Showing posts with label planet destruction. Show all posts
Showing posts with label planet destruction. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 June 2022



        I penned this wee article away back in 2003, just before the U$A/UK illegal invasion of Iraq. Nineteen years later and states still see fit to annihilate civilian populations to further their desire for power, resources and markets. The festering relationship of state  and capitalism, sees no other way of preserving their power, wealth and privileges other than by brute force, where we pay with blood and they reap the rewards of power, wealth and privileges. Our very survival depends on the ordinary people of the world coming together and bring about the total destruction of this insane, greed and profit driven festering system of state and capitalism. Your children and grandchildren's future lives depend on our actions now. We are the pinnacle of evolution, or we are the perpetrators of disaster and misery, destroyers of our planet, the choice is ours.
         It is unacceptable that in the twenty first century we are still settling international disputes by the barbaric method of war. Modern war fare does not consist of two armies facing each other over some strange and foreign plain. It is a devastating and horrendous attack on the civilian population and the country’s infrastructure. It is a ferocious and sustained attack by weapons of unimaginable destructive power unleashed on cities, towns and villages from many miles away. There is no real defence against such weapons, if the fireball and blast don’t kill you the depleted uranium will in time and leave a legacy of cancer and deformed births for generations to come. This surely can’t be the answer to any problem, you only stoke the fires of hate and bitterness for future wars.
       If man is as he claims, the pinnacle of evolution, the most intelligent being on the planet, then it must be within his ability to come up with a solution to international disputes that does not create such savage, merciless slaughter and destruction. In all modern warfare it is not just the armed combatants that are targeted, the vast amount of weaponry is not of the anti-personnel type, but designed to destroy a countries infrastructure, that means civilians. The use of such weapons must be considered a war crime.
        It is the ordinary people of this world that must stand up and put an end to this primeval form of activity, it is always the ordinary people that are called up to do the killing and it is always the ordinary people that suffer most.

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Monday, 1 June 2020


       Somethings I always expect when I visit Not Buying Anything, compassion, insight, respect and common sense. Qualities if we all acted upon, we would have arrived at that better world by now.
   Here are Gregg's latest thoughts on today's society.
Looters On A Rampage. 

      I was going to write about my garden, which is fully planted, but there is so much going on in the world right now I find myself needing to sow some ideas in the fertile soil of the internet first.
      So here goes with some random thoughts.
      * When you steal the contents of a store you are a looter.
     When you steal the contents of an old growth forest you are an enterprising industry leader.
     * When telling a lie, tell a whopper. Keep repeating it. If challenged, double down. 
      For example - "You are free." "We care." "TINA." "Corruption only happens in other countries." "You have Freedom of Assembly."
     * You can rob more money by owning a bank than by robbing a bank. 
     * There is never enough money for the people's projects.
     There is always enough money for propping up crony capitalism.
    * When you dump a load of steer manure on a CEO's doorstep you are engaging in "domestic terrorism".
     When that CEO dumps toxic shit in your drinking water he is engaging in "bringing jobs and prosperity to your community".
     * When a crowd of people are in the street (some with automatic weapons), disrupting traffic and screaming moistly for haircuts and a sit down fast food meal, they get a police escort.
     When a crowd of peaceful, non-violent, non-armed citizens are in the street screaming (also moistly) for justice they get pepper spray, rubber bullets and police infiltrators/provocateurs instigating violence to discredit their message.
    * When you try to save the Earth you are an ecoterrorist and will be rewarded with scorn and incarceration.
     When you succeed in destroying the Earth, if you are lucky, you will be rewarded by becoming a billionaire.
     I can see who the real looters are, and where the real violence is coming from.
      It is not the citizens I have seen in the streets, who are largely peaceful and compassionate toward each other and loving toward their communities.
    Right now the real looters are on a record-setting multi-trillion dollar rampage. It is the largest transfer of wealth in the history of large transfers of wealth.
     And the largest purveyors of violence on the planet are state authorities trying to keep our necks under their knees. "We can't breathe!"
     These truths aren't being reported while we are obsessing over The People's understandable reaction to an obviously messed up social and economic situation.
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Monday, 18 November 2019

Why Do We Tolerate Them.

        It would appear that the representatives of the predatory class are having a get together in Madrid this December 2nd-13th.. There they will wine and dine on the best that you and I can provide, after all it is us that produce everything and pay for their hospitality, How ironic considering that they are the creators of our poverty and deprivation. They will be meeting up to discuss how best to guarantee their privileged positions, their power and their wealth. These are the people who come with the blood of ordinary people on their hands, they plan and execute wars, killing and maiming millions, they are responsible for the destruction of infrastructure in country after country, they plunder the resources of the planet for their own power and wealth.
    However their biggest crime is probably that fact that they are responsible for the destruction of the planet, and show no serious signs of trying to do anything to halt that destruction.
    This event in Madrid will be the gathering of the enemy of the people, the friends of  the corporate juggernaut, the representatives of the gross inhumanity that burdens our world, and we are expected to applaud them. No doubt the media will paint them as wonderful planners of our future, planners of a better world, but it will be a better world for that little band of predatory parasites. Why do we tolerate them, wine and dine them?
       December 2nd, the rulers of the world are coming to Madrid. Some of the biggest murderers of this planet, of the biggest responsible of its devastation. They come to fill their mouths and calendars with the next plans of “fight against climate change”. While global capitalism continues intact and most of the CO2 emissions emanate from industrial production, while their companies keep devastating forests and mountains to extract its natural resources.
      And if that wasn’t enough, at the same time, Chile burns and their streets are still covered by the ammunition caps from the security forces. But Piñera couldn’t see his political planning disturbed by the revolt, he couldn’t admit the mediatic focus questioning his dictation before such a social explosion. And thanks to the kindness of Spanish government, now he will be able to continue with his plans without getting disheveled.
      But in Chile, normality couldn’t be held anymore, and we neither want to hold it here. We won’t allow the world leaders meet to design the destruction under the look of sustainability and respect, as if everything continues to go normally. As if they haven’t been destroying all this time, as if they wouldn’t carry thousands of corpses in their backs. We won’t give them such legitimacy. Also, because we know, that the best way to show solidarity with the rebels is nothing but extend the revolt. Like in Hamburg, we want this summit to become hell.
     Therefore, we encourage the system enemies to meet in Madrid, in the dates when the world owners have their appointment in this city. Stay aware to the next calls and infos. There will be enabled spaces to host those coming from other places.
     On the other hand, neither do we trust that politics gestated in parliaments and offices will stop the destruction or stop the way to the collapse, that is increasingly inevitable. But we trust in the ability of every one to act, individually or in groups. That’s why we want to make a call for decentralized action to point the responsible of environmental destruction. Politicians won’t act against the Capitalism interests, but we do. Against climate change; direct action.
Attack those who destroy the Earth.
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Sunday, 27 January 2019

Money Rules, Insanity Is Normal.

       It is obvious by now that the economic system that covers this world is unsustainable, since it is based on the theory of perpetual growth from a finite source, our planet, which in turn sucks all the wealth into a small cabal of extremely rich and pampered parasites, much to the detriment of the rest of humanity and the planet's ecosystem. Sooner or later the bubble will burst, and the consequences will be catastrophic for humanity. How much longer can we sustain the unsustainable? Financiers and bankers have conquered the world, and their only aim is to increase their wealth and power, financing ever more damaging schemes that are supposed to create greater growth, but in actual fact do nothing but plunder and destroy the Earth's ecosystems. We cannot rely on those who grow fat on this destruction and plunder to mend their ways, and reduce their wealth and power, the answer will have to come from those who suffer most under this insanity, the ordinary people. We should do well to remember, Spaceship Earth has no escape capsule.
        The following is an extract from a very informative, if somewhat depressing article on the extent of the damage that has already been done to the fragile balance of our ecosystem. I feel it is so important that it should be read in full, no matter how depressing it makes you feel, and should also be widely circulated.
        ------The bottom line is this: We are destroying the natural world. And that means that we are destroying ourselves. I know that the mainstream news has relegated this conversation to the back pages (when they covered it at all) and so it's not “front and center” for most people. But it should be. Everything we hold dear is a subset of the ecosphere. If that goes, so does everything else. Nothing else matters in the slightest if we actively destroy the Earth’s carrying capacity. At the same time, we're in the grips of an extremely dangerous delusion that has placed money, finance and the economy at the top spot on our temple of daily worship. Any idea of slowing down or stopping economic growth is “bad for business” and dismissed out of hand as “not practical”, "undesirable" or "unwise". It’s always a bad time to discuss the end of economic growth, apparently. But as today's young people are increasingly discovering, if "conducting business" is just a lame rationale for failed stewardship of our lands and oceans, then it’s a broken idea. One not worth preserving in its current form.
        The parade of terrible ecological breakdowns provided above is there for all willing to see it. Are you willing? Each failing ecosystem is screaming at us in urgent, strident tones that we’ve gone too far in our quest for "more". We might be able to explain away each failure individually. But taken as a whole? The pattern is clear: We’ve got enemy action at work. These are not random coincidences. Nature is warning us loudly that it's past time to change our ways. That our "endless growth" model is no longer valid. In fact, it's now becoming an existential threat. The collapse is underway. It’s just not being televised (yet). Davos As Destiny. And don't expect the cavalry to arrive.
      Our leadership is absolutely not up to the task. If the Davos conference currently underway in Switzerland is a sign of anything at all, it’s that we’re doomed. The world has been taken over by bankers and financiers too smitten by their love of money to notice much else or be of any practical service to the world. By way of illustrative example, here’s the big techno-feel-good idea unveiled on the second day of the conference. The crowds there loved it: Yes, folks, this is what the world most desperately needs at this time! /sarc
       While I’m sure drone-delivered books is a heart warming story, it’s completely diversionary and utterly meaningless in the face of collapsing oceanic and terrestrial food webs. Sadly, this is exactly the sort of inane distraction most admired by the Davos set in large part because it helps them feel a tiny bit better about their ill-gotten wealth. "Look! We're supporting good thngs!" The ugly truth is that big wealth's main pursuit is to distort political processes and rules to assure they get to keep it and even amass more. Drones carrying books to Indonesian children provides the same sort of dopamine rush to a Davos attendee as Facebook 'like' gives to a 14-year-old. Temporary, cheap, superficial and ultimately meaningless.
        The same is true of their other feel-good theme of the day. “Scientists” have discovered an enzyme that eats plastics: That’s swell, but you know what would be even better? Not using the bottles in the first place. Which could be accomplished by providing access to safe, potable water as a basic human right and using re-usable containers. Of course, that would offer less chances for private wealth accumulation so instead the Davos crowd is fixated on the profitable solution vs. doing the right thing. In virtually every instance, the Davos crowd wants to preserve industry and our consumer culture as it is, using technology and gimmicks in attempt to remedy the ills that result. There’s money to be made on both ends of that story. The only thing that approach lacks is a future. Because it’s not-so-subtly based on continued "growth". Infinite exponential growth. The exact same growth that is killing ancient trees, sea birds, insects, amphibians, and phytoplankton.
     Who wants more of that? Insane people.
   In other words, don’t hold out any hope that the Davos set representing the so-called “elite” from every prominent nation on earth are going to somehow bravely offer up real insights on our massive predicaments and solutions to our looming problems. They're too consumed with their own egos and busy preening for prominence to notice the danger or care. As they pointlessly fritter away another expensive gathering, the ecological world is unraveling all around them. The oceans are becoming a barren wasteland. The ancient trees are dying. Heatwaves are melting tar and killing life. The web of life is snapping strand by strand and nobody can predict what happens next. In other words, if you held out any hope that “they” would somehow rally to the cause you’d best set that completely aside. It's no wonder social anger against tone-deaf and plundering elites is breaking out right now.
      From here, there are only two likely paths:
(1) We humans simply cannot self-organize to address these plights and carry on until the bitter end, when something catastrophic happens that collapses our natural support systems.
(2) We see the light, gather our courage, and do what needs to be done. Consumption is widely and steeply curtailed, fossil fuel use is severely restrained, and living standards as measured by the amount of stuff flowing through our daily lives are dropped to sustainable levels.
       Either path means enormous changes are coming, probably for you and definitely for your children and grandchildren. In Part 2: Facing Reality we dive into what developments to expect as our systems continue further along their trophic cascade. Which markers and milestones should we monitor most closely to know when the next breaking point is upon us?
       To reiterate: Massive change is now inevitable and in progress.
Collapse has already begun.
And further READING HERE:
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Friday, 7 September 2018

More On The Destruction OF The Planet For Profit.

      It is obvious to any intelligent observed with a modicum of integrity who views this insane economic system, that it will deliberately destroy the planet in its drive for corporate power and increased profit, the system cannot survive otherwise.
     It has a variety of ways of increasing profit, slashing workers conditions, increasing production efficiency, (throwing more workers on the dole) and of course, wars, probably the biggest corporate growth method in their armoury. At no time is the plight of people in this mad drive for increased profit and power a consideration, they are simply dispensable units of no consequence.
Another interesting article on planet destruction from 325: 

      For a few years now the TAP question has jumped to the headlines.
Precisely since 2013, the TAP consortium was chosen to carry out the construction of a gas pipeline through Turkey, Greece, Albania, the Adriatic Sea right to Italy, with Salento as its final destination so that it could be linked to another gas pipeline, the TANAP, which joins Turkey with Azerbaijan (where natural gas fields are to be found), and finally become SNAM, going up through the Italian Apennines, the so-called ‘Adriatic network’ – up to Austria.
      Thousands of kilometres of pipelines, gas pressurization and depressurization plants, thrust wells, micro tunnels to link the mainland and the sea, optic fibres cables along the whole route, construction sites that will destroy landscape and local environments, high risk of accidents and explosions, air pollution, heavy vehicles on the roads for years to come, exponential increase of police forces, industrial transformation of the economy of a whole area and consequent loss of all choices for the people who live there. An example of this is ILVA in Taranto, a few kilometres from Lecce and Melendugno, where the gas pipeline will arrive.
         Boasted to be the vanguard of progress in the 60s, ILVA, the biggest European iron and steel plant, has left only a desert, animated by a high concentration of tumours and diseases and no other possible means of survival compatible with the plant. For a number of years this has also been happening in the Lecce area. The Xylella affair and the withering of the olive trees, strongly suspected, even by the judiciary, to have been started by and continues with the aim of benefitting big agro-pharmaceutical multinationals such as Monsanto, Bayer and others, along with the TAP gas pipeline, give an idea of an attempt to dramatically transform a territory, probably considered unproductive by an economic model accustomed to exploiting every possible square centimetre. A recent bill of the Italian minister for Agriculture which, to tackle the Xylella problem imposes massive use of pesticides, from roadsides to the countryside, and failure to do so implies huge fines, is an absolute confirmation of this. So-called renewable energy with its wind and solar energy farms, biomass-fuelled plants and the massive concreting over and privatization of the coast, the latter destined to favour the tourist industry, are important parts of this picture.
         But if a local look can help, it turns out to be absolutely limited and limiting if we want to better understand what the TAP gas pipeline is, its implications and reasons for being, mainly the same as those of the sources that produce and transport energy. This society or system, which many consider inseparable from the State apparatus, the international and economic bureaucracies that dictate the rules on a global financial level, is a heavy devourer of energy and will become so even more; and it takes little to realize how this reflexion is unquestionable. Two examples more than others show how the need for energy is considered irrevocable, and consequently strategic, primary.
        The fact that the capitalist economy feeds off war is nothing new. Wars are often waged precisely in order to give new lymph to state economies in crisis, through the production of weapons and machinery. Or else, it is precisely the research, possession and management of fossil energy sources that dictate the calendar of some wars. Consider for example what’s happening in Syria, precisely where there are huge deposits of natural gas and the population has been slaughtered in a forgotten war for a long time. Whatever the reasons that feed a war conflict and the resulting dose of death and devastation, this cannot take place without an impressive use of energy. A single bomber fighter (an F-15 fighter uses 7,000 litres of kerosene per hour) can give a good indication. ---------
Read the full article HERE: 
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A World Of Trees Or Tarmac, The Choice Is Ours.

      The Hambach Forest has been a battle ground for a number of years now. The resistance by people from all over against the turning the largest forest of its kind into a mining area has been constant. However, over the last year or so, the authorities have stepped up their brutal and forced eviction. As usual the authorities are on the side of big business and will bring the full force of their trained thugs down on those who resist the march of the corporate world, as it decimates and plunders our world to the detriment of all life.
     This is a call out from the resisters still fighting, against overwhelming odds, within the forest, as there position is being met with consistent and ever increasing force. This is not just about the Hambach Forest, this is about our planet and the well being of all life, it is a battle for a sustainable life or a corporate world of  barren tarmac and industry.

       Right now a large scale police action in the Hambach Forest occupation is taking place! The protest camp fighting against energy company RWEs destruction of land and climate must be sustained until the last tree is standing! The eviction of the occupation is coming ever closer, and the struggle is becoming clearer every day now.
         Climate change does not stop at the borders, and neither does our movement! Therefore we are calling for actions of solidarity to take place all over Germany, all over Europe, and all over the world!
The Hambach Forest occupation has become a focal point in the struggle for climate justice worldwide, and now, as we are preparing for the struggle to come, we need all your support!
      So whether you are climate activists, anarchists, anti­police­brutality organizers, or you simply believe in fighting for justice, the callout is clear:
Organize yourself, take action, and show your solidarity!

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Monday, 22 October 2012


   Some years ago I visited Canada and went to the Athabasca Glacier in Alberta. It was an awe inspiring visit, the whole area was a wilderness of beauty on a grand and rugged scale. It was probably the most impressive part of the whole visit. 
   However, this is corporate capitalism and that area is just another source of wealth for the corporate greed machine. Tar sands oil, big bucks, so 54,000 square miles of that wonderful rugged beauty is now the biggest shit pan on that continent. This is planet destruction on an unbelievable scale, and it will go on and grow until they suck the last possible dollar out, and what was a wonderland of rugged beauty will have gone forever, transfered into some fat corporate body's bank account.
   Take a few minutes to look at these pictures from Business Insider, this is the money men at work, plundering and destroying the planet that we all need to survive.
    Canada's economic boom depends on tearing up 54,000 square-mile of pristine Alberta wilderness. Development of the world's third largest oil supply is proceeding rapidly. It already represents a $3.5 billion annual paycheck to the Canadian government and 75,000 immediate jobs. But many are aghast at the project, which is also the fastest growing source of greenhouse gas in Canada.
    When you see the pictures, you may feel the same. We're not saying the project is good or bad. We're just saying the scale and severity of what's happening in Alberta will make your spine tingle.
Read the article and view the photos HERE:

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