Showing posts with label iraq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iraq. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 October 2017

A Moderniser!!

           Sitting in a bookshop café, the other day having a chat with a couple of anarchists comrades, the conversation rambled from football to travel on trains and buses, the horror of airports, and a host of other equally important subjects. Then the matter of Jeremy Corbyn came up, to which I said he was the new Messiah that would lead the people to the promised land, only to find they were back where they started in the desert. Then other UK Messiahs came up, Neil Kinnock and Tony Blair, and the difference between them, though I think the difference is illusionary, to my surprise one of my comrades referred to Tony Blair as a “moderniser”. The reason for my surprise is that I consider this as 100% mainstream media propaganda language. Tony Blair was one of a bunch of careerist who decided, for their own ends , to move the Labour Party even more to the right, and to blatantly admit that they would do business with large corporations and the financial Mafia, this is modernising if you are a rabid neo-con, where the previous Labour Party hid behind the illusion that it opposed such institutions, only when in power to sit down and do business with them to “grow the economy”, which is a euphemism for improving the profitability of big business and the financial Mafia. If and when Our Saviour Jeremy Corbyn, comes to power, there may be a few slices of bread thrown our way, in the shape of improvements to social services and help for the NHS. These will not even make up for the ravages of the last decade of “austerity” and “balancing the books” ideology of the present political ballerinas. I know both my comrades agree, as long as we hold to the party political system, we will live in a system where big business and the financial Mafia will continue their efforts to turn every human action and activity into a profit making endeavour. The Messiahs will come and the Messiahs will go but exploitation will continue. 
        However, I think my comrade should find another label for Holy Tony, perhaps something along the lines of arrogant, right wing, careerist, lost in an illusion of grandeur and his dream of the Phony Tony legacy, a hollow shell of a self-centred fantasising dangerous dreamer. A moderniser, never.
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Monday 9 October 2017

The West, The Bringer Of Peace!!!

          These little extracts explain how the "free democratic West" with its "peace loving" leaders plan the future. Wars are part of its strategy for world domination, simply to control the world's resources, all for profit and greed.
        In his book, A Time To Lead, General Clark states: (Wikipedia)
 ------a conversation Clark had with Paul Wolfowitz in May 1991 after the Gulf War, quoting Wolfowitz as lamenting the non-removal of Saddam Hussein, but also telling him that "...we did learn one thing that’s very important. With the end of the Cold War, we can now use our military with impunity. The Soviets won’t come in to block us. And we’ve got five, maybe 10, years to clean up these old Soviet surrogate regimes like Iraq and Syria before the next superpower emerges to challenge us...".[133]
        Retired four-star General Wesley Clark has given a number of interviews over the years in which he has revealed a covert plan whereby the “US will attack 7 countries In 5 years”. The context was always the Middle East and the seven countries were “Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” In each case Clark appears to be unaware that he was unwittingly exposing the essence of a clandestine scheme known in some circles as the Greater Israel project.
         Gen. Clark has performed a great service to the nation, and the world, by disclosing this crucial insider info. His public sharing of this critical piece of the Mideast puzzle has probably had an adverse effect on his post military career. Unfortunately, Clark’s forced retirement by the U.S. Army has likely made it much more difficult to acquire similar types of extremely valuable intelligence.
What follows is General Clark’s stunning revelation word for word:
          So I came back to see him a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defense’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” I said, “Is it classified?” He said, “Yes, sir.” I said, “Well, don’t show it to me.” And I saw him a year or so ago, and I said, “You remember that?” He said, “Sir, I didn’t show you that memo! I didn’t show it to you!”[1]
— General Wesley Clark

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Saturday 15 April 2017

The Dollar, Built On Blood.

 The bringer of democracy!!
      How can you in a sane and rational manner justify the total destruction of two countries which have never invaded or attacked you? Iraq and Syria are now fields of ruin, swamps of blood, filling the air with the stench of violent death. So we the moral and righteous West, decided that Saddam and Assad were bad men, therefore justifying the deaths of countless thousands of innocent people, and the displacing of millions, creating an endless flow of miserable, traumatised refugees fleeing death and destruction and ending up either drowned in the Mediterranean, or in concentration camps across Europe.  
      The UK has played a brutal and savage pivotal part in this modern Dante's Inferno. This country, weighted down with austerity, has seen fit to spend billions of pounds on this blood soaked imperialist resource grab, we have to accept, that is all this is about. During our "difficult times" when we the people of this country were seeing our social services being decimated, wages slashed, and benefits cut, with the cry, "we can't afford these thing", our beloved lords and masters saw fit to spend more than £30 billion on destroying Iraq, with all the misery, death and destruction that that entailed.
      Not content with that, our blood soaked parasitic masters decide to go gung-ho into Syria. To date our cash strapped loving, caring, people's government, this year alone, (2017) has  unloaded 216 bombs and missiles on that unfortunate country of Syria. Each of these implements of death costing between £22,000 to £800,000, not counting the cost of getting them there and then deploying them. Of course all of them will be replaced, with the arms industry rubbing its sweaty hands in glee, and praying that the war continues or intensifies. 
      What we have done to the Syrian people is dwarfed by that malevolent cabal that is American imperialism. In 2016 alone, the US dropped 12,192 bombs in Syria and 12,095 in Iraq, according to the American think tank Council on Foreign Relations. 
       What do you honestly think has been the outcome of all this lavishly expensive, death and destruction, what has it done for the people of that region? The only gainers in this human tragedy, has been the large Western corporations, mainly the arms industry and the oil and gas industry, not forgetting the financial Mafia. We pay for it in austerity, the people of the region pay for it in misery, blood and death.
     Not satisfied with their blood fest, in the Middle East, that brain dead, moronic psychopath, who sits at the helm of the world's largest and most dangerous war machine, narcissistic Trump, is bellowing about a nuclear attack on North Korea. A country, that as far as I am aware, has never attack any other country on the planet. Though it is one of only three countries in the world where the central bank is not controlled by the dollar. In 2000 there were seven, Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. Now there are only three, Iran, North Korea and Cuba. Could that be a reason why they are classified as "evil" countries. Of course China is also a state owned Bank, but that is a bigger fish, but no doubt the "evil" propaganda will continue, keeping it as the demon, until such times as the dollar monster sees fit to take it out. The strength of the dollar is built on blood.
 Packed with the gifts of democracy.
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Monday 20 March 2017

War, The Capitalist Cancer.


      A reminder: The next Scottish Peace Network, anti-war vigil, will take place this Thursday, 23rd. March, from 5-6pm at Donald Dewar's statue at the top of Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Spring is around the corner so it is time to get out on the streets to show our opposition to war and militarism.
       People in the developed Western world live under the illusion that we are at peace, and have been since 1945. They wander around their shopping malls, go on holiday, watch the football, take the kids to the park, go for a friendly chat in the pub. All unimaginable luxuries to those who live in a vast swath of our planet where the soil is being watered with the blood of millions of innocent people, men, women, young, old, sick, and infirm. Their lives are being destroyed in what can only be described as World War III. From Afghanistan to Iraq, from Libya, to Yemen, all the world's major military powers are in there, with air-strikes, missiles, heavy artillery, and troops on the ground. The whole area is the battle ground  for the world's imperialist powers as they attempt land grabs, regime changes and resource plunders. We the public are supposed to believe that all this bloody mayhem and wholesale slaughter of innocents, is simple for the benefit of the people of that region. Our leaders preach the lie, "we, the righteous developed world, are slaughtering you and your kids, all for your own good", surely only the most deranged and insane can swallow such a gigantic lie.
      In keeping with this insanity, the Israeli government has stated that it will, "without hesitation" destroy Syria's air defence system, it it again launches them against Israeli air-strikes on Syrian territory. There has been no reaction to this swashbuckling bully-boy statement, yet imagine the reaction if say, France stated that it would "without hesitation" destroy Spain's air defence system if it again used them against French planes bombing Spain!!! This is the irrational, insane double standards that our warring imperial masters use on a daily basis.

      All wars, world or pygmy, are just the manifestation of the powerful, taking control of the weak for the gain of the powerful, supported by a tsunami of lying propaganda. The people are merely the duped cannon-fodder, who pay with their blood, but never receive the "spoils of war".
      Wars are no longer "declared", they are now part and parcel of our imperial masters way of life, a world of continuous wars that shape all our lives, that dominate our economy, and stunt the lives of all of us in one way or another. The rich countries starve their children to pay for the slaughter of other children, that is the nature of the society we tolerate. Since war and all its attendant horrors are creating poverty, misery and death world wide, we should never let these facts stray from our minds and continually work to put an end to this madness. 
     To this end the Scottish Peace Network hold a monthly anti-war vigil at the Donald Dewar Statue at the top of Buchanan Street Glasgow. The militarists must be challenged, their lies must be exposed, join the vigil to help raise that anti-war voice.
     A reminder: The next Scottish Peace Network vigil will take place this Thursday, 23rd. March, from 5-6pm at Donald Dewar's statue at the top of Buchanan Street, Glasgow. Spring is around the corner so it is time to get out on the streets to show our opposition to war and militarism.
      Why not join them, bring your voice, show support for all those millions suffering on the imperialist battlefields across the globe, shout for an end to the squandering of billions of pounds worth of resources on a war economy, resources that could be spent to make this world a better place for our kids.
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Saturday 5 November 2016

Robert Newman- History of Oil.

     This is a few years old, but I still think it is worthwhile repeating.First published on Mar 6, 2012, Robert Newman gets to grips with the wars and politics of the last hundred years - but rather than adhering to the history we were fed at school, he places oil centre stage as the cause of all the commotion.
      As remembrance day approaches, this is one way of bring home the truth about the carnage of imperialist continuous wars for resources. Humour is a wonderful way of spreading truth. Well worth viewing the entire piece.

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Wednesday 26 October 2016

Defending The Rich With The Blood Of The Poor.

        As Syria explodes and Libya convulses and Iraq bleeds, all due to the military adventures of the various imperialists of this world, and the UK is spending more than some small countries entire GDP, on nuclear weapons, it is all the more important that we stand up and resist the continued drive for militarism as an answer to the world's problems.
    Two events coming up organised by the Scottish Peace Network:

       On Thursday, October 27, we will hold our monthly vigil at Dewar's statue on Buchanan Street from 5-6pm. We will have a banner, placards and a flyer.
        By coincidence, this Thursday the UN General Assembly will vote on a motion to establish a conference in 2017 to negotiate a treaty banning all nuclear weapons. I am afraid it will take more than a UN resolution to overcome the Pentagon and the military-industrial complex, but a UN vote promoting a ban on all nuclear weapons provides us with an opportunity to raise this critical issue.
       So join us on the vigil and we will bring placards calling for a ban on nuclear weapons.
      2. On Saturday, October 29, the Peace Network will set up a stall from 12-2 on Buchanan Street in front of where Borders bookstore was located and opposite to the TGIF restaurant. We will have white poppies to distribute for a donation and a flyer explaining the history of the white poppy.
       Come along and help us with the stall. This will be a good time to talk to people about peace issues and the need to resist militarism.
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Wednesday 27 July 2016

Let's Cut The Bloody Claws Of Militarism.

        With the UK among the Western imperialists, who are eagerly involved in sticking their blooded hands in Iraq, Syria, and Libya, by means of aerial bombings and “special forces” and “training personnel” on the ground, it is now more important than ever that we keep up a continuous anti-war presence. Our lords and masters would love to keep their brutal involvement in these imperialist resource grabs, out of public scrutiny. With the establishments mouth-piece, that babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, ever pushing in our faces, the splits in the Labour party, and the horrors/benefits of Brexit, it is up to us to stand up and point the finger at the savagery being heap on the lives of the civilian population in these countries, all in the defence of corporatism. 
       There will be the usual monthly vigil for peace and against militarism, on Thursday evening 28th. July. It will be held at the top of Buchanan Street at the Donald Dewar statue, 5pm.

Thursday 28th. July
From 5pm.
Donald Dewar statue
Top of Buchanan Street Glasgow.

         Please come along and support the drive for peace and an end to militarism. There will be placards, but bring what you would expect to find at a rally for world peace. 

Let’s Make That Stand

Come rise with me
here, take my hand
it’s time my brothers
to make that stand,/p>
we’ve bought this world/p>
with blood and tears
shed by our kin
through countless years.
Put an end to war
it’s time for peace
man killing man
has to cease.
No more poverty
in a sea of wealth
all men equal
in a new commonwealth.
Let’s never again kneel
let’s stand up tall
claim what’s ours
justice for all.

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Thursday 2 June 2016

The Crime That Was Iraq, Blew The Region Apart.

        Anybody with a grain of sincerity accepts that the invasion of Iraq was raw Western imperialism in all its savagery, it was nothing more than a brutal grab for resources, spearheaded by today's leading imperialist power, America. Of course the UK and other minions of the American empire wanted a slice of the plunder, so the played their part. The architects of that vicious onslaught on the people of Iraq have now slipped into wealthy sidelines of the empire, to live out their lives in opulence, but the people of that region are still in the turmoil of war and slaughter. All this will always be dressed up as bring down a dreadful dictator and bring democracy to the people of Iraq. In that region soaked in blood, the flower of democracy has still not seen the light of day. The savagery and the viciousness unleashed by the Western imperialists has spread across the whole region. Millions live in constant terror, trauma, poverty, death and destruction, so that the West can control the resources of that region. 
      The Chilcot inquiry is meant to throw some light on the reasoning behind the whole Iraq disaster, but what will be revealed, and what will be concealed, for so called "security reasons". The establishment will do its utmost to make sure that the truth of this human disaster will never be revealed to the public.
This from Stop The War:
The People's Chilcot Tribunal
8th June, 3-8pm
Amnesty International Human Rights Action Centre Auditorium
17-25 New Inn Yard London EC2A 3EA
          The date of the publication of the Chilcot report is fast approaching. It is clear that the establishment will try to deflect attention away from the examination of the lies and the crimes which the Anglo-American invasion of Iraq entailed.
          They will also try to hide the real economic and geopolitical motives behind the invasion. Under Western occupation, Iraq was treated as a "blank slate". Paul Bremer, the US-imposed governor of occupied Iraq, quickly imposed a neo-colonial constitution which forced open Iraq's markets to Western corporations and enabled them to privatise/plunder the major Iraqi companies and natural resources, including oil of course.
Stop the War Coalition is hosting a People's Chilcot Tribunal to establish who was to blame for Iraq's ongoing tragedy, including over a million deaths, the spread of fundamentalism and conflict across the region, including millions of desperate refugees who are still fleeing for their lives from a region ravaged by war. There will be testimony from a wide range of people including former UN envoy to Iraq Hans von Sponeck, ex-soldiers Ben Griffin and Geoff Martin, writer Tariq Ali, Iraqi dissident and lecturer Sami Ramadani, journalist and playwright Richard Norton-Taylor, political commentator Peter Oborne, Stop the War convenor Lindsey German, CND general secretary Kate Hudson and Peter Brierley from Military Families Against the War.
Tickets are selling fast so make sure you book your place now. Please invite your friends as well. We will also hold a public meeting the day after the report is released.
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Thursday 26 May 2016

Where Is Our Righteous Anger?

      Why do we continually put up with our lords and masters' never ending desire to spend our tax money on the destruction of other people's countries. We are in an endless slaughter of innocents, authorised by our so called, democratic government. Cameron is now showing withdrawal symptoms as his sadistic Libyan adventure slides in to history. Come July we will see his excitement rate jump, as he and his imperialist cronies start episode two of his Libyan massacre.
       What most people don't recognise is the extent of the brutal assault on the people of Libya by that minder of Western corporatism, NATO. If we look at the bombardment of Syria, since 2014, not counting Russian air strikes, there has been just under 4,000 allied air strikes. In Iraq, air strikes against Daesh, have numbered approximately 8,500. If we combine these air strikes we have approximately 12,500.  The population of Syria is roughly 22.8 million and the population of Iraq 33.4 million and they have received an appalling 12,500 air strikes. Now let's look at Libya, with a small population of less than 7 million this unfortunate country felt the wrath of Cameron via NATO with an astonishing 26.500. A part from the human misery caused, it should be remembered that each missile fired cost between £500,000 and £1 million. How many hospitals went bang, and how many schools went boom, in  the batting of an eye?
       Not content with that, Cameron and his imperialist cohorts are planning another assault on the people of Libya. Why, well having destroyed the infrastructure of that country and turned it into a quagmire of fighting factions, it is difficult to control the oil efficiently. So they need a subservient, compliant government to run the place. Since there isn't one, they have shipped in a bunch of pro-Western/Saudi puppets, who are holed up in some western protected bunker, and this is what they call the legitimate government of Libya. So now we have to go in and blow the shit out of the rest of the country and build this Western chosen clique an army, so that we can do deals with them to more rapidly extract Libya's gas and oil. 
      They are planning to pour more of our tax money into the destruction of an already devastated country, with the result of countless more deaths of innocent people, we will be supporting a group of people whom the people of Libya have no part in choosing, all to help the Western corporate greed machine.
     We should be angry, we should be very angry, we are being made complicit in the murder of innocents, to feed the greed of Western imperialism. No where in this Dante's Inferno of greed is there a thought for the welfare of the people of Libya. The teachers, plumbers, drivers, grandparents and grandchildren of Libya will be the victims of this bloody greed fest.
      Where is our righteous anger, where are the crowds on the streets, this slaughter will continue unless we the people stop it, the powers that be are all in favour of this continuing resource grab, by violence or any other means, and to hell with the people.

Time To Rage.

Time to rage, like a river running wild
Time to rise, to save the child,
Time to rage, like a mountain flood,
Time to rise, to stop the blood,
Time to rage, with righteous anger,
Time to rise, to point the finger.

Famine, misery, sickness,death
Stretch across these pleasant lands;
War, greed, hunger, blood
Sour the lovely desert sands,
Charity, chat, quiet dismay
Is not enough,
Prayers, thoughts,what PM's say
Is useless stuff.

Time to rage, like a river running wild,
Time to rise, to save the child,
Time to rage, like a mountain flood,
Time to rise, to stop the blood,
Time to rage, with righteous anger,
Time to rise, to point the finger.
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Thursday 28 April 2016

Democracy Via The Bomb And The Bullet!!!!

       Despite Glasgow's lousy, cold, hailstones and windy weather, a brave and dedicated bunch from the Scottish Peace Network, held their monthly anti-war vigil at the top of Buchanan Street, at the Donald Dewar statue, Wednesday evening, 5pm-6pm. Practically the whole of the Middle East, as far up as Afghanistan, is mired in blood, death and destruction, mainly thanks to the kindness of Western imperialism doing its utmost to introduce them to Western democracy (dominating them to the benefit of Western imperialism) via the bomb and the bullet. Also, the burning desire of the Cameron cabal to resurrect the Libyan slaughter by more bombing and ground troops, means that such protests/vigils are more important now than ever before. 
       We must raise our voices ever louder, against this continuous slaughter of ordinary people. Those who die in this Western imperialist desire for oil and gas, are the bus drivers, teachers, shop keepers, taxi drivers, plumbers, the young, the elderly and the infirm, of those unfortunate countries. The ordinary people are always the ones that pay in wars, the powerful and wealthy reap the plunder.
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Wednesday 30 March 2016

Amateur And Professional Terrorists.

          We live in a world of terrorists, the religious fanatics who feel the need to kill, to prove how wonderful their religion is, how great their god, they kill hundreds indiscriminately, while praising their god. Then there is the professional terrorist, the states, who bomb into destruction entire countries, killing countless millions in the process, spreading terror across land after land. At the same time creating breeding grounds for the for the religious fanatic to recruit and win over more suicide maniacs. What links these two groups is the fact that will kill indiscriminately for an idea, they will kill innocent people who are in no way involved in the terrorist process. People who just happen to be in their line of fire. 
         There is no terrorist organisation on earth or has there ever been one, that could compete with, let alone out do, the countless deaths and massive destruction of the nation state. Today we are witness to almost the entire Middle East in a quagmire if blood, death and destruction, we have seen countries with modern infrastructure reduced to rubble, with the victims numbering in the millions, and the vast majority of those killed have been killed by the various states. From Afghanistan to Iraq, from Libya to Syria, the accolade for the highest number of deaths and greatest destruction goes, unchallenged, to the Western states. Only an idiot would say that the West only carried out these blood soaked actions with the welfare of the people of the Middle East in mind. They done it for their own self centred ideology, just like the religious nutters.
        And then there is the massive deployment of the military and police in the streets, who feel the need to give us a demonstration of the extra power that the State has bestowed on them. And the famous “national unity” evoked a few days after the attacks. The enemy of revolutionaries, those who want to get rid of the State, not see it opportunely strengthened in this context. That which attracts crowds to come and meditate on these places of death singing the Marseillaise draped in French flags and shouting “Long live France, long live the Republic.” Crowds that speak of freedom, as if we had been free before this tragedy. Which in a way is accepting the state of emergency, saying that it is the god-crazed who took away our freedom, thus completely clearing the State, finding excuses for it. The same national unity that leads to accepting the grip of the State over our lives, is also that which brings together religious leaders, while they are the ones, whoever they are, that nourish fanaticism, even when they say they are moderates.
       What both sides want is for us to live in fear, that we cease to be alive, change our habits, resign ourselves to staying quietly at home without raising any criticism. But we won’t accept the terror that they are forcing on us. This silence of death that they want to reign. And we will never accept the alternatives that States, which are capable of all the terror that we know them to be, offer us, often brandishing it “anti-terrorist”.
So, to the salt of our tears, we add the spice of our passion for life, and our desire for revolt.
They will never make us give up.
Let’s live and rebel, against all power!
Neither religion, nor nationalism!
Read the full article HERE:
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Thursday 24 March 2016

The West, Masters Of Terrorism.


        Up until now I have refrained from saying anything about the Brussels atrocities, such actions leave me numb, the killing and maiming of innocent people, going about their business, is about as low as humans can sink. However there is also anger, anger at our babbling brook of bullshit, the mainstream media, who try to play each emotion, the panic, the fear, like some unknown spectacle. They fail to even mention, that this is now a daily occurrence in those lands that the West blasted into the stone age. Our hurt and pain is obviously greater than the suffering of the ordinary people of Iraq, who felt the apocalyptic horror of our "shock and awe", that totally destroyed their country. As we watched our TV's as those buildings disintegrate into dust and rubble, we slaughtered a multitude of teachers, bus drivers, shop assistants, plumbers, doctors, children and elderly, going about their business, all because the West didn't like their leader. Their deaths were justifiable, as their leader was a monster. This statement presupposes that we in the West don't have monsters, just morally impeccable individuals who are capable of killing countless thousands of ordinary people, going about their business. The only difference is scale, the West is the master of destruction and killing of innocents.
         The 13th. anniversary of our indescribable onslaught on the people of Iraq is this month, and they still suffer from the consequences of our brutality, car bombings, constant battles and bloodshed, this is their normality, as they try to, go about their business. However, our babbling brook of bullshit, pass these events by as not worthy of reporting.  We have repeated our callous destruction of countries by weapons of incredible power, that no terrorist could hope to have, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. Behind all this moral doing-good hypocrisy, lies a mountain of dead ordinary people, from the very young to the very old, all going about their business, when suddenly, from the sky blood and thunder rained down on their innocent lives. All this because our lords and masters didn't like their leaders, their deaths are acceptable "collateral damage".  
          2001 we set about destroying Afghanistan, which entailed the killing of thousands of ordinary people, going about their business. Since then the West has swept through the Middle East, creating a quagmire of blood and destruction, a mountain of innocent deaths, an army of maimed and traumatised, innocent people, going about their business. We are still there, doing our damnedest through killing and maiming, to prop up corrupt factions that might be able to form a government that is compliant to the desires of Western imperialism. 
      Yes, Brussels was a dreadful nightmare for all those involved and fills any decent human with anger, horror and compassion for the victims, but let's not forget the bigger picture, let's start to ask WHY, don't you think that perhaps, just perhaps, we have stoked up a mountain of hate, and perhaps, just perhaps, some want to kick back? That does not in any way condone these actions, but perhaps, just perhaps, we reap what we sow.
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Tuesday 26 January 2016

Kobane Liberated, One Year Ago Today.

        On this day, January, 26th., 2015, the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane was liberated by its defence forces, after having been under attack from ISIS for 134 days.
This by ROAR Collective
       During its four and a half months of resistance against the jihadist juggernaut of the so-called Islamic State, the small town of Kobane on the Syrian-Turkish border gained international fame as a bulwark of freedom, equality and democracy. The seemingly hopeless fight of the poorly equipped defenders of the city made up primarily of the local Peoples’ and Women’s Defense Forces (YPG and YPJ) became a contemporary saga of the universal struggle of good versus evil.
      What made the battle for Kobane unique was not only the refusal of its people to hand over their home town to the jihadists and their determination to continue the resistance against all odds. What truly triggered the collective imagination of observers of this heroic battle were the revolutionary ideas the town’s defenders were fighting for. As protectors of the birthplace of the Rojava revolution, what motivated the resistance fighters to continue their struggle were the revolution’s core values based upon the ideals of gender equality, direct democracy and ecological sustainability.
        The successful liberation of Kobane one year ago not only proved to the world that the Islamic State could be beaten, it also confirmed that a different world is possible, free of hierarchy and oppression, capitalist exploitation and imperialist aspirations. The battle for Kobane and the Rojava revolution have triggered hopes that the same region that was home to the birth of civilization thousands of years ago, could now once again provide the fertile soil for the creation of a new society.
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