Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label corporatism. Show all posts

Tuesday 17 February 2015

Who Rules, People Or Markets?

         What happens in Greece will impact on us, here in the UK, and the rest of Europe, if not the world. Today, the economic system is a world wide ponzi scheme, if one part crumbles, the rest shudders.

      Our struggle is from job centres, to housing schemes, from local issues, to international issues. The Troika, (EU, European Union, ECB, European Central Bank, IMF, International Mankind Fuckers) control Europe and the financial Mafia is tightening its grip on our world, we have to fight it on that international battlefield.
      Leading figures in the German trade union movement have issued an appeal for solidarity with Greece following the resounding election victory of the leftist Syriza party.
      It's an extraordinary statement and trade unionists around the world are being asked to add their names to those of the German trade union leaders.  Thousands have already done so.
       Please read the appeal and add your name here:

     Please share this message with your friends, family and fellow union members.

Thank you!
Eric Lee
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Tuesday 3 February 2015

Update On Net Neutrality.

     The latest on net neutrality, keep up the pressure, this from Fight for the Future:

     I know Evan emailed you earlier today, but this is urgent. Media reports are coming out about FCC's forthcoming rules, and for the most part they sound really, really good. But, there’s one important detail, a loophole that might still let Comcast mess with services like Netflix. Can you send the FCC an email right now?
We need you. Click here to tell the FCC: "Don't mess with Netflix"
         (In most email apps–including gmail–this will start a new email to a list of key FCC employees. Then just click send. If it doesn’t work, reply to let us know.)
Things are moving really fast right now, and we’ll know more soon. But journalists at the Wall Street Journal have been briefed on the FCC’s latest plans, and it looks like the FCC will be giving cable companies like Comcast some ability to charge “interconnection fees.”
These fees are the reason Comcast forced broken and “buffering” video on millions of its own customers, just to extort money from Netflix.

      We still don’t know the details of the rules yet. Probably even the Wall Street Journal hasn’t seen the exact text. And, if early reports are true, we could be looking at a huge victory for net neutrality. The rules look better than anybody ever thought the y’d be.
      But we wanted to sound the alarm. As we move into the end game, we need the FCC to know we’re watching, and that we’re dead serious about getting net neutrality done right, with no loopholes for the cable companies to exploit. If there’s a big loophole (and it looks like there might be) let’s do everything we can to fix it right now. Are you with us?
We need you. Click here to tell the FCC: "Don't mess with Netflix"

Thanks for doing this.
Holmes Wilson and the Fight for the Future team.
      If the links above don't work for you, here's the text of the email and who to send it to:

Subject: Don’t mess with Netflix

Dear FCC,
          I don't want Youtube, Netflix, Vimeo or *any* online video to look like this:
        If you let cable companies charge interconnection fees, Comcast will keep slowing sites down until they cough up more cash.
        Every American Internet user will suffer, and they’ll blame the FCC (and, likely, Obama) for not closing this loophole when they had the chance. I sincerely hope that the Wall Street Journal is wrong, and that your rules will ban these shakedown tactics outright.

Everyone who watches video online.

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* Keep us fighting, chip in what you can.
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Thursday 29 January 2015

Let's Kill TTIP.

     TTIP is grinding on, its draconian undemocratic legislation is being fine-tuned in the dark corridors of corrupt secret power. Away from the eyes and ears of the public, politicians and moguls of corporate power are sorting out the world to suit big business, and to hell with any form of. or any hint of, democracy. You are not privy to how big business will use you to benefit profits. Your elected officials will have no control of, nor power over, the corporate world, Corporate power rules with a free hand, and will have the power to alter any legislation brought forward by elected politicians. If big business doesn't like it, it wont happen. If big business likes it, and we don't, they win, so tough luck for us.
     Don't just sit around until it happens, organise against TTIP, protest loudly and often, it is corporatism write large.
      The following is a video on regulatory cooperation in the TTIP negotiations, a joint project of SumOfUs, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), LobbyControl, Seattle to Brussels Network and Campact.

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Monday 12 January 2015

Kill TTIP.

     Global corporatism creeps ever forward, TTIP is still not dead. A lot has been done by publicity from various public/social networks to highlight this power monster that is sitting on our shoulders. It is probably the biggest threat to our NHS and other social services, that we have yet encountered, it is the death-knell to that façade, that is labelled democracy, in this society of illusions that we live under.
      We must continue to shout about this creeping corporatism that threatens to take the reins of power from national governments and into the corridors of power of the corporate boardrooms. A place where people disappear from the equations and are replaced by a plus or minus on the profit balance sheet.
       On Thursday we have a rare chance to scrutinise the EU-US trade deal TTIP in Parliament. TTIP is being negotiated in secret. But thanks to campaigning by people like you, our elected representatives will get a chance to air their concerns about TTIP.

We only have 3 days until the debate in Parliament. Please write to your MP to help stop TTIP.

      The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) represents a huge shift in power from ordinary people to corporate interests. It could give corporations new rights to sue governments in dodgy off-shore courts as well as weaken public services and labour and environmental standards.

Take action now to say no to TTIP.

        By the time TTIP is debated in Parliament on Thursday the World Development Movement will have become Global Justice Now. We look forward to continuing to campaign with you for a world where resources are in the hands of the many not the few.

Together we can defeat dangerous trade deals like TTIP.

Best wishes,
Guy Taylor
Trade campaigner, WDM
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Friday 9 January 2015

A Monster FromThe Dark Corridors Of Power.

      The corporate monster TTIP is not yet killed off, but killed off it must be if we want any form of control over our lives. This is the total domination of all aspects of our lives controlled from the boardrooms of the greed driven corporate world. The power shifting arrangements are being secretly discussed in the dark corridors of corporate power, away from the prying eyes of the public, who will be the victims of this coup. Any sliver of the illusion of democracy will vanish if we don't stop this takeover bid by the profit driven greed merchants.

      Are you free on Saturday 31st January? 38 Degrees members in Glasgow are getting together to campaign on TTIP. That’s the dodgy EU-US trade deal that could further privatise our NHS and allow corporations to sue our government. [1]
     On the day, 38 Degrees members will be handing out leaflets and chatting to local people in Glasgow about TTIP. They’ll also be collecting signatures for the EU-wide petition. The group will be able to provide leaflets and petition sheets, so don’t worry about bringing anything!
    If you’d like to find out more about TTIP, so you can feel comfortable talking about it, there’s lots of information here:
     The idea on the day is to spread the word about TTIP and make sure it’s an issue local politicians can’t ignore. So the more of us that turn up, the more people we’ll be able to speak to, and the further we can spread this really important message.
Here are the details:
     What: Leafleting and talking to local people about TTIP and collecting signatures for the EU-wide petition
When: Saturday 31st January, 11am-2pm,
Where: Meet outside Hillhead library, 348 Byres Road, Glasgow, G12 8AP
      Please RSVP here so that local 38 Degrees members can get an idea of how many to expect:

Thanks for being involved,
Jen, Blanche & the 38 Degrees team

[1] Independent Voices: What is TTIP and six reasons why the answer should scare you:
The Guardian: The TTIP deal hands British sovereignty to multinationals:
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Saturday 27 December 2014

An Injury To One----!!!

       Divide and rule has always been the strategy of the rich and powerful, and the politically aware individuals among the ordinary people, have always called for unity in our struggle to combat the continuing onslaught against our conditions.
       However we are stuck in the past if we see the struggle on a national scale, calling for unity against our national government, as if that would solve the problem. It is not, and never has been a national struggle, it is an international struggle. The powers that be, will still use the same tactic of divide and rule but they work on a pan-European, pan-world scale. As we struggle with the austerity attack here in the UK, the exact same thing is going on across Europe, and elsewhere in the world.
      Our struggles are replicated across the world, but our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, doesn't give much cover to these struggles. Ireland for example where recently 100,000 people took to the streets in the continuing struggle against water charges. Or in Belgium, where a strike on December 15, across public and private sectors, brought thousands onto the streets in several areas across Belgium, bring the country to a standstill.
     We in each of the countries of Europe should see these struggles as our struggles and organise accordingly. An injury to one is an injury to all, is not a national slogan, it is a basic philosophy of all the ordinary people battling under the repressive capitalist system. We, here in the UK, should be organising in support of the Irish and the Belgium people. Likewise these countries should be involved in supporting our struggles here. Our unity is unbeatable, as small groups, they are, and will continue to, kick the shit out of us.
       Finance and corporate power doesn't recognise national borders as they attack the ordinary people, why should we the people, recognise these borders, in our struggle for justice?
      A European country in crisis. Men in black come to the rescue. With the complicity of the national government, they impose painful measures on the population. Men in black never forget to be nice to their friends, so the measures include a provision to privatize public water services. As a reaction, massive citizen’s mobilizations take place. The story sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
     We have already experienced this situation in Greece, and just a few months ago, Greek citizens won the battle, and water will remain in public hands. Now history repeats itself, and the struggle against water privatization and commodification is at boiling point in Ireland.
Continue reading:
On the Belgium strike:

     To understand the events, the political context should be pointed out. In Belgium, the attacks against workers have been going on for 25 years coming governments in which the social democrats participate. After the long political crisis following the 2010 , marked by the victory in Flanders of the NVA, the SP Prime Minister estimated that “to save the country” it had to step up these attacks, so that the Flemish traditional right could beat the neoliberal-nationalists and that the coalition with social democracy could be continued.
     This policy - which cost the workers the trifling sum of 20 billion Euros - was a terrible fiasco. Last May, the return of the coalition seemed the most likely option. But, to general surprise, the French-speaking Liberal party, put into the saddle by the Palace, formed a homogeneous rightwing coalition with the Flemish Christian Democrat , the Flemish Liberals and the NVA. This latter agreed to keep quiet on its separatist , in return for an ultra-neoliberal program.
Continue Reading:
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Friday 12 December 2014

TTIP = Corporatism.

        We all know, or we should by now, that TTIP is corporate domination being sorted out behind closed doors, by the private club of corporate parasites and corrupt politicians. It will lead to the privatisation of all public assets, and the corporate world dictating to governments to organise their affairs to the benefit of big business. It will give big business the right to sue governments if they feel that the government is in anyway impeding their profits. In a simple phrase, it will erase any shred of democracy that you may feel you still have.
This weekend there will be anti-TTIP stalls and signature gathering around Glasgow and Renfrewshire:
 TTIP Action Day, Scottish Greens Saturday 13th December

   This Saturday Glasgow and West of Scotland Greens will be out in various areas campaigning against TTIP – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. Join other Greens to support *street stalls, and door knocking to gather petition signatures* and build the campaign against TTIP. Please bring along any clipboards you have.

*East Glasgow*

Time: 11am-2pm // Location: Outside Tapa, Dennistoun
<> //
Contact on the day: Raemond Bradford – 0743 556 8959.

*South Glasgow*

Time: Meet 10am upstairs in Costa Coffee, Shawlands
<> //
Stall: 11am-2pm (location tbc on the day) // Contact on the day:
Jennifer Jones – 07738865651

*West Glasgow*

Time: 11am-2pm // Location: Outside Hillhead Underground
<> //
Contact on the day: Kieran Wild – 07840863508


Time: 11am-2pm // Location: Paisley, Cenotaph
<> //
Contact on the day: Ryan Morrison – 07983488001

*East Renfrewshire*

Time: 11am-2pm // Location:Clarkston, outside Edinburgh Woolen Mill
<> //
Contact on the day: Ciaran Roarty – 07983488001


Please get in touch if you are interested in supporting a stall or door knocking in Inverclyde.

TTIP is a trade deal that will give global corporations the power to sue our Government for millions and wreck the NHS. Scottish Greens are campaigning to protect the NHS and worker’s rights from corporate attack. For more information, email Zara Kitson
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Friday 5 December 2014

One Million, So Far, Say No To TTIP.

      The clandestine negotiations going on behind closed doors in the marble halls of power, between governments and the corporate world are being slowly pushed,  little by little into the open. I am of course, referring to the anti-democracy agreement TTIP. This planned take over by the powerful corporations, which will leave us totally at the mercy of CEO profit junkies and boardroom parasites. They and they alone will decide what is to be privately owned and what unprofitable scarps can be left in public hands. They see the NHS as a wonderful opportunity of an assets that can be plundered and sections spread among their corporate buddies. Education should be privatised to allow our kids to be profit producers for greedy shareholders. This is what TTIP is all about, and it has to be stopped. We are pushing them but not enough, the effort to get this out in the open and seen for what it is, has to be more than doubled.

This from World Development Movement:   

     One million voices are now raised against TTIP throughout Europe!
     Having been refused permission to start a European Citizen's Initiative in September, campaigning organisations the length and breadth of the continent started their own self-organised petition and have reached a million signatures today. That's in less than three months.
       It is apparent the supporters of TTIP are rattled. David Cameron repeats the claims that TTIP will add £10 billion to the UK’s economy and says it is time “we start taking on some of the opponents of this deal and exposing some of the arguments against.”
      Cameron is right to be wary. After supporting a secretive and shadowy process, the campaign is forcing the negotiations, partially at least, into the cold light of day. Awareness is rising and opposition is appearing everywhere, geographically and across political viewpoints.
      The very fact the negotiation process is in secret has rung alarm bells. Experience of other trade and investment deals, including their impact on job losses and benefits for corporations, has rung further bells. The lack of evidence for the economic promises has fed the distrust, discontent and ultimately the opposition to the trade deal.
      The petition will continue. It is a brilliant indication of the strength of opposition across Europe. Alongside lobbying and protests, it is one of the many tools we will deploy to ensure TTIP does not become a reality.
    If you haven't already, please take action at and share the link with your friends. Let's make the petition even stronger.
Best wishes,
Guy Taylor
Trade campaigner

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Monday 1 December 2014

World Domination Without A Bullet Fired.

        Wake up to the fact that TTIP heralds the corporate takeover of the world, world corporatism, and the end of any control over what happens in our own country. All EU and American governments will be bound by international agreement created by and for the benefit of the corporate monster. Profit will be the only rule, gain for the shareholders of the international corporate businesses at any cost. The planet will be mercilessly plundered and we will not be able to a thing about it. That is, if this goes through, and we sit back and do nothing about this trashing any vestige of democracy that we might have. It is world domination without a missile or a bullet fired.

From The World Development Movement:
       "Already, thanks to the insertion of ISDS into much smaller trade treaties, big business is engaged in an orgy of litigation, whose purpose is to strike down any law that might impinge on its anticipated future profits. The tobacco firm Philip Morris is suing governments in Uruguay and Australia for trying to discourage people from smoking. The oil firm Occidental was awarded $2.3bn in compensation from Ecuador, which terminated the company’s drilling concession in the Amazon after finding that Occidental had broken Ecuadorean law. The Swedish company Vattenfall is suing the German government for shutting down nuclear power. An Australian firm is suing El Salvador’s government for $300m for refusing permission for a goldmine over concerns it would poison the drinking water.

The same mechanism, under TTIP, could be used to prevent UK governments from reversing the privatisation of the railways and the NHS, or from defending public health and the natural world against corporate greed. The corporate lawyers who sit on these panels are beholden only to the
companies whose cases they adjudicate, who at other times are their employers." George Monbiot

 ------- Original Message --------
Subject: Stop the EU-US trade deal (TTIP)
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2014 00:58:40 +0000

Just to let you know.
What's the point of Scottish Independence if TTIP goes ahead?
We are thinking, acting Local, National, International.

The campaign to stop the EU-US trade deal (TTIP) is having great effect. As a result of growing public pressure negotiations have been delayed by almost two months. If we keep up the pressure, we can stop TTIP altogether.

The EU have now taken steps to publish some documents from the negotiations <>, in a desperate attempt to claim real transparency. But this is still a long way short of open and democratic negotiations.

It has been a hectic few weeks in the campaign against TTIP as the media seems to be warming up to our message. Letters were published in the Financial Times

The Independent

and The Guardian

n the New Internationalist
Independent Voices
On Tuesday, our head of campaigns Polly Jones gave evidence to MPs on TTIP (here’s the Parliament TV coverage
<> - start from 10:45:00) and our director Nick Dearden gave an interview to Russia
Today TV < (Preview) >. The campaign is also going strong in Scotland. This weekend we spoke at the Radical independence Conference
Today Liz Murray, our head of Scottish campaigns, gave evidence about TTIP to the Scottish parliament
Brighton TTIP Banner drop slim.jpg Banner drop in Brighton last weekend Our (self-organised) European Citizens’ Initiative is breaking records and is attracting hundreds of thousands of signatures. With your help we can reach 1 million signatures before the end of this year! If you
haven’t already done so, sign it here: <>

Faced with the growing campaign against TTIP negotiators are preparing a huge PR offensive to promote TTIP throughout the EU promoting TTIP, offering reassurances on the NHS

Articles blaming campaigners for the woes of the negotiators are starting to appear. If anything that shows that our campaign is working and that we’ve got the EU on the back foot on TTIP.

There are a number of significant events coming up:
This Monday, 1 December, 6pm there’s TTIP: Turning the Tide in Westminster
<>. This mass training event, led by leading politicians and campaigners .

On Thursday 11 December, 7.30pm, the Trade Justice Movement are hosting a meeting TTIP Take the Power Back
We are planning a mobilisation to Brussels on late January or early February to lobby MEPs, protest against TTIP and meet civil society activists from around Europe – watch this space.

World Development Movement and Many More.

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Sunday 23 November 2014

They Want Your Water And Your NHS.

        There is a lot of campaigning against TTIP, and rightly so, but there is still a lot of confusion among the general public as to what it really is, and what it intends to cover. Basically it covers almost everything in our lives, it is all to the benefit of the corporate world and to the detriment of the ordinary people. That's it in a nutshell, but the detail is more complex.

      One little piece speaks volumes, it intends to take water and health, out of public hands and into private corporate hands, and all this negotiated between governments and corporate bodies, behind closed doors away from the prying eyes of the public.

This from Xpressed:
2. To consolidate the liberalisation of services markets. This is a euphemism that sounds great, but it starts to sound really bad when you go into the details of what is on the negotiating table:
- Privatisation of water supply, in line with both the interests of European and American multinationals [17].
- The Americans have confirmed their intention to negotiate the opening of public health and education services, taking advantage of the privatisation dementia affecting European governments.
Read the full article HERE: 

         How dangerous this TTIP is to you and I is summed up in that one small part in the long and complex set of demands by the corporate world, privatisation of our water and our health service. If agreed, it will make no difference which party you vote in to govern over you, they will be bound by international law to go down the road of private water and private health service. They call it democracy, what would you call it?
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Sunday 2 November 2014

Police Controlled Democracy.

         I recently posted about the young protester killed by a police grenade in France on October 26th. Today the protesters are still on the streets in various place across France, protesting the brutal death of this young man, but our babbling brook of bullshit the mainstream media doesn't seen to have noticed. They will of course show rioting, protesting and mass unrest, happening in those far away places, but here in Europe, we have "democracy"!!!! Democracy at the end of police baton, or a riot police shield. In our Western style "democracy" we can now accept that the police are a branch of the military and are armed military style. Here in Scotland there was an attempt to get armed police on the streets on routine duty, all part of the control of the public, in case they start to voice their anger at the total lack of democracy, and the power of the corporate bodies that rule our lives. Policing today is not about law and order, it is all about control of the civilian population, and if that fails, the army will take to the streets, in full fighting kit to put down any threat to the power of the establishment, they've done it before, 1911, two strikers shot and killed in Liverpool, 1919, Glasgow. The "establishment", that body of suits that represents the interests of the corporations, the landed gentry, the aristocracy and the powerful club of millionaires. So a young man/woman being killed on a peaceful protest, is something that will be acceptable to the powers that be, if it protects their pampered position.

A report from Anarchist News:
       (On October 26th, the police in France killed a young demonstrator in Testet, near Toulouse, who was protesting the construction of a dam. This text is a reportback from a march against police brutality in Nantes last night. Nantes is close to Notre-Dame-des-Landes, where the ZAD, Zone à Défendre, is located. The resistance in Testet has also been called a ZAD, and solidarity between the two areas has been very strong.)
In spite of the daily propaganda since Rémi's death and the siege by police, three or four thousand demonstrators heroically gathered (in Nantes) to protest against police violence and the murder of Rémi in Testet. The city is locked down by police with a helicopter above, roadblocks downtown and several checkpoints. A group managed to gather in front of the Nantes prefecture, at the meet-up site.
The gathering is dynamic, young and aggressive. It sets off, shouting,
“The police kill, Nantes stand up!”
Read the full article HERE: 

Photos HERE:

More Information HERE:

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The Monster TTIP, Still Lives.

    It is still there lurking in the murky shadows of the marble halls of power, the monster that is TTIP, but the voices of anger are rising. Let's raise our whisper to a roar.

This from World Development Movement:
       People power is working! After months of protests across Europe the EU is wavering on the EU-US trade deal (TTIP). Leading representatives including the newly appointed EU president Jean-Claude Juncker have hinted that ISDS could be removed from TTIP.
This is a crucial moment to keep up the pressure on decision makers
    More than 750,000 people have already signed the European petition to stop TTIP. Our pressure on policy makers is working, but we need your support to make sure we defeat this undemocratic trade deal.
Help us reach 1 million voices against TTIP
      TTIP threatens to transfer power from elected governments to unaccountable corporations by giving big business a much bigger say in law-making. And if that wasn’t bad enough TTIP could also undermine some of our most precious rights and regulation to protect our environment, workers and food safety.
Add your voice to the protest against undemocratic trade deals like TTIP
      Together we can defeat TTIP and fight for a fair trade system.
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