Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Saturday 18 February 2012


        The corporate fascists continue with their hatchet job on the Greek people and at the same time having imposed an financial technocrat as boss of the Greek government, they are now intent on demolishing any semblance of democracy that the Greek people ever had. As well as demanding that the politicians put in writing that they will carry on with the “austerity” measures as directed by the corporate fascists, even after new elections, they are also demanding that they put officials in place in Greece to run the Greek fiscal policies. It is modern colonialism, corporate financial colonialism. What is more there is nothing that says that they can not, and will not, do the same to Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, or any other country that they feel they need to, to protect their billions and their power. After all they already have installed a Goldman Sachs hit man to run Italy. We, the ordinary people have to stand with the Greek people, we have to accept that this is not a national struggle, it is international struggle and only by international solidarity of all our people do we have a hope in hell of defeating this corporate assault on all our living conditions.


       It is encouraging to see that there have been demonstrations of solidarity with the Greek people across Europe and there has also been demonstrations of solidarity in the US. Are we slowly awakening to the reality of our situation?  Just some of the support for the Greek people from around the world, may it rapidly grow. 

ann arky's home.

Thursday 16 February 2012


       Since the Sunday night's demonstrations of anger in Greece there has been calls for solidarity from cities across Europe. Perhaps the people of Europe are beginning to realise that what is happening in Greece is their struggle, the Greek people are not responsible for this corporate plunder of the public purse and what is happening in Greece will in all possibility be happen in countries across Europe, it will all be a matter of degree, how much the corporate fascists think they can get away with.

     Let’s organize gatherings from 13-2/2012, by 20.00 MEZ, at central railway station forecourts and show our solidarity with the social rebellion —today, not tomorrow.

   The nationalist and racist resentments against Greece are unbearable. Politics, mass media and large misinformed parts of the German population fail and lie deliberately in their ‘analysis’ of the current state of the capitalist system. The effects of the Troika’s strangleholds are being trivialized, thus devaluing the justified protest.

   In Athens and in many other cities, the resistance has now reached a new peak. We cannot leave the victims of the very capitalist system alone, nor allow that people are ripped off their human dignity. We must not fall into the trap of those in Power who want us to turn against each other in order to succeed in their plans.

We are left only with solidarity; otherwise the case of Greece will become a paradigm for us all.


ann arky's home.

Sunday 5 February 2012


          Today the ordinary people of Europe are facing the most concerted and vicious attack on their living conditions since the second world war. This is not an attack by your own particular government, this is an attack my the financial corporate world, your own national government is merely a tool in the hands of that financial corporate monster. Organising at local level is essential but we have to realise that the enemy is not your local tweedle-dee or tweedle-dum political party, they are just the managers of the system being run by international corporate fascism. The enemy is organised across borders, to defeat hem we also have to organise across borders.
This from Germany

Dear comrades!

       I am writing in the name of an left wing and libertarian initiative, which wants to set up an European day of action against crisis and capitalism. On a long term, we see this project not only to organise one common day of mobilisation in Europe, but seize to establish a continuous networking (exchange of experiences, discussions, actions) between anti capitalist groups and initiatives on an European wide level.
        In order to get an impression of our motivation and our aims for this project on March 31st, you can have a look at this excerpt of our call for action:

        "Current policies in the EU and in Europe as a whole are as speculative as capitalism has ever been. That’s because austerity measures are jeopardising economic stability just as much as debt-inflated growth. There can never be salvation in capitalism, only endlessly recurring crises. So why continue wasting our lives for this? Let’s fight neoliberal ideology, let’s get organised on a European level. Our Day of Action on March 31st 2012 will be a first step. Simultaneous demonstrations in many European countries are more than just a signal of solidarity. They’re already sparking transnational discussion and cooperation. We invite all emancipatory initiatives to join this process. We strive to grow independent of official institutions, and are prepared for a persistent struggle. “
        You can get to read the whole call and receive much more information about this project on the international homepage

       The practical concept of this action day is clearly decentral. It's up to the local groups/initiatives/assemblies, with which kind of an action they want to participate. In Germany, for example, we decided on a central demonstration and actions in Frankfurt (location of the European Central Bank), while in Greece different actions will probably take place in several cities.
      The UK and especially England, though not part of the currency union of the Euro, is concerned by the crisis. Besides, it plays a tremendous role in the European Union and also in the European wide policies.
        This is why we would appreciate it, if at least some of you would be interested in this project and on the long term for a better network for anti capitalist structures throughout Europe. If you have any questions or would like to participate, write an email to In the case you are interested in the project we can imagine to visit you and organise together with you closed or public meetings

Hope to see you in the streets! Best,

Arthur (Cologne, Germany)
Antifa AK Cologne

Sunday 18 September 2011


Those who are familiar with history, well Western history, will be looking at Greece and having visions of Germany after the first world war. What the winners in that imperialist war done to Germany in the form of reparations, as a punishment, drove the German people into a spiral of deprivation, creating a revolutionary situation in which the fascists took control, with a little help from their friends. What the winners in the world war of debt, in the shape of the IMF (International Mankind Fuckers) and the others in the financial cartel, are doing to Greece is just the same as reparations, and will drive the Greek people into a spiral of deprivation, with no likelihood of a reversal for at least a generation. All this to protect the debt mountain of the winners club in this insane game of grow the debt, namely Germany and France.

It will not stop there, Portugal, Italy and possible Spain are all in the firing line in an attempt to save the mountainous debt bubble from bursting and hurting those at the top. The people of country after country will be sacrificed by having their living standards slashed at the dictate of the International Mankind Fuckers, at all costs, the billionaires at the top of the festering heap must be saved. The financial system most survive, even if it means the people have to live in rabbit warrens or sewers.
You lot will have to tighten your belt.

We are lead to believe that this is the only game in town and we the people must take our medicine to save the system. This message is of course, pumped out by those very people who created the fantasy world of growth and debt, the very people who will make sure that they will not suffer for their greed and believe that we the people have a duty to suffer so as to save their arses. Why do we accept such shit? We don't need them, they need us. We make and distribute everything on this planet, they do nothing but live off our backs. They could of course be creating their own demise, simply by creating a revolutionary situation in each country in turn could see their selfish self centred greed driven ideology go up in smoke.

ann arky's home.

Sunday 13 March 2011


       This year the 13/14 March marks the 70 anniversary of the Clydebank blitz. This massive air raid on Clydebank during those two days was one of the worst in Britain during the second world. The following information is taken from Tom McKendrick's Blitz story.

      " In total only 7 houses out of a stock of 12,000 remained undamaged. Approximately 4,000 destroyed, 4,500 severely damaged and 3,500 in the serious to minor damage category. In total 400+ high explosive bombs and mines fell in an area of less than two square miles, not including the 96 high explosive bombs that fell on the primary target...the oil tanks at Dalnottar to the north west of the town, or the 190 bombs that fell in the boundaries of the nearby villages of Duntocher, Hardgate, Bowling and Old Kilpatrick. 132 bombs fell in the Kilpatrick hills, aimed at decoy fires west of Cochno. 
        The greatest damage was caused by incendiaries. On the first night of the raid 1,630 containers of incendiary bombs (weighing between 70kg and 250kg) were dropped by the Luftwaffe, a total of 105,300 1kg bombs. On the second night 782 containers were dropped. According to German sources a total of 503 metric tons of high explosive bombs and 2,412 containers of incendiaries were dropped on Clydeside on the 13th and 14th March 1941. A total of 439 aircraft took part in the raids."
        When official figures were given as 500 dead, one commentator remark, “What street are they talking about”.
      The horror of those two days and its aftermath will be remembered in ceremonies in Clydebank and elsewhere, but the perpetrators will not be mentioned. It is not the done thing, as Germany is now our ally, and after all its less than we done to Dresden, Berlin and other cities in Germany. It's what states do to each other, It's what America done to Vietnam, what we in the “Coalition of the Willing” did to Iraq, and it's what we are doing in Afghanistan at the moment. Though the state may bomb a city, or a country, into oblivion it doesn't mean that we are enemies, no, it is a very temporary affair. They will soon be our ally and though somebody is our ally, it doesn't mean that the state will not turn round and bomb their cities. In the world of states and capitalism, friend and foe are very transient positions. The states find the reasons to start a war and the ordinary people are the ones that end up being killed in vast numbers and invariably, killed by ordinary people from another country, who probably have more in common with them than they have differences. What causes the transition from friend to foe and back again is the states hunger for power, resources and markets, it is all part and parcel of the profit driven capitalist system. Remember, war is good for business, there's bucks in bombs.
        Until we get rid of the state system and capitalism we will have wars and with modern day weaponry, what Clydebank suffered in two days can be delivered in minutes. Remember “Shock and Awe”.


War it seems, never has an end
even when he who was our foe is now our friend,
once again, we to war a marching go,
for he who was our friend, is now our foe.

Monday 6 December 2010


      You would have to look long and hard ever to find any history of anarchist individuals and anarchist groups continual fight against fascism in the mainstream media, even then you would probaly fail in your search. Yet this is a history that we can be justifiably proud, it is a struggle that goes on overtly when ever possible, trying to stamp out the rise of fascism where ever it raises its ugly head and covertly when working under fascism. The anarchist struggle against fascism is ongoing until the beast that is fascism is finally defeated.
       When ever possible we should make that history widely available and easily accessible both as an inspiration to others and a warning to the ever present threat from fascism that is always just under the surfaces of what we now live under, corporatism.

      Of course we shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that the new fascism will arrive with rows of jackbooted shitheads marching through the streets. No that is just the few dimwits that will be used to crack a few skulls to intimidate. The real new fascists are in expensive suits sitting in boardrooms of corporate bodies across the globe, making dicisions that affect you and I but over which we have no corntrol. They dictate policy to the various governments who obey, as it is to their mutual benefit and they are all in the same millionaires club.
       The following is a short extract from, Remembering the Anarchist Resistance to Fascism on

        "---Court records show that one pamphlet went under the title of 'Eat German fruit and stay healthy' and became "so popular among miners that they used to greet each other with: 'Have you eaten German fruit as well?'" The outbreak of the Spanish Revolution in 1936 saw an underground network that raised money for the Spanish anarchists and their fight against fascism and recruited technicians to go to Spain and provide needed expertise.
       In December of 1936 however the Gestapo managed to discover the first of these groups and in raids then and in 1937 arrested 89 male and female members of this anarchist underground. In early 1938 these comrades were charged with "preparing acts of high treason". All but six were convicted.
      Julius Nolden was 'lucky' and spent the next 8 years in Luttringhausen prison until the arrival of the 'allies' in April of 1945. Others were not so 'lucky' and were murdered in prison. Lathe operator, Emil Mahnert was thrown out of a window, bricklayer, Wilhelm Schmitz, died in "unexplained circumstances", Ernst Holtznagel was sent to a military punishment battalion where he died, Michael Delissen was beaten to death by the Gestapo in December 1936 and Anton Rosinke was murdered in February 1937.
         The history of the anarchist resistance to fascism is something we are never told about in mainstream or even left histories. The victors over fascism wrote the 'history' of anti-fascism after W.W.II. They gave prominent place to the aristocratic German officers who failed to kill Hitler late in the war but ignored the ordinary workers who struggled in the 1920's and 1930's when the western governments saw Hitler as an ally. The account here is but a snippet, based on the valuable work done by the 'Kate Sharpley Library' in recovering, translating and publishing this history.---"
Read a little bit of Glasgow's working class history HERE.
ann arky's home.