Showing posts with label greed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label greed. Show all posts

Saturday 29 August 2020

I Awake.

        Woke up this morning, as usual, sat in front of the computer, as usual, and as usual the familiar thoughts started to flood through my mind.
     Anger at the unnecessary injustice, inequality, poverty and deprivation heaped on the many by the greed driven few.
      Hatred at the hypocrisy, indifference and greed of the wealthy plundering parasite class and their engineered wars, where they never lift the gun.
     Anguish at the suffering of the countless innocent millions mutilated, maimed and slaughtered, young and old, who never desire war and gain nothing from those wars.
       Sorrow at those migrants fleeing wars, death and destruction, whose journey is drowning, hatred and concentration camps.
       The longer we accept this engineered pattern of plundering, the deeper the pool of blood we wade through, the heavier the burden of complicity will weigh on our shoulders.
The Seeds We Sow.

Because of my ignorance, I sowed the seeds of anguish,
while my self indulgence planted the vine of pain,
my disregard of the future laid sorrow’s foundation.
Suddenly the future slaps me in the face,
while my children eat the food of that anguish
and chew the leaves of that vine,
as the sea of sorrow washes around their feet.
My yesterday shaped their tomorrow
My ignorance laid their path
and now my self indulgence is their burden.
It would appear that,
these failings of the father are burdened on his heirs.

    We all know that we could distribute the resources of this world in a more humane and fairer manner. Their is enough to see to the needs of all our people, our crime is we leave that distribution to the greedy plundering parasite class. To often those suffering the most, the marginalised, those with the greatest need for our assistance, somehow are hidden from view, unless we take a deeper look around us.
The Invisible.

We live there— yes— there
A little bit above the dead
But quite a bit below the living
Where poverty is a dream
Deprivation a reality
Our daily bread an illusion
We sigh--we weep—
As ruthless poverty
With its cold claws
Tears the heart from our children
We ask—WHY?
Surrounded by opulence
Invisible to arrogant greed
Anger simmers beneath the surface
We seek equality
We will have justice
If blood is the price
So be it. 
      We have the numbers, we have the power to change this weary and blood stained world to one of humanity, co-operation and justice for all. We have that better world drifting around in our hearts and heads, all we need is the will and solidarity to act now. Of course we can accept their tomorrow.

We Have The Power.

Empty streets,with empty shops,
queues forming at the job centre,
doorway beds and hungry children,
watched over by mean eyed cops,
foodbanks growing by the hour.
City razzle-dazzle just rusty remnants,
shopping malls now empty caverns,
home to starlings, pigeons, magpies,
zero hours, part-time workers live in,
homes where ambition fails to flower.
Shiny politicians peddling illusions,
grin and bear it, there’s pie in the sky,
follow the Messiah, he’ll get you there,
quietly swallow their empty promises,
so they can live in their ivory towers.
This world exists by our acceptance,
blindly following their biased rulebook,
failing to realise that we the people,
builders of the world by sweat and pain,
are the ones who really hold the power.
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Thursday 13 February 2014

Paint Your Face With War Paint?

       In honest reflection, I think we have to admit that we have made a real mess of the planet. Apart from ripping the planet apart to plunder its finite resources to feed our excesses, we swamp its rivers with noxious chemicals, and fill its atmosphere with deadly pollutants. We destroy its forests and devastate all other forms of animal life, as they get in the way of our “progress”. Basking in the illusion that we are making our lives better, we destroy our only home. We fail to grasp that spaceship earth has no escape capsule. Greed of the few, which is contagious, is sold as “progress” while tinsel and fancy gadgets cover the scars of our bleeding planet. What we should bear in mind is that the planet is much more adaptable than we are as a species, it will change and go on spinning, while we slowly eliminate ourselves with our ever growing greed and arrogance.
      Is it too late? Can we rescue our only home? Who knows, but any chance of rescuing our once beautiful home will require a mass revolution of consciousness among the ordinary people, a destroying all the old tablets of stone, a burying of the myth of “continuous growth”, a levelling of the quality of life of the people across the planet, an end to the greed driven excesses of the few at the expense the many. What ever rescue plan we come up with, will most certainly need to be based on co-operation, mutual aid, sustainability and mutual respect of all life on the planet. The rescue plan for our survival must sit firmly on the foundation of material needs rather than material desires. A realisation that more pretty coloured boxes does not equate with a better quality of life.
     In the Middle East, those questions look like birth defects from residuals of depleted Uranium. Beneath the Arab Spring lie unattainable food costs. In China, you have nets built around factories to prevent suicides and screens projecting sunrise and sunsets since you can’t see them through the smog. Throughout Latin America you have displaced villages and toxin spewing factories demolishing forests. Throughout the affluent nations, you have chronic debt, depression, and people buried under their possessions and gadgets as real world connections wither.
      You have a world overrun by resource wars, power grabs, ponzi schemes, crushed egos, isolation and separation induced anxiety and depression, suppressed populations, and unthinkable wealth. But you have no middle ground. You have no escape.
Read the full article HERE: 
 Tomorrow’s World! 

See the fat cat’s grinning smile
as Corporate Capitalism runs amok,
Chasing profit as it goes
firing millions of ordinary folk.
Raping and polluting land after land,
starting bloody wars.
Toxic waste, sweat shop wages
and oil covered sea shores.
Where have all the flowers gone
beneath this ozone free sky?
To join the birds, to join the fox
on yonder plutonium field to die.
Mercury fish, strontium lamb
trees that never show a leaf,
radio active beaches, toxic streams
good lean BSE-antibiotic beef.
In a world of epidemic, plague and famine
it’s bottled water and chemical food.
Of course, it’s all tested on rats and mice
so you know its got to be good.
Beneath a sky that’s always black,
hurricane winds and endless drought,
its oxygen masks for the toxic air,
corporate profit’s what its all about.
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Thursday 31 October 2013

Get Out With Your Flints!!

       I have always said, "we never know the spark that will start the fire". If there is enough fire tinder around any tiny spark could start an uncontrollable blaze. As far as our society is concerned we are knee deep in combustible fire tinder. Increasing poverty, declining social services, high unemployment, thousands being forced to work for nothing, thousands having their benefits sanctioned. Every section of our communities are being attacked, the unemployed by means of workfare and benefit sanctions, the disabled at the hands of ATOS doing the governments bidding, the employed by wage freezes/cuts, zero hours contracts, massive increases in energy bills and then the bedroom tax. A few months ago, Brazil exploded when bus fares were increased a few pesetas, it wasn't the bus fares, it was the fact that the people of Brazil were, like us, knee deep in fire tinder, they were being pushed ever deeper into deprivation in the midst of blatant greed and corruption, the bus fare increase was the spark. When we suffer this type of attack and push to deprivation, in a country where the number of millionaires is increasing, where lavish extravaganzas are flaunted in front of our ever increasing poverty, where blatant greed and corruption, stride pompously through the corridors of power, the spark is inevitable. A country where there is a vast unbridgeable chasm between the ordinary people and the wealth of that country, where there is a complete disconnect between those who hold the power and the ordinary people, cannot and should not hold together. 

      Perhaps all we can do at the moment is keep working with those flints.
  Revolution usually erupts over events that would, in normal circumstances, be considered meaningless or minor acts of injustice by the state. But once the tinder of revolt has piled up, as it has in the United States, an insignificant spark easily ignites popular rebellion. No person or movement can ignite this tinder. No one knows where or when the eruption will take place. No one knows the form it will take. But it is certain now that a popular revolt is coming. The refusal by the corporate state to address even the minimal grievances of the citizenry, along with the abject failure to remedy the mounting state repression, the chronic unemployment and underemployment, the massive debt peonage that is crippling more than half of Americans, and the loss of hope and widespread despair, means that blowback is inevitable.
Read the full article HERE:

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Tuesday 14 May 2013

This Crazy World.

This Crazy World
In this crazy world
                    half dead from dereliction
                    half brutalised from deprivation
                    half drowned in a sea of greed
                    half devoured by perpetual need.
                    war shrieks from East to West
                    famine seldom seems to rest
                    hunger stalks the layman's life
                    poverty kills with a silent knife.
We find
                    a pompous pampered arrogant clique
                    live a life that's smooth and sleek
                    far removed from want and fear,
                    bought with another's sweat and tear.
                    not a word do the speak
                    to aid the fallen or the weak
                    preferring to kneel at luxury's shrine
                    repeating their mantra, "This is mine".
Now watch them
                    peddle lies of tongue and pen
                    slyly hoard their plunder then
                    with spurious sanctimonious phrase 
                    shed crocodile tears at man's malaise.
                    is it written that masses must sweat
                    deprivation and misery a constant threat
                    covering the world in measureless wealth
                    so the few can plunder with avid stealth?
In friendship
                    let's clasp each human hand
                    with compassion try to understand
                    our differences, our hopes, our fears
                    dragging mankind from this sea of tears.
                    a world where justice flowers
                    the many reap the fruits of their toiling hours
                    a world of sharing, tending the others need
                    an end to privilege, plunder and greed. 

ann arky's home.

Sunday 21 April 2013

The High And Mighty.

   You could say that today's poem follows on from the previous post.

The High And Mighty.

Politicians, high priests of the holy church 
of greed,
yours are the crimes from which the many
See, vice and corruption make their
and with brutal tyranny, walk hand
in hand:
your arrogant minds, lost in ambition's
oblivious to the suffering of the humble
When poverty's knife makes our people
your cancerous power is all you ever
holding high some ego-inflating avaricious
that divides, soon pits man against
Now anguish and war mark your mad
covering our world in the brume of
then shedding youth's blood by cruel
with spurious pomp, lay the guilt at
another's feet.
As we fall heir to a plundered
you tyrannts walk in manner
what must we do to make you 
to see our children play in a bloodless
Smash and crush your dark nefarious
allowing love and peace to freely

Tuesday 1 January 2013


       Well the greed, gluttony, over consumption, festival of massive waste is all but over, for the time being. However this is capitalism and over consumption is the name of the game. Even although the illusion that this is happiness is soon dulled by the weight of debt left behind, it seems to repeat itself again and again. This system creates a world of obscene contrasts. Where we have this multitude gorging on all things material, we have millions dying of starvation, where we have millions titillating phony material desires created by advertising propaganda, on the other side of the coin we have millions desperately seeking material things simply for their survival. Surely even an idiot can see that there is something wrong with the system.
Thoughts on Christmas, and the Battle Between Materialism and Anti Materialism within Consumption Culture.
       The circus has once again come to town, hundreds upon hundreds upon thousands upon millions of feet are marching up and down streets all over the country (indeed all of the world) on a multitude of separate quests- chasing something, a dream, an image, an impossible reality sold to each and every one of us on our t.v’s, on billboards and in magazines. Like the children of Hamelin running blissfully towards their unhappy [1]ending all of us march glazed eyed and dozy footed through rows of lights and tinsel, eyes shining towards that unattainable moment, that glorious realization that can never quite be reached; because each time we get close to reaching material satisfaction, the advertiser, the store owner, the profiteer, our peers, and even ourselves snatch it away and raise the bar a little higher.
     Yet doggedly we keep on, believing somewhere somehow perhaps that in material we will find salvation, that among the cess pit of new toys, lingerie, and Christmas fucking pudding we might find something that will bring daylight streaming into the underside of the hill[2]- but we won’t. Shopping, the quest for material enlightenment is like masturbation without the orgasm[3]. Yet, when Christmas is done and put away and we go back to working overtime at our nine to fives to pay back the money we owe to loan sharks and credit card companies; we will if nothing else have once again achieved one giant cum stain of waste, broken toys, and half eaten food in the landfill of post consumer commodities.
Read the full article HERE:

ann arky's home.

Sunday 15 April 2012


        You and I know that the system stinks and is corrupt from top to bottom. It is a system of making money from nothing and those who make nothing make the most money, and have most control over our lives. It is a system of parasites feeding of the daily lives of the ordinary people. Capitalism used to be those with money investing it in making things and making more money, but things appeared. Now those with money make money from thin air and get rich faster than ever imagined and at the end of the day they have produced nothing, except more money for their money making smoke and mirrors trick.

It's  great system, who'd want to change it!!

This from The Drum:

Trade parasites feeding at the heart of the ASX 
        In the Australian Securities Exchange's Sydney data room, which is about the size of a big lounge room, there are six "cuckoos". These are the banks of servers installed by high-frequency traders.
        They sit against the wall opposite the ASX servers and each is connected directly into the host by a fat fibre optic pipe. Each cable is precisely the same length by agreement with the ASX so that none gets an advantage; if one server is closer to the input, its cable is looped around to lengthen it.
      Think about that: one less metre of optic fibre carrying data at 299.8 million metres per second - that is, the speed of light - would give one share trader an unfair advantage over the rest. It suggests that something pretty quick is going on.
        The question is whether it's fair to the rest of us; whether those six parasites with their suckers fastened directly into the heart of the ASX should be allowed to get away with it.
Continue READING:

ann arky's home.

Wednesday 23 November 2011


         As the savage attack on the living standards of the ordinary people by the financial Mafia, bites deeper and ever deeper, in country after country, perhaps we should look carefully at Greece. The Greek people have seen their living standards decimated, the cuts there have been deeper and far more wide spread than in other European countries. The Greek people have been sacrificed on the alter of financial greed, but that will not be enough to satisfy the financial beast. What is happening in Greece is on the cards for the rest of Europe, so we should be prepared and take some lessons from the Greeks. Recently the Greek government introduced a new property tax, to make it almost impossible to avoid they lumped it in with the people's electricity bill. This has pushed these bills so high that people are now defaulting on their electricity bills and disconnection notices are being issued. However, the unions have acted in true direct action method and occupied the offices that send out the disconnection notices.

On Sunday, trade unionists of GENOP-DEI, the union of the Public Power Corporation, occupied the building issuing the electricity disconnection orders for households that have failed to pay their bills. As of a few weeks ago, the latest bills now include the latest property tax imposed by the government, typically including hundreds of euros per property, making payment for thousands a non-option.
The full statement by GENOP-DEI can be read HERE.

 ann arky's home.


Tuesday 12 July 2011


         As the Murdoch Mafia sewer continues to spew out its toxic dogshit we start to get a better picture of how our political system works. It would seem that the necessary constituents for our “democracy” to function are bent cops that sell information to journalists, reporters that bribe police, officials and hack into phones and computers. The final part of this morally defunct system is the fawning politicians, eager to get into bed with and prostrate themselves before a greed driven media mogul who sits at the top of this pile of shit. He sets the political agenda, his scumbag media Mafia exerts the pressure and the subservient politicians push it through for fear of being out of favour with the mighty mogul and being forced of the gravy train.

       This then is British “representative democracy” a cesspool of duplicitous, greedy arrogant individuals hell bent on seeing to their own ends and screwing the public for all they are worth. Where in all this charade is there anything that is for the benefit of the ordinary people? Where are the benefits for all those who daily grind out an existence, the ones that create all the wealth and carry out all the services in our society? What has this bunch of low-life ever done other than gather up their millions and grasp at power for the own ends. Who needs them? Who wants them? The power they have over us is simple our refusal to use the power we hold ourselves. We are governed by consent, it is about time we withdrew that consent and used our power to create a world that will see to the needs of all our people. As system freed from the profit motive based on mutual aid, sustainability and mutual respect.

Tuesday 26 April 2011


      The following is something I posted about a year ago on another BLOG.  I repeat it here as I feel it is just as relevant, or even more so, today than ever. Looking at the true picture of our world and realising that not one of the governments of the world has any intentions of attacking the true cause of the situation, corporate capitalism and the state system, it becomes obvious it is up to the poor of this world, the ordinary people, to put things to right. Don't expect the bloated parasites who are in control at the moment, to do anything that might in any way deprive them of their unearned, unsustainable opulence.   

     I should add that some of the figures in the article will now be much worse as a year in corporate capitalism has done nothing but add to the misery of the world's poor. The actual number without access to clean drinking water rises by the hour. 
      It is difficult to grasp the state of the world that we have created. A world where there is an abundance of almost everything conceivable and yet to the vast majority of the world’s population it is all out of reach. A world where a small elite live a life of obscene and wasteful wealth while millions die of starvation and millions of children die from the lack of clean drinking water. In this capitalist made world there are small enclaves where the rich, in safety, play games with their expensive toys, private jets, luxury cars, yachts and several holiday homes in “exotic” locations. While just over that financial apartheid wall there is the stench of squalor and death for countless millions living in total deprivation and endless wars,

      In this capitalist created world, 8 million people die every year from poverty, One billion children live in abject poverty, 640 million do not have access to appropriate shelter, 140 million have never attended school, 400 million do not have access to clean uncontaminated water, 500 million do not have basic sanitation, 270 million have no access to health care, and 90 million are severely food deprived. Approximately 12.3 million people worldwide live in conditions of “modern slavery,”while over one billion people live on less than one dollar of income per day and over three billion live on less than two dollars per day. Then there is the strata in between that manage to scrape a reasonable existence that seems to keep them from revolt.

        All this misery in spite of the fact that the world economy actually produces one and a half times the amount of food necessary to provide the entire human population with adequate and nutritious meals. The fact that the capitalist system will not allow this to be shared out to those in need tells us that it is not a natural problem but a political problem. Perhaps the words of Derrick Jensen come close to capturing something of that world.

       “We are members of the most destructive culture ever to exist. Our assault on the natural world, on indigenous and other cultures, on women, on children, on all of us through the possibility of nuclear suicide and other means—all these are unprecedented in their magnitude and ferocity … What this means is that corporations and those who run them cannot stop exploiting resources and amassing wealth until they have…I cannot finish this sentence, because the truth is that they can never stop; like cancer, they can only continue to expand until they kill the host … For us to maintain our way of living, we must tell lies to each other and especially to ourselves. The lies are necessary because, without them, many deplorable acts would become impossibilities.”
     Do you honestly believe that voting in a bunch of privileged parasites will rid this world of the poverty, misery and deprivation, not to mention wars and destruction being perpetrated by corporate capitalism? Most people in government are millionaires, they get fat on the corruption of  the corporate world, we live in a time when state and corporate capitalism or one unified body, it is known as corporate fascism. 

Friday 23 April 2010


         Last year Linda Cook, former executive of Anglo-Dutch Oil, had her pension pot more than doubled to app. £16.5 million, and on leaving the company was given a “golden-goodbye” of app. £5 million taking her annual earnings, not counting the wee pension, to app.£6.5 million. At the same time the company announced that it was to axe a further 1,000 jobs, making a total of 7,000 jobs axed since last summer. Bonuses for them, dole for us!!
       Mean while the bankers still pass themselves fists full of dollars in bonuses for the useless and politicians talk about the need for cuts to our standard of living. Of course not one of the MPs proposing the cuts will feel any of the effects.
       They call it democracy, I call it rip off and exploitation, how about you?

ann arky's home.