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Showing posts sorted by date for query planet. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday 30 September 2023

Last Stand?


Image lifted from my friend Loam's blog  Arrezafe      

          To anyone who looks at world affairs it will be obvious that the Dollar and those who control it, are losing their grip on world domination. More and more countries across the planet are tiring of cow-towing to the the whims and desires of that bunch of psychopaths that hold the power of the dollar as a weapon to coercive them to follow the dictate of U$A imperialism. More countries are joining up to trade in their own currencies, freeing themselves for the Dollar domination. In the past those who dared to stand against the Dollar domination, found their country and its people steeped in blood, and left with a land of destroyed infrastructure, poverty and deprivation. The continent of South America has for centuries felt the wrath of the mighty Dollar as it was controlled, plundered and pillaged to enrich the imperial Dollar brigade. The U$A Dollar psychopaths have had no qualms about killing thousands of innocent people just to maintain their dominance. Vietnam, Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, have all felt the wrath of the plundering all powerful Dollar. All have seen their country and their people fall into lands of despair, left to rot or struggle as best they can to recover.
        Looking at its history of actions to maintain its dominance, one fears for what depth it will sink in what it sees as the final stand for world domination. Their previous brutal actions could fade into insignificance as it makes that last grasp for world dominance. Will it throw nuclear weapons around like confetti, believing it will survive and over come the rest of the world. I for one don't believe it will capitulate quietly and be content to lose all that wealth and power that it has held for so long. 

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Friday 29 September 2023

UN Hypocrisy.


        Nice to hear a little bit of truth being spoken in that office of U$A world control, The United Nations. Just a couple of extracts from those prepared to speak a semblance of truth at the 2023 United Nations General Assembly.  

After a bumbling, incoherent speech by President Biden, Latin America again took the stage in the person of President Gustavo Petro of Colombia:

         While the minutes that define life or death on our planet are ticking on, rather than halting this march of time and talking about how to defend life for the future, thanks to deepening knowledge, expand it to the universe, we decided to waste time killing each other. We are not thinking about how to expand life to the stars, but rather how to end life on our own planet. We have devoted ourselves to war. We have been called to war. Latin America has been called upon to produce war machines, men, to go to the killing fields.
       They’re forgetting that our countries have been invaded several times by the very same people who are now talking about combatting invasions. They’re forgetting that they invaded Iraq, Syria and Libya for oil. They’re forgetting that the same reasons they use to defend Zelenskyy are the very reasons that should be used to defend Palestine. They forget that to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, we must end all wars.
       But they’re helping to wage one war in particular, because world powers see this suiting themselves in their game of thrones, in their hunger games and they’re forgetting to bring an end to the other war because, for these powers, this did not suit them. What is the difference between Ukraine and Palestine, I ask? Is it not time to bring an end to both wars, and other wars too, and make the most of the short time we have to build paths to save life on the planet?
        …I propose that the United Nations, as soon as possible, should hold two peace conferences, one on Ukraine, the other on Palestine, not because there are no other wars in the world—there are in my country—but because this would guide the way to making peace in all regions of the planet, because both of these, by themselves, could bring an end to hypocrisy as a political practice, because we could be sincere, a virtue without which we cannot be warriors for life itself.

Petro was not the only leader who upheld the value of sincerity and assailed the hypocrisy of Western diplomacy. Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines cut to the chase:

       Let us clear certain ideational cobwebs from our brains. It is, for example, wholly unhelpful to frame the central contradictions of our troubled times as revolving around a struggle between democracies and autocracies. St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a strong liberal democracy, rejects this wrong-headed thesis. It is evident to all right-thinking persons, devoid of self-serving hypocrisy, that the struggle today between the dominant powers is centered upon the control, ownership, and distribution of the world’s resources.

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Monday 11 September 2023


          We should always remember the violence carried out and/or orchestrated  by the U$A against states that don't follow their rules. The list is long and the details horrific as catalogues of state terror heaped on innocent people. America's first imperialist adventure was the Philippines, 1899-1902. Since then it has invade countries across the globe on a regular basis.

                                              Image courtesy of Radio Havana Cuba.

          Today 11th September marks the 50th anniversary of the American orchestrated military overthrow of the legitimate elected government of Chile. The Presidential Palace, La Modena, was bombed by military jets, the legitimated elected president Salvadore Allende was killed. General Augustus Pinochet took the reins of power. What followed was years of brutal repression of the people of Chile with thousands killed and as many "disappeared". Dictator Pinochet ruled until 1990 but continued as Commander-in-Chief until 1998, when he became senator-for-life according to legislation he passed in 1980. He has a close friend of the UK Thatcher government.  Still it goes on, from Korea to Vietnam, Afghanistan to Iraq, Libya to Syria the U$A proxy war in Ukraine and the belligerent military attitude to China, a desire to maintain its dominant position in the world is a road to total destruction for civilised life on the planet.    

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Monday 4 September 2023



       Why do we the public put up with so much crap, duplicity, corruption, and greed from those we pay to manage our affairs? We have minsters fiddling their tax, funds stashed away in off shore accounts, over claiming expenses, while legislating austerity for us, the ones who pay their wages. You have members of Parliament going on the huff because they didn't get a seat in the House of Lords. Rishi £750 million Sunak fights hard to get a job that pays £164K a year, why? He could easily sign up with some merchant bank firm and probably earn about 5 times that salary plus bonuses and privileges. What was his real motive, could it be to get his hands on the control levers of our society and direct our affairs in the favour of his wealth and that of his cronies. We have ministers overseeing the building of schools, hospitals and social centres with our tax money, that are not fit for purpose. Why would you even considering building schools with a life expectancy of 30 years and then they become a risk to the lives of those who use them How many high private office buildings are built useing this weak cheap crap concrete? Is this material just for the peasants and tax payers money?

        Of course you could go on, they start and indulge in wars, apart from pouring billions of pounds of our tax money into this savagery for power and resources they kill thousands of innocent people, displace millions, then set up a "hostile environment" for those displaced because of their state terrorism called war. They push the irrational illusion of perpetual growth at the expense of all life on the planet, why?
         Since we stupidly accepted the state and capitalism, we have seen poverty mushroom across the planet, wars and destruction devastating the lives of millions and a few war mongering wealthy parasites get richer and richer. Still millions run to the ballot box to vote in more of the same. Surely insanity, we can't just go on the way things are, we have to call enough is enough and do our damnedest to bring this whole edifice to greed, insanity and selfishness crumbling down. There is a better way to organise our society, if only we would take control and shape our communities, workplaces and towns and cities they way we want them, to be fair, just and seeing to the needs of all our people. When will we ever learn.

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Tuesday 29 August 2023



          The following is a comment from an article on the war in Ukraine. It is always good to hear as many opinions as possible and come to a some sort of decision about  the £millions of British tax payers money that is being thrown into this blood bath of youth. What kind of regime are we supposedly bolstering with weapons and money, how many of Ukrainian's youth will be sacrificed to support the lie that it all about democracy.

Realist · 1 day ago

         In order to accept the amount of violence and death incurred by our Ukrainian proxy pawns, most Americans must reflexively assume that the "other side" in all these wars that America deliberately provokes or starts never has a legitimate thing to say or point of view to defend. They are assumed wrong, guilty of moral deficiencies and undeserving of any more life simply by fact of not being Americans. Non-American lives carry no value whatsoever. As many lives as you like may be slaughtered slowly and methodically or stamped out in one fell swoop.
       It is never wrong to hoodwink these poor fools into basically serving as nothing more than cannon fodder to further the international policies of the American government, which in the case of Ukraine is simply to do damage of some kind to the Russian state or its assets, which happens to stand as a slight impediment to absolute American hegemony on the planet. Nobody gets to influence even their own neighborhood on the other side of the world unless we say so. Savage actions like the industrial scale murder of half a million young men representing virtually the entire next generation for the people of Ukraine is callously thought "worth it" or justified to achieve these goals versus the oh-so-evil Russians.
      The facts that the government of Ukraine, which we helped install illegitimately through a coup d'etat, are dedicated Nazis who still worship actual historical Nazis from WWII, who practice no semblance of actual democracy in their own governance, and who deliberately and methodically spent 8 entire years repressing the resident ethnic Russians within the borders of Ukraine, disenfranchising, censoring and conducting genocide against them until at least 15,000 such victims had been killed.
      All those actions, which might be considered heinous crimes if committed by some other population, are just readily brushed aside because the killing is not being done by Americans and the dying is nearly entirely being done by i) a people (the Ukies) whom we do not care about whatsoever and ii) a people (the Russkies) whom we hate for no reasons that ever have to be honestly admitted or logically explained. We are the exceptional ones and need offer no explanations. They are the Untermenschen and unworthy of life, let alone competing in this world with the glorious USA. Now where have we heard the likes of all that before? 

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Sunday 20 August 2023

It's a Con.

           While our planet goes through a man made catastrophe of monumental proportions that risks the demise of most of the species on the planet, including our own, our political ballerinas pump out a mixture of bullshit and garbage. We are told it is our life style, that of you and I, the ordinary people have to change. We are offered advice on how to safe the planet, from taking shorter showers, shallower baths and only boiling the water we need in the kettle. This might be good advice in saving on energy bills as we all live in or on the edge of poverty, brought about by the economic system that is destroying the planet. However this advice will not save the planet nor make much of an impact. The only way to save the planet from this threatening doom, is go after the ones with the biggest carbon footprints. Instead of taking a short time in the shower, how about demanding that those in the billionaire/millionaire parasite class get rid of their co2 pumping massive luxury yachts, their gas guzzling limousines and private jets, and their several luxury mansions dotted around the planet. The carbon footprint of one of these greedy thoughtless parasites is probably equal to a small village and all its inhabitants.
       Then of course their is the one that must not be mentioned, the largest carbon 
footprint on the planet, wars and the military industrial complex. States will take no measure to ban wars but will ban non electric cars and replace them with electric vehicles which still produce all the co2 in the production of the internal combustion car, plus their insatiable requirements of lithium for their enormous batteries. Of course lithium comes with a massive carbon footprint in its mining and refining and shipping around the planet and massive distribution centres. The disaster of climate change we are all facing will not be solved by you and I changing a few things in our lifestyle. It will take root and branch destruction of the present economic system which is based on perpetual growth for profit for the few and poverty for the many. A system that allows a select few to amass unimaginable wealth at the expense of the planet and our civilisation, and who stand unaccountable. What sane mind would accept this unnecessary mad suicide dash because of a greedy thoughtless few. 

Monday 14 August 2023


          I wrote the following article away back in March 2007, but I think is more relevant today that ever before. We are at present witnessing the disastrous result of climate change and at an ever increasing rate. To persist with the present insane self centre greed driven economic system is to be blind to the obvious disaster that we all face.

You Must be Red to be Green

           Green issues are frequently spouted on TV, radio,and the press with lots of business hot shots and pompous politicians commenting on this solution and that solution, of course never mentioning,that it is the corporate greed machine and its ever increasing quest for profit that is the prime cause of our environmental problems. However the truth is, not until there is sustained and successful challenge to the short term interests of this planet-trashing corporate greed machine and its replacement by a sane and sustainable system of seeing to needs rather than greed, will any of the suggested solutions make an impact.
         The economic structures of society have to be changed before environmental issues can be seriously dealt with and resolved. As long as the primary economic structure is the greed driven corporate profit motive, blessed and implemented by the usual corrupt state power, any attempt at resolving environmental problems will be ineffective. The present economic system is plundering and raping the planet for profit and is taking us and our descendants down a road to environmental disaster. To ask the corporate world to be more caring and compassionate and think of the long term interests of us all, is rather naive to say the least. they have to compete with each other or die and will always work to maximise their profits come what may, or their shareholders will leave in droves.
         The corporate world is just one big greedy machine, avaricious and insatiable, within the corporate greed machine is a ruling class that puts its interests before the interests of society as a whole. It is obvious that this is in direct conflict and contrary to the long-term planet wide solutions required to reverse global warming. This short term self-interest of the corporate greed machine must not be allowed to override the interests of the world's population. We cannot allow the short term interests of the pampered privileged parasite shareholders to govern our world, all our futures are at stake. Only when we have eradicated this short-term self interest of the corporate greed machine, abandoned parasitical shareholders to the dustbin of history, can we hope to reverse the environmental disaster we are facing. The future of our children and grandchildren depend on us carrying out this necessary restructuring of society. The more you examine today's environmental problems the more it becomes obvious, that to be Green, you have to be Red.
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Thursday 3 August 2023



         For how long will humanity accept the pimps and gods of war to dominate our lives. Slaughter in the name of power, wealth and domination over others has plagued humanity for centuries and we seem to have learned nothing. The following poem could have been written yesterday but sadly it was written circa 2285-2250 BCE by the first ever named woman poet Enheduanna and still the Gods of war are "raging like thunderstorms" when will we turn in our millions against the rising wings of war, once and for all.

Lament to the Spirit of War

by Enheduanna

loose translation/interpretation by Michael R. Burch

You hack down everything you see, War God!

Rising on fearsome wings
you rush to destroy our land:
raging like thunderstorms,
howling like hurricanes,
screaming like tempests,
thundering, raging, ranting, drumming,
whiplashing whirlwinds!

Men falter at your approaching footsteps.

Tortured dirges scream on your lyre of despair.

Like a fiery Salamander you poison the land:
growling over the earth like thunder,
vegetation collapsing before you,
blood gushing down mountainsides.

Spirit of hatred, greed and vengeance!

Dominatrix of heaven and earth!

Your ferocious fire consumes our land.
Whipping your stallion
with furious commands,
you impose our fates.
You triumph over all human rites and prayers.

Who can explain your tirade,

why you carry on so?

                                          Image courtesy of Peace & Planet News.

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Monday 31 July 2023


        By stealth, subterfuge, and smoke and mirrors, that is how most states function. They pump out a phoney statement with innocent sounding misnomers, but the intention is slithering into place, and the powers that be hope it will not be noticed until it becomes an accepted fact and is too late to reverse. It has been the opus operandi for states across time and the planet. Sadly the result is usually horrendous bloodshed, death and destruction for the innocent. However, this fate is not heaped on the perpetrators of this callous, brutal deceit. When will we ever learn, the state is the enemy of the people, equality, peace, justice and freedom. Its demise is our only hope of a better world for all. 

From Struggle La Lucha.
July 31, 2023 Gary Wilson 
           U.S. troops in Poland, near the Ukraine border. In July, President Biden authorized an addition 3,000 reservists to join more than 12,000 troops in NATO countries surrounding Ukraine. Is this troop build up in preparation for “boots on the ground” in Ukraine? Newsweek reported that in July NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced a support package for Ukraine that would “result in the U.S. eventually sending soldiers to fight in the war against Russia.”
            U.S. troops in Poland, near the Ukraine border. In July, President Biden authorized an addition 3,000 reservists to join more than 12,000 troops in NATO countries surrounding Ukraine. Is this troop buildup in preparation for “boots on the ground” in Ukraine? Newsweek reported that in July NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced a support package for Ukraine that would “result in the U.S. eventually sending soldiers to fight in the war against Russia.”
        The Pentagon has approved hazard pay for U.S. troops serving in Ukraine, paving the way for a possible expanded presence. Military Times reported July 27 on the new hazard pay policy.
         Troops who qualify will get back pay as far back as April 24, 2022.
         “Grier Martin, who is temporarily serving as the Pentagon’s top personnel official, approved the change in a July 13 memo, which was posted to the unofficial ‘Air Force amn/nco/snco’ Facebook page,” Military Times says.
         The approval of hazard pay is seen as a sign that the Pentagon is preparing for a possible expansion of the U.S. military presence in Ukraine. The Biden administration has steadily increased the number of special forces “advisers” and trainers in the country. While calling them advisers and trainers, they actively participate in the war.
        Washington has a long history of entering wars this way, from Vietnam to Central America to Afghanistan. The U.S. initially claimed it was not sending “boots on the ground” to Vietnam, but eventually, there were over 500,000 U.S. troops in Vietnam. The U.S. also claimed that it was not sending troops to El Salvador, but eventually, over 500 U.S. special forces were operating in El Salvador, commanding the Salvadoran military dictatorship.
        Washington won’t say that it is directly involved in combat in Ukraine. It can be expected to stick to euphemisms (advisers or security details) to describe its activities. The euphemisms are its way of expanding involvement, hoping no one will notice the increasing numbers of troops on the ground.
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Saturday 29 July 2023


            I have lived a long life, heading for 90, and throughout the adult period of that life I have heard repeated bullshit spewed out by the crooks and liars that hold the reins of power. As each election approaches, (I call them crooks and liars competitions) I've listened to those phoney pledges, "We will end child poverty" "we'll end homelessness". So here we are and the figures for homelessness are staggering to say the least. The figures here are for England alone, I have no doubt that the other three parts of this part of the planet called The United Kingdom will swell the numbers considerably.
         No doubt when the elected crooks and liars hear of these figures they may 
spout, "pandemic", "Ukraine", but the figures are the worst for 25 years. In England, according to a recent report by Shelter, almost 250,000 are in temporary accommodation, this is up 74% over the last 10 years, the present bunch of crooks and liars have been in control for 13 years, so we know where the blame lies. In this human disaster there are123,000 children living, (if you can call it living) in temporary accommodation. In England 1 in 208 are homeless,15,000 are living in hostels and there are 2,400 sleeping rough.
         This is an indictment of failure of the present economic system, it is not that 
we live in a poor country, we are among the richest countries in the world. Yet all my long life I have heard these callous phoney promises, but the poverty and deprivation continues. It is not an immutable fact of nature, it is the result of an economic system that pillages and plunders the riches created by the people and channels it into the coffers of the wealthy, powerful, pampered, parasite class. We are the causalities of a class war, a war we can win if we come together in organised solidarity, throughout our workplaces and communities. We have the numbers, the imagination and the knowledge to end this cruel insanity and create that better and fairer world for all our people.
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Monday 24 July 2023



          We live in a very unequal society, a world of inequality that stretches across the planet with its ensuing misery and deprivation for the majority. What our plunderers and pillagers of the corporate parasite class and their state bed companions should do well to remember is that an unequal world is an unstable world. Fractures are already appearing and the anger is simmering just beneath the surface, occasionally bursting forth in riots, insurrection and resistance, built on a shared burden of struggle. As the capitalist system is utterly incapable of creating an equal society as it is based on profit from exploitation, it is also incapable of creating a stable and fair society. It becomes ever more obvious that if we want a fair and just society we will have to dismantle the present economic system of profit which is driven by greed and self interest. There is no magic wand, nor will the change come from above with a bunch of roses. The change we want will have to be wrestled from the hands of the plundering capitalist system we must replace. Banners and polite marches with snap slogans will not force the plunderers to relinquish their opulent lifestyles in favour of equality and fairness. It will take the mass of the population to rise up and in solidarity state that enough is enough, we will be free and live in a fair society that sees to the needs of all our people.

 The Invisible.

We live there— yes— there
A little bit above the dead
But quite a bit below the living
Where poverty is a dream
Deprivation a reality
Our daily bread an illusion
We sigh--we weep—
As ruthless poverty
With its cold claws
Tears the heart from our children
We ask—WHY?
Surrounded by opulence
Invisible to arrogant greed
Anger simmers beneath the surface
We seek equality
We will have justice
If blood is the price
So be it. 
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            This government seems to find it easy to come up with money for any of its pet schemes. Take our Monarch Charles III at present he gets a present annually of tax payers money to the tune of £86.3 million, obviously struggle to keep up his standard of living, the state steps in and for 2025 he will receive an wee boost of tax payers money to the tune of £38.5 million, bring his tax payers gift to a tidy £124.8 million annually. Does he need it? Is he struggle to get by on a taxpayers gift of £86.3 million? Recent research shows that Charles III's personal wealth is in the £2 billion region. Who else in this country has a personal fortune in the region of £2 billion and receives a tax payers annual gift of £124.8 million? Obviously there is no shortage of tax payers money to help out billionaires, but not any for struggling health workers, teachers homelessness, child poverty, and others struggling to maintain some standard of living.
         In another field where the government is extremely generous with your money is in what they call the "defence" budget, in actual fact it is a "war" budget. I can't think of a country on the planet that has any plans to invade the UK, except perhaps America, if we don't do as we are told in supporting U$A's endless wars.
         Our war budget for 2021/22 was £45.9 billion and our £800 million Prime Minister has stated we will "ramp up" "defence investment" (war preparation). Of course he doesn't mean with his money, but with yours. The war budget has in 2020 received a £24 billion "cash boost", again, your cash, and they want to feed it more of your money.
         When do we wake up to the fact that we are day and daily being continually shafted by the rich and privileged parasite class. While in public they shed crocodile tears about our dire situation, and privately laugh at us as they sip their champagne doing deals of pillage and plunder.
         That better life for all means we have to bring this whole stinking edifice to greed, corruption and self indulgence, this capitalism and state, joined at the hip, insanity, to an end.
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Thursday 20 July 2023



          Everybody surely knows that there is something dangerously wrong with our present economic system. It has in the past, present and will in the future fail miserable to see to the basic needs of all of humanity and the survival of humanity itself. If you are a member of that strata of people at the receiving end of the economic system’s free hand out of poverty and deprivation, you’ll understand what I’m saying. 

                                              Image courtesy of The Communist.

          Why does this system persist despite in vicious disregard for the vast majority of humanity? It spawns wars across the globe from South America to Africa, the Middle East to Europe, wars that only the privileged few gain from, but the vast majority suffer the consequences the deaths, injuries and devastation. We are prisoners of a system owned and controlled by a small number of very rich individuals and massive international monopoly corporations. The only result from such plundering and pillaging the Earth’s resources is to deny the vast majority of humanity a decent standard of living. 

         This system persists because of our subservience to the illusions peddled by its propaganda machine and the control by the various states that manges the population with laws, rules and regulations that perpetuate the existing status-quo. Change will only come when we start to see through the illusions and help others to join us in dispelling myth and replacing it with facts. Awakening to the fact that our acceptance of this system of injustice and savage brutality is not laid down in tablets of stone from some immutable design, it is human designed system and can be changed only by human intervention on a massive scale. We have to abolish borders, erase racism, grow our solidarity for all repressed people and build on co-operation, sustainability and justice for all. We accept the inequality and injustice and hand it down to our children and grandchildren or we stand up, join hands, get organised on a massive scale and make the changes we need and are due, as we are the creators of all the wealth on this planet. Organised solidarity is our winning weapon.

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