Sunday 7 April 2013

Eighteen Hungry Children.

     Today's poem, written more than ten years ago, and the figure has not changed much in that time, is a poem to turn your thoughts to those children born to die, children who have no future and die of hunger in a world of plenty.

Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day
eighteen of tomorrow’s people
cruelly thrown away.
When pandering to a fashion
gratifying our greed,
think, theirs is no desire
but a basic need.
Envisage a familiar face
a child that calls your name,
try to be the parent
try to place the blame.
Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day,
eighteen little faces
that never learnt to play.
Walk past your local school
listen to the shrill,
stand and count to sixty
imagine hunger start to kill.
Fingers must be pointed
at decisions made on high,
questions must be asked
loudly asked by you and I.
Eighteen hungry children die
every minute of every day,
eighteen precious lives
the claws of hunger slay.

ann arky's home.

The Red Rock, Icaria.

      Most of us are now aware of the tragic state of the vast majority of the population of Greece, with massive unemployment, rapid increase if health problems both mental and physical and in your face poverty and deprivation. It's the “financial crisis” we are told, we have to slash your standard of living to pay the losses of the gamblers in the financial Mafia. The plan, of course is to promise everybody pie-in-the sky, from those wonderful green shoots of growth, that will miraculously appear in the distant future, and put the whole stinking mess back on track for another rip-off session for the corporate world. To say the whole of Greece has been decimated is not quite accurate. 
     There is a Greek island called Icaria, sometimes called the Red Rock, not because of the colour of the landscape, but more the colour of its lifestyle. The islanders of Icaria have always been an independent lot and threw the Turks out in 1912 and declared themselves, The Free State of Icaria. Shortly after this they join with Greece. In 1947 when the nationalist in Greece defeated the communists, with no little help from the British military, the nationalist government rounded up 13,000 communists and deported them to Icaria. The communists soon integrated with the locals and their influence has helped shape the lifestyle on the island to this day. The island never embraced the consumer society and they live a more communal community oriented system. If somebody on the island wants to build a house, or repair a barn, the labour will come free from the community, knowing that it will be returned when their needs require. The type of comments from the islanders goes something like, “These city folks see something in the evening and they must have it in the morning and seldom is anything they buy something that they really need. Consumerism is not happiness.”
       So far they have been more or less untouched by the financial Mafia's rape and plunder of Greece, perhaps the rest of the country could see an answer to their problems if they take a wee look at the island of Icaria. In fact, perhaps we could all learn something of value from the people on that sunny island situated in the Aegean. 

ann arky's home.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Kelvin Meadow.

   More on The Kelvin Meadows, see earlier post Kelvin Meadows Belongs To The People.

Video from CityStrolls.

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A Needless Sea of Tears.

And today's poem is:

Though we live in a world of callous commerce
and know justice
is an altar where the caring are sacrificed,
see freedom as a river that runs parched
in the fierce desert of poverty,
our thoughts cannot be chained
our dreams will not be caged.
 We will think beyond the profit race
dream beyond the market place
in friendship clasp each human hand
with compassion try to understand
our differences, our hopes, our fears,
dragging this world from its needless sea of tears.

ann arky's home.

How To Increase Your Workforce Without Increasing Your Wage Bill.

         Are there any idiots out there who believe that Poundland and Homebase etc., take on unemployed people under the ConDem's workfare scheme simply to help them find a job? I have no doubt across the country's boardrooms the discussions will be around how many they can take on in an attempt to keep down their wage bill. It's great value, a subsidy from the government to their millionaire friends, free labour, slavery with the stamp of legitimacy.
      Continuous demonstrations against this modern day slave labour scheme have been responsible for some companies dropping out of this government gift scheme to their corporate buddies, they don't like the bad publicity, it could damage their profit margins, they want you the public to love them. More needs to be done to kill this scheme dead. However, Homebase have just blown away any illusions that were there, about this being for the benefit of the unemployed.

     Leaked internal document appears to promote the use of unpaid jobseekers to reduce company payroll costs. Homebase has been accused of "vulture" business practices after a leaked internal document appeared to promote the idea of using unpaid jobseekers to keep down company payroll costs. The DIY retailer confirmed that a photo of more than a dozen unemployed jobseekers from the government's work experience programme, captioned, "Would 750 hours with no payroll costs benefit YOUR store?" was produced by company staff for an internal discussion.
Of course you can forget all that crap about it being voluntary
     Jobseekers have been made to do compulsory unpaid work for up to four weeks after refusing to take part in the voluntary work experience scheme. The revelation, supported by documents released through the Freedom of Information Act, calls into question the concessions made to the voluntary programme last month, which removed a two-week benefit sanction imposed on those dropping out of that scheme, as refusal to complete a placement on the compulsory scheme can lead to jobseekers' benefits being stopped for three to six months.
     This is the grand plan, get wages down to sweatshop level, cut all social spending, (reduces big businesses tax bills) and then force those who can't find work into a job for no wages. That way our beloved corporate benefactors will be able to compete with all the other sweatshop economies across the globe. Who can possible object to that plan?
     Day by day it becomes more obvious that this greed driven system called capitalism has nothing to offer the ordinary people, we get screwed on a daily basis by well coiffured, shiny suited, (Boris Johnston excepted) millionaires. How they must laugh when at their sumptuous dinner parties, they sarcastically talk about austerity and us all being in this together. I can hear them in their mansions, giggle over cocktails as they joke about the "bedroom tax". I can imagine the conversation in their posh clubs, as they discuss how many employees they can take on-board without paying them a penny in wages. Are we waiting to see if they will change and perhaps share their cake with us? We'll have a long wait.

ann arky's home.

Friday 5 April 2013

Let's Roar!

Continuing a poem a day throughout April;


The problem’s too big
the perpetrators unknown
you can’t beat the system
all on your own.
So it’s easy to withdraw
find your own little cage
turn a blind eye to the suffering
stifle your rage,
but the greed goes on
the poverty’s still there,
you can’t just leave it
for your children to bear.
Others feel as you do
eager to put things right
but locked in isolation
it’s a hopeless fight,
so don’t sit in silence
behind a closed door,
your voice can help raise
a whisper to a roar.

ann arky's home.


An appeal from LabourStart:
Andy Hall.      A labour rights activist, Andy Hall, is facing the possibility of years in prison and a multi-million dollar fine because he helped write a report exposing rights violations, including the use of child labour, by a fruit processing company in Thailand.
      The charge against him is that he broadcasted "false statements to the media" -- which is untrue.
      Two global union federations have launched an online campaign through LabourStart to mobilize thousands of protest messages demanding that the charges be dropped.
Please take a moment to send off your message - click here.
And then please spread the word to your fellow union members.
Thanks very much!

Eric Lee
P.S. There's a 7 minute long interview with Andy on Radio Labour this week - click here to listen to it. 

ann arky's home.

North Kelvin Meadow Belongs To The People.

     North Kelvin Meadow is a wild area  in the north west of Glasgow. In its past it has been several things, but it lay derelict for years and then the local community decided to develop it, they planted trees and cultivated other parts and generally managed the whole area and decades later they have a wonderful meadow/woodland for kids and adults alike to enjoy. An area to walk, play, meet, have events, the last wild place in the city for kids to learn about nature while having fun. Community driven for the benefit of all, a display of what a local community can achieve if left to their own devices.

       It is not a void sitting in an area, it is a vibrant city asset where regular events are held attracting 1000 or more people a month, people walk though it in all seasons enjoying the changes, parents with the children are frequent visitors. The kids love the freedom to run and roam. All this driven and maintained by the local community.

      You would imagine that the City Council would be proud of its citizens and what they had achieved, and perhaps even chip in a couple of quid here and there. However, this is Glasgow City Council and it is more corporate friendly than community friendly. It has the grand plan to level the whole area for developers and see it turned into high-end luxury flats.

      Think about it, the last wild place in the city, an environmentally friendly asset used by thousands, beneficial to all especially the kids, costing the council nothing, and they want to wipe it of the face of the map with the only beneficial effects being to the developers bank accounts. North Kelvin Meadow belongs to the people.

       The community is fighting back and have been for some time now, and yesterday they took their campaign to the City Chambers in George Square and voiced their disgust and anger. This campaign deserves the support from all of us citizens of the city, the North Kelvin meadow is there for all of us to use. If the council gets its way, it will not be there for much longer. 

ann arky's home.

Thursday 4 April 2013

I Want To Believe.

Another day in April and another poem.

I want to believe
All that is good is out there
Sleeping in hearts that live in dark valleys,
About to blossom like some magic woodland,
In spite of war, in spite of greed
The essence that is humanity struggling to be free.
All around death arrives in many guises,
Silent as the frost poverty kills,
The ruthless march of war
With every drum beat seeks God’s blessing,
While the God fearing kill the God fearing,
Slaughter in the name of the greater good.
I want to believe
All that is good is out there
Sleeping in the hearts that live in dark valleys
About to blossom like some magic woodland,
Not just as the dream of poets.

ann arky's home.

The Edge Fund Get-Together,




  • Are you and your community facing injustice or discrimination?
  • Do you want to raise your voice and transform society? 
  • Do you find you are treated differently to others because of your class, disability, gender, race, nationality, religion, sexuality or other factors?
  • Do you want to do something about it?

Welcome 2013 with revolutionary fervour at THE EDGE FUND GLASGOW LAUNCH PARTY 

Edge Fund activists are looking for artists, activists, performers and community organisers to make the Glasgow launch night amazing.  The Edge Fund is a really good sign of things to come. There are so many amazing people out there who can benefit. We want to showcase the biggest talents from the roaring belly of resistance on our streets and in our communities. Please do email over any links / suggestions ASAP to - Check out the Edge Fund launch in London here - more videos and footage here
Screen Shot 2013-03-14 at 15.18.38 
  • 7.00 – 7.30 performances – why we need to build community power .. the issues alive in Glasgow.
  • 7.30 – 8.00 small group feedback
  • 8.00 – 8.15 – Q and A 
  • 8.15- 8.45 - Soulful music chillax- connect shout outs to different crews, organisations and groups in the building, in case people wish to make connections and network.
There is a new fund that can support you. If you are experiencing injustice and have your own ideas about how you can stop it happening or have an idea about how we can create a society where everyone is treated equally, please get in touch. It could be a new idea or one you have already put into action. It could be about jobs, housing, benefits, education, crime, access to public services, the environment or anything else that affects your daily life. EDGE FUND is a group of people from different backgrounds who decide together how the money should be given out. Within our group are both people who give and receive money.We are looking for people to jto join us, especially those most affected by inequality and injustice.  
If you have an idea for a project and need some money and support to develop it or make it happen, or would like to get involved in another way please call Sophie on 07767126915 or email More information is on our website
Here's just some of the amazing contributors performing on the night ......
  • Cathy McCormack - long term anti-poverty campaigner from Easterhouse Glasgow, author of ‘The Wee Yellow Butterfly’ and radio presenter of the 'The War against the Poor in Britain' series 
  • Rosie Kane - Comedian and former MSP performing parts of her new show!
  • Galgael who provide a space that serves as something of a safe harbour for those whose lives have been battered by storms such as worklessness, depression or addiction 
  • The Glasgow Sex Worker Open University (SWOU) - a project created by and for sex workers. SWOU's aim is to empower our community through workshops, debates, actions and art projects as well as fighting against our criminalisation 
  • The African Caribbean Network who promote the inclusion of African and Caribbean residents as equal and valued members of their communities 
  • Camcorder Guerrillas are a Glasgow community-based, voluntary collective of professional filmmakers, artists and activists, working together to make and showcase documentaries for those concerned with human rights, welfare and social justice initiatives 
Let Freedom Ring! - from South Africa comes the UK launch of Training for Transformation in 2013 - “The greatest weapon in the hand of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” ― Steve Biko 

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Bread and Roses.

       A poem a day for the month of April. This one was taken from the article Bread and Roses on the Free Your Voice site:

As we come marching, marching in the beauty of the day,
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill lofts gray,
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,
For the people hear us singing: “Bread and roses! Bread and roses!”
As we come marching, marching, we battle too for men,
For they are women’s children, and we mother them again.
Our lives shall not be sweated from birth until life closes;
Hearts starve as well as bodies; give us bread, but give us roses!
As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead
Go crying through our singing their ancient cry for bread.
Small art and love and beauty their drudging spirits knew.
Yes, it is bread we fight for — but we fight for roses, too!
As we come marching, marching, we bring the greater days.
The rising of the women means the rising of the race.
No more the drudge and idler — ten that toil where one reposes,

Poem by James Oppenheim

ann arky's home.

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Liars and Hypocrites in High Places.

     It would be nice to see Iain Duncan Smith eat shit or openly back out. £53 a week is less than his income for a quarter of a day, not counting all the wee perks that go with being one of the in boys of the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption Club.
Yesterday in response to welfare reforms, Iain Duncan Smith said that he could live on £53 per week. Dom is calling on him to prove his claim.
177081 Signatures
Sign the Petition
Started by: Dom,
     This petition calls for Iain Duncan Smith, the current Work and Pensions Secretary, to prove his claim of being able to live on £7.57 a day, or £53 a week.
     On Monday's Today Programme David Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been cut, he lives on £53 per week. The next interviewee was Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who was defending the changes. The interviewer then asked him if he could live on this amount. He replied: "If I had to, I would."
     This petition calls on Iain Duncan Smith to live on this budget for at least one year. This would help realise the conservative party`s current mantra that "We are all in this together".
     This would mean a 97% reduction in his current income, which is £1,581.02 a week or £225 a day after tax* [Source: The Telegraph]
Please join me.
You can also check out other popular petitions on by clicking here.
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