Sunday 31 December 2017

It's Very Simple, It's So Easy---.

      Following on from the last post on refugees, a beautiful moving poem, Thanks Loam.
The sea and the earth common pits,
the rain, acid, and the sun, thirsty;
the feet boots, the feet obstacles,
the shoulders load, the eyes tears:

invincible bodies passed out.

If your country did not have oil, coltan or any coveted wealth,
or if you were white or if you were rich,
if you were hetero or co-religionist,
if you wear a veil or if you do not wear it,

if you were what you are not and do not want and can not be,
if you were not you
you should not run away from your house and your landscape and from your air and your water.

Barbed doors and hosts
the soldiers, and, if there is no death, field
of extermination for men,
women, children and girls

If we were human - I do not say yet in solidarity -
if we had a brain - I still do not say, thought-
if we were respectful - no, I do not say tolerant-
if we had heart, eyes and arms, and curiosity
- I have not said love, hug, look or desire to know-

if we were not what we are because we want
and because we can,
if we were not us
you should not run away from your house and your landscape and from your air and your water.

What is all this plot we have hatched
to create a problem that does not exist?
What is all this technical-economic gibberish

Nothing of that.
No, nothing.

It's very simple, it's
So easy
so much:

home, welcome,
let's share
bread and salt.

Isabel Rivas Etxaniz

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