Tuesday 24 January 2017

These Dangerous Women.

       Because of the male dominated political parties and the male dominated babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, women have often been airbrushed out of history. However if you ever poke your nose into the history of working class struggle, you'll find that, not only were women there, but often they were major players at the forefront of that struggle. Women played a major role in the WWI peace movement and continue to be a force in the peace movement of today. In the struggle to improve working class conditions women have stood tall. We in Glasgow have a legion of women working class warriors that of which we can be very proud. Names such as Mary Barbour, Helen Crawfurd, Ethel MacDonald, Rita Milton, Jane Hamilton Patrick and too many to mention here. So any exhibition that highlights these women warriors and helps to redress the position, is worth supporting.  

Subject: Audacious Women festival:
Scottish WILPF Exhibition at Ocean Terminal

Dear All,
       If you haven't seen the Exhibition yet it will be at 'The Little Shop of Memories' Ocean Terminal 1st February to 3rd March.
      Please share the attached flyer with your friends and encourage people to go and see the exhibition.
       If you are not in Edinburgh and would like the Exhibition for a local venue please contact Scottish WILPF.

In peace
Anne Scott, Secretary Scottish WILPF

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Monday 23 January 2017

The Mainstream Media, Weaver Of Illusions.

         Our perceptions of the world around us, our value structure, our vision of reality, is built on the information we receive. What happens if that information is false? If you rely on the bulk of your information from that babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, the chances are that you will have a false vision of the world around you, a distorted view of reality. The babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is no more than a propaganda machine for the establishment. It is owned and controlled by a handful of very rich conglomerates, who obviously have a vested interest in protecting their wealth and power. For almost  the last couple of centuries, it has never been a source of accurate information, and it never will be. Those who own the babbling brook of bullshit have an agenda, apart from making money, and that is to shape public opinion, to shape it in favour of their idea of how the world should be run, and to protect that wealth and power.
In the following video, John Pilger lucidly points this out, quoting obvious lies that flourished as "news" and by disclosing facts regarding that babbling brook of bullshit.
Thanks Loam for the link. Just click on the "Watch on Vimeo" button below.

John Pilger at Off The Shelf Festival of Words, Sheffield, 27th October 2016 from Dartmouth Films on Vimeo.
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Sunday 22 January 2017

Stay With Us, On The Streets.

         It was very heart warming to see the hundreds of thousands of women from across the UK marching against Trumpism. The coming together of all those of different backgrounds to voice their anger at the vicious danger in this new wave of far right authoritarianism. My only concern is, where were you when Libya was being pulverised, where were you when the government was attacking, and still is, the disabled with its "assessment" scheme, where were you when benefit sanction drove people to suicide, and still does, where were you as hundreds of thousands of migrants, men, women and children, fleeing death and destruction, were being herded like cattle all across Europe, and still are. These injustices, and many more, are still with us, now that you have found your voice, please, stay on the streets, please, stay with us, we need you.  
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

A Very Volatile Future.

         Anybody who looks around them must be aware that the political landscape is changing rapidly and the "far right" is on the rise. This should not surprise us, as every time the capitalist system starts to sink into one of its cyclical "crises" some how, from some where, the far right is released from its sewers, and slithers across the land. We have been here before. What might be surprising is the rapid rate at which this "far right" epidemic of vicious authoritarianism has spread. I believe we are in for a very volatile future, how it pans out will depend on how well the ordinary people organise to defend the meagre handful of rights they have, how much they wish to live in freedom, or how much they will buckle under to the bare knuckles of raw capitalism. As always, the future has still to be written.

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        On the evening of Friday, January 20th, a comrade of ours was shot in the stomach in the most public place on the University of Washington’s campus in Seattle – a place called “Red Square” for the color of its bricks rather than its politics.
        This Fellow Worker (what members of the IWW call ourselves) and Defender (for GDC members) is a longtime anti-fascist and dedicated activist, a member of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) and the General Defense Committee of the IWW. He’s currently in critical condition at Harborview Hospital in Seattle. They have a Level One Trauma center, so it’s likely he is receiving the best quality care available, for which we are deeply grateful.
      How do we respond? We are building an expanded anti-authoritarian, anti-capitalist, anti-racist, anti-sexist, and anti-fascist presence in Seattle, and this person was spearheading that effort. Will others are willing step up and replace his effort while he heals? Our response will help determine that.
          There is a limited amount of time for us to make clear to the world what is clear to us: we are under armed attack. The fascist right knows where to find us – protests such as anti-Donald Trump events, or actions against police brutality. In the Twin Cities, the trial has just begun of Allen Scarsella, one of the white supremacists who came to the Fourth Precinct in Minneapolis in November, 2015 and opened fire, shooting multiple people.
        We don’t have confirmation that the person who shot our comrade was a counter-protester angry at those protesting Milo’s hateful white nationalist misogyny. We do know that he turned himself into the police several hours later, claiming ‘self-defense.’ This, of course, is exactly what Scarsella did as well.
        Our friend will have enormous hospital bills and undoubtedly some legal costs as well. There will be a significant loss of income. Let’s raise him so much that he won’t have to worry about that angle of things. Please give. All money will be controlled directly by them and their partner; none will go to any other cause, excepting any fees associated with the fundraising service used.
        Please don’t just give; please tell your friends and families and organizations to give. That may sound daunting, but here’s why they should:
         This isn’t just about one guy. Your friends and families know that the situation has changed dramatically. They know that things are changing fast, and have heard the word fascism a lot since Trump was elected. They may even suspect that the breakneck pace of media revelations and executive decisions is intended to distract them and make them feel helpless.
Continue reading:

Donate Here
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Saturday 21 January 2017

The Coming Winter!!


Dark malefic clouds crowd the sky
winds carry the stench of carrion to every nostril,
the crazy ape has followed the faculty of hawks.
All around stand crows, magpies, jackdaws, vultures,
edacious eyes anticipating their putrid feast.
A weary Cassandra laments;
doves, hearts weeping for a better yesterday
forsake their olive branches.

    There have been protests in America and elsewhere against the Trump presidency, with the usual calls that the protesters are just sore losers. However, this election was different, this is the gloves off, bare knuckles, raw capitalism at the fascist end of the spectrum. It is a flag waving triumphalism that will embolden the far right across the globe. They are already raising their ugly heads above the gutter in Europe and elsewhere. You can be sure that when fascism snakes its way into our lives it will not be wearing jackboots, it will be lead by men in suits. Now more than ever, is the time for those who want freedom and justice for all, to come together and make their presence felt, from the workplace to the community, and on the streets. If not us, then who? If not now, then when? Just remember, all of the meagre rights we have were not won in the corridors of power, they were won on the streets, the factories and the communities, those in the corridors of power had to be dragged kicking and screaming to accept these rights.
      On January 20, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. There to protest the know-nothing real estate mogul’s ascent to office will be many of the people he’s insulted and denigrated over the past year and a half: women, people of color, Muslims, immigrants – representatives of the majority of the population of the U.S.

Many of us protesters are anarchists.

Why anarchists?
       Because this election really was different. It fed off and helped spread a new strain of racism, misogyny, and ultra-nationalism that’s receiving answering salutes from countries all over the world, from France to Hungary to the Philippines. We’re not here to protest just another in a long line of American warlords. We’re here to call a halt to New American Fascism and the hatred at its heart.
       In the 18 months since Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the White House, we’ve seen Muslims and Hispanics terrorized. We’ve seen the legitimate anger of Black Lives Matter countered by a vicious backlash. We’ve seen a concerted and expanding effort to roll back the social acceptance that transgender people have just begun to make. We’ve seen a wealthy white man flaunt his privilege in ways that demean women – with only the mildest and rare peeps of protest from the Washington political establishment.
       Trump didn’t create this ugliness, but he’s become its focal point, its megaphone, and its chief recruiting tool. He’s made racists and xenophobes feel powerful. He’s made sexists and homophobes feel justified. He’s given the corporate agenda to disempower and impoverish working people a smoke screen of phony populism to hide behind.
       We’ve seen it too many times before in too many places to ignore it this time: a right-wing demagogue manoeuvres into power. Sensing the opportunity of a lifetime, a greedy and ruthless economic and political elite falls into line behind the new leader. Minorities and the economically vulnerable are the first to suffer. Eventually, everybody does.
        This election could be just the beginning. France, Germany, and Hungary are just a few of the countries with national elections coming up in 2017 where the racist right is expected to make big gains. Now is the time to send an unmistakable message that fascism is not the answer. But we won’t do that in a voting booth. We’ll do it in our homes, our communities, and in the streets. We’ll do it by promoting the vision of a society without the State, without bought-and-paid-for politicians, without capitalism. The opposite of what we’ve got now.
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Friday 20 January 2017

The Problem

The Problem

     …is that anyone could wield so much power in the first place. A man like Donald Trump could never be so dangerous if government and the market didn’t concentrate power in the hands of a ruling class.
Putting another party in power won’t fix this. All the faith invested in Obama’s promises of Hope and Change just legitimized the government long enough for a more ruthless tyrant to take the reins.         All the taxes paid by hopeful citizens just put more bullets in the guns of the police that will go on profiling, imprisoning, deporting, and murdering people under Donald Trump.
       We have to stop ceding our strength to these institutions. Instead, let’s build networks to meet our needs directly and defend ourselves against everyone who wants to rule us. The only way to freedom and equality is through self-determination, mutual aid, and collective resistance.
Download PDF leaflet HERE:

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Obama, No Prince Of Peace, No Pope Of Hope.

       It is fascinating, but sad, how our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media shapes perceptions, how by selective reporting and exaggeration, and selective ignoring, they can create an alternative vision to the reality we live under. Now as Trump moves into the White House and Obama moves through the exit, there is a wave of sadness at losing a liberal rational president of peace. However, President Obama was no white dove, no prince of peace, his legacy is one of escalating state assassinations across the globe. Mr Obama was a president who was at war longer than any other American president in history. He authorised approximately ten times more drone strikes than George W. Bush.
       The independent, nonprofit Bureau of Investigative Journalism puts the total number of people killed at roughly the same number, 2,753, but its estimate of how many of them were civilians six times higher than the Obama administration’s estimate. Even more chilling from a constitutional perspective is that the Obama administration has — with little to no complaint from the American people or the other two branches of government — deliberately targeted and killed US citizens in drone strikes, without those individuals ever having been given their constitutional right to due process of law.
        Obama played the populist card when he withdrew vast number of troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, but fanned out the area in which he used the more surreptitious air-strikes. He took is silent assassinating drone strikes and expanded them outside the “war zone”, of Iraq and Afghanistan, to countries America had no war with, such as Pakistan and Yemen. Recent figures show that Obama had dramatically upped the number of bombings for the year 2016 to more than a staggering 26,000. Of course we are told by that babbling brook of bullshit, that these were all in the name of peace, and for the well-being of the people of those countries. It is estimated that the “coalition” who are involved in the Middle East have during 2016, drop almost 31,000 bombs, all in the name of peace and the well-being of the people, of course, of which the Obama contingent were responsible for 79%. The number of bombs is likely to be an under estimate as a strike can be multiple bombs. Apart from the horror, bloodshed, death and destruction from such numbers, look at each bomb as costing approximately, around £500,000, add that up, and think how else could that money have been spent bring peace, and helping the well-being of the people. 

       It is reported that “Incoming US President Donald Trump has said he will wage war on Isis, vowing to "bomb the s*** out of 'em". My heart goes out to those poor unfortunate people who happen to inhabit that area where ISIS is active. You can imagine what such a remark would do for the arms industry, yes, you are right, their shares have rocketed. In this society war is a very lucrative business, it is touted as creating jobs, but more important, creating even more wealth for the obscenely wealthy. So Obama will be applauded by the establishment for doing a great job.
 Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Thursday 19 January 2017

Free Showing, I Daniel Blake.

         For those in and around Glasgow, who have not seen Ken Loach's new film I, Daniel Blake, there will be an opportunity to see it for free, on January 31st. It will be screened at the Castlemilk Youth Complex, on January 31st. from 19:00 to 21:30, thanks to the worthy effort of Castlemilk Against Austerity.
January 31st. 19:00-21:30
39 Ardencraig Road, G45 0EL Glasgow, United Kingdom.
       This event is not just a film showing, there will be a discussion in which you can express, your views on the subject matter of benefits and sanctions as portrayed in the film, and what we can do about these matters
    Castlemilk Against Austerity and RISE: Glasgow South Circle Invite you to come along to the FREE screening and discussion of the new Ken Loach film I Daniel Blake. I, Daniel Blake is a 2016 drama film directed by Ken Loach and written by Paul Laverty.
         Daniel Blake has worked as a joiner most of his life in Newcastle. Now, for the first time ever, he needs help from the State. He crosses paths with a single mother Katie and her two young children, Daisy and Dylan. Katie’s only chance to escape a one-roomed homeless hostel in London has been to accept a flat in a city she doesn’t know, some 300 miles away. Daniel and Katie find themselves in no-man’s land, caught on the barbed wire of welfare bureaucracy as played out against the rhetoric of ‘striver and skiver’ in modern day Britain.
        This is a must see film that truthfully records the inhumane attitudes that are being borne out of the economic policies of austerity. The film will make you feel both sad and angry but will also Inspire you to change it
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk


Wednesday 18 January 2017

Impossible Takes Just A Little Longer.

        Where in the capitalist world is there peace? In country after country people are in direct action against this system that is foisted on us as the only game in town. Our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media will ridicule, lampoon or totally ignore any suggestion that there is a better way to organise our lives other than capitalism. The system is portrayed as the pinnacle of civilisation, yet all around us is poverty, homelessness and bloody wars, for control of the earth's resources. There is mass hunger in the midst of plenty, deprivation surrounded by wealth, large swaths of our planet are being steeped in flowing warm blood of innocents, and still the babbling brook of bullshit laud this dystopia as the bringer of peace, freedom and prosperity. Yes, there is that small band of parasites that have their hands on the control levers of power, who enjoy all that peace, freedom and prosperity, but it is not the vast majority of humanity.
       However, we are awakening, across the planet the ordinary people have seen through the smoke and mirrors of the capitalist illusion, and are taking steps to challenge "the only game in town" philosophy. In small bands  and large groups, they have taken the road to challenge the hegemony of capital, and its corrosive effect on all of us, and the very planet that we inhabit. With the advent of better communications, we are linking up and joining hands, and increasing our solidarity, our small sporadic struggles are now more than ever becoming one massive battle to challenge and bring down this savage, brutal, insane system of destructive greed, exploitation and unearned privilege.
       From Chile to Australia, from Italy to Greece, from France to America, in all corners of our world, people are taking up the struggle against this capitalist cancer, we can shape the world to see to the needs of all our people, we have the numbers, the power, the skills and the imagination, this world is ours by right of our sweat and blood, we just have to make that final grasp.

Mapuches still resisting in “Chile”


       In a march commemorating the ninth anniversary of the murder of indigenous Mapuche activist Matias Catrileo, shot in the back by police, protesters stormed the financial district of Santiago, Chile.
They demanded charges against Mapuche spiritual leader or ‘Machi” Francisca Linconao be dropped. She is charged in an arson attack that killed two wealthy land owners in ancestral Mapuche lands. After a 14 day hunger strike ‘to freedom or death,’ she was released on house arrest the same day as the march and ended her hunger strike. Protesters denounced ongoing police violence against indigenous peoples in Chile.
       Decrying cases like that of Brandon Hernández Huentecol, 17, who was shot in the back by police last month. Huentecol has had 12 operations and remains in critical condition. His family denounced police efforts to buy their silence.
       As a minimum response to the capture of our comrades, some anarchists in Sydney painted a solidarity mural.
Solidarity with the prisoners of the social war. For the annihilation of every prison.

       The community of Suc-Tuc in Campeche form a self-government against corruption and repression of their authorities
Demián Revart
“Impossible takes just a little bit longer”

Left-wing activists have clashed with riot police during protests over new labour laws that are bringing havoc to the streets of Paris today.
And so it grows until we win.

Our Future

Once upon a time,
in our not so distant past
stood a beautiful, a unique world,
laden with promise,
a world where our future was open,
our potential vast.
Now, seduced by glinting tinsel of the mad
our reason quivers
on the edge of a dark abyss.
We have created a world
where wastelands abound
where we
the many, the marginalised, the ordinary,
struggle to survive in voracity that astounds
are seduced
to create wastelands in our minds,
slowly accepting chaos
in a world of insanity.
Here corporate monsters
of hypocrisy, contradictions,
sever the fragile cord
that unites being with being

     However, our future doesn't have to be that way, the choice is ours. 
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Tuesday 17 January 2017

The System Has No Legitimacy.

          For centuries we have been, through struggle and negotiations, teasing minimal improvements in our conditions from the system of capitalism. However we should never forget that, under the system of capitalism, these crumbs of comfort that we have struggled so hard for, are not permanent benefits. The system will always be involved in claw-back operations. Sometimes this is done in a slow kind of piecemeal manner, different types of legislation and rule changes, such as flexible working conditions, zero hours contracts, changing the pension age, workfare and benefit sanctions and so on. Other times it is the system itself that hits one of its inevitable and frequent “crises” that force it, for its own survival, to claw-back in a savage and vicious fashion. Two major claw-backs that spring to mind is what is now know as the 30’s and the 2008 financial crisis. In both these instances the system’s financial centres went bust and to get it back up and running, there had to be a massive claw-back of all or most of the meagre benefits from the public, that we had won through years of struggle. This was done in a similar manner in both cases, a policy of “austerity”, involving a savage and vicious destruction of the social fabric of society, resulting in a tsunami of poverty, deprivation, and mass unemployment, with no regard to the suffering of the ordinary people. The system first and foremost, this ensures that those with the wealth and power remain in control and hold onto their wealth and power. 
        When do we accept that we have been pursuing a failed policy of subservience by continually accepting the false legitimacy of this system, and asking, “Can we have some more please”. Exploitation, injustice and inequality can have no legitimacy, and any system that perpetuates those qualities must be the target of our anger, not to plead for more, but to eliminate the system completely, and replace it with a system based on mutual aid, co-operation, and sustainability, a system that sees to the needs of all our people. For freedom and justice, there is no other way.
       The following is an extract from ATTACK, a Pistols Drawn Publication:
         By permanent conflictuality we mean uninterrupted struggle against class domination and those responsible for bringing it about. By self-management we mean independence from all parties, trades unions or patronage, as well as finding the means necessary for organising and carrying out the struggle on the basis of spontaneous contributions alone. By attack we mean the refusal of any negotiation, mediation, reconciliation or compromise with the enemy.
        Nevertheless, the final aim of these intermediate struggles is always attack. It is however obviously possible for individual comrades or affinity groups to strike at individuals or organisations of Capital and the State independently of any more complex relationship
          Sabotage has become the main weapon of the exploited in their struggle in the scenario we see extending before our very eyes. Capitalism is creating conditions of control and domination at levels never seen before through information technology which could never be used for anything other than maintaining power.
Alfredo M. Bonanno
The Insurrectional Project
You can read the entire ATTACK PDF for free HERE: 
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk 

Monday 16 January 2017

Change We Must.

           Who are the terrorists, who are responsible, by far, for the vast majority of the killings on this planet, who forces poverty and deprivation on millions, who plunders the planet, for personal gain and not for the community? We all know, or should know, the answers to these questions, of course it is the state and capital. Yet millions still tolerate this festering cancerous marriage between state and capital, and foolishly millions turn to those very killer organisations in an attempt to improve their lives, it is a bit like being lost in a jungle and asking a crocodile for assistance. We have had centuries of watching the rich get richer, until we now see a small group own, by far, the greatest slice of the world’s unimaginable wealth, while the vast majority struggle from day to day just for survival, and some don’t even make that level. We have had centuries of asking and petitioning for the wealth to be a little bit more evenly spread, the result is the opposite of what we ask, the rich still get richer. They say that one of the signs of insanity is to keep doing the same thing, but expecting a different result. Perhaps we should now be looking at ourselves and realising that we have to try something different, to get that better result that we all desire. You have voted for centuries, and the wealth that you and I create, still flows, at an ever increasing rate, upwards, to that small band of bloated parasites. You know there is a better way, you know that the world has an abundance of resources that could see to the needs of all our people, you know we have the ability to create that better world, but as long as we play the game to the rules of the gangsters and mobsters that at the moment control all that wealth, we are doomed to see the wealth continue flowing up to their overloaded coffers, and we will continue to see our people struggle and suffer. 
        There are many ways we can change the system, end this injustice, and end the plundering and destruction of the planet, but change we must. To continue as we are is to see the suffering increase and by the continuing plundering of the planet, the eventual demise of the ecosystem that we all rely on for survival. We must remember, the Earth has no escape capsule.
This poster has appeared recently in Greece:
 The poster reads:

“I am a revolutionary, and I have nothing to apologize for.

         Terrorists, criminals, robbers are those who compose the economic and political life; the institutions and governments that, through the memoranda, are waging the most violent, the most heinous attack on the social base in the name of a “way out of the crisis.” Terrorist, criminal, robber is the State and Capital; those whom I fight committed with all my soul to armed struggle, to Revolutionary Struggle; those whom my organization has targeted all these years of our activity.
       (…) when the economic and political establishment attacks the social majority in the most merciless way, armed struggle for social revolution is a duty and obligation; because that’s where hope lies and nowhere else. The only hope for a definitive way out of the systemic crisis we are living in this historical period, for a definitive way out of every crisis. It is the only hope towards overturning capitalism, the system that gives birth to crises; the only hope towards overturning the State and Capital.
        It is the only hope for an armed counterattack of the social base against a system that crushes them.
        It is the only hope towards overthrowing the State and Capital; for Social Revolution.
         For a society of economic equality and political freedom for all.”
Pola Roupa

       “I am an anarchist, member of the armed revolutionary organization Revolutionary Struggle. The only terrorists are the State and the Capital.”
Konstantina Athanasopoulou

Demonstration in solidarity with Revolutionary Struggle members

Saturday January 21st 2017 at 12:00 in Monastiraki (downtown Athens)




–Solidarity Assembly (Athens)
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Saturday 14 January 2017

Kropotkin's Speech.

        We at Spirit of Revolt are always delighted when we can put one of our gems from history up for the general public to enjoy on our "Read of the Month", This month it is Kropotkin's speech at the Memorial Hall London on October 21st., 1909. The speech was given to honour  Francisco Ferrer Guardia an educator and founder of “Modern Schools”, which taught radical social values. In spite of the fact that there was no evidence against him, he was executed by the Spanish state, by firing squad on October 13th. 1909.  Spirit of Revolt is fortunate to have an original copy of that speech, and are delighted to share it with the public at large.
Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Platitudes and Hypocrisy, The State's Contribution.

        Doesn’t it strike you as rather hypocritical that the state can move to open up shelters and facilities for all those threatened with possible flooding, but is hell bent on ignoring the thousands that are homeless across the country, even as the temperature plummets, we don’t hear of the state organising local communities to open up shelter and facilities for these vulnerable and suffering people. According to the organisation Shelter, there are approximately 16,000 homeless in the South East of England alone, and this pattern rolls out across the entire country in varying degrees. Of course this is happening on an apocalyptic scale across Europe, as those hundreds of thousands of migrants, fleeing war, death, misery, torture and deprivation, find themselves bedding down in tents covered in snow or huddle together in any closed or semi-closed place they can find. We are talking about men, women, children, and elderly, this is the true face of “civilised”, rich, capitalist Europe.
            This vast army of homeless, traumatised, fleeing individuals, and families are trapped in pockets across the continent, and for months, according to the babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media, they have been invisible. However, now for what ever reason, their plight is making the news again, we are seeing them huddle together, and in one journalist’s photo opportunity, saw them burning railway sleepers to try to keep warm. What will come of this sudden thrusting of their misery onto the headlines? Well going on past records, nothing,
           They will be dropped and the new headlines will be of some celebrity’s latest “scandal”, talk of the stock exchange, of how sales are up or down, and the latest on the Queen’s cold. That vast army of weary, wandering, traumatised fleeing people will once again become invisible, and calm will be returned to the “civilised” continent of Europe. Europe is rich in all manner of resources, it has cesspools filled with money, it has an abundance of skills, it is awash with wealth, well capable of resolving the “migrants” situation with humanity and dignity, but this will not happen. The overpowering out pouring from the various states across capitalist Europe is hypocrisy, it is the only answer they have to the problems of the ordinary people. If we keep the same system, we will be cursed with the same answers.

Visit ann arky's home at www.radicalglasgow.me.uk

Friday 13 January 2017

Anarchy Is For Lovers.

       Anarchism, the philosophy of love, irrespective of what the babbling brook of bullshit, our mainstream media would have you believe, without love in your heart you can never be an anarchist. Of course that doesn't mean you are not a fighter, it is just that your battles are to spread love, peace and justice throughout the world. Anarchists have expressed their hopes and dreams in many ways, poetry, theatre, novels, paintings, etc., but also in direct action when and where they feel it is needed. Anarchism can claim among its ranks many poets one of them Frederico Arcos, Spanish anarchist and poet.

       Federico Arcos (July 18, 1920-May 23, 2015), a lifelong anarchist, participated in the Spanish Revolution and Civil War in the 1930s, and later took part in the antifascist underground there. He immigrated to Canada in 1952, where he continued his commitment to anarchist goals. He eventually compiled an extensive archive of anarchist writings and other material.
Fifth Estaters met Federico in the early 1970s. In time he became a beloved elder to people working on the paper, and in the larger Detroit/Windsor anarchist, radical, and labor communities. The 50th anniversary retrospective exhibit of the FE at Detroit's Museum of Contemporary Art is dedicated to Federico. It runs from September 2015 to January 2016.
The following remembrance is presented with the understanding that each generation of rebels confronts the leviathan of oppression and exploitation in its own way, using the ideas and resources passed on to it by those who came before. Today's anarchists and anti-authoritarians fight for a future free from hierarchy and exploitation, developing means and strategies as they go. For some, living memory of the struggle goes back to the Occupy movement, for others, Seattle in 1999. Those of us who became active in the 1960s and '70s were personally acquainted with veterans of the revolts earlier in the century, from whom we drew deep inspiration and courage. Because the fight for freedom is still ongoing, awareness of the lives and legacies of yesterday's fighters and battles remains relevant, in fact essential.
—Robby Barnes
Continue reading:
           Now thanks to The Fifth Estate we are able to read Momentos a book of poetry by Federico Arcos in Spanish and in English on a free download HERE:  

Two of his poems from the collection:
White doves. White doves
that pass by … return…
white doves flying in circles
as if protecting the neighborhood.
White doves. White doves
that perch on the roof of my house.
Peace… Peace and tranquility
the domain of those white doves.
But … what? But … what?
If there is no tranquility that lasts,
but there are vivid memories
of black doves in flight over
Barcelona!… Madrid!…
Guernica!… London!…
Hiroshima!!!… Nagasaki!!!
White doves. White doves
Lasting symbol. Endless beginning.
Oh, white doves; white doves!

—August 1960, Hiroshima 15 years on
       Since 1939, young anarchists in Spain have paid the price for resisting Francoism. Raul Carballeira, a prominent figure in the anarchist underground, was one who paid the ultimate price when surrounded by police on Montjuïc Mountain in Barcelona.
(February 28, 1918-June 26, 1948)
Bursts of shrapnel
mowed down your young body.
But you still had a gasp of breath,
a gasp of breath and a bullet;
and your mind, like a rapid steed,
galloping in the air,
on a hot June afternoon,
exploded under your own impact.

I cry out and I cry out with vehemence;
I cry out with vehemence, oh brother;
for never did they succeed
in chaining The Idea
or silencing The Word.
The word that expresses
In ideas, the soul.
We are a hammer of steel.
We shall continue hammering.
Each word, a blow;
each blow, a spark;
each phrase, a flame;
and in fires of words,
torches of The Idea
illuminating the darkness,
we shall proceed on the path
with dawns of truth.

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