It would be nice to see Iain Duncan Smith eat shit or openly back out. £53 a week is less than his income for a quarter of a day, not counting all the wee perks that go with being one of the in boys of the Westminster Houses of Hypocrisy and Corruption Club.
Started by: Dom,
petition calls for Iain Duncan Smith, the current Work and Pensions
Secretary, to prove his claim of being able to live on £7.57 a day, or
£53 a week.
On Monday's Today Programme David
Bennett, a market trader, said that after his housing benefit had been
cut, he lives on £53 per week. The next interviewee was Work and
Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith, who was defending the changes. The
interviewer then asked him if he could live on this amount. He replied:
"If I had to, I would."
This petition calls on Iain
Duncan Smith to live on this budget for at least one year. This would
help realise the conservative party`s current mantra that "We are all in
this together".
This would mean a 97% reduction in his current income, which is £1,581.02 a week or £225 a day after tax*
[Source: The Telegraph]
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