Tuesday 6 December 2011


         When looking at how the ordinary people in Europe are being punished for the sins of their bankers and politicians, it is difficult to know where to focus. Greece has been in the firing line to some of the must brutal attacks to the livings standards of any European country. However a little closer to home is Ireland. Bearing in mind that Ireland has already been through 4 years of savage cuts to the conditions of its people, what is in store for them in the coming year 2012 is frightening. The Irish government has set out its next hit list and it amounts to 2.2 billion Euros of cuts for 2012. Its targets are the usual working class areas, welfare, health, education, fuel and rent allowance, disability allowance and student grants, on top of that lot there is VAT increased to 23%. Public sector workers are being punished extremely brutally, having seen their wages cut, by on average, 15%, they now face a two year wage freeze and the threat of redundancy, as another 6.000 public sector jobs are set to go. No doubt in the coming months we will be able to talk about the decimation of the Italian people's living standards, Spain is well down the road to social disintegration caused by rampant unemployment and cuts to social spending. We here in the UK have similar problems with savage cuts and youth unemployment running at well over 1 million.

       The working class of Europe are being sacrificed on the bankers' alter of greed, what ever actions are taken by the puppet politicians, it is always to ensure that the banks and bond markets, the politicians paymasters, don't lose out. This system has nothing to do with improving the welfare of the people, it is all about amassing wealth in the accounts of the corporate world and their greedy shareholders. It is all about holding on to that unearned wealth and the power that derives from that wealth. The people are of no consequence, mere pulp that can be used, abused and sacrificed as the need arises in the game of exploitation.

"Sacrifices have to be made."

       Surely lurking somewhere in your mind you can think of an alternative system, a system that sees to the needs of all our people, a system that is built on mutual aid and sustainability. It is not impossible to build such a system, the present system of capitalism is a man made system of a few hundred years. It is not something handed done from the gods, written in tablets of stone. It was people that devised it and it was people that drove it, surely people can destroy it and build from a foundation of co-operation, a caring a system that we would be proud to leave to our grandchildren. Are you proud of the inheritance that we will leave to them under the present system?

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