Friday 5 August 2011


        As I keep spouting, this “financial crisis” is the corporate world's opportunity to plunder all public assets, and further proof comes in the words of committee secretary Eric Pickles, who has called on all councils to make a list of all their public assets. Land, buildings, art treasures, etc. and to have a look at them to see what can be sold off to raise money to help the council through these hard times. On the understanding that the councils are suppose to represent the people and to look after their assets, how can selling them off to millionaire spivs benefit the people in the long run?
         This is just another opportunity for the millionaire cabal in the Westminster Houses of Corruption and Hypocrisy to sell off what is left of the country to their millionaire chums in the corporate world. The know their class and they will be loyal to their class, they know how to fight a class war. This is a continuation of the public school thugs 1980's game of monopoly, sell sell, sell, but what they are selling to their millionaire chums is not theirs to sell, it is ours and we are not even invited to the game.
          We are heading rapidly to a corporate world where there will be no public spaces, no public assets, where society will have a notice, if you can't afford the price, then stay out. Welcome to corporate fascism. Is this what we want to bequeath to our children and grandchildren?

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