Monday 9 July 2012


        Although the real aim is to get rid of the corporate greed beast and its band of leeches and parasites, in all their entirety, we should still fight to hold onto what ever meagre rights we still have. This "crisis" thing they keep belching about is in their eyes, a wonderful excuse to hack more viciously at our working and living conditions. Worse conditions for you, is increase profit for them, hire and fire at a whim suits their dictatorial attitude and also is meant to engender an atmosphere of fear in the work place, helping to create a subservient workforce that will meekly accept what is thrown at them without resistance. Standing up and fighting back scares them as it might affect their profit margin, profit is the only thing that runs through their veins.

ann arky's home.


       The Douglas Valley in South Lanarkshire is a place of significant beauty, a place that all communities should be able to enjoy. However, the corporate greed beast sees it as a profit making entity, and have every intention of turning into a large black hole in the ground. They have plans to turn it into one large open air factory, to the corporate world, coal means profit and profit always takes precedent over people and communities. This destruction of the environment and the local communities, receives no publicity or condemnation from the mainstream media, as we should expect, as they are part and parcel of the corporate world and no friend of the people. A better name for the mainstream media is one I heard some time ago, "A Babbling Brook of Bullshit." It is up to the people to publicise the rape and plunder of our heritage and defend that which by right is ours.

 An appeal from Take Back The land,

         There’s just days to go until a week of action against opencast coal in the Douglas Valley – a place where the ruling class is crushing communities for their own financial gain, where ecological destruction is taking place on a massive scale for the profits of big energy companies and where absentee fat-cat land-lords make millions off land that shouldn’t be theirs
        *Join us 12-18 July in the Douglas Valley, South Lanarkshire, to build on 20 years of community struggle and four years of direct action against the UK’s biggest opencast mining company.*
         *Help us spread the word:
        *Please pass on our call-out to your friends.

You’ll find publicity here  
Website here  
Social networking here
More info here.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 8 July 2012


 Taken from LeftHemispheres:

We Are Godless

        We reject supernaturalism. We reject theism. We reject religion.We reject the false and unnecessary premise of a supreme being that created the universe, Earth, and humanity. To think that we are the center of it all is simply hubris. We reject the logical possibility of an omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and omnibenevolent deity. These characteristics are inherently incompatible and illogical in unison. We reject the idea that morality is divine law and only possible through a deity. This concept breeds antagonism, intolerance, and bigotry. Additionally, coerced morality is no morality at all. We reject that belief in the supernatural and deities, is the default belief system. Individuals are no more intrinsically Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto, etc. than they are a fan of a particular sports team. The majority of an individual’s religious beliefs are the direct result of what religion they were born into and purposely instilled with.  Familial and peer pressure, indoctrination and immoral threats of eternal punishment play an integral role in the inability of some to think otherwise and accept objective reality.  We reject faith as a means to form a comprehensive understanding of the universe. Faith is belief without proof of, or in spite of, evidence. Faith is ignorance. Blind faith is dangerous.
     We assert that while not everything can be known there are natural explanations for phenomena and a lack of answers is not a reason to assign a more improbable answer for which there is no evidence. We assert that humanity can be moral and just, independent of and with greater equality than outdated, ancient, superstitious morals and laws that are barbaric, hateful, harmful, and destructive. We assert that the modern morality that we all enjoy owes more to secular Enlightenment than Biblical or any other religious teachings. We assert that secular government, education, and scientific research are essential to peace, prosperity and progress. We assert that freedom of religion includes the freedom from religion. These secular ideals must be upheld to protect all people, religious and irreligious alike, from fundamentalism and extremism.

We are godless. We are good. We are everywhere.

ann arky's home.


       A rather long winded, but detailed and honest, explanation of the Goldman Sachs financial fiddle that is still going on and and is responsible for the misery being inflicted on the developed world through the means of "austerity".

ann arky's home.

Saturday 7 July 2012


 From Inquiring minds: 

         My life in the West taught me the power of the land-grabbers. My experience in the East gave me insight into the power of the banker, The land-grabber cornered the land. The banker corners the money and credit. Both are able through their monopolies to plunder the producers of the product of their toil. The people of the United States are playing with fire. They are experimenting with an unworkable system of social organisation – a system that has been tried repeatedly during the past three or four thousand years, and that has destroyed civilization as often as it has been tried.

          I have watched the Middle West grow from a sparsely settled wilderness, the home of Indians and of buffaloes, to the greatest center of agriculture and of industry in the world. I have watched the public domain slip out of the hands of the people, and into the hands of speculators, of corporations and of monopolies. I have seen the bankers, the trust magnates and the masters of transportation and other forms of monopoly rise from obscurity to their present position of domination in public affairs. I have watched the growth of the plutocracy—the few who rule industry, the Government and the press because they are rich.

Richard Pettigrew
Triumphant Plutocracy

ann arky's home.


         Further to the post "Manifesto for a global democracy" which was first posted on Federal Union,  Paul Feldman has come back with the following. 

 Democracy is more than a governance issue.

     The fanfare launch of a Manifesto for Global Democracy backed by significant thinkers ought to be a cause for celebration. Unfortunately, its content is so weak that at best it’s a missed opportunity and at worst a step backwards. 
     Among the signatories are democracy expert and professor Daniele Archibugi, Noam Chomsky, the writer and journalist George Monbiot, globalisation expert Saskia Sassen and scientist and activist Vandana Shiva. They and others wrote and signed the manifesto. Much of the document states the obvious, though it’s none the worse for doing so. You can only nod in agreement when the manifesto says:
In spite of their many peculiarities, differences and limitations, the protests that are growing all over the world show an increasing discontent with the decision-making system, the existing forms of political representation and their lack of capacity for defending common goods. They express a demand for more and better democracy.
      It portrays the “emergence of regressive and destructive processes resulting from the economic and financial crisis, increased social inequalities, climate change and nuclear proliferation” and concludes: “Global crises require global solutions.”  
      However, the assertion that the failure of national and international leaders to deal with global events shows merely that “existing forms of global governance are insufficient” is superficial and wrong. That’s because the 872-word document avoids, omits, ignores, rejects or sidesteps the nature of our current social system, aka capitalism.

Friday 6 July 2012


       What has the corporate world given us? Well for starters, beef, pork and poultry that has more pesticides than any plant food, also containing antibiotics, drugs and hormones. Ocean fish is largely contaminated with heavy metals, mercury, etc.. Fresh water fish are showing high levels of pesticides. Milk cheese and butter carry the same pesticides as meat, plus growth hormones and antibiotics.
     Well how about fresh fruit? Strawberries, raspberries and cherries, they are loaded with pesticides, strawberries being the worst with 300 pounds of various pesticides per acre as opposed to 35 pounds per acre for others. This is a cocktail of 36 different chemicals and 90% of strawberries tested were found to be above the safe level.
     As for apples and pears, they are treated with 36 different chemicals, half of which are neurotoxins, meaning that they cause brain damage. Apples being as badly polluted as strawberries. Tomatoes fair no better, being treated with a variety of 30 different chemicals. Their thin skin doesn't prevent the chemicals entering the fruit, so peeling isn't the answer. The humble potato gets the same treatment, with 29 different pesticides and 79% of those tested were above the safe level of multiple pesticides.
       Well you could always just have a Pepsi, ah, but there has been a suggested link with Pepsi and pancreatic cancer. Well there you have it, all the advantages of factory farming and food production. The corporate food industry is now no more than a branch of the corporate chemical industry.
       This information is from tests done by the American FDA and the USDA and apply to America. The chemical pesticides detected in these studies are known to cause cancer, birth defects, nervous system and brain damage, and developmental problems in children. In other words, if it isn't organic, I think you should be getting worried. However, though this is an American study, I don't think that factory farming and food production is much different in any part of the corporate world of food production 


See the fat cat’s grinning smile
as Corporate Capitalism runs amok,
Chasing profit as it goes
firing millions of ordinary folk.
Raping and polluting land after land,
starting bloody wars.
Toxic waste, sweat shop wages
and oil covered sea shores.
Where have all the flowers gone
beneath this ozone free sky?
To join the birds, to join the fox
on yonder plutonium field to die.
Mercury fish, strontium lamb
trees that never show a leaf,
radio active beaches, toxic streams
good lean BSE-antibiotic beef.
In a world of epidemic, plague and famine
it’s bottled water and chemical food.
Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice
so you know its got to be good.
Beneath a sky that’s always black,
hurricane winds and endless drought,
its oxygen masks for the toxic air,
corporate profit’s what its all about.


      With all this talk of the "God" particle, I thought, just for a bit of fun these two would fit the bill.
These from LeftHemispheres:

and for the righteous.

ann arky's home.


     It would appear that the Greek people are moving in the right direction, who needs money?

 Hooded youths enter a supermarket chain and 'expropriate' foodstuffs and cash, while they announce that they are anarchists and will not harm anyone although they are masked. The 'expropriated' cash is burned upon leaving the store. At similar occassions 'expropriated' foodstuffs have been distributed in nearby markets.

ann arky's home.


 Food for thought.

So you think you're an anarchist?

       It is quite wrong therefore to dismiss the anarchist as a chaotic, lawless person too weak to accept the responsibilities that go with being a member of a community. A true anarchist, somebody who has made an informed choice, has to be strong enough to say "I will be responsible for myself, I will answer for my actions". Conformists on the other hand are wreak, they seek the shelter of the herd, doing what others do, even thinking what others think or at least saying in public they do.
    The problem with anarchy is like most other political philosophies including Marxism, utilitarianism, socialism and Trotskyism, it look great on paper but is never going to work in reality. Therefore people like myself, while anarchist in principle must settle for being anarchistic, true liberals who argue for personal freedom even if that freedom permits people to do things, hold views or express opinions we personally do not like.
     The historic anarchist movement was a grass roots workers' movement which flourished from the 1860s down to the end of the 1930s. While socialist parties like the British Labour Party had begun their political life as movements run by the workers for the workers, by the time Labour won its first General Election in Britain the party had been hijacked by upper middle class academics and professionals and they were telling the party's poorer supporters how to live their lives just as the old upper class hierarchy of the nobility and landed gentry had. The working classes wanted a political movement of their own.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Thursday 5 July 2012


        When a government decides policy in line with decisions made by consulting the public and in line with the opinion of that public, you could say that you have some form of democracy. However, when government policy is guided after consultations with those with vested interests in policy that is contrary to the wishes of the public, then it is safe to say that democracy is an illusion and the government and those vested interests are working in unison against the public interest. That's where we are at at the moment.
The following is an extract from SCOTTISH LEFT REVIEW:

        Another story that stuck in my mind: in 2006-07 the then Scottish Executive policy was to keep Scottish Water in public hands (with a bit of an open mind on the question of mutualisation). The Water Industry Commission for Scotland is a Non-Departmental Public Body (quango) with the role of regulating the publicly-owned Scottish Water. It’s Chief Executive then was Alan Sutherland. That year WICS privately commissioned a London-based consultancy to ‘consider different options of ownership for Scottish Water’ (against government policy). They called this ‘Project Checkers’ (perhaps because this game is about ‘capturing’ passive opponents) and kept it completely secret – it was never published. The project cost £209,000 of public money. Of this £17,606.00 went to a non-executive director of two private water companies owned by the world’s biggest transnational water corporation which would clearly benefit from privatisation. The report concluded that privatisation was the way forward.
       That story again; a senior civil servant (effectively) who is there to implement government policy decides to use public money to build a case to lobby against government policy and does so by employing (at significant public expense) someone with a very clear commercial conflict of interests, producing the only outcome that was possible given the methodology used – a plea for another giant handover of a profitable public asset to the private sector.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.


       In Greece it is good to see that the people are fighting back against the financial Mafia's grand plan of plundering the public purse. It is also encouraging to see that they are not appealing to "their" government to sort their problem. More and more they are turning to direct action, their attitude has shift and it is no longer about the individual but about the community, as one woman said, "It's not about me anymore, it's us now--.", this type of attitude is the one that is more likely to lead to success than any other. Supermarkets are being looted and the food handed out to the public, the "don't pay" campaign is gathering momentum, mutual aid is on the increase, long may it continue.

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 4 July 2012


 rovingpicket against workfare in london this saturday

     As part of the National Week of Action Against Workfare from July 7th to 14th, some members of The Commune are helping to organise direct action against workfare’s main offenders.

Meet this Saturday July 7, mid day near Goodge St station.
       Workfare isn’t just unpaid labour for the unemployed and a major attack on benefits. It is an attack on all working people – on their jobs, pay & conditions, and their ability to organise. We need to fight workfare together, whether or not we are in work, and whether or not we are on benefits.
     Invite your friends, family, campaigning group, union branch. Also, if you can, bring things to liven it up: banners, placards, musical instruments and noise makers.
      The leaflets we’ll be using are found below (print some and bring them along if you can) 

ann arky's home.


        June 27 saw the launch of a manifesto for a global democracy. What's your take on it, where would you criticise it, what would you add, what would you take out. If it is to be a global democracy, your voice must be in there somewhere. If you are pissed off with the way things are run at the moment and think we the people should have the controlling saw on what happens to us, then you have to raise your voice, join in the debate, let your voice be heard or it will never happen.

We hivty hiv a say in this.


       Politics lags behind the facts. We live in an era of deep technological and economic change that has not been matched by a similar development of public institutions responsible for its regulation. The economy has been globalized but political institutions and democracy have not kept pace. In spite of their many peculiarities, differences and limitations, the protests that are growing all over the world show an increasing discontent with the decision-making system, the existing forms of political representation and their lack of capacity for defending common goods. They express a demand for more and better democracy.

ann arky's home.


          No matter how much we try, big brother just keeps on growing. Under the present system of corporate fascism, it will flourish, it is their chosen method of keeping control over us, the ordinary people. Secret rules and regulations, massive surveillance, back-door deals done between government and corporate bodies and more draconian punishments for offenders. It's all part and parcel of this corrupt system, don't expect it to function any other way. It can't be modified, made more open or fair, it has to be removed. That doesn't mean we sit back and wait for its collapse, we have to speak up and speak out at every turn, continually trying to hold back the stifling, creeping surveillance with what ever means at our disposal.
         This latest little pact by the corporate parasites need as much publicity as possible, spread it around, sign the petition.


You could have to pay a big fine for simply clicking on the wrong link.
Right now, a group of 600 industry lobbyist "advisors" and un-elected government trade representatives are scheming behind closed doors to craft an international agreement called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
Why the secrecy? We know from leaked documents that the TPP includes what amounts to an Internet trap that would:
  1. Criminalize some of your everyday use of the Internet,
  2. Force service providers to collect and hand over your private data without privacy safeguards, and
  3. Give media conglomerates more power to fine you for Internet use, remove online content—including entire websites—and even terminate your access to the Internet.
  4. Create a parallel legal system of international tribunals that will undermine national sovereignty and allow conglomerates to sue countries for laws that infringe on their profits.
The TPP's Internet trap is secretive, extreme, and it could criminalize your daily use of the Internet. We deserve to know what will be blocked, what we and our families will be fined for.
If enough of us speak out now, we can force participating governments to come clean. Your signature will send a message to leaders of participating countries. Please sign the petition and share it with everyone you know 

79,789 people have signed (and counting).

Tuesday 3 July 2012


           The Olympics, the most expensive TV program ever in the UK, a corporate greed feast paid for by public funds. Or as our Millionaire cabal in The Westminster Houses of Greed and Corruption would say, "a chance to show case Britain". However the London that visitors will see will not be the London that most Londoners know. It will be a surreal London, a science fiction London, a military zone London, a London where military law will rule. Apart from the billions of pounds of public money thrown at this even, to encourage corporate leeches to come in and make a killing, there will be another container ship full of money spent on "security". Welcome to the Olympic spirit, UK style.

         As many as 48,000 security forces. 13,500 troops. Surface to air missiles stationed on top of residential apartment buildings. A sonic weapon that disperses crowds by creating "head splitting pain."Unmanned drones peering down from the skies. A safe-zone, cordoned off by an 11 mile, electrified fence, ringed with trained agents and 55 teams of attack dogs.
        One would be forgiven for thinking that these were the counter-insurgency tactics used by U.S. army bases in Iraq and Afghanistan, or perhaps the military methods taught to third world despots at the School of the Americas in Ft. Benning Georgia. But instead of being used in a war zone or the theatre of occupation, they in fact make up the very visible security apparatus in London for the 2012 Summer Olympics.
        London, which has the most street cameras per capita of any city on earth, has for the last seven years since the terror attacks of 7/7/05, been a city whose political leaders would spare no expense to monitor its own citizens. But the Olympic operation goes above and beyond anything we’ve ever seen when a Western democracy hosts the games. Not even China in 2008 used drone planes or ringed the proceedings with a massive, high-voltage fence. But here is London, preparing a counter insurgency, and parking an aircraft carrier right in the Thames. Here is London adding “scanners, biometric ID cards, number-plate and facial-recognition CCTV systems, disease tracking systems, new police control centres and checkpoints.”


        GlaxoSmithKline another corporate beast found to be doing what comes naturally to them, fiddling. The pharmaceutical giant has been fined $3 billion for fraud. It seems that this particular corporate beast behaved like a true capitalist and put the profit of its shareholders before the health of the public at large. Ignoring the consequences of its action on the users of its drugs it promoted its best-selling antidepressants for unapproved uses and failed to report safety data about a top diabetes drugs, according to American federal prosecutors. The $3 billion agreement also includes civil penalties for improper marketing of a half-dozen other drugs. It just goes on and on, the big corporate beasts fiddle their tax returns, lie, bribe and indulge in price fixing, the banks fiddle the interest rate, and the rich celebrities stash their loot out of sight of the tax man. While you and I pick up the tab and suffer the consequences of their corruption.

 If you make me pay taxes, I'll just leave.

        It doesn't have to be this way, there is an alternative to this corporate fascism that we live under. We have the resources, and the imagination to create a system that sees to the needs of all our people, a system built on co-operation, sustainability and mutual aid. We don't need profit, it is the leeches and the parasites that need profit to feed their ego and their greed. We don't need them, they need us. We mine, make, grow, harvest, and distribute everything on this planet, our world would be richer if we didn't care this baggage of scum on our backs. Capitalism is just a man made economic system, it is not set in tablets of stone, we created this nightmare system, we can destroy it and send it to the dustbin of history. However time is running out, we have to start now, before it destroys all of us.


   Bank scandals, corporate fiddling taxes, trampling human rights, all in the name of greed. It is the system that is corrupt, the individual  corporate bodies just play the game of profit before all else. People, their rights and their needs don't come into the equation.
    Two years after signing an agreement with the IUF which it has never implemented, Unilever is on the verge of committing itself to 4 more years of violating the basic rights of a group of Indian workers. Does the company's signature signify nothing?
       The agreement signed under the auspices of the UK government in July 2010 committed Unilever to restoring to the workers in its factory in Doom Dooma, Assam (India) their right to freely choose the union they wished to adhere to and which would represent them for collective bargaining purposes.
    The last two years, however, have seen only evasions, provocations and management lies. Management is now preparing to sign a new, long-term agreement with the organization it created to crush the IUF's affiliate and confiscate their rights for yet another 4 years. The workers have never had the possibility to do what they were promised: freely choose their union in conditions of security and anonymity,
Act now! - click here send a message to company CEO Paul Polman telling Unilever to honor the agreement they have signed.

Ron Oswald
General Secretary, IUF

International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers' Associations (IUF)

8, rampe du Pont-Rouge
1213 Petit Lancy, Switzerland
Tel: +41 22 793 22 33
Fax: +41 22 793 22 38
     If you wish to receive regular news from the IUF in addition to our urgent action appeals Click here to subscribe to the new IUF News Service


     “Theft exists only through the exploitation of man by man…when Society refuses you the right to exist, you must take it…the policeman arrested me in the name of the Law, I struck him in the name of Liberty.”

Clément Duval (1850–1935)French propagandist and anarchist who was found guilty in 1886 of theft and attempted murder of a police officer. Originally sentenced to death, his sentence was commuted to deportation and hard labour in the French Guiana prison camps, known as the “dry Guillotine" . He was there for 14 years and attempted over 20 escapes before finally making his get-away with some of his fellow prisoners in a dilapidated old boat. He made it to New York City where he was welcomed by the anarchists in the area. 

Monday 2 July 2012


           The corporate world's latest suction pump for sucking public money into their coffers, starts in about three weeks, this time it goes by the name of "The Olympics". Not only is our millionaire government spending £14 billion to get the corporate greed feast rolling, but it has also allowed certain firms tax free trading for the period from March 30 to November 8 at an estimated cost to the public purse of £700 million. Yep, it's austerity time and we're all in this together.                                       This from A World to Win.


London 2012 corporate sponsors cash in

         Human sporting talent and achievement? Inspiration? Yes, that’s the Olympic spirit – or rather what’s being exploited to the hilt by corporate sponsors, backed by new laws, when London 2012 opens in 25 days.
        For the “biggest thing this nation will have delivered in living memory” (Seb Coe) is being done at the expense of the people of London and the UK and their rights.
        The justification for spending some £14 billion of taxpayers’ money is that corporate sponsorship makes up the rest of the cost. But association with their brands will reap them much more than the paltry £1bn that GE, McDonalds and BP, for example, have coughed up so far. New tax rules mean that these companies will not have to pay tax on their Olympic operations between 30 March and 8 November. The loss to the Treasury is estimated at some £700 million.

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