Showing posts with label anti-monarchy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-monarchy. Show all posts

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Lizzie's House Needs Repairs!!!!

       You own a house, it is in need of repairs, so you go to your neighbours in the street and ask them to foot the bill for your house repairs. I think you know where you would be told to go. However, this is what is being suggested by our lords and masters, for an old lady living in one of her several homes, all of which are far to big for her, though she has no worries about the bedroom tax. Lizzie Windsor is no pauper, she has stashed away an unimaginable fortune, lives a life of opulence, pomp and grandeur, at our expense, as do a large contingent of her over privileged off spring. It appears that we have to fork out £369 million, to sort out some repairs at Lizzie’s London abode. It shows the true callous indifference our lords and masters have for us the general public. While they administer “austerity” in the shape of benefit cuts to the sick and needy, cap housing benefit, throwing thousands deeper into poverty, and increasing homelessness, preside over the NHS disintegrating for lack of funds, they are quite openly and publicly spending £369 million repairing a monumental edifice to British imperialism, which is the home to a bunch of extremely wealthy parasites. I’m not suggesting that they should ask the “Royals” to pay for it themselves, I’m suggesting that the whole rotten stinking system of unearned privilege, that is part and parcel of the festering cancerous marriage of imperialism/capitalism/monarchy be labelled, humanity’s darkest hour and swept away and disposed of in the dustbin of history. 
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Thursday 7 May 2015

Free The Rebel In You.

      After the Crooks and Liars competition is over, and the insanity is once more slightly hidden, we should not sink into the apathy that keeps this stinking system going. We should pump up the rebel in us all, it is our only hope of saving ourselves from the shackles and poverty of capitalism. forget conformity, forget the rules of this cruel game, forget respect for uniforms, flags and badges, open up ridicule for religion, encourage anger at the pomp and arrogance of monarchy, spit venom at inequality, let your disapproval be loud, spread dissent. 

The Rebel

Rebel rebel break the rule,
What does it matter that a “wise” man sees a fool.
Not for you the herd’s dull beat
Making tomorrow, yesterday’s repeat,
Living out the life of a clone
Marching with the crowd but always alone.
Shaping your life from some dusty tome
Playing it safe, staying at home.
Rebel rebel break the rule
Swim in the sea, never the pool.
Live your emotions, feel the surge
Follow your dreams, chase the urge.
Make life though short, an exciting game
Not a mad march for fortune or fame.
Capture the moment, live it now
Being alive your only vow.
Rebel rebel break the rule
In the end, you’re humanity’s jewel.
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Wednesday 3 December 2014

Who Has Been Having A Wee Bit On The Side?

       Oh dear, the recent discovery of Richard III's crumpled bones has brought a skeleton out of the cupboard, no pun intended. It appears that the long line from him to the present monarch, may not be quite as it is put to us, throwing a shadow over the legitimacy of the present monarch. It seems that one of our previous royals has been having a wee bit on the side, therefore breaking the line, and the legitimacy of the following “heirs”. Why this should be a surprise baffles me, as the so called royals, through history, are well known to keep an extra bed companion to break the boredom in the bedroom. What angers me more is not that infidelity runs in their life style, it is the fact that we may have been paying through the nose to keep this family in unbelievable luxury, on a false claim. At the moment it is speculation based on a small piece of scientific evidence, but I think it should be pursued with vigour, to help us balance the budget. If it proves to be the case that the present monarch's legitimacy is flawed, then they should be housed in the nearest housing estate and told to sign on, and take their place in some workfare scheme. 
Could this be the country's biggest benefit cheat scandal
       Of course in the sane world, we all know that nobody has the legitimacy to rule over anybody, the whole idea of a monarchy belongs to some medieval power game, and has no place in any modern civilised country. However since we will never be given the opportunity to vote them out, this line of their legitimacy could be one way of showing them to the nearest job centre. 
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Thursday 26 June 2014

A Family Of Real Benefit Scroungers.

       That family, who by reason of birth, are deemed to be more important than you and I, have cost you and I, the lesser people, a total of £35.7 million last year. This does not count the cost of security, which is considerable but secret, guarding this family, who by reason of their birth are guaranteed a life of unbelievable luxury. No matter their ability, or lack of it, no matter their skills or lack of such, no matter the mistakes they make, they will always have a life of splendour, pomp, privilege and power, paid for by you and I. While you and I struggle to make ends meet, face ever increasing costs, with no matching increase in income, this bunch of pampered parasites, will glide around the world, waited on, hand and foot, take trips in helicopters, funded by you and I, hold and attend banquets in opulent settings, while we tighten our belts to make sure it all happens for them.

Your average UK family living on benefits!!

       Just so as not to let their decadent life style slip, our millionaire government, for next year, has allocated an increased sum of £37.9 million, of our money, to make sure they can continue to live in the decadent style to which we have made them accustomed.
      Of course this family of public funded parasites, living on £37.9 million social benefits, don't think it is quite enough, and doesn't allow them to bring all their property up to the standard that they would wish. A royal source when questioned on this matter of living on benefits, said, "We would like it to be more. We don't like having a property backlog hanging over us. We would like to have enough money to get that fixed... (but) we accept that in recent years the economy has been in such a state that that has been entirely unrealistic." How thoughtful of them.

 The family gets dressed up the day the giro arrives!!

       Perhaps we should request that since it is our money, we should be asked how we would like it spent, send suggestions as to how you would like to spend that £37.9 million, to the Oxbridge Cameron/Osborne gang. Also, since our millionaire Cameron cabal are always on about benefit scroungers, they should take a look at this family, who seem to be working the system with vigour, impunity and avarice. Come on Iain Duncan Smith, sort them out. Not a bloody chance of that happening, not unless we do it ourselves. 

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Wednesday 17 November 2010


      Well I suppose we have to start thinking how do we stop ourselves from drowning in the syrup that is going to flow from the media over the next few months or perhaps years. I am of course referring to the Willie and Kate extravaganza, it can push world poverty, the Afghan war, the Haiti cholera disaster and Mrs. Wilson's lost kitten off the front page and off the airwaves. We shouldn't be too hard on the girl, after all she is just an ordinary Marlborough-educated, St Andrew's graduated middle class millionaire's daughter, we can only hope for the girl's sake, Willie is not too much like his father.
      Over the coming months we will be swamped under this deluge of “When will it be”, “What title will they be given” then of course it will be, “Where will they honeymoon, where will they live”, and of course, “Is she pregnant”, all totally irrelevant to a mutitude of people. It will come at you from all sides and there will be a totalitarian attitude from the media as the crowds cheer, weep and applaud with the usual aaahhh's at their every action. Those who don't follow suit will be derided and chastised by the media as if the entire world was, not just interested, but spell bound by the nuptial arrangements of a couple of over privileged young people. What the media, the mouth piece of the establishment, fail to grasp, or try to hide, is that this country has a large contingent of republicans, socialists, communists and others of a variety of political persuasions but with an anti-monarchy stance. Then there is the army of people who are just not that interested what the Royals get up to nor when. We are not a monolith, we are the people, a wonderful variation of views.
      Going by the comments coming from our millionaire twins in charge, the Cameron/Clegg music-hall hatchet act, and the brainless braying from the back benches, it certainly looks as if we are all to be co-opted into this Hollywood style soap. I'm not the least bit interested in what this means for modern marriage and what it tells us about the changes in the Royals' attitude, nor how they have changed since the Diane affair. It could become like living in the “Woman's Own” Magazine.
     However as long as it holds the headlines then the things that really matter to the ordinary people of this country will be pushed aside, off the radar, not up for discussion. For example the dismantling of the welfare society, the thousands of job losses, the looming poverty ahead of thousands, and the £billions of tax payers money heading to the corporate world. Yes, much better to discuss some young woman's wedding dress than discuss and organise to protect our children and our elderly from this vicious onslaught heading their way at the behest of the financial/corporate world, and let's not forget, the Royals are part of that high finance, privileged world.
ann arky's home.

Wednesday 12 May 2010


One of David Cameron's ancestors: King William IV (1765–1837), uncle of Queen Victoria
     So we are all in this together!! Well from the back ground of our new Prime Minister it would seem that they are all one big family, but in no way related to you or I, or our world. He hails from that little bunch of privileged parasites that have held the reins of power for far too long, and no doubt will do all in his power to see that things stay that way. We can rest assured that he wont be upsetting any of his cousins etc.
    "David Cameron is a direct descendant of George I, George II, George III, and King William IV (great × 5 grandfather) and his mistress Dorothea Jordan (and thus fifth cousin, twice removed of Queen Elizabeth II As an illegitimate descendant of William IV, Cameron is not in the line of succession to the British throne. He is the nephew of Sir William Dugdale, once the chairman of Aston Villa Football Club, and Birmingham-born documentary film-maker Joshua Dugdale is his cousin.[16] In May 2009, tabloid newspaper The Sun published a discovery by amateur genealogist Tony Andrews that Labour politician Harriet Harman is related to David Cameron through her aunt's marriage to his great uncle.