Tuesday 3 April 2012



Saturday May 19th Troops out of Afghanistan,
Don't Attack Iran,
No intervention in the Middle East

         The occupation of Afghanistan has passed crisis point. Afghan soldiers are turning their guns on NATO troops, negotiations with the Taliban have broken down and protests against occupation are continuing.
        Meanwhile, further war in the Middle East is terrifyingly close. The debate about war on Iran in Israel is more about when rather than whether to attack. In the US there is also a sense of inevitability about war. Officials in the International Atomic Energy Agency say their leadership is being used by the US to justify war on Iran. The US is opposing direct intervention in Syria for the moment, but this can change and meanwhile Western allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar are arming the Free Syrian Army.
      Stop the War is calling a day of protest on Saturday May 19th to coincide with big protests in Chicago against the NATO summit.

Details will be announced in the next few days.

ann arky's home.


            The mainstream media is still not telling the truth, they still don't report the human side of all this "deficit" reduction, they still try to create the impression that everything is going well, with a few protesters creating trouble on the streets. It is those nasty unions trying to undermine the growth strategies of the good and benevolent IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) and their henchmen the financial Mafia. Yes, they have a growth strategy, it is the growth of their already obscene wealth and power. Does it matter if a generation or two of young people are thrown into the whirlpool of despair, that poverty ravages the homes and lives of millions? The don't enter the equation, mere pawns, to the power mongers. People can become an inconvenience, they have to be controlled or they might rebel. That's where the national governments come in, they are merely there to keep control of the civil population, so as to allow the corporate fascists to plunder all public assets and rape the planet. All this in the name of greed, there is nothing on their agenda that is for the benefit of the ordinary people. But the last thing they want you to know is that the people across Europe are rebelling, they are taking to the streets in ever increasing numbers. The people are demanding change, but demanding is not enough, we have to create that change we want. To millions this world system means poverty, deprivation and repression, we can create that other world, a world of mutual aid, free association, voluntary co-operation and sustainability, a world system that sees to the needs of all our people, a world where the parasites have been permanently removed from our backs.

ann arky's home.


         The people across Europe are beginning to realise that they cannot solve their problems nationally but have to unite across borders and work together internationally to stop this onslaught against their living conditions. March 31 was the first attempt at a Europe wide demonstration and it had an excellent response. In cities across Europe people took to the streets, there were protest actions in most major cities in Europe. Some small groups of pickets targeting specific corporate bodies. In other cities the protesters numbered in their thousands. We always here of how Germany is doing great and the rest of Europe has to get their houses in order so as to do likewise. Well the German people were on the streets with the rest of Europe, they are suffering like the rest of us, it is all a matter of degree. Capitalism can't work for the benefit of the people, it has to be abolished and a system based on mutual aid, sustainability and co-operation built in its place. Asking the government to "please be kinder to us" will only result in more of the same. Any attempt to modify capitalism will just move the suffering around, it will not get rid of the problem. Do we take on the struggle now, or do we leave it for our children and grand children?  This report from Frankfurt: 
(Reuters) - At least 15 German police officers were injured, one seriously, during rioting that lasted into Sunday morning, following an anti-capitalist protest in Frankfurt, police said. Demonstrators threw paint bombs at the European Central Bank and attacked emergency vehicles on Saturday in violence which escalated after police tried to arrest several protesters in the heart of Germany's financial capital. Battles stretched through the night and one officer was taken to intensive care after being singled out by a handful of demonstrators. Officers who went to his aid were met with massive violence, police said. Saturday's clashes mark one of the first significant outbreaks of violence in Germany connected to recent anti-capitalist demonstrations inspired by the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement. Police said they arrested 465 people during the "anti-capitalist day" march. A spokesman for the organisers, anti-capitalist alliance M31, said a group of around 200 protesters broke off the 6,000 strong demonstration and headed to the city centre.

ann arky's home.

Monday 2 April 2012


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          Any protest within the capitalist system should not be about asking for a little more, or a slight improvement in our conditions. We produce and distribute everything, it is ours by right, we should be aiming to take control of all we produce and distribute. Our struggle must be to change the entire structure of the system we live under, and to shape society so that it sees to the needs of all our people. Capitalism is no more than a man made economic system and from our personal experiences we are fully aware that it doesn't work in the interests of the ordinary people. It is a system that enslaves the individual in the service of a small cabal of parasites. Why ask for cheaper bread when you make the bread?

The following is from disaccords.

Manado, Indonesia: translation of anti-authoritarian flyer from fuel price demonstrations

Anti-Authoritarian Flyer
       For us, protesting the increase in fuel prices is merely one partial action that is not essential. For us, being trapped in the logic of the economy and political issues is a shallow analysis of the commodification of life under capitalism and the State. Whether the price of fuel rises or not, it won’t change the fact that each of us remain consumers whose only role is to buy. Each of us remain low-cost workers whose role is to produce the commodities that we will buy. Each of us remain zombies who don’t have anything other than the obligation to continue being ruled, oppressed, tortured, consumed and to accumulate all the things we don’t need.
The deprivation of lives, their dreams and loves, is too simple if merely contained in economic issues such as rising fuel prices. We are too angry to understand that it is far more important for us to define and reclaim our lives, than simply following the glamour party of false opposition: to protest or support raising the price of fuel.
Demand more! This is an attempt for the possible to break out of impossibility, and the hypocrisy and shallowness of life at present.
Continue READING:


        It doesn't matter which party is in power, the state always wants more power over your life. The last Labour government tried to introduce this draconian control over our use of phones and Internet. However, for the usual party political motives the Tories and the LibDems opposed it, now they are in power and they plan to introduce the self same plans. This is probably the biggest step the state can take to pocking its nose right into your private and personal affairs. Every text, phone call, e-mail will be scrutinised, every web page you look at will be reported. Not only what pages, but how long you stayed on that page and how often you visit the page. All those silly little personal texts, and e-mails, all those very intimate phone calls, will be read and listened to by a bunch of prying government eyes and ears.
        This is the sort of thing that our so called democracy spouts its mouth off about when it happens in some other repressive regime, calling it an attack on the human right of expression.  It is bad when it is done overseas, but necessary when it is done here, hypocrisy rules as Big Brother bites deeper. George Orwell, why didn't we listen?

ann arky's home.

Sunday 1 April 2012


         Our friends in the corporate world simply love the ConDem's slave labour scheme that goes by the name of "Workfare", however some of them have been dropping out of the chance of some free labour, not because of any moral judgement, but because of the bad publicity from pickets and protests. Bad publicity might damage their stand in the "market place". So they'll make phony excuses, curse under their breath and walk away. All the more reason why we have to keep up the pressure on those still determined to milk the slave labour scheme. Holland & Barrett is one such corporate greed merchant.

          Members of Clydeside Industrial Workers of the World, the Anarchist Federation and Solidarity Federation picketed the Queen Street branch of Holland & Barrett at lunchtime on Saturday 31st March. We managed to turn some people away at the entrance. We had placards proclaiming 'The H&B Workfare Deal, Employ Three, Get One Free' in the style of Holland and Barrett advertising as Holland and Barrett plan to have a quarter of their workers as unpaid labour. Another placard said, 'Say No To Workfare At Holland and Barrett'. We gave out 500 leaflets detailing Holland & Barrett use of unpaid labour. A number of people stopped to ask what the picket was about. A member of the Holland & Barrett staff was one of these people on her way in to start her shift. She said that one girl had been on work experience at the store, but that she had got a permanent job. We pointed out generally Holland and Barrett have not given permanent contracts to 80% of people on work experience, their plans to introduce a 1000 more work experience people in the next year and how that could affect the hours of the permanent staff. The manager tried to tell us to move away from the entrance, but we just ignored her. In a final pathetic attempt to show us who was boss she bluffed that the police were on their way, even though there was nothing remotely illegal about what we were doing.

      There were over 20 actions against workfare over the weekend around Britain that will be part of an ongoing campaign. These actions were part of a national day of action called by the Solidarity Federation. The actions tied in with the international days of action against austerity called by the International Workers Association that included the general strike in Spain on March 29th, and the M31 European Day of Action Against Capitalism.
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        It is about a month to the Scottish local elections, that mini-farce, the small-fry competition of Crooks and Liars. The big national competition of Crooks and Liars, where the Oxbridge brigade of millionaires run around the country telling us how they really care for us ordinary peasant, is still some way off. However we should enjoy this local theatre production of Crooks and Liars and have some fun. We could turn up at their performances and have a good laugh and expose it for the smoke and mirrors illusion that know it to be. We could also spend the month in a concerted effort to reveal the hypocrisy, corruption and self serving reality of the Crooks and Liars competition they call elections.


         In the lead up to the Queensland State Election on March 24, a group of Brisbane Anarchists launched an anti-election campaign. In the week prior to the election, anarchists began pasting up a couple of thousand anti politician and anti voting posters all throughout the city. Political party placards erected throughout Brisbane were torn down or defaced with anarchist and anti politician messages. Anti-voting and anarchist graffiti was scrawled and sprayed across walls, billboards, electricity boxes and telephone booths.

      A banner reading "Vote 4 Nobody" was dropped over a railway bridge in Bowen Hills, where it hung for 3 days, before we reclaimed it at dawn of election day and hung it off a platform made of scaffolding in Highgate Hill, in preparation for Nobody to declare victory.
       As the polling booths opened at 8am, a number of anarchists defaced the all party advertising on display at 3 different polling locations, as well as stealing propaganda, party buttons, and "how to Vote" pamphlets from various party tables.

      After fleeing the polling booths, leaving a general mess behind them, other anarchists then began handing out anti voting leaflets and zines explaining Direct Action and Self-Organisation as a counterpoint to the pointless pathology of casting a ballot every few years for someone you know is lying to you.

ann arky's home.

Saturday 31 March 2012


       This video is Barcelona on 29th. March, before the government announced another round of austerity cuts described as the worst cuts since the Franco era. How much more will the people of Europe take before the really shout, "enough is enough"? Must we all wait until every major country in Europe is reduced to the poverty level of the Greek people. The Spanish establishment is solidly following the instructions of the fanatical Mafia, the same instructions that sent the Greek people to generations of deprivation. Italy, Portugal, Ireland are well down the road to that deprivation, there is nothing in their plans to help the ordinary people, it is all about saving the bankers and the Euro. As far as the financial Mafia are concerned, the people will just have to pay what ever price it takes. They are not there to help the people, they are their to enhance their already unimaginable wealth and protect their power, if that means plundering all public assets, then so be it.

ann arky's home.

Friday 30 March 2012


        While the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) continue with their hatchet job on the Greek people, they are at the same time looking round for another target to strengthen the coffers of the financial Mafia, and sadly it looks like Spain will be next. While the aim is to direct all public money directly into the vaults of the said financial Mafia, and to privatise all public assets to re-capitalise the world of the corporate fascist, there is also another agenda. They are using the "crisis" as an excuse to destroy the working conditions of the entire European workforce. The pretext under which this brutal attack on the working people takes place is that by taking away the conditions won over many a bitter struggle, and also making it easier to fire workers, is a formula that will somehow magically create jobs and make the economy grow. The truth being, of course, is that they want to create a cheap labour force fearful for their jobs, because there is a vast pool of unemployed eager to step into their place should any worker become troublesome, like asking for a wage increase or a paid holiday.
       Though Greece is at the cutting edge, (literally) of this assault, and Spain seems to be the next target, you can rest assured that there are many more to follow. The corporate world has to level the playing field, they want Europe to compete with other corporate power blocks. That means that they have to have the same cheap labour across the continent, the same crap working conditions across the continent, when it comes to low wages and harsh working conditions, the corporate world truly believes in "No Borders".



Athens on lockdown from Ross Domoney on Vimeo.

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     Unemployment among young people in Greece is running at 51.1%, the worst of any European country. Another factor not widely known is that in Greece unemployment benefit is only paid to those who have paid national insurance contributions, and it only runs for one year and then it runs out and you get no financial assistance, no free health care. Since more than half of the young people have never had a job they are on their own, relying on friends and family. This hardly measures up to the accusation that the Greeks paid themselves too much for too long. A lot of these young people are among the first in their family to go to university, and their prize is unemployment. Today one in three graduates in Greece is without work and among post graduates unemployment has double.
     Among these young people, and we are talking about more than half the young population, there is tremendous anger and frustration, and with that comes the looking for answers, with revolution the main avenue being discussed. At this moment in time there are approximately 20,000 homeless in Athens and it is estimated that approximately 70 former government buildings in the city are occupied and being used as squats.
     Of course the Greek state can’t do anything for these young people as it is willingly under the control of the financial barons in Brussels, whose only thought is the enrichment of their banking system and the survival of their precious Euro dream, the human cost is an irrelevance. We will all pay the same price as the young Greeks, if the financial Mafia deem it necessary to further their policies, and our government does, and will willingly continue to submit to those policies.
      Across Europe the total unemployment rate is 10.7%, with youth unemployment running at 22.4%. That is over 24 million people unemployed, with youth paying a disproportionate price in every country. The message is capitalism isn’t working.
Country:  Total:   Youth:        Country:   Total:   Youth:  
Hungary: 10.9%   27.3%        Poland:     10.1%    27.5%      
Bulgaria: 11.5%   28.9%        Slovakia:   13.3%   36%        
France:    9.9%     23.3%        Italy:           8.9%    31.1%
Sweden:   8%       22.4%        Britain:        8.7%   22.2%     
Ireland:    14.8%   29.6%       Portugal:     14.8%   35.1%   
Spain:      23.3%   49.9%       Greece:        29%     51.1%

ann arky's home.

Thursday 29 March 2012


PoP-Up Social Centre
Glasgow Social Centre
30 March at 18:30 until 1 April at 17:00

Pearce Institute. 840 Govan Road. Glasgow, G51 3UU

The Glasgow Social Centre PoP's Up in Govan.
This Weekend the GSC is holding a PoP-UP Event at the Pearce Institute in Govan.

Friday: Film Showing: Wasteland 6.30pm
      "Filmed over nearly three years, WASTE LAND follows renowned artist Vik Muniz as he journeys from his home base in Brooklyn to his native Brazil and the world's largest garbage dump, Jardim Gramacho, located on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. There he photographs an eclectic band of “catadores”—self-designated pickers of recyclable materials. Muniz’s initial objective was to “paint” the catadores with garbage. However, his collaboration with these inspiring characters as they recreate photographic images of themselves out of garbage reveals both the dignity and despair of the catadores as they begin to re-imagine their lives. Director Lucy Walker (DEVIL’S PLAYGROUND, BLINDSIGHT and COUNTDOWN TO ZERO) and co-directors João Jardim and Karen Harley have great access to the entire process and, in the end, offer stirring evidence of the transformative power of art and the alchemy of the human spirit."
        “Beautifully captured, this portrait of a very proud and resourceful underclass rightly tugged the heartstrings of everyone who saw it.”
New York Times:
         “We are not pickers of garbage; we are pickers of recyclable materials,” Tião, an impoverished Brazilian catadore, or trash picker, declares to a talk-show host in Lucy Walker’s inspiring documentary “Waste Land."
Saturday: Govan Together,
        You are warmly invited to the final event of the Govan Together partnership. Events throughout the day to include:
-Seed Planting
-Film Screening
-Community Visioning
-Torchlight Procession

The evening will climax with a reconvening of the Parliament on Doomster Hill at Water Row.

         Banner Making, Sunday Lunch & "This Space Is Your Space" Discussion.
-Banner Making: 11am
        Have a cause, a group or campaign you'd like to tell the world about? Get involved in our banner making workshop. Lets all pitch in together! (Paints & Some Materials Available)
-Lunch: 2pm-3pm

"This Space Is Your Space": 3pm-5pm
          We're aiming to plan a series of PoP-Up Social Centres throughout 2012, and we'd like to know what you want, bring suggestions for workshops, talks, film screenings, or anything else you're passionate about.

This Space Is Your Space!

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        This is capitalism, big events mean greater business opportunities, greater business opportunities means greater exploitation. In this system, slavery is everywhere.

Stop Nike Cheating Women Workers!
Scotland Feminista Saturday,
31 March 2012 10:30 until 12:00

        On Saturday 31 March join Scotland Feminista’s protest outside the Nike store on Buchanan Street, Glasgow. The impact of the London Olympics is already being felt by women workers in Bangladeshi factories producing Nike sportswear. New research released by War on Want s...hows that Bangladeshi garment workers, 85% of whom are women, are being cheated of their maternity rights, face sexual harassment, and receive poverty pay. Those who join unions to demand better pay and conditions risk losing their jobs. However, thousands of women have defied intimidation to fight for their rights as workers in the garment industry. On 31 March feminists in the UK will get out onto the streets to join their struggle. WILL YOU? Take part in our Cheats’ Mini-Olympics and stand in solidarity with Bangladeshi garment workers producing Nike’s sportswear who are systematically being denied their rights.

Facebook Event Page: http://www.facebook.com/events/211700045598601/

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      Capitalism's answer to the unemployment problem, start slave labour, simple!

      One Quarter of Holland & Barrett Staff Could Soon Be On Workfare -Work for Dole Money. Holland & Barrett are set to become one of the biggest exploiters of forced labour with plans to take on 1000 unpaid work placements from the JobCentre over the next year. With a workforce of only around 3,500 people this could amount to more than a quarter of their current staff on Workfare.
      All 5 Workfare schemes still have sanctions in certain circmstances i.e. benefits are cut, so they are not entirely voluntary. Jobcentres use every trick in the book to force benefit claimants onto nominally voluntary schemes. The Guardian has reported that young people who refuse the Work Experience scheme face Workfare under a different scheme.

       These schemes represents a huge public subsidy for Holland and Barrett who make millions in profit. At present they offer a four week induction programme followed by more specialized product advisor training. Under the Work Experience scheme young people can be required to carry out a two month period of workfare, under the Work Programme it can be as long as six months. Therefore Holland & Barrett can use hese schemes to cover wages during their induction and training periods. They have the added advantage of having workers with no employment rights who can be laid off at a moments notice. So the ones they like they keep, the ones they don’t they can get to stack shelves or hump boxes about for a bit and then farm them back to the dole office. Holland and Barrett have taken on 500 young people for 8 week periods since last summer and of these only about 20% have been taken on permanently.

        Holland & Barrett can therefore use public paid for schemes to fund both their recruitment costs, staff training and to make up any extra staff at busy periods. This will have a devastating impact on the staff to whom they actually pay wages, who will no doubt see hours and over-time cut. If Holland and Barrett are using free staff who are paid only meagre Government benefits then that means they are recruiting less staff than they would otherwise. Workfare is causing, not curing unemployment.

Boycott Holland and Barrett! Boycott Workfare!

Wednesday 28 March 2012

ann arky's broadband has been down since Monday, hence the lack of content this week. It should be up and running by Friday. I hope all you good people that follow the blog will understand and stay with me.

Sunday 25 March 2012


        We all know that "our elected" representatives sitting in the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption are not shy of listening to the big guys in the corporate world and seeing to their particular needs. Why, you might ask? Well most of "our elected" representatives are all angling for a nice cushy lucrative job in that very corporate world, so it is a case of you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. So while they are being bought, (wined and dined) by their corporate paymasters, what time will they have to look at your particular problem? Especially if it conflicts with the interests of those very rich corporate paymasters. 

I'm a Cabinet Minster, Ive been networking.

         This from Care2.
           The last time I checked, government officials were supposed to act with their constituents in mind. So why is it so easy for rich executives to get access to them?
One thousand, eight hundred pounds can buy you a lot of things, including access to senior government ministers, which is a boon for energy industry executives. »
         The Chemistry Club runs previously banned networking events providing company executives with valuable access to key decision makers, including senior MPs, special government advisors and cabinet ministers. For this service, companies are, unsurprisingly, happy to pay up to £1,800. At its climate change events, executives from Shell, BP, and Gazprom get the opportunity to have quiet words with the government officials who decide on energy and environment policy.
Dubious, paid-for networking events like these are, at the very least, on the borderline of corruption and have no place in the UK.
Tell the UK government to stop allowing lobbyists the opportunity to influence government policy to such an extent. »


Direct Action Against Youth Unemployment at Tory Party Conference

      It wasn’t just the sun that was putting the heat on the Tories at their Scottish conference in Troon on 24 March. Over 1000 people marched on their pathetically small conference to protest at rising levels of youth unemployment in Scotland. The Polis were out in force to protect the Tory scum from their electorate of all ages. The noisy and high spirited march ended with the predictable opportunity to listen to speeches from career officials such as STUC President Mike Kirby who repeat as much rhetoric as Cameron and Clegg.

       One group of young people from Glasgow Coalition of Resistance (COR) left the rally and showed the Tories their feelings by taking their protest as close to the barricaded conference venue as they could. The Polis reacted heavy handedly by “kettling” them. All were searched and videoed before being returned straight to their coach and escorted by three Polis vans halfway back to Glasgow.

              ann arky applauds direct action such as this and is heartened to see so many young people attending this march and being involved. This is the way to challenge the Tory cuts, not by speeches from trade union officials who continually sell us out to the bosses. The Tories and Labour need to know that we won’t accept the crumbs, nor the loaf. We can take over and run the bakery and decide what bread to make. And that’s what the rich are really scared of.


ann arky's home.

Saturday 24 March 2012


        The people of Glasgow are being conned, millions of pounds of taxpayers money is being poured into an elaborate party for athletes and VIP's, it goes by the name of the 2014 Commonwealth Games, of course there is the promise that there will be a legacy for the citizens of Glasgow. That legacy will most likely be a mountain of debt with a handful of land speculators making millions. The East End of Glasgow, as far as I am concerned, is one of the many rich areas in our city. Not rich in material wealth, but rich in the resilience, diversity and ingenuity of its ordinary people, priceless wealth. Materially it is one of the most deprived areas in the country and has been for many years. Having been ignored by the city council for years, the East End now finds itself surrounded by multi-million pound developments. Vast amounts of money are changing hands but the ordinary people of the area are not involved. Instead they are being removed and on occasion forcibly, by eviction order. Apart from the money being poured in to the massive construction in the area there has been the money shuffling between the old boys network. Former CEO of Glasgow East Regeneration Agency, (Labour MSP Ronnie Saez and friend of Frank McAveety) was made redundant from his post with a pay-off of £500,000, approved by Glasgow councillors Catherine McMasters, James Coleman and George Redmond. Councillor Redmond was the arrogant guy who told Margaret Jaconelli and her family when they were forcibly evicted from their home, to “take it on the chin”. Other councillors have made a wee killing from this conman's bonanza, One Graham Duffy of Grantly Developments (Parkhead) since 1988 he has been holding on to a piece of derelict land in Millerfield Street, Dalmarnock. The site was named as the site for the Athlete's Village and Duffy done a deal with the council and sold them the land for a tidy little sum of £5.5 million, a stratospheric rise in its value of 12,000%. Former Glasgow Rangers boss David Murray's company a few years ago bought a piece of land for £375,000 and out of the goodness of his heart, to help the development of the Commonwealth Games sold it on for £5.1 million. And so it goes on, millions changing hands among the sharks, public money ending up in developers pockets, while the residents of the East End and evicted and scattered to the winds, in most cases taking their deprivation with them as it is all they have ever received from the council.
This film tells the story of one East End family and what the “games” means to them.

ann arky's home.


          Having been a long term visitor to Greece and having a family connection there, I can tell you that the full extent of what the Greek people are suffering is unbelievable, it is criminal, it is brutal. It isn't reported on by the mainstream media, what they give you is what the financial Mafia are preaching and the need for “tighter fiscal policies”, never the human cost, or the real reason for these “austerity cuts”. The Greek people are expected to accept a life of severe third world deprivation for the next generation or two at least, and all that that entails, deprivation, increased health problems, homelessness, rapidly rising suicide rate, drug and alcohol addiction and massive unemployment. What is more, they are expected to accept it like good subservient serfs. Ask your self, what would you do? Would you kneel and accept this blatant plunder of the all public assets, the destruction of the social fabric of your society, see your kids and grand kids' future deposited in the bank account of the corporate fascists that rule this world, or would you stand up and try to do something about the situation? Well now is the time to stand up and do something. There is no point in appealing to your "elected" government, it has been taken over by a Goldman Sachs hit man with his heavy team waiting in the wings, the illusion of democracy has been shattered. What worries me is that we all tend to feel that it is all happening over there, and our media feed this type of illusion by spouting the usual crap about, it couldn't possible happen here, we don't have the failings of those people over there, but we are all in the same Ponzi scheme. It is all a matter of degree, and sooner or later our little illusion will be shattered and we will all be standing doing battle in our own little patriotic backyard. Mean while, the corporate fascists are organised world wide. This is not a national problem, this plunder of public assets is organised on an international basis and it can only be combated on an international basis, by pan-European action organised to change society, not to modify it. Of course you may feel that your government is more democratic and wont let it happen to you, they'll fix it before it really hurts you, more the fool you.

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