leaders of their particular god sect, like to make a display of authority by poking their noses into other people's affairs. When it happens in other countries our babbling brook of bullshit, the media, refer to them as fundamentalists. When it happens in our own country, they are referred to as "leaders of the church". Scotland is no different, here we have the fundamentalist leader of the Catholic church, Cardinal O'Brien, doing his damnedest to prevent peaceful people from making their own choice of lifestyle. He is trying to coerce his followers to endorse his ridged fundamentalist views and bully the Scottish government into abandoning its one small step towards freedom of choice. Why don't they all go away and do their prayer thing and leave the rest of us in peace.  Whatever choice gays and lesbians make it at no time involves a policy of trying to get all the Catholics in the country to follow their life style. So Cardinal, go do what your trained to do, talk to that invisible man in the sky, and do it in the privacy of your big fancy buildings and I promise you, nobody will interfere in your life choice.


       The Scottish government is this close to legalizing gay marriage. But with plans to allow same-sex couples to marry within three years, leaders of the Scottish Catholic Church are resisting and denigrating same-sex unions as "grotesque."
Tell Cardinal Ketih O'Brien to retract his offensive comments about same-sex couples and support marriage equality »
         In legalizing gay marriage, the government is taking great pains to ensure that no member of the clergy will have to compromise their belief, by ensuring clergy aren't required to administer ceremonies unless they choose to.
       But carving out a religious exception isn't enough for Cardinal O'Brien, who'd prefer to superimpose his values on the Scottish people by denying all gays and lesbians the chance marry. He's rousing his followers and lobbying politicians to keep discrimination the status quo. We can't let him win.
Demand Cardinal O'Brien back down and defend equal rights, not keep some Scots second-class citizens »

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Emily V.
Care2 and ThePetitionSite Team

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