Monday 5 October 2015

Bring Freedom Through Death.

      Like I always say, our mainstream media is simply a babbling brook of bullshit. It spews out misinformation, distortions and down right lies. It is no more than a propaganda machine for the imperialists, and a money maker for its owners. Truth, real information and honest discussion, are alien to its basic structure. 
 Bringing freedom to the people of Baghdad.
      Below is an extract from a report made at the beginning of this year, The report is the result of studies by respected and highly qualified people in their field, it trashes the frequently circulated figures of deaths by the US/UK war on terror in the Middle East, vomited out by that babbling brook of bullshit, yet up until now they have ignored it. 
 Shock and awe, democracy Western style.
This from Middle East Eye:
A Muslim holocaust. 
       Last month, the Washington DC-based Physicians for Social Responsibility (PRS) released a landmark study concluding that the death toll from 10 years of the "War on Terror" since the 9/11 attacks is at least 1.3 million, and could be as high as 2 million.
      The 97-page report by the Nobel Peace Prize-winning doctors' group is the first to tally up the total number of civilian casualties from US-led counter-terrorism interventions in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
        The PSR report is authored by an interdisciplinary team of leading public health experts, including Dr. Robert Gould, director of health professional outreach and education at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and Professor Tim Takaro of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Simon Fraser University.
        Yet it has been almost completely blacked out by the English-language media, despite being the first effort by a world-leading public health organisation to produce a scientifically robust calculation of the number of people killed by the US-UK-led "war on terror".
Read the full article HERE
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London Anarchist Bookfair.

       It's that time of year again, a time when anarchists and like minded people come together from far and wide, discussions abound, stalls display a wonderful array of literature, the air is filled with chat and banter. A great time of friendly story swapping, information transfer, meeting long lost comrades, and making new friends and contacts. A chance for anarchists to recharge their batteries with a new lease of life.
        I am of course, talking about the annual London Anarchist Bookfair.

       The 34th London Anarchist Bookfair will showcase anarchist ideas from around the world and across the UK. As usual it’s not just books. Thousands of Anarchists will gather to discuss everything from Austerity and , Housing to Migration or Workplace Orgainsing. Anarchists from around the world including Greece, Kurdistan, Spain, Czech Republic, USA and the Caribbean will be talking about the struggles in their countries, and how we can work together to strengthen the global Anarchist resistance. Most of all people will be able find out the truth about anarchist ideas rather than the distorted caricatures presented by politicians and journalists from any of the 100 stalls and 60 meetings.
      Key speakers include Janet Biehl on social ecology, Scott Crow who helped organise the grassroots response to Hurricane Katrina and was criminalised for his efforts and John King, author of the Football Factory and England Away.
     The bookfair has a new venue – at Central St Martins  (University of the Arts London)  and as always it will be free with a crèche and older kids space.
For further information see the website. Telephone contact – 07960 668471
10am – 7pm at Central St Martin’s  (University of the Arts London)
Granary Building, 1 Granary Square, Kings Cross, London N1C 4AA
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Sunday 4 October 2015

Scotland's Beauty.

      Scotland's beauty is the wonderful mosaic of cities, towns, small towns, villages and varied countryside, all compacted into a small country. Another dry day, another run out on the bike. It is now getting a bit cold for my old damaged bronchial tubes, so it is getting near the end of the cycling season for this fair weather cyclist. I usually put the bike away when we shift the clock back, then hibernate and wait for the seasons to turn. However, I'll grab each day I can.

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I Am The Crowd.

I Am The Crowd.

I am the crowd
I swim in the quagmire of poverty
its hook, its barbs, tear my flesh, 
rupture my dreams.
I hold my breath for centuries
hoping to break through, gasp pure air.
Through the murky mire
I see bright things, shiny things sparkle
I see women in fine dresses, men in fine silk shirts
I ask myself,
why do I swim in this cesspool?

I want the light and warmth of rectitude
to caress my labouring body,
seeds of my dreams to bloom
like wild flowers in a meadow.
One day I will use my boundless strength
to haul this torn battered being
out of the morass
onto the warm grassy bank,
when I do;
woe betide you, women in fine dresses,
woe betide you mister in your fine silk shirt
should you ever try to get in my way,
for I am the strength of the world,
I am the crowd.
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The Creeping Disease Of Corporate Fascism.

         We all know that we live under the illusion of democracy, governments are in the pockets of the corporate world and the financial Mafia. However, if the world of big business gets its way, even that veneer of the illusion of democracy will evaporate. The big corporate players have come together and are in secret negotiations with EU governments, to remove completely any shred of power that governments may still have, they are trying to put the final nail in the coffin of the voice of the people. Governments will be held to account by the CEO and shareholders of big business, should they attempt any legislation that might in any way hinder their drive for increase profits. They want to get their grubby plundering hands on all public assets, privatisation will be the law, NHS, education, social services, all must be open to them for profit. Any legislation that might improve working conditions or wages will be challenged, and governments fined, as it may hit the  profits of the corporate greed merchants. Corporate fascism will be the only power, unless we wake up and bring this whole stinking, corrupt, unjust, exploitative system to an end.

Something exciting is about to happen. On Saturday 10 October thousands of people from across the EU and the USA will be taking to the streets to protest against dangerous trade agreements that could put more than 1 million of us out of work, ruin public services like our NHS, and allow dangerous chemicals and hormones in our food.  Probably the best known of these deals is TTIP which is being negotiated between the EU and the US. There’s a Stop TTIP action in Glasgow starting at 9.30am outside the SECC. Please come along and join in.
We’ll be there celebrating the enormous amount of names added to the Europe-wide petition against TTIP which closes in four days. If you haven’t already you can sign the EU-wide petition here. It’s reached almost 3 million signatures! Acting together, we can beat TTIP.
Best wishes, Guy Taylor Trade campaigner
P.S. Another dangerous trade deal is CETA between the EU and Canada. It could lock-in privatisation of public services and open up our government to huge lawsuits by corporations. If you haven’t already, tell your Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to vote against CETA.
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Saturday 3 October 2015

The State Can Be Beaten.

      To all those who showed support and solidarity for Evi Statiri, while she was imprisoned for being a relative of a prisoner, and voiced their anger at her need to go on hunger strike to seek justice, good news, she is soon to be released.
      According to an update we received from the ‘Relatives–Friends of prisoners and prosecuted fighters’, Evi Statiri (currently hospitalised) is soon to be released from prison, though with the provision of the strictest restrictive conditions.
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Finn MacKay, Explains Feminism. .

        Finn MacKay explains feminism and the need for it in our society, we obviously have a long way to go to reach that desirable state of gender equality.
        Finn Mackay is an Author, Academic and Feminist activist. She founded The London Feminist Network. Revived the London Reclaim the Night march, And a former organiser of the Feminism in London Conference. She was nominated as a world-changing woman in a 2006 Guardian poll. After working in youth work and education, Finn devised policy on domestic violence prevention before returning to academia and completing her PhD on the British Women's Liberation Movement. She is currently a senior lecturer in sociology at the University of the West of England in Bristol. She speaks and writes regularly on Feminist issues, particularly male violence against women.
       This episode of Circled A Radio interviews Finn MacKay on feminism.
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Friday 2 October 2015

The Society Of The Spectacle.

     Guy Debord (1931-­1994) was the most influential figure in the Situationist International, the notorious subversive group that played a key role in provoking the May 1968 revolt in France. "The Society of the Spectacle" (1973, 90 minutes) is Debord's film adaptation of his own 1967 book of the same name. As passages from the book are read in voiceover the text is illuminated, via direct illustration or various types of ironic contrast, by clips from Russian and Hollywood features ("Potemkin," "Ten Days That Shook the World," "For Whom the Bell Tolls," "Shanghai Gesture," "Johnny Guitar," "Mr. Arkadin," etc.), TV commercials, softcore porn, and news and documentary footage, including glimpses of Spain 1936, Hungary '56, Watts '65, France '68, and other revolts of the past. Inter-title quotes from Marx, Machiavelli, Clausewitz, Tocqueville, and Debord himself occasionally break the flow, challenging the viewers to question their own relation to the film -- and to the society as a whole. San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner has produced a dubbed version of this film using Ken Knabb’s English translation as read by artist/scholar Dore Bowen. Konrad also located and reinserted the original English-language clips from the many quoted films (which in Debord's film were mostly dubbed in French). This enables English-speaking viewers to pay full attention to the images instead of trying to follow subtitles, and thus better perceive the complex interplay between montage, image, and language through which Debord presents his theses.
(English overdub) The Society of the Spectacle (Final sound edit) from konrad steiner on Vimeo.
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Thursday 1 October 2015

State Repression Continues.

        As the vindictive Greek state sticks to its inhumane policies, the life of Evi Statiri ebbs away. She is being held in prison simply because she is the relative of a prisoner. However, protests continue, but need all our support and solidarity. 

Poster reads:
FREEDOM FOR EVI STATIRI WHO CONDUCTS HUNGER STRIKE SINCE SEPTEMBER 14TH When the Power fail to make subversive prisoners bow down to them, they target their close and supportive environment, seeking to punish what goes beyond the polarity between innocence and guilt: solidarity.
      As of today, September 30th 2015, we participate in the mobilisation of prisoners throughout Greece (at the prisons of Trikala, Domokos, Grevena, and the women’s and men’s prisons of Koridallos in Athens) for the immediate RELEASE of Evi Statiri, wife of political prisoner-member of the Cells of Fire Gerasimos Tsakalos.
      Evi has already been admitted to the General State Hospital of Nikaia, having entered her 16th day on hunger strike.
     Solely responsible for her life are the justice minister — who enacted an amendment-scrap of paper for the cessation of prosecution against relatives of inmates, which nevertheless remains inactive — as well as the judicial council where the request for Evi’s release has been filed – who are procrastinating at the expense of her constantly deteriorating health.
      Until Evi is released from prison, we refuse the midday lock-up and count in our cells.
       Initiative of Political Prisoners
Koridallos Prisons Underground Annex [*]
September 30th 2015

        [*] basement in Koridallos women’s prison, a special high-security unit for men where those convicted as members of armed revolutionary organisations, including anarchist comrades, are being held separately from the general population of inmates
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US Police Kill 234 Black People In 6 Months.

          An appeal from Color Of Change, an an organisation fighting police racism and brutality in the US. The figures speak for themselves, 234 Black individuals kill by the police in six months. What country can tolerate such blatant racial brutality, no way can a country be called civilizied that tolerates such racial brutality.
    My name is Scott Roberts, and this is my third day as Criminal Justice Director at ColorOfChange. For months, I have admired the hard work of ColorOfChange members like you and I am honored to be joining this critical community of people committed to achieving Black liberation — especially at a time like this.
   In the past 6 months, police have killed at least 234 Black people nationwide — an average of more than 1 person a day. 1

It’s a painfully familiar story:

        Police — driven by explicit or implicit anti-Black racism — brutalize or kill a Black person who is doing nothing more than shopping at the grocery store, driving home from work, playing in the park or reaching out for help;2,3,4,5 Law enforcement and police associations then criminalize the victim, often lying, filing false police reports or planting evidence to cover up the truth.6 The media jumps on board, but within just a few days or weeks journalists stop covering the story; the community and family are left broken hearted, fighting a near impossible fight for justice, which is almost always denied.7
      We must stop this vicious cycle. As we know from past experiences, police cannot police themselves. Prosecutors rely greatly on police for help with their cases, which makes it far less likely they will risk the political fallout that comes with holding abusive and discriminatory officers accountable. If we want justice, we need to be ready to take matters into our own hands.
       Will you donate $5 a month to our Rapid Response Private Investigator Fund? If enough people contribute, we can put independent investigators on the ground following police violence targeting Black people to help expose the truth and build momentum for justice.
     Following Sandra Bland’s tragic death in Waller County, TX you and more than 3,000 ColorOfChange members donated to hire a private investigator. It was clear from day one that Waller County District Attorney Elton Mathis and Sheriff Glenn Smith would likely fail to properly investigate Sandra's death. If her family hadn't raised their voices, the public would've never seen the video of Texas State Trooper Brian Encinia racially profiling and violently arresting Sandra — DA Mathis was ready to wash his hands and rule Sandra's death a suicide, no questions asked.
      Part 1 of our investigation was released last week, and the results are deeply disturbing. Attorney Paul Looney, who was appointed by the Sheriff to lead an investigation into the Sheriff Department, has confirmed that the investigation is a sham: "We're not trying to do an exposé...[Sheriff Glenn Smith] can read it or not read it...if he wants to throw the whole thing in the trash can, he can.’"8
      This is exactly the type of information we need to help secure justice for Sandra. Following cases of police violence, local officials often wait for the media attention to fade away before denying justice to Black families suffering one of the worst injustices this world has to offer. But we can't let that happen. A Rapid Response Private Investigator Fund will allow us to uncover the truth, keep the media attention alive and expose the different forms of anti-Black racism in an area in order to plan campaigns for systemic change.
     Tragically, police will kill hundreds more Black people in the coming months and we must be ready to act quickly. This fall marks 10 years that ColorOfChange members have taken action to strengthen and amplify Black political power in America. In the coming days, you will receive a number of different fundraisers asking you to support the critical work of our community in the years ahead. We depend on you. Your donations — the hard-earned dollars you give because you believe in justice — are what sustain our work.
      Private investigators cost on average $5,000. If just 3,000 ColorOfChange members gave $5 a month for at least 6 months we could afford to hire at least 15 private investigators. Click here to donate.

— Scott, Rashad, Arisha, Lyla and the rest of the team
September 30th, 2015
1. "National Police Violence Map," We the Protesters, updated 9/21/2015

2. "No Charges in Ohio Police Killing of John Crawford as Wal-Mart Video Contradicts 911 Caller Account," Democracy Now! 9-25-2015

3. "‘I will light you up!': Texas officer threatened Sandra Bland with Taser during traffic stop," Washington Post 7-22-2015

4. "As investigation enters fifth month, Tamir Rice’s mother has moved into a homeless shelter," Washington Post 05-04-2015

5. "'Black women unnamed': how Tanisha Anderson's bad day turned into her last," The Guardian 06-05-2015

6. "Walter Scott, Michael Slager, Taser planted?" Slate 04-07-2015

7. "Thousands dead, few prosecuted," Washington Post 04-11-2015

8. "The Sandra Bland Investigation Is In Trouble," Huffington Post 9-24-2015
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Disaster,---Tearoom Closed!!!

       Well the month of September proved to be a wonderful month for an old wrinkly fair weather cyclist. Pity about the rest of the year. Up round the Campsie area again, sadly my favourite wee tearoom was closed when I got there. So it was just a matter of carrying on, and then heading home for that plate of soup. I thought I was taking a very picturesque little scene, but sadly the photo didn't turn out quite like I expected. Never the less here it is, it still marks a delightful run.

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Wednesday 30 September 2015

Solitary Confinement Is Torture.

      The state likes to keep everybody in line, no disobeying rules, always do as you are told, it works hard at this with the early stages being our education system, and as you go through your life there is a tsunami of propaganda that washes over you on a daily basis, reinforcing conformity. In case this doesn't work there are the police and the judicial system, backed up by the prison system, and by any stretch of the imagination, on entering this, we have left the realms of humanity.
      Within the inhumane system of locking people up in cages, there are degrees of repression that can take you deeper into the morass of dehumanising, in an attempt to turn the individual into a submissive clone of a human. Solitary confinement breaks every aspect of humanity, we are social creatures, to take somebody and lock them away from any human contact, any form of mental stimulation, for days, weeks and months, is nothing short of torture, to break the individual. There is nothing reforming, or rehabilitating about the prison system, it is a tool of state repression to protect its apparatus and power.
      There has been a long running series of hunger strikes at the Menard Correction Center Illinois, against the excessive use of solitary confinement, like all prisoners, they need our support and solidarity.
An appeal from Anti-State STL: 
       On September 23rd, prisoners in the administrative detention unit at Menard Correctional Center in Chester, Illinois declared a hunger strike in response to the administration’s continued unwillingness to respond to their demands for relief from their conditions of long-term solitary confinement. See below for their list of demands and description of their conditions. This strike is a continuation of a series of hunger strikes by the prisoners there, which began in January 2014.
Read the full article HERE:
Our core demands are:

· We demand an end to long term solitary confinement.

    We demand minimum due process at Administrative Detention Review Hearings by providing inmates with written reasons, including new information relied upon, for Committee’s decision for our continued placement in A.D. and be allowed to grieve all adverse decisions. As it stands, the basis of the Committee’s votes are kept secret.
      We demand more access to outside recreation for the sake of our physical and mental health. As it stands, we are confined indefinitely to these cages for 6 days out of the week, with the exception of one 5-hour day. This is unbearable.
      We demand that meaningful educational programs be implemented to encourage our mental stability, rehabilitation, and social development for the sake of ourselves and our communities that we will one day return to.
     We demand access to more visiting privileges. For most of our families traveling to Menard is like traveling to another state. Considering the distance, 2-hour visits behind plexiglass is insufficient. We should be allowed 5 or 6 hours. Moreover, our family members, including inmates, should be provided the human dignity and decency to purchase food items and refreshments from vending machines after traveling such great distances. This would benefit one’s social development, as well as benefit prison staff environment.
        We ask the public’s help by calling the warden, the Director of the Illinois Department of Corrections, and the Governor on September 23, 2015, and so forth, to check on our welfare.

Warden Kimberly Butler, 618-826-5071
Menard Correctional Center
711 Kaskaskia Street
Menard, IL 62259

Director John Baldwin, 217-558-2200
Illinois Department of Corrections
1301 Concordia Court
P. O. Box 19277
Springfield, IL 52794-9277

Governor Bruce Rauner, 217-782-0244
Office of the Governor
207 State House
Springfield, IL 62706

       We will stay on [hunger strike] as long as possible in order to hopefully bring some change to our conditions. We thank you for any kind of support you can give us.
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Tuesday 29 September 2015

Only The People Will Help The People.

       Groups of ordinary people are organising to take necessary supplies to Calais to help those fleeing the bloodshed in the Middle East. In Exarchia in Athens, anarchist have taken over an empty building and are turning it into a temporary residence for refugees. It seems that the only people making an effort to help the people fleeing the Western imperialist created cauldron in the Middle East, are the ordinary people. Governments across Europe prefer to sit in marble halls and talk, each accusing the other of not doing enough, or doing it all wrong, while those in need continue to suffer.
       States are very efficient at organising for war, but fail miserably when it comes to peace and solidarity. The final answer to the problems of the ordinary people will only come when, they themselves take control and shape society for the benefit of all. Solidarity, mutual aid, co-operation, seeing to the needs of all our people, can only be done by the people, freed from the profit motive.
       A huge banner reading "Refugees Welcome Home" is draped across the front of a derelict building in Exarchia, Athens – a district that's generally regarded as the spiritual home to the city's anarchist movement. On Tuesday morning, members of the Anti-authoritarian Movement Athens (AK) occupied a former university dining hall, with the aim of transforming it into a temporary residence for refugees. They want to fix up the space and make it fit to accommodate refugee and migrant families arriving in Athens.
        Crossing a rubble-strewn courtyard, I entered the building to find members of AK making plans for an open meeting later that day. They offered to show me around and explained that before any refugees can be housed, they'll need to work together to clean, disinfect and make the place habitable. The truth is that it'll take a hell of a lot of time and effort because at the moment it's just a building site. The three floors are vast and empty. The ground level consists of a sort of living room, plus what's left of the old kitchen and bathrooms. The first and second floor will accommodate the families, while there are also plans to turn the basement into a storage area. Once complete, it's estimated that the building will accommodate up to 200 people.
Read the full article HERE:
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Syrian Kurdistan.

        Donnacha DeLong, Circled A Radio, returns this week with a show about what's happening in Syrian Kurdistan, with an activist who has seen first hand the new society Kurds are trying to build in the midst of conflict. Features Tottenham's own Zaher Baher talking about what's going on in Rojava in Syria and why they need our solidarity. 

From Libcom By Zaher Baher, from Haringey Solidarity Group and Kurdistan Anarchists Forum

Also a talk on the subject from last year's Anarchist Bookfair.
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Monday 28 September 2015

Elegy Written In A Country Graveyard.

        A few verses from, Elegy Written in a Country Graveyard, by Thomas Gray, a poem that moved me as a child at school, and still one of my favourites.

Let not Ambition mock their useful toil,
         Their homely joys, and destiny obscure;
Nor Grandeur hear with a disdainful smile
         The short and simple annals of the poor.

The boast of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r,
         And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave,
Awaits alike th' inevitable hour.
         The paths of glory lead but to the grave.

Nor you, ye proud, impute to these the fault,
         If Mem'ry o'er their tomb no trophies raise,
Where thro' the long-drawn aisle and fretted vault
         The pealing anthem swells the note of praise.

Can storied urn or animated bust
         Back to its mansion call the fleeting breath?
Can Honour's voice provoke the silent dust,
         Or Flatt'ry soothe the dull cold ear of Death?

Perhaps in this neglected spot is laid
         Some heart once pregnant with celestial fire;
Hands, that the rod of empire might have sway'd,
         Or wak'd to ecstasy the living lyre.

But Knowledge to their eyes her ample page
         Rich with the spoils of time did ne'er unroll;
Chill Penury repress'd their noble rage,
         And froze the genial current of the soul.

Full many a gem of purest ray serene,
         The dark unfathom'd caves of ocean bear:
Full many a flow'r is born to blush unseen,
         And waste its sweetness on the desert air.

Some village-Hampden, that with dauntless breast
         The little tyrant of his fields withstood;
Some mute inglorious Milton here may rest,
         Some Cromwell guiltless of his country's blood.
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An Appeal For Solidarity And Help.


       Hi there: Several different groups from Glasgow are planning to take things to Calais in the week starting Monday 12th October so we are having one last push to collect donations to take.
      WE NO LONGER NEED ANY MORE CLOTHES - thank you to everyone who has donated clothes but we have been overwhelmed and have more than enough. The clothes are being sorted and some will be donated to charities in Glasgow, others will be sold on to raise funds to help pay for taking things to Calais. A lot of the clothes are going to be sent by container to refugee camps in the Lebanon and elsewhere.


- saws,
- hammers,
- screwdrivers,
- crow-bars,
- boltcutters,
- spades
- pickaxes,
- work gloves
- nails and screws,
- wood burners
- camping gas cookers
- cooking pots [not crockery or cutlery please]
- water containers,
- candles,
- tents,
- tarpaulins
- plastic sheeting
- sleeping bags
- blankets.
- Push bikes

       Donations can be dropped off at the St Pauls Building opposite Strathclyde Student Union, 90 John Street G1 1JH MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS & FRIDAYS from 4pm - 7pm.

       We're also looking to raise money to cover the cost of an extra van from Glasgow. If you can help support us please make a donation to the Calais Solidarity Mission…/solidarity-mission-to-calais-ca…

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Sunday 27 September 2015

A cool day, on a cool bike.

How can you not be captivated by the Loch?
       Looking at September, I think some how, some where, somebody, has got our season mixed up. March to August is our cold wet and windy Autumn, followed some how by our September summer, then we can expect our October to March to be our lousy cold, windy, winter. Spring is some kind of illusion.
        In saying that, today I had another nice day up the Loch, you know the one. When I left the north end of Glasgow, it was warm with lots of sunny intervals and little cloud. The loch side was cool, and rather cloudy, not the sun caressing my ageing body with warmth, that I had hoped for, never the less, a great day.
 The plate of soup is just round the next bend.
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