The EU has never been about democracy, it has always been about
the corporate and financial Mafia. However, it is becoming ever more
obvious that they openly threaten any attempt at democracy, first with the appointment of
“technocrats” to run countries over the head of the elected
governments. Now, in Cyprus, they have gone into a full frontal
attack on what shreds of democracy we thought were left. Now they are
just going in and taking the savers money and handing it to the banks
to help them sort out their self inflicted problems, also the IMF is
insisting that the “deal” is not subject to a parliamentary vote.
Even if it was, they would simply demand another vote until they got
what they wanted. By no stretch of the imagination can responsibility
for a banks problems be pinned on those who handed the bank their
savings to look after for them. I believe this was an attempt to get their hands on the Russian billions in the Cyprus banks. Of course most of that will already have gone. The Cyprus banks have branches in London, and they were working normally during this little plundering exercise. So I have no doubt that the "oligarchs" will have been on the phone making the necessary arrangements to shift the loot to some other safe haven.
It is difficult to see the difference between a saver
withdrawing their money, walking outside and getting mugged, and
leaving their money in the bank and having it snatched by the
financial Mafia. While this mugging is going on, I hope there is
nobody out there who believes that what the people say will make one
iota of a difference. Now that we know that the EU is destroying what
illusions of democracy that we had in Europe, will those who take up
arms to defend European democracy, be labelled “freedom fighters”
or “terorists”?
It is obvious that the financial sector is one large, rich
man's gamling casino, and those who lend to habitual gamblers, the
bond market, must be expected to take the consequences when their
favourite gambler loses, To insist that others outside the casino
should be held responsible for those losses, must be labelled some
sort of protection racket. The financial Mafia of the EU is a law
unto itself, it takes no heed of elected governments, no heed of the
consequences on the people who are driven to deprivation by their
financial plundering. Cyprus is joining Greece, Spain, Italy and Portugal are just a little behind, but catching up.
Any individuals in the UK who are under an illusion that it
can't happen here are in for a rude awakening. It already is, on top of all the cuts to social spending, slave labour through workfare, there is Quantitative Easing,
making and circulating Mickey Mouse money, which is currency debasing, lowering its value, and the government
has started looking at letting inflation, (prices) rise. All this
adds up to the money in your pocket will buy less next month than it
did this month, wages are stagnant, benefits are cut, this is poverty by increments. It
is a downward spirral for the ordinary people ,while the
millionaires/billionaires stuff the coffers with our wealth. They
call it representative capitalist democracy, it is indeed no more than one big
ann arky's home.