Monday 22 August 2011



           So it loooks like the "rebels" have won in Libya? The so called "rebels" seem to be a very fundamentalist group. There has been talk of them clearing some of the towns of black Libyans, those that settled there after the slave trade, that went through that area. Also what is never mentioned is the fact that Gaddaffi spent a lot of the oil revenue on free education, free health care and bring clean water to all the towns and villages. I wonder where the oil revenue will go after he’s gone? Any ideas?? When you hear them make comments like “I have a bullet here for Gaddaffi, and I can’t wait to use it on him” doesn’t sound much like a democrat to me. I believe that Libya will end up in chaos like Iraq, with the people suffering and violent faction and tribal conflict, but the oil will be secure in Western hands, just like Iraq. It can never be said that it was the Libyan people that over threw the Gaddaffi regime, it will have been some of the most powerful military nations in the world, it was achieved by massive air power from NATO, plus NATO helicopter gunships, and military advice with NATO advisers on the ground, costing the NATO powers hundred of millions of pounds of taxpayers money, and if you believe the nations of NATO done it all for the benefit of the Libyan people, then you’ll believe anything. Every uprising is not a move to democracy, as history has told us. In this corporate capitaist world, it is usually a move by the corporate world to control resources. 

1 comment:

  1. Every "Rebellion" is "NOT" a victory!
    Today the people of Libya, might think "we won"!
    But, I am afraid, that's an big illusion!
    This could be a "Revolution", but "NOT" the name of "Freedom of Libyan people"!
    This is actually a "Capitalist Revolution"!
    I hope, I make mistake!

    However, Gaddafi long time ago was the real Arab fighter! But the ruling, as always, he has transformed the dictator!
    İn a short time, turned into a big dictator, agree!
    But this situation does NOT give the permission for interfere in LIBYA, to killer NATO, United States and all his crime partners!
    Today, those who want to destroy him, had made this plan well in advance!
    By bringing in the middle his marginalized personality, to humiliate him publicly of the world!

    NATO =
    North - Atlantic - Terrorist - Organisation !

    If we have something to fight for humanity, it is "Total Freedom"! And Independence!
    The only way to keep social Freedom is to smash the State, Cops, Banks and the Capitalist system!

