Saturday 7 July 2012


 From Inquiring minds: 

         My life in the West taught me the power of the land-grabbers. My experience in the East gave me insight into the power of the banker, The land-grabber cornered the land. The banker corners the money and credit. Both are able through their monopolies to plunder the producers of the product of their toil. The people of the United States are playing with fire. They are experimenting with an unworkable system of social organisation – a system that has been tried repeatedly during the past three or four thousand years, and that has destroyed civilization as often as it has been tried.

          I have watched the Middle West grow from a sparsely settled wilderness, the home of Indians and of buffaloes, to the greatest center of agriculture and of industry in the world. I have watched the public domain slip out of the hands of the people, and into the hands of speculators, of corporations and of monopolies. I have seen the bankers, the trust magnates and the masters of transportation and other forms of monopoly rise from obscurity to their present position of domination in public affairs. I have watched the growth of the plutocracy—the few who rule industry, the Government and the press because they are rich.

Richard Pettigrew
Triumphant Plutocracy

ann arky's home.

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