Remember the Celtic Tiger, when the Irish economy supposedly raced ahead? In a sane society that should have went everybody is doing well, but in capitalist insanity, it tends to lead to increase homelessness and fatter parasites. Since then homelessness in Ireland, like in the UK, has soared. The boom economy has in no way eradicated poverty and homelessness, nor will it ever. History has proven time and time again, that running to the ballot box produces more of the same, fatter parasites and poorer people. If we desire a society of fairness and justice, then we have to accept that the capitalist system is inherently flawed. It is incapable of delivering that better world for all, it was never intended to do so, it was always meant to delivery riches to the few, and it works perfectly in doing just that. We have to look to an alternative to capitalism if we wish that better world for all. A community based system of co-operation, mutual aid, and sustainability, a system freed from the greed driven profit motive, free from state, corporate bosses and the financial Mafia. That will not be gifted to us, asking your slave-master to be fair to you has never worked, the powerful and wealthy will not willing give up their privileged position in favour of a fairer society. We, the ordinary people will have to dismantle their system, illusion by illusion, injustice by injustice. That better world will not be delivered in bunch of roses, it will take determination, effort, sweat and the will of all our people, it is, and will continue to be, a war, a class war until we eliminate the capitalist system from the face of the earth.
On a night in May, 2 banks,
Bank of Ireland and an AIB were vandalized in South Dublin. Slogans of
“HOMES FOR ALL”, “BURN THE BANKS”, and “CLASS WAR” spray painted on
windows and walls. Also 4 ATM’s were glued up, how this was done was by
using cardboard the same thickness, width, and half the length of an ATM
card, inserted into the card slot and then super glue pored in.
was done in solidarity with all those who are on the receiving end of
the so called “housing crisis”. This so called “crisis” for housing has
been raging as long as capitalism has existed, although now the struggle
for housing is at a particularly brutal period. There are record number
of people homeless in Ireland, there is over 10,000 and over 3,000 are
children (these numbers don’t include the hidden homeless). Since 2015,
families becoming homeless has risen 268%, and many, many people have
died frozen to death sleeping on the streets.
crisis in housing is completely man made. It’s made from the greed of
landlords pushing rents higher and higher, the property developers
buying up land and buildings for dirt cheap and then selling the
properties for sky high prices, and the Irish state implementing
neoliberal reforms and policies. It is no coincidence that while the
economy rises and the building construction kicks off again across
Dublin so to does the ever growing amount of people becoming homeless.
the while the politicians of the Left and Right compete and beg for
votes with the upcoming elections. The political establishment don’t
care, they just want positions of power. Whether radical leftie or far
right dickheads, they are all the same and want the same. The lefties
and fascists have their populist schemes and “solutions” to end
homelessness and the housing problem. But you can be sure regardless of
whoever gets voted in things will stay exactly the same. Politicians,
parties, and unions ALWAYS compromise. There will be no end to the
housing struggle on till capitalism ceases to exist.
Neither, Politicians, leaders, bosses, nor bureaucrat:
for self-organization in struggle against power

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