Showing posts with label North Kelvin Meadow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label North Kelvin Meadow. Show all posts

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Save Our Dear Green Place.

          It is an ongoing tactic of our City Fathers, sitting in the Kremlin in George Square, Glasgow. They act as a snatch squad, making frequent grasps at parts of our city's green spaces, and handing them over to the developers. This has been going on for years and is still going on. The latest attempt at a snatch has been the North Kelvin Meadow and Children's Wood. An open public space cared for and used, by the locals, and others further afield. A tremendous asset to our city, its kids and adults alike, wanted and managed by the locals, it adds immensely to the quality of life of those who live within its reach. So why destroy it or any part of it? The answer to that question is profit.
       Come out and support this campaign, Glasgow's green and public spaces are disappearing at an alarming rate, we are fast becoming a hard tarmac place, it has to stop somewhere, if not here, then where?
         "It is staggering the amount of energy and commitment locals have dedicated to the North Kelvin Meadow to protect and promote their local green space." "So throw down your knitting and rustle up the courage and open the gate" Deffo. Come and join us on the land. There will be a Public Hearing this Tuesday 6th and 7th of September to determine the future of North Kelvin Meadow and Children's Wood. There will be a site visit at some point on either 6th or 7th so please come to land on those days. Angela Constance will make the final decision after receiving the report from the hearing. Please email Angela to say:
What the land means to you.
Why it's different from football pitches and other parks and gardens.
Add in any photographs, pictures or videos of the space.
Please ask 5 friends to do the same
         The future of the meadow and wood is about to be decided, there will be a Public Hearing this Tuesday and Wednesday. If the plans for housing are rejected then this could be a test case for other areas.
Quote from Marguerite Hunter Blair CEO Play Scotland
          “This fight to retain the Children’s Wood North Kelvin Meadow represents a significant test case for much recent community engagement and the people and parent power policies, introduced by the Scottish Government. It is staggering the amount of energy and commitment locals have dedicated to the North Kelvin Meadow to protect and promote their local green space. If this campaign can’t succeed in such a deprived area and with such obvious community benefits, there is little hope for other groups trying to take responsibility for their own lives.”
Gruffalo this Sunday
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*RSPB Wildfest in the Wood*
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*Our mailing address is:*
The Children's Wood
Kelbourne Street
Glasgow, Scotland G20
United Kingdom

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Monday, 22 February 2016

The Question, Trees Or Tarmac, Life Or Profit?

      Developers are greedy, they will gobble up green land, from the small, Glasgow's North Kelvin Meadow, to the large, ZAD. The North Kelvin Meadow is not a massive space, but in the context of our city it is large enough to be very important to the well being of our citizens. Zad, on the other hand is extremely large, it is massive. A whole swath of green land will become a matrix of motorways, airport runways, warehouses, docks and the concrete infrastructure to support all this tarmac development. The people of France have been fighting this monster destruction of nature for 40 years, and the fight still goes on, and the support for the protester is growing all the time.
       Both these projects, and thousands of similar projects across the planet are all linked, it is the plunder by capital, they are happening, not for the good of the people, but for the benefit of the corporate world's coffers, profit is the only motive, and it reaps the destruction of the planet. 

The ZAD - to the developers it is the Zone d’Aménagement Différé’, the differed development zone and for us it’s a Zone À Défendre: a zone to be defended. Either way, it’s a part of the countryside close to Nantes in France, which according to the decision-makers should make way for an international aiport.
Their construction project "Grand Ouest" is an economic platform of international importance stretching from Nantes to Saint-Nazaire, which will form a singular, huge metropolis. Fulfilling this project means taking over the sky, the sea and the land in replacing the current airport in Nantes with a new one at Notre-Dame-des-Landes, but also enlarging the port at Saint-Nazaire and constructing new roads and highways...
Our goals, in coming to live here on the proposed site of the airport, are many: to live on a protest site, where we can be close to those who’ve been opposing the project for 40 years and to have the power to act when construction happens; to make use of abandoned spaces to learn to live together, to cultivate the land and to be more autonomous from the capitalist system.
Most texts and infos are published in french and everything is not always translated, sorry. So if you want to be sure wether there’s new info, have a look on the french website. Also, if you want to help translating, you can get in touch with us !
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Trees Or Tarmac, Which Is Best For Our Kids?

        The battle to save North Kelvin Meadow, is one that we have got to win, this is a beautiful green public space within our city, a place used by kids and adults alike. A place where kids can safely run wild and have fun, a place where they can learn about nature, a healthy family space, open to the public to enjoy and nurture. We have very few of such places left in "that dear green place", Glasgow, one by one they have been disappearing under the concrete and tarmac of the private corporate world. We have to call a halt to this plunder of our public spaces by the corporate developer. Please throw your support behind this public campaign by signing the petition, and show solidarity in what ever way you can.

Hi all,

*Update: *

        As many of you will know Glasgow City Council Planning Committee approved New City Vision (NCV) Ltd planning application to build 90 flats. They also approved The Children Wood Group planning application to keep the land as a wild greenspace and for the community. Our emphasis has now changed. Its now all about lobby the Scottish Government so as they do what they said they would consider back in 2013 and "call in" the NCV Ltd application and throw it out.
        Therefore please sign the petition below and if possible try to get 5 others you know to as well. If you can visit any MSPs at their surgeries that would be even better. Our local MSP Sandra White is key to us in getting this called in - so feel free to contact or visit her. Plus paper petitions can also be created and signed if that is easier.


        Help us to persuade the Scottish Government to ‘call in’ and reject the plans to build 90 residences on North Kelvin Meadow and The Children’s Wood by signing our petition:

     *Thunderclap *(a modern way to get noticed outside your usual group!)

        If your on Twitter, Facebook or Tumblr then click on link below so we all put out a one off message at the same time i.e. a thunderclap, and so get the petition noticed and hopefully a few more signatories. The message goes out on 29th February at 10am so obviously you need you to register before then.
Visit ann arky's home at

Friday, 29 January 2016

There's Healthy Fun In Mud.

           The North Kelvin Meadow's struggle is still very much on, in spite of the last two rallies for support being hit by Scotland's unpredictable weather.  There was a call out for support on Saturday 16th. January, as luck would have it, that was the Saturday that we had the worst snowfall of the year. In spite of dreadful weather the rally was well supported, showing the strength of feeling in support for this struggle. The next rallying call went out for Tuesday January 26th., the day the cabal from the Kremlin in George Square were coming to cast their cash register eyes over the meadow, to see if it should become a tarmac property developers cash machine, or remain a wonderful community asset for the local community, and further afield. Again the Scottish weather hit them, that Tuesday it was torrential rain, but still the crowds came. The kids proved once and for all, that there is fun in mud, it was a tremendous turn out, proving that the Kelvin Meadow is not just a summer picnic place, but wonderful magical place where kids and adults alike can come together and enrich our communities. This must remain a slice of wonderful natural countryside in the midst of our city, a rich community asset, where our kids can learn and grow, in a healthy and fun atmosphere. Far from thinking of destroying this gem, our paid servants sitting in the Kremlin in George Square should be looking at ways to increase this sort of environment within our city.

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Sunday, 24 January 2016

A Battle We Can Win, With Solidarity.

       A reminder call for solidarity from North Kelvin Meadow, a chance to stand up and make our desires a reality. We want a green and health city, we want our kids to have a place for play and have healthy adventures. It might not be your area, but it is your city and your area could be next for the tarmac profit making treatment. It is your city, what do you want, tarmac or trees?
From Bob at citystrolls:

       Big day for the Meadows project. Winning this would send a clear message to gentrifiers as well as struggling growing spaces all over the city. That, land has a social value that's returns are of much more value to the human spirit and well being of the community than the barren profits of estate agents and banks. If this project disappears into red brick, not only will we lose a colourful part of our culture, it will also make it much more difficult for the next wee group who comes along and attempts to plant the seed in the wee bit of green stuff at the end of their street. Opportunity for solidarity here folks. We need to start winning these battles, because we are right and the council are usually wrong in these matters, which has been proven time after time after time. B.

 *North Kelvin Meadow and The Children's Wood*
Save the Meadow and Wood

*Where? *North Kelvin Meadow and The Children's Wood.
*When?* 9:15 am
*After?* George Square
*When? *11 am

Glasgow City Council Planning committee will visit the meadow and wood on the 26th of January, at 9:15am, they will then make a decision on both The Children's Wood application to keep the land 'wild and for the community' and the New City Vision application to' build 90 residences on the land ' It is important that as many people are on the land as possible for this visit.

Please meet on NKM and CW at 9:15am for the committee visit. Bring your banners with you and as many people as possible. Please state which school, group or organisation you are from so that the committee can get a feel for the level of support and use of the land.

After the site visit, we will then travel to the city chamber for 11am by bus - or make your own way as before - to be outside the City Chambers for when the committee make a decision on both applications. Please join us for as much of this day as possible. If you can only come to part of it, please try to make the meadow and wood for 9:15am

This will be our only chance to show the planning committee the land and how valued and loved the space is to this community and that we have a plan for it's future.

*Date:* 26th January 2016
*Time*: 9:15am North Kelvin Meadow
*11am: George Square
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and spread the word about next Tuesday
 Halloween at the North Kelvin Meadow.
Location: Kelbourne Street/Sanda Street/Clouston Street, Glasgow, G20
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Wednesday, 13 January 2016

Solidarity In The Community, Solidarity Between Communities.

        The people will make progress when there is solidarity within the community and solidarity between the communities. Here is a opportunity to show that solidarity.
Support the Meadows community space!
Community Gathering + Bonfire @ North Kelvin Meadow & the Children's Wood Saturday, 16 January at 10:00am - 10:00pm
North Kelvin Meadow, Sanda Street / Kelbourne Street / Clouston Street, G20 8PU
        In anticipation of the council's site visit on 26th January to determine the future of the meadow and woods, we're organising a large gathering on Saturday the 16th to bring the community together in support of the space. The Children's Wood will be running the event from 10am until 2pm. Afterwords there will be a bonfire starting around 3pm and continuing into the night. 
      During the day there will be big marquees set up and attractions include home baking from the local community, tea and coffee and various workshops. Knit Wild will be running a knitting workshop making items for yarn bombing the meadow on the day of the council site visit, and there will also be a banner making workshop taking place. The usual outdoor learning group will be running with outdoor play activities open to all children, and there will also be storytelling happening, as well as a capoeira workshop.
      In the evening there will be an open jam session around the fire - please bring along your instruments if you play! There will be several tarpaulins around the fire area for rain cover, and we also hope to provide hot drinks.
       The children's wood will be running a stall during the day providing campaign info and adding people to the mailing list (the list will be around all evening too). There'll be folk around all day from morning until late: come along for half an hour or the whole day - bring your children, parents, dogs, grannies, friends etc.

See you all on Saturday!
Visit ann arky's home at

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Beloved Tarmac And Concrete Place!!!

     Over the years Glasgow's green spaces have been disappearing under a creeping concrete tide. To those who live in, and visit the city, this is a tragedy, an ever diminishing quality of life in the city. It is ironic of course, as the name "Glasgow" is suppose to translate as "Beloved Green Place". Perhaps we should change the name to the Gaelic for "Concrete Forest", whatever that happens to be.
      For many years now, the people to the west of the city, Kelvin ward, have been making excellent use of what is known as North Kelvin Meadow. It  has become an wonderful asset to the community especially the children. It is an area of trees and green, open to all in the heart of a built up area, but for the usual reasons, the City Council would like to spread it with a veneer of concrete and build expensive houses and flats on what is an asset to the health and well being of all those who use the space. Another green place would disappear from the "Beloved Green Place".
         Supporters of The North Kelvin Meadow are appealing for support this coming Tuesday, and hopefully from then on, to keep the Meadow, and  helping to preserve what green is left of our, "Beloved Green Place"

       We found out today that the planning authority is recommending that both our plan 'to keep the meadow and wood wild and for the community' and the New City Vision plan 'to build 90 residences' be granted, subject to meeting certain conditions.
      We hope that the planning committee accept the planning officers recommendation to accept our plan next Tuesday, and that they grant us a site visit and hearing before any decision is made on the New City Vision plan. We will be making placards for next Tuesday's George Square gathering asking that the planning committee make a site visit and grant us a hearing. Please come and join us next Tuesday, 20th October.
      We're asking people to dress in green for the gathering, we'll meet outside the City Chambers at 10:45. For local people there will be a bus leaving the meadow and wood at 10:15am and taking people to George Square and back again after the committee meeting (which starts at 11am).
     Because we will not have an opportunity to speak at the hearing on Tuesday we're asking people to make placards requesting a site visit and a hearing and to show the level of support and engagement for the land and what happens on it.
       North Kelvin Meadow and The Children's Wood has become an essential part of the community, helping to meet 21st century educational and community needs like tackling low levels of child-well-being, the achievement gap, food poverty, mental and physical health problems and much more. If we take away the meadow and wood then the impact will be enormous on the wider community. We have plans to do more for the community and build on what we have achieved already and we could do so much more with support from the administration of Glasgow City Council.

Please spread the word about Tuesday and join us in George Square!

Many thanks!
Visit ann arky's home a\t

Friday, 5 April 2013

North Kelvin Meadow Belongs To The People.

     North Kelvin Meadow is a wild area  in the north west of Glasgow. In its past it has been several things, but it lay derelict for years and then the local community decided to develop it, they planted trees and cultivated other parts and generally managed the whole area and decades later they have a wonderful meadow/woodland for kids and adults alike to enjoy. An area to walk, play, meet, have events, the last wild place in the city for kids to learn about nature while having fun. Community driven for the benefit of all, a display of what a local community can achieve if left to their own devices.

       It is not a void sitting in an area, it is a vibrant city asset where regular events are held attracting 1000 or more people a month, people walk though it in all seasons enjoying the changes, parents with the children are frequent visitors. The kids love the freedom to run and roam. All this driven and maintained by the local community.

      You would imagine that the City Council would be proud of its citizens and what they had achieved, and perhaps even chip in a couple of quid here and there. However, this is Glasgow City Council and it is more corporate friendly than community friendly. It has the grand plan to level the whole area for developers and see it turned into high-end luxury flats.

      Think about it, the last wild place in the city, an environmentally friendly asset used by thousands, beneficial to all especially the kids, costing the council nothing, and they want to wipe it of the face of the map with the only beneficial effects being to the developers bank accounts. North Kelvin Meadow belongs to the people.

       The community is fighting back and have been for some time now, and yesterday they took their campaign to the City Chambers in George Square and voiced their disgust and anger. This campaign deserves the support from all of us citizens of the city, the North Kelvin meadow is there for all of us to use. If the council gets its way, it will not be there for much longer. 

ann arky's home.