Thursday 13 August 2015

Teachers And Police.

      Anybody that looks at the structure of this society can see that is an extremely unfair, unequal arrangement. The question is how and why does it survive? It survives because the powers that be, the state, have several lines of defence to prevent any real change taking place. One of the first lines of defence is the standardised education system, teachers are the soft police of society. Where they fail to get acquiescences and acceptance of the system, the second line of defence comes in, the police, followed up by the judicial system and prison. When these lines of defence fail, the state will have no hesitation in bringing troops onto the streets to repress the people and any demands they make for real change to the structure of society.
        It is obvious that the first line of defence, the "education system" is failing, as we are seeing more brutal and militarised policing taking place in countries across the globe. The police's duty, first and foremost, is to protect the power and property of the wealthy and the status-quo.
     This is an extract from an article on the police, from the latest issue of Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed. 
      Anarchists know (or should know) that individuals who enter institutions usually come face to face with possible conflicts between institutional norms and their personal integrity. Those who remain end up perpetuating those norms regardless of any possible intention to alter them. But the observation that institutions change people is not the whole story. Power corrupts, but the already corrupt and the easily corruptible seek to join powerful institutions precisely so they will have professional opportunities to exercise their corruption.
     The laughable institutional excuse of supposed bad apples continues to be deployed at press conferences. These supposed bad apples are the ones who join the police in order to harass queers, beat up detainees, demand freebies from sex workers, steal from dealers, frame suspects, punitively deploy crowd control weapons, exercise disproportionate violence, and antagonize and terrorize non-compliant people — up to and including murder. .And who then have the bad taste to get caught. But no Field Training Officer has to teach them how to do these things. When there’s a too-big- to-be-ignored episode of alleged misconduct, all the good cops and their supporters line up with the bad apples, making every person standing with them complicit. Institutional self-preservation doesn’t dissipate even a little in the wake of embarrassing multi-million dollar settlements to survivors of police abuse.
Read the full article HERE:

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Financial Imperialism.

        With the latest colonising of Greece by the financial Mafia, there is now no hope of any rise in the standard of living of the people of Greece. They will be mired in poverty and deprivation for as long as the Troika, (EC, European Commission, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) run the gambling casino that is the EU. The people of Greece have suffered it all, weighted down by a monarchy, they have been occupied militarily, suffered under the yoke of brutal right-wing government, been ruled by generals in a military junta, and had the illusion of democracy under so called "representative democracy", and now colonised by the financial Mafia where they live under the yoke of financial imperialism.
         Their only hope is to smash all aspects of the present system and take control of their own country and their own lives. They have had sessions of all the capitalist ideas of governing controls, all have brought disaster to the people. They could be closer to stepping out of the capitalist prison cell than any of the people of Europe, thanks to the greed and blind stupidity of the parasites running the financial Mafia and their desire to sustain the unsustainable.
      Third, the neo-colonial agreement Europeans leaders have just imposed upon Greece will eventually render the country ungovernable. Tsipras is the third prime minister to be forced into a kiss of death; centrist PASOK and right-wing New Democracy already obliterated themselves by signing up to the previous two bailout agreements. SYRIZA’s fate under the German austerity diktat is unlikely to be any different. Later this year, when draconian tax hikes start biting and Greece is inevitably tipped back into recession, Tsipras’ sky-high ratings will almost certainly start to fall. Even if new elections are to be held in the fall, it is unlikely that the new government will be able to serve out its full term.
       While Tsipras’ demise will be welcomed by the hardliners inside the creditor camp, the truth is that the Eurozone has shortsightedly set itself up for a fall. What makes the third bailout different is that, after Tsipras, there will be no one left inside Greece to credibly manage the memorandum. With the centrist and right-wing opposition in complete disarray, the leftists were quite literally the last hope for political stability and reform. Now, with SYRIZA on the verge of a split and Tsipras bound to suffer growing popular opposition and the withdrawal of grassroots support, it is not clear what pro-EU partner can step into the void and act as the creditors’ mouthpiece inside their newly acquired debt colony.
Read the full article HERE:
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Tuesday 11 August 2015

Sqatter Homeless Autonomy.

        A bit late with this, but better late than never. From Squatter Homeless Autonomy   for more 
       If you are in or around the area, it might be worth a wee visit. Could be fun, could be interesting, could be informative, could be all three, why not pop in and see.

Squatters & Homeless Autonomy (SHA) are hosting five days of talks, workshops, skill-shares & socials this week in a central London squatted space. So far, events include:

Monday 10th, 6pm: Street Resistance
       In our age of state and fascist violence, self-defence is a necessity. Join Monday’s street resistance session, including muay thai and dirty boxing, to develop confidence, technique and composure. Communal vegan food and film afterwards!

Tuesday 11th, 7pm: Talk on Class Stigma, by Lisa Mckenzie
       Join Class War’s Lisa Mckenzie for a talk and discussion on ‘class stigma': the false identities, such as ‘chav’, ‘scrounger’ or ‘thief’, and the anti-working class beliefs they create.

Wednesday 12th, 4pm: Bike Clinic & Culturefuck Cinema
       Tired of bland, commodified, hyper-Westernised culture? Fuck that! Join our culturefuck cinema night, sure to melt your mind. Leave cultural assumptions at home! Also come along to the free bike clinic for all your carbon-free, bike-punx needs.

Thursday 13th, 7pm: Stop TTIP and ‘Infiltration in our Movements’
        On Day 4 of Regeneration, activists from StopTTIP UK will be talking on the looming future of corporate “free trade” agreements and how we can combat it, and Green and Black Cross will be speaking on the state of police infiltration in our movements.

Events will take place at 67 Guildford St., just off Russell Square Further events and location to be confirmed over at SHA’s Arsebook page.
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The Financial Mafia Put The Boot In.

     It looks like the Greek "bailout" will go ahead, and the people of Greece will be in hawk to the financial Mafia to the tune of €86 billion. Not that the people will see much of this money, about 80% of it will find its way, very quickly, back to the bond holders behind the ECB, (European Central Bank), but what the people of Greece will see, is another massive drop in their standard of living, coming from increased taxes, lower pensions,  a higher retiring age, higher VAT, and a relaxing of health and safety conditions and other working conditions, plus a squeeze on wages. They are also expected to stand by and see €50 billion of their public assets sold off at rock bottom prices, to the corporate buddies of the financial Mafia, within the next couple of years. This is the Financial Mafia putting the boot in on the people of Greece, and the national government can go to hell in a hand cart.
     The bailout will not solve Greece's debt problem, most economic "experts" agree on this, most agree that it is unsustainable, no matter if there is another bailout after this one. What it will do, is syphon more public money up to the financial parasites who will bleed country after country dry, see the people of those countries descend into deprivation, with never a compassionate look in their direction. To them people are units to be used for profit and nothing else. 

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Bike, Coffee And Cake.

         Another nice day out on the bike, enjoyed a plate of soup, coffee and cake at the tearoom in photo. A pleasant little place if you're in the Campsie Glen area. Along the block a bit is a famous bike shop, Big Al's, where all the fast guys hang out, I keep to the tearoom.

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Film Night In Glasgow.

A wee reminder:

Tuesday, August 11 at 6:30pm for 7:00
The Portal Plantation Productions, 987 Govan Road, G51 3AJ
Focuses on the urban gardening efforts managed by a public school of
300, mainly African-American, pregnant and parenting teenagers.
     Also COMMON GOOD PROJECT, will be at 
Centre Human Ecology in the Pearce Institute every Thursday from between 
1-4pm, or by prearranged times:

CHE Pearce Institute, 840-860
 Govan Road, Glasgow G51 3UU


    Part of the PAR To increase understanding and encourage participation in helping to build local institutions where research can be shared, discussed and developed with others.
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    Across the globe the various states have their ways of trying to repress dissent, from standardised education systems to draconian laws, and dehumanising prison systems. No matter how vicious the system, dissent and resistance will persist and eventually prevail.
       Wildfire gives a voice to those at the sharp end of that state repression, here you can read personal accounts, poetry and letters from those that the state has set out to destroy. Issue 2 is now available for free download.
          The past months have seen a continuation of prison struggle in its many forms, as well as a blanket of repression from state forces against anarchist insurgency. As international attacks multiplied and the comrades remained steadfast, the Greek hunger strikers won many of their demands. At the same time, the Czech Republic unleashed Operation Phoenix in an effort to repress the struggle there, and the Spanish state continued its attacks against anarchists by initiating raids and arrests in Operation Piñata. Chilean comrades Nataly, Juan, Enrique, and Guillermo won many of their hunger strike demands; while elsewhere in Chile, the state continued its attacks on Tato and Javier, accused of burning a Transantiago bus. Sean Swain was held incommunicado for months and Marius Mason was thrown in solitary for a month. And just days ago, anarchist comrade Ignacio Muñoz Delgado was arrested in Chile by plainclothes cops, who say they found Ignacio with an explosive device and pamphlets expressing solidarity with comrades arrested for an arson attack on the Homicide Investigation Brigade. Hunger strikes from Greece to Chile to Alabama, widespread counter-attacks against repression, the ceaseless cadence of the anarchist war against power. We are disgusted by the state’s attempts to grind our comrades into dust, but we are strengthened by the beautiful flames of anarchy that cannot be contained by recuperation or prison walls.
          We are excited to share the writings in this second issue of Wildfire, for their diversity and their incisiveness. We print texts from comrades previously unknown to us and from those we have struggled alongside for years. We print introductions, poetry, updates, and the first steps in a debate on prison strikes and reformism. Since we refuse any ideology that flattens the polymorphous nature of anarchist thought and practice, we print these very different texts with joy at each of their particularities.
         We send our love to all anarchist combatants caught in the enemy’s dungeons!
– “All Prisoners are Political” by Sean Swain
– “Remember the Dead, Solidarity for the Living” by Brandon Baxter
– A letter from Manuel Salas
– Call for support from Anarchist Black Cross – Florida Prison Chapter
– A letter from Todd Shepard
– Introduction by Christopher L. Young
– “From an Alabama Prison” by Fahamivu Amon
– An update from Gender Anarky
– A letter from Julia Wheelwright
– “Silent Scream” by Francisca Orellana Polanko
– “Buckin in the BOP” by anonymous
– “Federal Sentencing Reforms” by anonymous
– A letter from Michael Kimble
– “Chaotic Confinement” by Charles Chatman
– A Letter from Blacc Lion
– A chronology of the last four months of revolt, repression, and attack.
– “For Spyros Dravilas: Awaiting the Hour of Vengeance”
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Monday 10 August 2015

Perhaps Guilty!!

Perhaps Guilty!

Refugees, displaced persons,
ethnic cleansed, homeless,
Those,    who in this world
experience death before dying,
to stir our apathetic hearts
you invade the comfort of our homes
through hi-tec images, internet-info. 
Like satellite pictures
beamed from another galaxy
we gaze in disbelief.
Perhaps guilt makes us feel relieved
when the picture changes
to the latest soap
or some healthy life-style show.
How can we comprehend such pain,
such raw anguish
from the comfort of an armchair?

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Where Does All The Money Go???

      We are all somewhat confused by the plundering and shuffling of assets by the financial Mafia, we know we are being ripped-off, we know that it was a deliberate ploy to save all the members of that financial Mafia from going bust from their gambling addiction. However, it is such a complex ponzi system that at times we just shake our head and walk away. However, we shouldn't, our living conditions are at stake, the longer this plundering by the financial Mafia goes on the lower our living condition sink, while the wealth continues to syphon upwards. Hospitals and other public assets, will be sold off to keep the ponzi banking system afloat, it is happening now and it will continue until we the people stop the rip-off and bring down the system.

      This a rather long video, but well worth viewing to the end, pity about the adverts.


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Sunday 9 August 2015

Anarchist Agency!!!

       Came across this US site Anarchist Agency, and found it very interesting, is there a similar group here in the UK? Getting our voice to appear in a positive manner in that cesspool the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, is no mean feat, but worth it when it does happen.

       Agency promotes contemporary anarchist perspectives and practices through commentary, media relations, and educational campaigns. Our mission is to:

      Engage the public and the mainstream media about anarchist ideas, practice, and action.

        Ground our work on two basic ideas: first, that anarchism is the most liberating political theory and practice and the least harmful way of approaching the world, and second, that all of society would benefit from a greater public understanding of what anarchists believe and how anarchy works.

       Facilitate the media and public in finding and accessing a multitude of anarchist perspectives, through both pro-active and re-active efforts as well as through acts of cultural intervention. We do this by combining our shared knowledge and experience in public relations and communications work with the writing, speaking, organizing, and awareness-raising skills of contributing writers and activists. By creating original, accessible materials written for a broad audience including anarchists and non-anarchists alike, and promoting anarchist perspectives on a wide range of current events, we amplify the reach of existing anarchist voices and projects.

      Distribute a diversity of anarchist positions that adhere to an anti-state, anti-capitalist, and anti-oppression framework. We acknowledge that there are many different anarchist perspectives and visions, and this project’s aim is to make the public aware of a range of anarchist beliefs, in a spirit of solidarity and non-sectarianism.

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Righteous Anger.

       I call it a welcome show of justifiable anger at the slanderous rhetoric pouring from the mouths of certain politicians and spewing from the babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, against people who are deemed to not be "British" enough. Against the poison being spread about those fleeing death and destruction. Let's support those Polish workers in their stand, perhaps all those "foreign" medical workers should join them. At root, we are all migrants.

     Thousands of Polish people working in Britain are expected to take part in the first ever migrant workers strike in this country later this month. The protest, planned for Thursday 20th August, is the result of discussions on Polish internet forums by people angry at immigrants being blamed for Britain's economic problems.
     And the unofficial strike, which does not involve any trade unions, is being backed by the Polish Express newspaper which has created a Facebook group to promote the event. A red t-shirt produced for the protest states: “Enough! Stop blaming us.”
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Buying Your Own Cage.

      Reading a piece from ROAR Mag, on the Greek debt situation, I was fascinated by the image displayed at the head of the article. Though the article was interesting and informative, all I could think of when looking at the image, was that phrase that we hear constantly form our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, "Getting on the property ladder".

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Saturday 8 August 2015

The Anarchist Critic.

       For a number of years now, I have been putting together, "The Anarchist Critic", a free paper that I distribute on the streets of Glasgow. It used to monthly but with age and other commitments, it is now every other month.
        You can have a read at the latest issue, No.110, August/September, 2015, by clicking on the link below.

The Anarchist Critic. 

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Co-operation And Mutual Aid.

This from X-pressed:

       This is a collaborative ethnographic film about Skoros, an anti-consumerist collective in Exarcheia, Athens, that run a space where people could come and give, take, or give and take goods and services without any norms of reciprocity. Soon after came the Greek “Crisis”, a new kind of “here and now” focusing less on trying to do things differently and more on urgency, a need to provide solidarity to an increasing number of people that were nearing and falling below the poverty line.

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Friday 7 August 2015

Kids Who Die.

      I have long admired the poetry of Langston Hughes Now we can hear the words of his poem "Kids Who Die".

A Movement Grows #Ferguson

       In 1938 civil rights activist and poet Langston Hughes wrote his chilling poem “Kids Who Die” which illuminates the horrors of lynchings during the Jim Crow era. Now, Hughes’ vivid poetry is being featured in a three minute video created by Frank Chi and Terrance Green. It is a startling reminder that the assault on Black lives did not end with the Jim Crow era.
     As we approach the one year mark of the Ferguson uprising that has sparked a movement of resistance against state violence, we are reminded of our ability to secure real change. This is a matter of life or death and we need collective power to win. Join the movement and text JUSTICE to 225568.

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Resistance Is A Duty.

      Is this getting organised, or just making a noise? We have to do something, or we will end up living in a totally privatised world, with the corporate bosses in full control. Though they are not that far off that position today. Under such a sustained attack on the ordinary people of this country, resistance on all fronts, is a duty, solidarity is our weapon for victory.
This from The People's Assembly:

        Just three weeks since we launched the call for a week long protest & festival against the The Conservative Party Conference and we've been overwhelmed by the support from the public, organisations & campaigns. These events now have massive potential and it’s time to spread the excitement.  The Tories think they can take over Manchester from 4-7 October. They want to dominate the headlines with their politics of austerity, with their plans to further rip apart the welfare state. Let’s stop this from happening!
      The People's Assembly, alongside unions, campaigns and local groups, is co-ordinating a national week of action in Manchester throughout their conference. All day, everyday, that they are there, we will be too. Coaches and transport is being organised from across the country. We are appealing to as many people as possible to take off a couple of days from work and stay for as much of the activity as you can.
      Events will include a national demonstration (Sunday 4 October), meetings on topics including: Privatisation, Save our NHS, Climate Change, Education, TTIP, Europe, alternatives to austerity. Plus theatre performances, workshops, direct action, People's Cinema, comedy, music, flash mobs, tent cities & more...
Participants throughout the week include:
      Jeremy Corbyn MP, Frankie Boyle, Charlotte Church, Sam Fairbairn, Frances O'Grady, Len McCluskey, Mark Serwotka, Julie Hesmondhalgh, Owen Jones, John Hillary, Terry Christian, Sam Duckworth, Kate Marlow, Mark McGowan, Kevin Maguire, Francesca Martinez, Mark Steel, Jeremy Hardy, Dave Ward, Sara Pascoe, David Walker (Bishop of Manchester), Lindsey German...and more to be announced!
       The People's Assembly will be providing cheap accommodation for a couple of quid a night. This won't be glamorous . As it stands we are booking a large sports centre in the evenings where people can sleep. Toilets & shower facilities will be available and we're in discussions with organisations about providing discounted food for those staying over. You'll need to bring a sleeping bag and camping mat. We'll organise somewhere to store bags and belongings during the day. Full details and booking will be available in the next couple of weeks. Alternatively you can book yourself into hostels or hotels. Click here for local hostels We'll keep you updated with all arrangements.  
      Keep checking the People's Assembly website for updates about what coaches have been booked, where they are picking up from and when.   
Let’s get organised!!
The People's Assembly Against Austerity
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The Magic Of Anarchism.

      The story of what happens when an old man leaves his home to go and live with his family and gives his house to a bunch of anarchists.

      Three years ago, health problems forced Krist to move in with family, abandoning the house.
       Squatters came and went, leaving behind a maze of extension cords and a mountain of waste. Inside, garbage, debris and junk piled high. The Lincoln sat idle in the driveway, coated with years of dust.
     Eventually, neighbors nailed boards across the windows and doors to keep the scavengers out. Weeds grew unchecked where once gardens had flourished, attracting a citation from city inspectors.
     Around that time, Krazy Bill connected with an anarchist collective that was loosely based in Tempe, which called itself Carpe Locus. The group was looking for a home. Bill invited them to use his house, if they could clean the weeds and clean the garbage out.
Read the full article HERE:
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